First of alllllll the complications are far more complicated then compacted compunction.
You cant put all the blame of this onto the 'west'. Saddam made a living through killing and ethnically cleansing Iraq. He played tribes off each other, persecuted Shia, tried to wipe out the Kurds.... etc...
The problem was, and is, that somehow this was all expected to dissipate once he was gone. This was an error on all sides, those that wanted Saddam to remain in power would have just delayed the eventual blood letting that would have taken place. And those who wanted Saddam removed, but didn't want to actually do the hard work needed, and eventually just wanted to bail out on the 'too hard' problem they landed themselves in.
Its basically what we are seeing in Syria too, Assad made his living off trying to keep certain ethnic groups and religious groups down and out.
The problems are many fold.
Firstly there are very wealthy gulf states and oil sheikhs rocking the casbah and funding these islamist groups. Osama himself was from a very wealthy Wasabi dynasty, very spicy. These need to be fought, primarily by stopping the use of oil, and stopping the support of terrible regiemes like the Sauds, the Qataris, the Bahrainis... etc... you name it, all these groups are involved in, on the one hand fighting Isis and co to a degree, and either fighting or supporting groups like the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, while on the other hand pretending there is this grand Iranian lead conspiracy, and that theyre behind shia protests and what nots.
Secondly there is the question of 'what country is a country'? Is Syria still a salvageable country? Is Iraq? I think Syria is, but the west was blinded by Anti Assadia that they have essentially turned it into a fight to the death between several groups there. Peace is no longer in the cards and its going to be winner takes all of whats left at this rate. Isis was born here really, as many gulf states wanted Assad gone, he is an Iranian ally, he is of a weird sect... etc... nothing to do with him being terrible, but all these other stupid little things. They spent lots of money, and probably did what they did in Afghanistan, and emptied their prisons of trouble makers and sent them first class to Syria in the hopes theyd die fighting Assad. They've been paying wages, sending arms... etc... you name it.
Thirdly. Iraqis goerment is shia mostly, as is the population. After decades of Saddams ethnic an sect based rule, many wanted revenge. You have the Kurds, who just want their own country after decades of being massacred by pretty much everyone in the region, and the sunnis, who went from being in power and the prime player in Iraq, to feeling essentially as the second class citizens the Shia were. Iraq is probably not going to be a country for much longer. The question is what happens. Kurds are essentially their own country already, and unlike the scots, deserve independence and our support. But its pretty clear that the divisions in Iraq between sunni and shia are too large for their petty politicans to mend.
Australia, the west, and pretty much anyone that isn't a fan of what is essentially middle aged thugs with middle age philosophies leading muddled morons into murder fests, has to stop them. They just need to be destroyed, and killed. It may be a chance for Syria and the Free Syria Army to join forces to a degree, perhaps lead to serious peace talks with some pressure from the west and co, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Isis and groups like it are cancers, as are the people who join and support groups like that. You don't negotiate with cancer, you don't try and make it see reason, you just wipe it out, sure its sad to kill people, and the chemo takes a lot out of the body, but in the long run you can be cancer free or deaf. Those are the only real options here too.
I know politicians always talk crap, and I hate it, but blame the fickle public and media that cant understand slogans that have more then 3 syllables anymore. However, there is a certain truth to the idea that they 'hate us' for what we are, cause they do. Theyre ethnically cleansing areas because they have them for what they are, not because of what they do. Convert or die isn't a measured political treatise. Its the literal choice you have before these sorts of people.
We know that the main reason Australia has been targeted in the past, such as in Bali, was due to our support for East Timor, ie Howards only decent thing he did ever, as I call it. Why would Osama or terrorist groups in the Middle east care about this? Well, because theyre at war with the modern world. These groups still talk about retaking Spain, being the heirs of the Roman empire because some Turk had himself declared Roman emporer when they took Constantinople,... etc... none of this has anything to do with things that we do, its got to do with themselves.
Extremist muslims, more so then most faiths, have hugeeeeee superiority complexes, Islam is the last faith, and they have gods last words to man in the Koran. The literal word of god. Now, when you believe that you literally, have gods words in your hands... then anything you do is justifiable, because gods above anything human. Its interesting to note that in Leviticus and I think within Islam, some mental muslim told me ages ago anyway, but the punishment for homosexuality is essentially the same, even down to the levitcine idea that 'their blood is on their hands'. Even though you are the one stoning them.
Get that idea? You are simply the will of god, and nature itself, punishing these people for things that they did. They tell you not to feel guilty or empathetic when you stone people. They tell you what sort of rocks to use.... etc... Essentially its all about not allowing human emotions to get in the way ot gods will. (All Abrahamic faiths at their extreme) of course brought to life in the most horrifying act in any faith when Abraham was willing to kill his son cause god told him to. Then he was all like PSYCHE! We cant separate these people from their faiths and pretend that it has nothing to do with whats happening, as everyone seems so sooooooo painstakingly careful to make sure to do repeatedly.
Um, so yeah. That's couple of tangents there, and its great to know I can spend 20 minutes typing this when I should be reading about admin law ohgodmybrainssoboreddddddddd.........
I also generally don't like the hippy dippy liberal types. So things like that Leak cartoon piss me off, I hate all religion, but theres a difference between a dealth cult and the kind of stuff Isis is doing and believes in and the stupid idea that Jesus sacrificed himself (Didn't kill other people) for our sins.
I also don't like the idea that 'we don't belong there'. Humans belong everywhere that there is human suffering ideally. Granted its an ideal that only exists when our economic or political ideals align with it, but still, ill take any military action over just standing back and watching people die by the thousands to people even the dark ages would be abit like 'eh srsly?' Im just sad it takes decapitation of westerners for us to get off our ass.
Also I may be in shock that Abbot has finally done something I agree with. So theres that.
Holy Live Journal Batman! Man, I go off on tangents like some kind of tangent guy.