She lied!It's crazy how much better Gillard was at getting policy through than Rudd.
She lied!It's crazy how much better Gillard was at getting policy through than Rudd.
She lied!
Great example of how she had poor instincts as to what would fly with the public. Conceding the "tax" terminology was such a huge mistake. Even she admits that now.
She was right in that if she didn't concede the terminology, it would've been a huge definition fight. Coalition would have kept calling it a tax. In the same way that the Finance Minister said that the ABC weren't getting cut but were applying a 'efficiency dividend'. Doesn't matter, it's a cut.
New NBN rollout sucks fucking....waste of money deploying this obsolete shit, and were not getting it.
Hopefully the fttp stuff is done first then hopefully by then the liberals will have imploded.
But I actually wish for more delays. Heck the more the merrier - - then the next government can go back to fttp.
True, it probably wouldn't have made much difference in the end.She was right in that if she didn't concede the terminology, it would've been a huge definition fight. Coalition would have kept calling it a tax. In the same way that the Finance Minister said that the ABC weren't getting cut but were applying a 'efficiency dividend'. Doesn't matter, it's a cut.
My area's still getting fttp!Hopefully the fttp stuff is done first then hopefully by then the liberals will have imploded.
14% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020.That and what they negotiated with Turnbull was a complete waste of time which would have had virtually zero impact on emissions in this country.
14% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020.
Now we'll have 0%.
Yes there's a lot of people at fault.
Anyway the rest I said was true, the Greens are frustrating. They swing wildly between ideologically pure and pragmatic/playing politics. And usually at the worst possible times.
I mean I'm happy they exist to give Labor a kick up the arse from the left. But apart from the outstanding performer Ludlum (and to a lesser extent Bandt and Rihannon) I find none of the current lot particularly impressive public figures. And some, like Sarah fucking Hanson Young, to be as embarrassing as the fucking Libs. Milne is pretty bad for a leader.
Personality cult without a personality indeed.
That might have been what Labor was saying it would do, but there is no fucking way the Rudd/Turnbull ETS would have hit that target.
Mind you I actually think Sarah Hanson Young is one of the most important senators in Australia while Lee Rihannon represents everything wrong with the Greens.
I do think Milne should be replaced as leader, if only for the poor showing at the last federal election.
The Federal Government slashes funding to a key United Nations environment agency by more than 80 per cent, stunning environmental groups ahead of a global climate change summit in Peru.
Leaners"Whether it's air pollution, whether it's ozone depleting substances, what's happening in the world's oceans, the conservation of biodiversity - for a relatively small amount, Australia benefits from leveraging well over $500 million in contributions that other countries make,"
credit where it is due, well done Lambie. She's come across really well the last few weeks."This legislation is deliberately designed to keep working-class people in their place by Liberals who think they are born to rule and lord over normal Australians." - Lambie on Pyne's education bill. Amazing.
If theyre not wrong why shouldn't they be fighting it?This is not a fight they should be fighting, but they're not wrong.
I have very little faith in the ability of the Australian public to grasp the concepts they're trying to talk about, and they're already spread far too thin on that front.If theyre not wrong why shouldn't they be fighting it?
If theyre not wrong why shouldn't they be fighting it?
Nuclear: the power source for innumerates and socialists
Nuclear power is a ludicrously uneconomic industry and now more than ever. But conservatives continue to obsess over it.
According to Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop, “it’s an obvious conclusion that if you want to bring down your greenhouse gas emissions dramatically you have to embrace a form of low or zero-emissions energy, and that’s nuclear”.
Well, it’s an obvious conclusion if you can’t count, or you’re a raving socialist who wants governments to take control of the power industry again. Which one is Bishop? Given she was dumped as shadow treasurer after a series of gaffes, including not knowing the official interest rate in 2009, the answer isn’t that difficult.
In 2009, Crikey looked at the cost of establishing a nuclear power industry in Australia, given the huge capital costs involved, the well-established history of extensive delays in construction of nuclear plants and their tendency to go wildly over-budget. Building nuclear power plants is expensive enough in countries such as the United States and France, where there is a well-established nuclear power industry, let alone in Australia.
