Can someone explain the appeal of @Rudd2000 and the whole imagen kevern thing? I took a long break from Twitter after the election, and I see they're launching the book based on the account today.
So I read through the timeline a bit today, as I've attempted to do in the past, and I still don't get it. It's going way over my head.
@Rudd2000: Scot Moreson finally kill he tamagotchi it been fifteen years he try to starve that thing of everything it need
@Rudd2000: Dog fucking guy (allegedly) Chras Kenny really miss Twitter he go out on street throw rocks at strangers it almost the same
@Rudd2000: Keven Andrew see World Vision sponsor starving African kid ad he call 1800 number tell them tell kid get a job
@Rudd2000: Erica Betz watch YouTube channel children fall down stairs he just could watch it forever
it's hit n miss but when it hits

e: plus
Both editions will ship in mid-October ahead of the official launch on October 29 (event details coming soon). After covering production and distribution costs, all proceeds will be donated to the UNHCR under the name ‘Scot Morensen’