
Release date: January 23, 2024 (it was in Steam early acces for years before that)

Useful links:
Graven guide: Survival tips, secrets, and early-game puzzle solutions
PCgamingwiki (skipping intro method is really useful)
Where to buy it:
Epic Store
PSN Store
Xbox Marketplace
99% of the time the game is just "clicks" and you will know where to go and what to do, but the remaining 1% can be annoying without some help
Tips and tricks
Upgrade your fire spell early, the last third of the game was amazing
Weapons can be upgraded at the blacksmith, spells at the alchemist
Keep an eye for shrines, early game without health upgrades and weak spells/weapons can be tricky
Speak with NPCs often. Sometimes the game progresses and new side missions will be available
Press the action button while opening chests. Gold is a light metal in this universe, often flies into the air and stucks unreachable height
Bugs can be annoying, a new patch just dropped minutes ago. A really bad bug softlocked me in the last third of the game. I succesfully bypassed it with a trick. The new patch should be fixing this bug
Some of my screenshots (only location spoilers, hard to spoil anything because this is not a story driven game)

Latest patch notes:
Greetings, everyone!
Once more we come to you bearing good tidings - today marks exactly 2 weeks since the full release of GRAVENEE, and we have just released our third patch since then! This one focuses on performance optimization and further bugfixing.
To point out a few major improvements, the annoying issue with disappearing bosses is now gone, respawning locations after continuing saved games are more reliable and various soft-locks have been removed. You can check out the full list of changes below, and an updated list of known issues here.
And as always, please, keep sending your bug reports, feedback and suggestions to us; and if you are already enjoying the game, don't forget to leave it a review of it here on Steam!
Full Change Log:
január 26., P
A Big Patch for GRAVEN is Live!
Greetings, everyone!
We hope you keep to the Parallel Path, the development team is certainly doing their best not to stray - a single day has passed since the first patch to GRAVEN was published, and here we are with another update, with even more significant fixes and improvements than the last. We hope this will brighten your day and you will be able to spend a pleasant weekend enjoying the game!
Highlights of the patch are balancing changes to the stamina system, the addition of NPCs that will fully heal you in each hub and gold pickups after player death, not to mention fixing various bugs that could have blocked your progress through the game. Full change log is available below.
We cannot stress this enough - please, keep sending your feedback, suggestions and bug reports if you wish to help us make the game better. We also keep an updated list of known issues here, with tips that might help you should you encounter some of the as yet unsolved bugs.
And if you enjoy the game, don't forget to leave a positive review here on Steam!
Full Change Log:
Once more we come to you bearing good tidings - today marks exactly 2 weeks since the full release of GRAVENEE, and we have just released our third patch since then! This one focuses on performance optimization and further bugfixing.
To point out a few major improvements, the annoying issue with disappearing bosses is now gone, respawning locations after continuing saved games are more reliable and various soft-locks have been removed. You can check out the full list of changes below, and an updated list of known issues here.
And as always, please, keep sending your bug reports, feedback and suggestions to us; and if you are already enjoying the game, don't forget to leave it a review of it here on Steam!
Full Change Log:
- Performance optimization pass across the game
- Fix HUB 3 spawning players in various locations when resuming a save
- Fix HUB 3 connection blocker not active until city quest is active
- Fix HUB 3 various object states resetting on resuming a save
- Fix Catafalque boss not spawning if you quit after starting it
- Fix Festering Congregation kill not always transferring you to the next HUB
- Fix various issues related to finding a multiplayer game
- Fix loot not always properly rewarding the player
- Potential fix for intro cinematic lag
- Fix Catafalque boss sometimes becoming idle and other times leaving the arena
- Fix chime puzzle chimes not always playing a sound when shooting it
- Fix pressure plates logic becoming inverted on resuming a save
- Fix various ladders to be easier to climb
- Fix potentially enemies becoming invulnerable
- Fix first time profile creation screen not properly dedicating a profile ID
- Fix NPCs saving their positions under the world
- Cuff Arrow Ethereal Bolt now accelerates to match physical bolt speed
- Changed attacks Paladins and Priests use when smashing breakables in their way
- Mild nerf to Crossbow alt-fire
- Gold penalty readjusted for the new dropped gold behavior
- Reduced upgrade costs for Staff and Short Sword
- Fix Cuff Arrow being awarded on Lice Slough quest completion
- Patched sequence skips that could lead to bad situations in Snow Blind Copse and Grimwine’s Manor
- Add setup to reset the gate in the greed pit room of Gorged Dunes
- Fix HUB 3 covered fountain disappearing after scripted event following Gorged Dunes
- Fix VFX of a destroyed altar being active if you return to the level
- Chimes puzzle frame recolor to help with identification
- Patched some holes in Gorged Dunes
- Patched some gaps and improved decals in the palace
- Fix not being able to pause and quit in credits
- Improve handling of ladders underwater
- Fix discharge on rare occasion causing a crash
- Fix infinite fire with elemental stone that prevents switching back
- Fix various places having too large of step height which requires player to jump
- Added post campaign encounter to Brine Muskeg, Cruxfirth Archives, Black House Bog, Grimwine's Estate
- Improved HUB3 loading pattern so we can skip second load
- Expose more ini settings