One of the country’s chief nuclear spruikers, Ziggy Switkowski, recognised this in 2007 when he undertook a review for the Howard government, which was flirting with nuclear power. His review found that nuclear only became viable compared to coal and gas if there was a carbon price of between $20-$50 a tonne  which is between $25-$65 in current money. And, as he acknowledged, with that level of a carbon price, renewable energy was also viable.
Given the government has just dumped a much lower carbon price than $65 a tonne, that route to nuclear power appears closed. The only alternative is massive subsidies (ruled out by Abbott this morning) and loan guarantees for whoever is building Bishop’s nuclear power station. How much help would the builder need? To give you some idea, note that the new Flamanville nuclear plant in France  Bishop specifically mentioned buying nuclear power from France in her Twitter comments on the subject  was originally budgeted to cost 3.3 billion euros, but by December 2012 the cost had increased to 8.5 billion euros. The completion date has also blown out by five years.
But it’s not just the Flamanville budget that has changed since 2009: the cost of renewables, and especially solar photovoltaic, has dramatically decreased. “Let’s ask the unbiased experts,” Bishop urged. Well, we did: in 2009, we looked at data from financial advisory giant Lazard on energy costs in the United States  a country with a well-established nuclear power industry already  that showed nuclear as far more expensive than fossil fuel energy generation and wind, and about as expensive as solar photovoltaic. What’s changed since then? Lazard’s September 2014 report shows that for capital costs, nuclear costs per kW are around the same levels as five years ago, while rooftop solar PV and utility-scale solar PV  neither of which even made it into the comparison five years ago  are now both cheaper than nuclear and, in the case of utility-scale solar PV, significantly cheaper than coal. Wind, too, has dropped notably in cost.
For operational costs nuclear is still slightly more expensive than coal, but utility-level solar PV is now cheaper than nuclear and only slightly more expensive than coal, while wind is cheapest of all (solar rooftop is more expensive at the commercial and industrial level, and far more expensive at household level). Anti-renewables advocates insist renewables can’t provide baseload power, but that’s a repeatedly discredited myth rejected even by investment analysts.
So according to the “unbiased experts”, in the United States, where a nuclear power industry has existed for decades, nuclear is no longer competitive with renewables and remains far more expensive than coal or gas  or even relatively unproven renewables technology like geothermal.
The economic case against nuclear is open and shut. The question is: why does the Coalition keep returning to it? Why is the party that rails against the “age of entitlement” and has made a virtue of slashing business welfare keen to back a sector that would make the car industry look like rugged individualists? Possibly because conservatives see energy policy through a political prism: the Left loves renewable energy, so the Right is hostile to solar and wind, while the Left hates nuclear power, so the Right is keen to embrace it. There’s no economic sense to it; it’s simply the energy policy equivalent of the culture wars.
I have very little faith in the ability of the Australian public to grasp the concepts they're trying to talk about, and they're already spread far too thin on that front.
didnt u kno politicans must always bend over backwards for the tabloid troglodytes?!
e: bernard keane goin ham on nuclear power![]()
This is the Green's press releaseBut I suspect its taken out of context (because Courier mail) and that the point was more that continued and overwhelming exposure to gender stereotypes is harmful (due to the expectations it sets and its self-reinforcing properties) and that toys shouldn't be as heavily gender encoded as they are.
No Gender December, a new campaign to raise awareness about the gendered marketing of toys, is launching in time for the festive season.
"At this time of the year, many of us are looking for children's gifts, and it's important that we think about how toys are being marketed to children," Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens spokesperson for women, said.
"The starkly separate aisles of pink and blue, catalogues categorising toys as for girls or boys, and advertising showing just girls or boys playing with particular toys, can seem harmless.
"However, setting such strong gender stereotypes at early ages can have long-term impacts, including influencing self-perception and career aspirations.
"Out-dated stereotypes about girls and boys and men and women, perpetuate gender inequality, which feeds into very serious problems such as domestic violence and the gender pay gap.
"While such serious problems seem so far removed from choosing children's toys, it's important that we think about this issue, especially when so many children's toys are being bought.
"Play Unlimited's No Gender December campaign is an important opportunity to raise awareness of the gendered marketing of toys because no child's imagination should be limited by old-fashioned stereotypes," Senator Waters said.
