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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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All thing considered Dennis Napthine unlike Abbott is a very decent bloke.

EDIT: No one in this thread has said a word about Morwell. The fires of Mordor have clearly played a roll in that electorate.

EDIT2: I cannot say enough about how crazy the result in Bellarine is. It is better than the result in Geelong. I know phone banking has been a big factor has been a big factor in that campaign and if you are sick of it during election time, you better get used to it with a result like THAT.


"There are some that wanted this election to be about unions and workers... and it was"

I have to admit that line was good.
Yay! A glorious Labor win! Well done Victoria I am envious of you.

New South Wales and Queensland's next!

lol, Queenland's Labor party only has 9 MPs at the moment. We are going to need a ridiculous swing. Newman is an asshat that everyone hates, but I don't know if enough people care about the stuff he's done/ enough people have forgotten about how much they loved complaining about labor.


lol, Queenland's Labor party only has 9 MPs at the moment. We are going to need a ridiculous swing. Newman is an asshat that everyone hates, but I don't know if enough people care about the stuff he's done/ enough people have forgotten about how much they loved complaining about labor.

Labor in Victoria was coming from a position of relative strength, in Queensland they definately aren't.
I just saw that the principal when I was in primary school listed as the liberal candidate for Essendon (unsuccessful). Looked him up and it is him.

Both a big surprise and not a surprise. Certainly not a surprise regarding the party.


I just saw that the principal when I was in primary school listed as the liberal candidate for Essendon (unsuccessful). Looked him up and it is him.

Both a big surprise and not a surprise. Certainly not a surprise regarding the party.

As a Liberal candidate he deserved his loss.

Also the upper house is looking a bit fucked.

And I would like to add that this is definitive proof that Victoria is now the state is Labor heartland. Suck it NSW.
He had an uptight reputation among parents, very snooty for the principal of a pretty-ordinary primary school. Hyacinth Bucket is a wonderful comparison.


As a Liberal candidate he deserved his loss.

Also the upper house is looking a bit fucked.

And I would like to add that this is definitive proof that Victoria is now the state is Labor heartland. Suck it NSW.

Certainly a break from history.

Well done on the win, well fought campaign. Let's see if anything good comes from the change in government.


Certainly a break from history.

Well done on the win, well fought campaign. Let's see if anything good comes from the change in government.

Cheer up Arksy. One day you too will develop a born to rule personality and you will be able to contest an un-winnable seat.

Then you might be able to contest a marginal seat which you may or may not win due to circumstances.


Cheer up Arksy. One day you too will develop a born to rule personality and you will be able to contest an un-winnable seat.

Then you might be able to contest a marginal seat which you may or may not win due to circumstances.


Shoot me now.


Neo Member
And I would like to add that this is definitive proof that Victoria is now the state is Labor heartland. Suck it NSW.
I disagree, South Australia is far more Labor than Vic; they haven't seen a Liberal gov't since 2002. Port Adelaide, Mount Gambier, etc. are very Labor places.

Although we haven't seen much of Daniel Andrews, Jay Weatherill seems much more down to earth and straight forward than him. As expected of Labor people.


I disagree, South Australia is far more Labor than Vic; they haven't seen a Liberal gov't since 2002. Port Adelaide, Mount Gambier, etc. are very Labor places.

Although we haven't seen much of Daniel Andrews, Jay Weatherill seems much more down to earth and straight forward than him. As expected of Labor people.

Ugh....it swings. Don't forget that the libs won the popular vote in SA during the last election. Let alone the fact that they won over some traditional Labor seats during the last federal election (hindmarsh springs to mind). Port Adelaide and other highly industrial areas swing quite heavily to Labor you're right, but don't forget the wine regions, and the brewers regions, along with the Riverlands that all heavily tilt towards the Libs.


Ugh....it swings. Don't forget that the libs won the popular vote in SA during the last election. Let alone the fact that they won over some traditional Labor seats during the last federal election (hindmarsh springs to mind). Port Adelaide and other highly industrial areas swing quite heavily to Labor you're right, but don't forget the wine regions, and the brewers regions, along with the Riverlands that all heavily tilt towards the Libs.

All of this and consider that the SA Liberals would have won the last election if the electorates had been drawn fairly. I suspect the SAEC will be drawing up new borders for the next election.

Also that Victoria is the only state which did not support Abbott in the last federal election.


All of this and consider that the SA Liberals would have won the last election if the electorates had been drawn fairly. I suspect the SAEC will be drawing up new borders for the next election.

