Hahahahahaha. I've hardly ever been to Catalaxy but for some reason I expected better. There's gotta be some catchy way of combining the words ignorance, dissonance and bigotry together. Dissigotrance?
Bignotrance....sounds like a genre of music.
Hahahahahaha. I've hardly ever been to Catalaxy but for some reason I expected better. There's gotta be some catchy way of combining the words ignorance, dissonance and bigotry together. Dissigotrance?
Perfection.Bignotrance....sounds like a genre of music.
Wonder if we have a mod around that feels like changing the thread title...
You've made the mistake of thinking the current government cares about that. They will just reduce the value of pensions and keep increasing retirement age to access them. They don't care if people are fucked over, they just don't want to spend money on them at all.
libertarianismHahahahahaha. I've hardly ever been to Catalaxy but for some reason I expected better. There's gotta be some catchy way of combining the words ignorance, dissonance and bigotry together. Dissigotrance?
It's quite the shame when nutcases co-opt political movements.
You have to give them a gentle nudge every now and then to keep them fighting, but other than that yeah it's pretty hands off.that minimum wage thread in OT… I can't. why would
the rich get their hands dirty in the class war when they can just rely on the poor and the slightly less poor to rip each other to shreds over table scraps.
I'm not against minimum wages, although I really like good systems that seem to work without one....like Germany....no minimum wage...really good wage conditions...
The Nordic countries are a far better example (excuse the site's formatting...) of a good system without a minimum wage.
You pretty much need a minimum wage when you don't have (or are not allowed to) form unions.
Not any more.
In any case most peoples pay and conditions are unaffected by a minimum wage. It's only the worst off who are affected hence why many in Germany (thanks to strong trade union influence) have decent pay and conditions.
Strange that Germany is introducing a minimum wage now. I was reading this morning about how they're expecting a labor shortage in the near future.
http://www.independentaustralia.net/ashbygateSo I wonder what's going to happen on 60 Minutes tonight? They are promising to expose many a bombshell around the Slipper/Ashby affair and showing ominous pictures of Brough, Pyne, Abbott and Wyatt (Does he even shave yet?) Roy. I'm not really sure why they got involved in the matter, it's not like Slipper was going to win the seat.
Probably just an enormous beat-up for ratings though and only Brough will and rightly get exposed for his interference in the matter and quietly be asked to not run at the next election.
Does show they were pushing in the right direction though. And yeah, sad.And some more NBN data.
Not that one trial is indicative of a bigger rollout, but still it makes me sad.
To no-one's surprise, 60 minutes was nothing new.
Just a recount of the events from Ashby's perspective and the personal toll it took on him. Which is fine in and of itself, but the ads were just plain misleading about the broader significance of it.
I watched Doctor Who earlier today on iview.
Meh, Germany is evil. Theyve screwed over so many Euro countries while pretending to be models of economic perfection.
The EU and the Euro were stupid ideas from the start.
Meh, Germany is evil. Theyve screwed over so many Euro countries while pretending to be models of economic perfection.
The EU and the Euro were stupid ideas from the start.
And what crap, Ashby is a political tool who used these allegations to just hurt some guy politically cause he fell out with the liberal party. Meanwhile Slipper was found guilty of things politicians do every day. Main lesson of the story, dont fall out with the major parties.
Just like Abbots witch hunt over Pauline Hanson.
Abbot is a political cunt of the worst order. But at least he isnt fighting with Mrs Bishop omg mum dad stop fighting omg why fight I no liek!
I feel like the European Union is a good idea in that bringing some level of political cooperation between the European nations is makes a lot of sense.
The Euro currency was a very silly idea invented by very silly people.
I feel like the European Union is a good idea in that bringing some level of political cooperation between the European nations is makes a lot of sense.
The Euro currency was a very silly idea invented by very silly people.
See to me it seemed like a good idea given the amount of intra European travel. Only need to carry one currency seems good. That said as a history geek the loss of national currencies makes me said.
Average upload speed results from SpeedTest are already higher than 2024's project demand. What a joke.
(I know that it's only a sample of "People who use SpeedTest" but still)
I use it to verify problems then demonstrate my leet high speeds once it's fixed. Also from Ookla:Huh. I wonder if SpeedTest skews high or low overall given there's likely 2 distinct user groups a) Show offs who want to demonstrate their leet high speeds and b) People who tech support are getting to use it to verify line / speed problems.
Tests from 8,261,841 unique IPs have been taken in this country and of 26,115,194 total tests, 1,067,493 are being used for the current Index.
See to me it seemed like a good idea given the amount of intra European travel. Only need to carry one currency seems good. That said as a history geek the loss of national currencies makes me said.
Huh. I wonder if SpeedTest skews high or low overall given there's likely 2 distinct user groups a) Show offs who want to demonstrate their leet high speeds and b) People who tech support are getting to use it to verify line / speed problems.
Anyone else think it's stupid that we are more then willing to sell uranium but that we never use it here?
Either it's bad and we shouldn't sell it or use it.
Or its fine and we should do both?
DIRECT ACTIONQLD government planning to buy mining waste.
One of those strong decisions, I guess. Let us pay you so you can bypass the environmental impact of your industry.
I think a combination of the heat and us trying to throw them under the bus in WW2 has given them a deep-seated urge to torch the countrySo like does the QLD constitution mandate it being the worst governed state or is it just one of those things?