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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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^^^ That's great. Also, while I don't particularly like his work I think he handled himself extremely well in last night's Q&A. Especially with that woman down front in the black and red headdress.





Thanks. Was an interesting listen. Certainly was more listenable than any episode of qanda.

Though I have no faith in trying to rally a grassroots movement to convince labor senators to vote against the bill

What's sad is it would be so easy to mount a case against it. Just argue its a GREAT BIG NEW TAX ON THE INTERNET!!


Just to remind people on ICAC and how it's really shining a light on everyone...

SENIOR Crown prosecutor Margaret Cunneen has launched an urgent court action to prevent the corruption watchdog from investigating claims she perverted the course of justice.

MS Cunneen, who has stood aside as NSW deputy senior crown prosecutor, is challenging the ICAC's power to launch an inquiry into her conduct.
She stepped down last week after the watchdog announced it was investigating claims she and her son Stephen Wyllie advised Mr Wyllie's girlfriend, Sophia Tilley, to pretend to have chest pains to avoid a blood alcohol test at a car crash scene.

Ms Tilley allegedly took the advice.

Ms Cunneen denies what she's described as the "malicious" allegations made to the watchdog.

Her barrister Arthur Moses SC will on Wednesday argue that the allegations are beyond the ICAC's jurisdiction.

The legal challenge was launched in the NSW Supreme Court on Tuesday and is due to be heard again on Wednesday.

The court challenge comes after former Supreme Court judge David Levine, QC, who is now the Inspector of the ICAC, reportedly asked the commission to justify its inquiry into Ms Cunneen.

Mr Levine's audit requires ICAC to hand over material related to the investigation.

Former Queensland Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Commissioner Alan MacSporran QC will preside over the three-day public inquiry starting on November 10, should Ms Cunneen's legal challenge be unsuccessful.

A prosecutor since 1990, Ms Cunneen rose to prominence for her work in putting away pedophile Robert "Dolly" Dunn and several gang rapists, including Bilal Skaf.

She was appointed senior counsel in 2007 and was later elected by her peers as one of the 21 members of the Bar Council of NSW.

Former NSW premier Barry O'Farrell picked her to head a special commission of inquiry into claims of police interference in police investigations into alleged pedophile priests in the NSW Hunter.

She handed down her findings on May 30, the day before Ms Tilley was involved in the crash.

Ms Cunneen thanked her supporters outside court on Tuesday.

"I do want to take the opportunity to thank everyone on behalf of my son Stephen and his partner Sophia for all of their heartfelt support and love, which has been so wonderful at this difficult time," she said.


This goes far beyond just the pollies now...


Oh I knew, what was possibly wrong with her speech?

"I was but three when he passed by but I shall be grateful ... " Cate Blanchett speaks

Cate Blanchett was three years old when Gough Whitlam was elected. She says she is the beneficiary of free tertiary education, of good, free healthcare, of foreign policy that put Australia on the world stage. She says she is the product of an Australia that engages with the globe and with its Indigenous people.

Today I was faced with talking about the impact of Gough Whitlam on women and the arts and I was overwhelmed. So I stuck a random pin in the map because the affect on the geocultural political map of Australia made by Gough Whitlam is so vast that wherever you stick a pin in you get a wealth of Gough’s legacy. Hugo Weaving, Noni Hazlehurst, Sam Neill, Rowan Woods ... multiculturalism, urban stories, Australia’s relationship with Asia, the list goes on. And that is just one pin stab in one art form from one beneficiary’s perspective. It’s exhausting just trying to conceive of it.

Blanchett lists how women benefitted from Gough Whitlam’s legacy through the start of the campaign for equal pay, no fault divorce, awarding senior positions to women within the government and courts and appointment of an advisor on welfare of women and children.

She also speaks on his great impact on the arts.

I was but three when he passed by but I shall be grateful ‘til the day I die.

I'm... Not sure?


yeah how dare a prominent public figure that benefited from goughs policies but didnt really know him personally pay tribute to him at his public memorial!

the nerve!!!

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
she was a toddler when he was in, just an excuse to get her face out there, dunno why they agreed to let her speak.
Yep, definitely a publicity move. She probably called the family the instant she heard that he'd passed and demanded to be included in the public service. No way she would have been asked to speak.
what you wanna get my dad up too then? or just the b list celebrities?
no, but i wouldnt call her a relevant figure today either.
Since you're clearly not firing on all cylinders today, I'll clarify that my post above was sarcastic.
Yep, definitely a publicity move. She probably called the family the instant she heard that he'd passed and demanded to be included in the public service. No way she would have been asked to speak.

