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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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It's not going to be a very nice western world in a few years or so.

Everyone flee to NZ or Canada. (Maybe not Canada, not sure yet)

Any new Zealanders or Canadians can give us a msg about the state of politics? Is the up and comer a person who wants to stop the boats /stop immigrants /refugees /foreigners?

To the UK family - here's the guy to blame



So saddening to see humans face down a common problem by grabbing everything they can and locking themselves in their houses... AGAIN


Holy smokes -


Who I'm guessing are going to be BFFs with Abbott and the Libs.

The Tories? UKIP are a protest party, like pretty much every party in the EU parliament. No one that's angry with the EU is going to vote for one of the mainstream parties because they fundamentally agree with the project. Unless that voter is vitriolic in their hatred of the EU that likely won't translate to domestic elections.


I should probably go get educated about what the UKIP victory means. I saw they had a very large number next to them but I wasn't really even sure what the election was for, in technical terms.


I should probably go get educated about what the UKIP victory means. I saw they had a very large number next to them but I wasn't really even sure what the election was for, in technical terms.

European Union parliament, a kind of ridiculous body that can't even propose legislation. All the power is with the unelected European Commission (the executive). The parliament can vote down, amend or send back legislation but it has no right of legislative initiative. UKIP - party centered around the idea that Britain should not be a part of the EU gained high numbers of support and topped the poll. Meaning that under their proportional representation system, UKIP are sending the most MEP (members of the european parliament) to Brussels. The liberal democrats were reduced to 1 MEP from 11.

What it means for them: It's likely some of the more traditional parties will have to offer a referendum on membership of the EU.

What it means for us: Nothing. Zip. Nada.


So like an EU Senate?

And, uh, let's see... One Nation won it

Well, sort of. Britain's situation is not even slightly analogous to our own when it comes to immigration.

Anyone in the EU can freely move to the UK (or anywhere else for that matter) and settle. This was expanded to a number of former eastern bloc countries and massive droves of people in those countries have resettled into the UK. The sheer scale of what they've seen is so far beyond what we've been experiencing. More than 3 million people have resettled in the last decade. It's a truly staggering number.



Former Liberal leader Martin Hamilton-Smith has declared himself a South Australian independent Liberal and joined the Labor Government as a minister.

The former Liberal will become Industry, Trade and Defence Industries Minister.

Mr Hamilton-Smith says businesses need certainty and stable government.

"I have spoken to [current SA Liberal leader] Steven [Marshall] and explained my position," he said.

"What I am focused on is making a contribution.

"We are here to do everything we can to make South Australia a better place."




I'd actually like to see this happen more often. I don't see what the Liberals are complaining about since it gives them a much stronger voice in Parliament and a higher degree of influence in business affairs.


ALP should forget about moving movements against the Speaker and just actively mock Bishop and Pyne at every single opportunity. Wastes of space.


The fuck is this horseshit?

If Mr Hamilton-Smith, a former SAS officer, was fighting an enemy which was beating his side would he have just walked across no-man’s land, jumped into the nearest foxhole and started shooting his comrades because he didn’t want to die.

In effect, that is exactly what he has done by betraying the party he once led to take up a Cabinet position within the Weatherill Labor government.

His defection to Labor speaks volumes not only about his loyalty - or, rather, lack of it - but the basketcase that is South Australian politics.

Politics is a milder version of war. Two sides pit themselves against each other using whatever means they can to win the battle for votes to keep them in power.



Why would he have to cross no-man's land to get to his own comrades? Why was there no question mark at the end of that sentence? Why is "okay, that might be a tad strong," followed by "that is exactly what he has done,"? Why is this opinion piece listed under news? I demand answers Adelaidians.
The 'Tiser actually went all-in on this one. They released two opinion pieces on it within a few hours.


Is this Lib Government the most photogenically creepy government in recent memory or is that just a trait native to all politicians?



Why would he have to cross no-man's land to get to his own comrades? Why was there no question mark at the end of that sentence? Why is "okay, that might be a tad strong," followed by "that is exactly what he has done,"? Why is this opinion piece listed under news? I demand answers Adelaidians.
Isn't Adelaide now run by The Advertiser, and by extension newscorp?

Tommy DJ

Yes, old white politicians are very good at being extremely creepy. But Pyne turns it up to eleven. He's not even downright terrible like that misogynistic fascist in Russia, he just says really annoying things while looking like the smuggest person in Australia. Its really easy to take bad photos but Pyne never looks good in any photo.


