Have to agree, booing at a funeral is pretty tasteless
Or says this about his wife at the time she died:Memorial service.
People you should boo at a memorial service: guys who keep saying the deceased was the worst PM ever and then show up to his memorial and pretend to respect him.
People you shouldn't boo at a memorial service: The deceased.
THE death of Margaret Whitlam caused such an outpouring of saddened fondness that comments by the Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, linking her passing with the sins of the Whitlam government appear to have struck an extremely wrong note.
He said she was a ''woman of style and substance'' and ''a marvellous consort to a very significant Labor leader and an epochal Australian prime minister''.
''There was a lot wrong with the Whitlam government but nevertheless, it was a very significant episode in our history and Margaret Whitlam was a very significant element in the political success of Gough Whitlam,'' Mr Abbott said.
I know right? Ridiculous. The prospects for that mature and reasonable discussion about tax look dimmer by the minute.The Future Fund?
Look I think we all know that sometimes women, like college wrestlers, can get uncomfortable and instinctively shoot for double leg takedowns on their partners. In that sort of situation it's safer for both parties for the partner to counter with a sprawl and headlock or a guillotine choke than it is to try and time a knee or uppercut. Cory was probably re-watching Alves vs Kampmann from the previous Sydney event to get some background for his promo when he came to this realisation.Really cool of Cory Bernardi to do some UFC promo for the upcoming Sydney event by encouraging women to get headlocked.
His right to be a bigot was revokedScott Morrison cancelled that dude's visa. lol.
He's a douche, but that's a bit extreme.
Scott Morrison cancelled that dude's visa. lol.
He's a douche, but that's a bit extreme.
Scott Morrison cancelled that dude's visa. lol.
He's a douche, but that's a bit extreme.
Fuck speed cameras.....biggest scam i feel like causing a crash just to prove speeding cams suck.
if you kicking out bigots youd be deporting 90% of the country
Yes that's right Tony, Privatizing Medibank solves the healthcare system. What kind of clutz thinks putting more privatization into the healthcare system is a good idea?
Wanna give it a rest? we get it, you dislike him, ok.
Agreed, stop discussing policies in a politics thread.
Does this guy ever shut up?
Id just like to point out that that guy got banned yet im still knocking about.
Never mind the post he quoted was from over a year ago.The maturity on display here is amazing. I don't give a fuck if someone else got banned.
future limited nooz cartoonist commin up
...What is this trying to say? All I can get out of it is support of Andrew Bolt from the smug look on his face.
i presume you guys cycle everywhere....its cynical money grabs....focus on driver education to reduce deaths on the road.
future limited nooz cartoonist commin up
When you have to write the names of the copious right-wing memes on the various elements of your "satire" maybe you want to rethink it. It's about as subtle as a freight train to the head.
Though to be fair I thought the poodle could have been Chris Pyne.
Explain why it's just a cynical money grab. They can focus on driver education whilst also having speed cameras you know.
future limited nooz cartoonist commin up
http://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/transcripts/1133_cochrane.pdf said:Twenty eight studies measured the effect on crashes. All 28 studies found a lower number of crashes in the speed camera areas after implementation of the program. In the vicinity of camera sites, the reductions ranged from 8% to 49% for all crashes, with reductions for most studies in the 14% to 25% range. For injury crashes the decrease ranged between 8% to 50% and for crashes resulting in fatalities or serious injuries the reductions were in the range of 11% to 44%. Effects over wider areas showed reductions for all crashes ranging from 9% to 35%, with most studies reporting reductions in the 11% to to 27% range. For crashes resulting in death or serious injury reductions ranged from 17% to 58%, with most studies reporting this result in the 30% to 40% reduction range. The studies of longer duration showed that these positive trends were either maintained or improved with time.
tbf there are cartoonists that dont rely on labels to get their point across but theyre few and far between. steve bell for examples pretty good with thisIt wouldn't be a political cartoon if it didn't have it.
Yet they dont....the test is so easy theyd rather 1000 poorly trained revuenue raises on the road then 100 safe drivers.
You didn't answer my question. What exactly is the problem with speed cameras? You're dodging the question, the adequateness or lack there of when it comes to driver training is irrelevant to the issue (not saying it's not important it's just a whole different discussion).
Above you can see research that shows speed cameras help prevent crashes. They also only punish people who are breaking the law so i don't see the problem. I feel like it's pretty damn hard to get caught by them anyway, they're incredibly easy to spot and usually have big signs warning you of their presence.
Fuck speed cameras.....biggest scam i feel like causing a crash just to prove speeding cams suck.
i presume you guys cycle everywhere....its cynical money grabs....focus on driver education to reduce deaths on the road.
Top comment is good for a change.
That's what the signs are for. It doesn't really matter when the fine arrives so long as the threat of being caught is both established and significant. A police officer with a radar gun hiding behind some bushes offers a more immediate response, but if no-one knows they're there they don't really dissuade people from speeding.That second point is actually a pretty interesting point, I hadn't considered the feedback mechanism being so slow to be a problem but now that I think about it that's kind of a big deal
But poor people don't have cars.They're also extremely regressive
Is rehabilitation, prevention and education a strong pillar of the Australian justice system?
Please feel free to. Just don't harm or inconvenience anyone else while doing it.
Melbourne's got this thing called "Awesome public transport".
Fellow Melbourne people, I know you're going to disagree. But try Translink in QLD for a week and then come back to me.
Cool as hell that the East-West link is gonna cost 17.8 billion dollars.
theres an alternative (not speeding) so its fineThey're also extremely regressive
There's definitely a debate to be had around the level of punishment on things like speed cameras. Law enforcement and penalties have always had a built in assumption of inefficiency. As technology removes inefficiency and detection gets better, the focus really needs to be on prevention rather than relying on fines for income.