Since you're clearly not firing on all cylinders today, I'll clarify that my post above was sarcastic.

Real question- what is it with lefties abusing those who disagree rather than debating the issue? Same with those who boo abbott....wat is the point, get some respect.
i'd say an oscar winner is much higher up there than a b-rate actor or your dad (whoever he is) ever will be

the irony brehs

booing is pointless....if you dont like him vote him out, but hes the prime minster for gods sake show some respect. They achieve nothing other than looking bitter and immature.

hey dont slag off my dad, normal people work a lot harder than these actors, and oscars mean fuck all just pretentious bastards patting themselves on the back every year.


yeah labor party folks, show respect to the man that doesnt respect the fundamental right to free health & access to higher education aka cornerstones of goughs reforms
Have to agree, booing at a funeral is pretty tasteless.

Fuck this though.

why? being disrespectful wont 'shorten' his term. In fact its classic how much they pumped whitlam up considering he got smashed in the next elections.....you guys will love it when abbott gets the same treatment when he dies.


Politicians are fair game, dead or alive. I have no problems with Pyne's comments on Whitlam (as hilarious as they were) and no problem with the reaction to Thatcher's death. I'll be the first one to call a cunt a cunt when Howard dies. It's dangerous for anyone to be sanctified in the way that Reagan and the American founding fathers have.


"I'm a nice neutral guy and all you guys are bullies representing a particular side, but I refuse to address or make any particular arguments"
Noel Pearson was amazing I thought.

He was frighteningly good.

As much as a think Abbott will go down as the forgotten shit-stain of Australian politics, booing him and Howard at a State Service was classless. Complete silence would have sufficed.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Im not even a voter for either side
Real question, is this because you're under 18?

Look, I don't want to put you off posting in this thread, but if almost every-time you say something you get a negative reaction it might be worth examining your posting style. Also, this thread isn't a news article, people don't have to be bi-partisan or neutral. FWIW I'd wager most posters in here take a fairly dim view of the (modern) Labor Party too.

Im not even a voter for either side
Real question, is this because you're under 18?

Look, I don't want to put you off posting in this thread, but if almost every-time you say something you get a negative reaction it might be worth examining your posting style. Also, this thread isn't a news article, people don't have to be bi-partisan or neutral. FWIW I'd wager most posters in here take a fairly dim view of the (modern) Labor Party too.

Noel Pearson was amazing I thought.
He was frighteningly good.

As much as a think Abbott will go down as the forgotten shit-stain of Australian politics, booing him and Howard at a State Service was classless. Complete silence would have sufficed.
His invocation of "what have the Romans ever done for us?" was on point. When comparing the reaction to Whitlam's death to that of say, Thatcher, it's important to note how many of his policies now have (ostensibly?) bipartisan support as fundamental parts of modern Australia. Similarly, I'd imagine/hope most staunch opponents of Howard on the left would recognise his gun control laws.


FWIW I'd wager most posters in here take a fairly dim view of the (modern) Labor Party too.
<raises hand>

Similarly, I'd imagine/hope most staunch opponents of Howard on the left would recognise his gun control laws.
<raises hand>

booing is pointless....if you dont like him vote him out, but hes the prime minster for gods sake show some respect. They achieve nothing other than looking bitter and immature.
He's actively trying to destroy things that I have been told all my life are what makes this country great. He neither has nor deserves my respect.


hey dont slag off my dad, normal people work a lot harder than these actors, and oscars mean fuck all just pretentious bastards patting themselves on the back every year.

I wouldn't go that far, reading what some actors go through for their roles is probably a lot tougher than what your average public servant does. Do some of these actors get a disproportionate commission in comparison? Probably, but they certainly work hard for it in a lot of circumstances. They don't just turn up, read their lines and then go blow coke on a yacht, well not for the most part.


Neo Member
why the fuck is cate blanchette talking....fucking ridiculous.

In addition to some of the previous replies responding to this sentiment, I would add that Cate Blanchett was the Co-Artistic Director of the Sydney Theatre Company between 2008-2013. Given that one of Whitlam's enduring legacies is his promotion of a rich Arts landscape as being critical to a nation's health and vitality, she is absolutely a relevant figure to speak at this event. Not for name recognition, but on the basis of her achievements and position in the our national Arts landscape (ignoring her international film career entirely).
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