Play Unlimited co-founders Thea Hughes, based in New South Wales, and Julie Huberman, based in Queensland, hope that the campaign will prompt toy companies to become more inclusive in their marketing.
"It's 2014 - women mow lawns and men push prams but while we've moved on, many toy companies haven't," Ms Huberman said.
"We're inviting everyone concerned about overt gendered marketing to sign our No Gender December pledge and we're pleased to have a number of academic researchers and psychologists supporting our campaign.
"We're also inviting parents to hold playdates on Sunday December 14, where they can talk with friends about gendered marketing while kids play, and we're looking forward to joining Senator Waters for a playdate in Brisbane.
"By standing together we can send a strong message to toy companies that that there is no place for toys perpetuating outdated gender stereotypes under our Christmas trees or in our homes," Ms Huberman said.
Agreed, the basic point is true, but this is something that will simply enrage blue collar families (and most immigrants) and turn them off the Greens. And it will have absolutely no effect either.I have very little faith in the ability of the Australian public to grasp the concepts they're trying to talk about, and they're already spread far too thin on that front.
Tony Abbott says boys should be boys and girls should be girls, in response to a campaign urging parents not to buy gender-specific toys this Christmas.
Greens Senator Larissa Waters is under fire for supporting the No December Gender campaign, aimed at breaking down stereotypes of buying dolls for girls and monster trucks for boys.
Senator Waters says the marketing of toys to boys and girls reinforced a "belief that men and women are somehow very different".
"We know that that ultimately feeds into really serious problems like domestic violence," she told the Nine Network.
But the prime minister has dismissed her concerns as political correctness, and said parents should be allowed to do what is in the best interest of their children.
"Let boys be boys, let girls be girls," he said.
"You wonder why the parliament is difficult when you have people like that with the balance of power in the Senate."
Tone has waded in. As he does.
I've been looking at the articles from all the major outlets and their comments sections. NOBODY is responding well to this, it's been incredibly easy for people to gloss over and twist their points, they didn't make them very well in the first place and they should've seen all of that coming.Agreed, the basic point is true, but this is something that will simply enrage blue collar families (and most immigrants) and turn them off the Greens. And it will have absolutely no effect either.
mission complete
Yeah I think I was even wrong, it won't have no effect, it will have a negative effect.I've been looking at the articles from all the major outlets and their comments sections. NOBODY is responding well to this, it's been incredibly easy for people to gloss over and twist their points, they didn't make them very well in the first place and they should've seen all of that coming.
Tone has waded in. As he does.
Tone has waded in. As he does.
That is politically correct nonsense though, i mean really, boys have hot wheels and stuff, girls have barbies and that whats the problem.
That is politically correct nonsense though, i mean really, boys have hot wheels and stuff, girls have barbies and that whats the problem.
If you're a typical judgemental internet lefty and don't actually know Tony Abbott you might consider "let boys be boys, let girls be girls," to be a statement that shows him to be ignorant of how societies create gender roles and their potential consequences. However, Tony is actually acutely aware of the fluidity of gender, as evidenced by his participation in an episode of Australian story featuring his friend Lt Col. Cate McGregor, possibly "the most high profile individual in Australia to 'come out' as a transgendered person."
All im saying is the greens should not bow to pressure from wierd campaigns like this, stick to climate change, solar panels and better public transport if they want a chance to become a credible 3rd party, not this.
That is politically correct nonsense though, i mean really, boys have hot wheels and stuff, girls have barbies and that whats the problem.
lolSimilarly, Tony is often accused of holding sexist and even misogynistic views, but he is personally married to a woman and has three daughters who are not bad looking, even if he says so himself.
Maybe if ConstructMe had had a Barbie doll instead of Hot Wheels when he was a kid speed cameras wouldn't cause him so much trouble nowadays
I just dont know how you can place any blame on toys of any sort for domestic violence, people who do stuff like that are fucked in the head, toys have nothing at all to do with it. People are too quick to blame something else for their issues.
Why dampen the fun of toys for 99% of kids who enjoy them as designed- to play with.
That is politically correct nonsense though, i mean really, boys have hot wheels and stuff, girls have barbies and that whats the problem.