Speaking of LNP stuff, Frances Abbott's design folio (?) drives me nuts because every single piece of text in there is flush left/ragged right. There's nothing wrong with that choice but you have to justify your typography choices. A lot of her work just has ugly typography where whole blocks of sentences have identical length, destroying the entire reason why you might pragmatically choose to use flush left/ragged right. Since she went to Whitehouse, they had to provide her with the software and education to do typography well but her work isn't better than most architects I went through undergraduate with.


So, Brandis has moved money from the child abuse royal commission to the pink batts one. That isn't going to go down well. The justification being witnesses didn't require as much money apparently. Still seems wrong.

In other news, Libs seem to be dumping the 18C changes.


So, Brandis has moved money from the child abuse royal commission to the pink batts one. That isn't going to go down well. The justification being witnesses didn't require as much money apparently. Still seems wrong.
Holy crap it's true. As someone who is involved in the technical side of things that justification is flat-out wrong. More resources are required to capture and deal with the vast amount of information coming into the royal commission.

The Liberal party as a whole are increasingly fitting the textbook definition of sociopath:
A person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

Tommy DJ

Its great because its as if no one in the Liberal Party thought "hey this might backfire". If there's one thing that Australians hate more than asylum seekers, its pedophiles.

In other news, the Business Council and IMF are basically saying Abbott's budget is shit. Does a single person out in Australia actually like or agree with the budget? Because I'm not seeing it. Consumer confidence has tanked to GFC levels, capitalists don't like it, economists don't like it, students don't like it, academics don't like it, rural residents aren't fond of it.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
The 'Tiser actually went all-in on this one. They released two opinion pieces on it within a few hours.
Having the headline in all caps in the sidebar was a nice touch.

Is this Lib Government the most photogenically creepy government in recent memory or is that just a trait native to all politicians?

I'm pretty sure there's actual science that shows that if you have a soul you will be instinctively repulsed by the sight of the physical manifestations of evil that populate right wing politics.
Or at least that genetics may influence your views to some degree, pretty much the same thing.

On that note, Windsor spitting hot fire:
Tony Windsor said:


Christopher Pyne doesn't look all that weird. Neither does Barnaby Joyce. Your knowledge of their politics is entirely responsible for you thinking that in my opinion.


take away millions from legal aid for child sex abuse victims fronting a commission while giving a quarter of a billion extra to the church through school chaplaincy brehs


take away millions from legal aid for child sex abuse victims fronting a commission while giving a quarter of a billion extra to the church through school chaplaincy brehs

The shit literally writes itself.

Absolutely disgusting - trust me the shit those kids went though and the compensation some have been given is an absolute joke.



In other news, the Business Council and IMF are basically saying Abbott's budget is shit. Does a single person out in Australia actually like or agree with the budget? Because I'm not seeing it. Consumer confidence has tanked to GFC levels, capitalists don't like it, economists don't like it, students don't like it, academics don't like it, rural residents aren't fond of it.
Having customers is good for growth? HOW ABOUT THAT SHIT
Its great because its as if no one in the Liberal Party thought "hey this might backfire". If there's one thing that Australians hate more than asylum seekers, its pedophiles.

In other news, the Business Council and IMF are basically saying Abbott's budget is shit. Does a single person out in Australia actually like or agree with the budget? Because I'm not seeing it. Consumer confidence has tanked to GFC levels, capitalists don't like it, economists don't like it, students don't like it, academics don't like it, rural residents aren't fond of it.

Apparently he stopped at a Macca's and everyone loved it!

Macca's! (*with bonus creepy Abbott picture)

I once went to a place once at a time without media and everyone there said I was awesome and stuff as well.


I believe Tony Abbott was telling the truth when he said this would be a government of no surprises. Because everything theyve done so far is about on par with my expectations.


Why would he have to cross no-man's land to get to his own comrades? Why was there no question mark at the end of that sentence? Why is "okay, that might be a tad strong," followed by "that is exactly what he has done,"? Why is this opinion piece listed under news? I demand answers Adelaidians.

coz... the adelaide now/advertiser is a part of newscorp. i not need say any more... fuck murdoch


Here's some good news for once.
GM farmer wins landmark canola contamination case in WA Supreme Court

A farmer accused of contaminating his neighbour's crops with genetically modified canola has won a landmark case in the West Australian Supreme Court.

The decision could have wide-reaching implications for the production of genetically modified crops in Australia.

Michael Baxter was being sued by his neighbour Steve Marsh, an organic certified farmer, who alleged his farm in the Great Southern region was contaminated by GM material blown onto his property from Mr Baxter's land.

Fuck the scam that is organic food (or anything really).
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