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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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If he wants to lead the Liberals than he should. If he has no intention of doing such then he can do what he likes, but this fringe dweller has some power and if he doesn't give Turnbull a good run than he won't lead the party.
Andrew Bolt is up there with Bob Ellis in terms of irrelevance when it comes to political party leadership influence. Doubly so given this whole thing is pointless as Turnbull is unelectable as a leader of anything other than his ego.


Andrew Bolt is up there with Bob Ellis in terms of irrelevance when it comes to political party leadership. Doubly so given this whole thing is pointless when Turnbull is unelectable as a leader of anything other than his ego.

If that were the case the Liberals wouldn't have rushed to his aid to try and repeal 18C after he lost that big case of his. I don't think he has the final say or even anything like the most important say, but any Liberal leader would struggle without his approval given his wide audience of dipshits. This is of course assuming that he has intentions of becoming leader which I'm still not convinced he does.


If that were the case the Liberals wouldn't have rushed to his aid to try and repeal 18C after he lost that big case of his. I don't think he has the final say or even anything like the most important say, but any Liberal leader would struggle without his approval given his wide audience of dipshits. This is of course assuming that he has intentions of becoming leader which I'm still not convinced he does.
I'd say the 18C thing is the best example of his increasing irrelevance given how quickly that backfired on the government. The only people that'd put any real clout in him anymore is the talkback geriatrics, the young liberal libertarian goobs at the Catallaxy Files, and a few nutter backbenchers who would never support a wet liberal like Turnbull in a billion years to begin with.


I'd say the 18C thing is the best example of his increasing irrelevance given how quickly that backfired on the government. The only people that'd put any real clout in him anymore is the talkback geriatrics, the young liberal libertarian goobs at the Catallaxy Files, and a few nutter backbenchers who would never support a wet liberal like Turnbull in a billion years to begin with.

18C mostly backfired due even more powerful interest groups intervening. Andrew Bolt's influence is not with the caucus, it is with the people who read his column of which there are a lot (apparently he is the most widely read columnist in Australia). If he starts talking shit about the Liberals some of his audience will vote Labor.


I don't know whether I should watch Q&A tonight. On the one hand you have Cory Bernardi who is a loathsome cunt, but it may be satisfying to watch him get annihilated by Lawrence Krauss.


18C mostly backfired due even more powerful interest groups intervening. Andrew Bolt's influence is not with the caucus, it is with the people who read his column of which there are a lot (apparently he is the most widely read columnist in Australia). If he starts talking shit about the Liberals some of his audience will vote Labor.
Do you have any hard numbers on this as the only credible thing I can find has a "self-professed" at the front of it (though i don't doubt he's one of the more popular columnists in the country.)

I can see Bolt readers shifting their vote to Palmer's party but I find it hard to believe they'd vote for the increasingly multicultural ALP given the racist nature of his blog comments.

I don't know whether I should watch Q&A tonight. On the one hand you have Cory Bernardi who is a loathsome cunt, but it may be satisfying to watch him get annihilated by Lawrence Krauss.
Q&A's never worth watching tho!


I don't know whether I should watch Q&A tonight. On the one hand you have Cory Bernardi who is a loathsome cunt, but it may be satisfying to watch him get annihilated by Lawrence Krauss.

I don't watch unless the twitter chatter makes it sound like I'm missing out on something


Do you have any hard numbers on this as the only credible thing I can find has a "self-professed" at the front of it (though i don't doubt he's one of the more popular columnists in the country.)

I can see Bolt readers shifting their vote to Palmer's party but I find it hard to believe they'd vote for the increasingly multicultural ALP given the racist nature of his blog comments.


Calls him the most read columnist and rates him as no.1 columnist in terms of power.



Calls him the most read columnist and rates him as no.1 columnist in terms of power.
that top 10
I don't know whether I should watch Q&A tonight. On the one hand you have Cory Bernardi who is a loathsome cunt, but it may be satisfying to watch him get annihilated by Lawrence Krauss.

I imagine it will only take 5-10 minutes for Bernardi to play the poor oppressed religious-person victim card.


See at least when the Labor Party has no fucking idea how their policies will work there are experts to pick up the slack. They can draw parallels to the NBN all they want but at the end of the day it's two completely different things.


See at least when the Labor Party has no fucking idea how their policies will work there are experts to pick up the slack. They can draw parallels to the NBN all they want but at the end of the day it's two completely different things.

That's one of the increasingly big problems with this government, moving away from evidence based policy making towards "gut policy." It's evident in the infrastructure portion of the budget where spending on infrastructure is no longer evidence based.

I tend to believe that it is better to know with a degree of certainty whether a policy is a good idea or not and to be honest I do wish the ALP did more to find out if the NBN would be cost effective, but I do believe that it is better to finish it properly now that it has started.

With economic policy it is important to do some kind of analysis to find out how it will affect the economy, likewise it is important to find out if spending on a social welfare program will actually work.

I understand that the public service aren't elected representatives and should not have anything like a final say on policy, but they are there for a reason. The government needs to actually listen to the advice it gives them and consider the implications of what their policies might do.


Seriously, chaplains can fuck off. Cunts.

edit: who is the dumbfuck journalist who looks like the old guy from Round The Twist/Con The Fruiterer when not black dyed hair?

edit: I give up watching Q&A for good now. Instead I think I will find more mental stimulation from slicing my nutsack with razorblades and dipping it in vinegar.