január 26., P
A Big Patch for GRAVEN is Live!
Greetings, everyone!
We hope you keep to the Parallel Path, the development team is certainly doing their best not to stray - a single day has passed since the first patch to GRAVEN was published, and here we are with another update, with even more significant fixes and improvements than the last. We hope this will brighten your day and you will be able to spend a pleasant weekend enjoying the game!
Highlights of the patch are balancing changes to the stamina system, the addition of NPCs that will fully heal you in each hub and gold pickups after player death, not to mention fixing various bugs that could have blocked your progress through the game. Full change log is available below.
We cannot stress this enough - please, keep sending your feedback, suggestions and bug reports if you wish to help us make the game better. We also keep an updated list of known issues here, with tips that might help you should you encounter some of the as yet unsolved bugs.
And if you enjoy the game, don't forget to leave a positive review here on Steam!
Full Change Log:
- Added gold pickups from player death equal to the gold lost penalty
- Stamina increase of 20%, 0.3 second reduction to time before stamina starts regenerating, 14% increase to stamina regen speed. Nerfed death penalty on easier difficulties. Small buff to Mighty Kick damage, knockback.
- Stamina regen buff when drinking health potion.
- Add difficulty based stamina consumption modifier
- Added full refill of health, mana, stamina from a NPC in each HUB once per a session
- Fixed Camera Intensity Setting to affect both camera shakes and camera animations
- Improvements to the multiplayer lobby system
- Fixed the boat ride sequence not teleporting players in MP
- Fixed issues with quest items in multiplayer crashes
- Fixed Hub3 Nebula blocker
- Failsafe to keep Hub 2 boss from clipping through floor
- Removed unnecessary foliage in intro boat ride
- Crystal failsafe for generator puzzle in Grimwine's Manor
- Fix for battery not falling in Grimwine's Manor
- Black House Bog quest update fixes
- Fixed a lot of errant decals in Oasis of the Magi
- Fixed Dihedral Deacon can get stuck if they die under discharge and want to throw their spear on death
- Fixed hardwood barrier save resuming issues
- Fixed immolation occuring on the wrong enemies
- Add new Equalizing Potion VFX
- Fixes for German and Russian causing issues in multiple menus.
- Add ini values for consuming stamina, not playing low stamina sound, various PP effects, and disabling of the enemy cleanup system
- Reduced overall volume of the low stamina panting
- Fixed [potential] for discharge light and waterfall odd material visuals
- Fixed various lighting issues
- Fixed various 3D item viewer artifacts
- Fixed being able to immolate the final boss
- Fixed Fire VFX on the Dihedral Deacon
- Fixed various menu navigation issues
- Fixed Cleric AI function having a wonky z axis value for detecting allies
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