The only way to win Watching Q&A is to not watch it at all.

Got home late last night so tuned in for the last fifteen minutes. Just incoherent yelling from people who have set positions that don't listen to each other. The show's a fucking mess now.
Yeah I find the ones with politicians just become frustrating. There's a still a cool one every now and again. The one in Hong Kong(?) was interesting.



Australia's greenhouse gas cut targets quietly tripled on Saturday night, from a 5 per cent cut by 2020 to a cut of more than 18 per cent.

The failure of the federal government to repeal the carbon price has triggered a far more ambitious emissions reduction target.

As of midnight May 31, the Clean Energy Act 2011 passed by the Gillard government sets a default target that is more than triple the previous 5 per cent goal.

Under the existing legislation, the government of the day was supposed to have decided on an emissions cap to enable the start of a carbon emissions market in 2015. Since no cap has been set, a default target is automatically generated.


Greens leader Christine Milne said the measure was inserted in the act to insure against ''a government like this refusing to set a cap''.

''It won't have realised because it never put its mind to the detail,'' Senator Milne said. ''By doing nothing more than we are already doing, we are getting to 18.8 [per cent] and if we put a bit of effort in, we can go even higher.''

A spokesman for Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, declined to confirm the government had overlooked the default.


Yeah, that got a big laugh at the Writer's festival... one of those 'if you don't laugh you'll cry' laughs.

I guess the only option is to just let shit like this go since the only people who care are people like us. Focus the rage on shit people might care about.
The one last night also had some of the dumbest religious viewpoints Ive seen in a long time.

Sounds horribly aggravating. I'll give it a watch!

Sometimes I get the impression that the government is just elaborately trolling its detractors.


Gerard fucking Henderson is judging a literary award.

no no no no no no no no no aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh dang it

"The chair of the non-fiction and history panel, Gerard Henderson, is a very well-known author and commentator whose views I think would be regarded, uncontroversially, as conservative," Brandis said.

Uncontroversially conservative sure. His views are controversial tho
The one last night also had some of the dumbest religious viewpoints Ive seen in a long time.

I knew last night wasn't going to go well when the first thing to happen was the rent an angry white right-wing ranty man, Rowan Dean, accused Krauss of worshipping Gaia.

So at what point is the Liberal government in Victoria going to fall apart? Rumours circulating it may even be tonight.


Rowan Dean is, like many of the other right wing "alumni" on that show (archbishop Pell as a notable example, ABC's Scott Stephens another) an intellectual lightweight. The dumber they are, the dumber the strawmen they construct when lined up on the panel with someone intelligent such as Krauss.


I knew last night wasn't going to go well when the first thing to happen was the rent an angry white right-wing ranty man, Rowan Dean, accused Krauss of worshipping Gaia.

So at what point is the Liberal government in Victoria going to fall apart? Rumours circulating it may even be tonight.

Balls in Labor's court. They may be better off waiting til November at this point but we'll see what they do.

EDIT: November it is then. Probably for the best since Napthine isn't really going to do much before the election and Labor will have a better chance electorally then if they don't communicate with Shaw.

That's gold

A spokesman for Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, declined to confirm the government had overlooked the default.

''We have always said we will repeal the carbon tax - lock, stock and barrel,'' the spokesman said. ''We will cut emissions by 5 per cent from 2000 levels by 2020, and we'll do it without a carbon tax.''

Poison pill done beautifully.
Balls in Labor's court. They may be better off waiting til November at this point but we'll see what they do.

EDIT: November it is then. Probably for the best since Napthine isn't really going to do much before the election and Labor will have a better chance electorally then if they don't communicate with Shaw.

Hard to tell exactly what's going to happen. Labor seems unwilling to call for a vote of no confidence openly but very keen to punish Shaw. The thing is if Shaw is chucked from parliament it all depends on the by-election and from what I can find since it's under 6 months to the election there may not even be one, they just might leave the seat empty and in that case the LNP win.

If there is a by-election and Labor wins, most likely as Shaw held Frankston by less than 2%, it would be 44 all and neither side would be able to command confidence resulting in I imagine a full election. That probably won't play well with the electorate. If somehow the LNP win it, they can govern with "safety" until the election and put the whole Shaw debacle behind them to a degree.

Even if it does come to a no-confidence motion there is no guarantee that Shaw will keep to his word and Labor could end up looking a little silly.

Best play for Labor would be to punish Shaw, fine him etc... but keep him in parliament causing havoc for the government until November, then sweep in with a crushing victory. Is that the best play for the Victorian people, probably not though.


news The National Broadband Network has taken the extraordinary step of hiring one of the most senior executives of media organisation News Corp Australia to be its new chief financial officer, in a move which appears destined to bolster theories about the Coalition’s close connections with the Murdoch publishing empire.

They're not even trying anymore, NBNCo already stacked with ex Telstra employees now hires this guy.


Anyone see national press club today? An hour long q and a with john Howard and bob Hawke.

Both continued the long trend of former pms being reasonable and thoughtful in their comments.


$40K in damages? I'm-a guess that dragging this issue through the legal system has cost his reputation far more than that. What a fuckstick.


It's unclear if the chaser or the ABC has to make the apology. Apparently the terms dictate that the chaser can't even refer to the judgement because the last time someone settled one of them put out a picture on twitter photoshppping the complainant fucking a dog
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