Also that Victoria is the only state which did not support Abbott in the last federal election.
Rudd was very popular in Queensland and NSW. Labor fucked him over.

I honestly think it's mostly as simple as that.

Yes he got back in at the last minute, but it was too late. With the eight weeks or so he had he saved half of western Sydney, like Chris Bowen's seat.


The verdict is in: the Victorian Liberals lost because they weren't right wing enough.

Obviously laughable, but I guess pretty similar to our responses to Labor losses.


Rudd was very popular in Queensland and NSW. Labor fucked him over.

I honestly think it's mostly as simple as that.

Yes he got back in at the last minute, but it was too late. With the eight weeks or so he had he saved half of western Sydney, like Chris Bowen's seat.

I was referring to the state election.


Not fully up to speed - but what's this talk about nuclear power?

I prefer solar, but I'm sure it's a way for us to have nuclear weapon development technology without making it too obvious. I wouldn't mind us having them they'd be a great deterrent at least.


So there are reports that Pyne is getting closer to making a University fee deal.

Get ready for expensive University fees on one end of the spectrum, and substandard quality and fraud by private colleges on the other end of the spectrum!
Chris pyne along with brandis, hockey and turnbull are the worst in the government by far, doesn't help that pyne is such an ugly cunt while conspiring to screw us over, with manufacturing on the decline they need to make it easier for people to get higher education not harder.

Dead Man


Interest on HECs will probably remain linked to inflation (well the consumer price index)


Deregulation will still probably go ahead because ?!?!?!?!? (assuming Pyne can find compromises enough to swing two senators)

Wtf is Madigan doing tho? Is his priority to encourage parents to go back to uni (???) or for uni-leavers to immediately start pumping out kids (???)

Damn I hate that man worse than the rest of the wankers. Doesn't help he used to be my local member. Deregulating has been such a fucking success in every facet of life, why not include uni fees? Fucking moron.


Would be a gargantuan result if somehow Labor won that one.
Yeah, was talking to my mum (lives just outside Bundy) and while she's not right-leaning she's damned if she gives Labor another chance any time soon, it just got that bad in Qld according to her.


So how many more times does this cycle have to repeat before people actually start voting for other parties?

Greens seem to never get much more than 10%. They were polling as high as 20% in Vic but ended up doing pretty much the same as last election?

On the other side of the spectrum, I have a half finished thought that if the Federal Libs have to rein in the extremism a bit, the extreme end that they've done their part in cultivating may be disenfranchised and be looking for a UKIP/One Nation style party. I don't think Hanson can do it, but maybe whatever Lambie ends up doing will bring in the ultra nationalists and have the Libs fighting two fronts again.
So how many more times does this cycle have to repeat before people actually start voting for other parties?

Im an example of that, i drove there thinking of voting for greens but pulled out because i knew they wouldnt get enough support to do anything bar gridlock the parliament, id say a few think like that too.


So how many more times does this cycle have to repeat before people actually start voting for other parties?

The Greens are political idiots too. I agree with more of their policies than Labor, but they act like bigger idiots than the libs sometimes.

Their obstructionism killed Rudd's ETS, which means we now have no ETS until what 2020?

They blocked the fuel excise increase, why? It's a pro-environment policy.

Greens also alienate a lot of people with far too progressive social policies that as a minor party they would have no chance of ever implementing anyway so they just muddy the main message (Environment + fair social policy). They might have the best policies for poor people, but those same people don't want to hear about Palestine or legalised drugs.

The Democrats democratically self-destructed, and other minor parties are loonies.

The public is stuffed. I don't want pathetic backstab Bill as PM. Labor deserves more punishment than a single term out of office too. But obviously Abbott/Pyne etc are totally shit too.


Their obstructionism killed Rudd's ETS, which means we now have no ETS until what 2020?
Rudd killed Rudd's ETS by not even attempting to negotiate with the Greens about it. He could have easily got it through with their support, but wanted to create a wedge issue with the Libs so negotiated with them instead.

I'm not totally on board with the Greens political ability either, but the ETS failure was 100% on Rudd and Labor.


Rudd killed Rudd's ETS by not even attempting to negotiate with the Greens about it. He could have easily got it through with their support, but wanted to create a wedge issue with the Libs so negotiated with them instead.

I'm not totally on board with the Greens political ability either, but the ETS failure was 100% on Rudd and Labor.

That and what they negotiated with Turnbull was a complete waste of time which would have had virtually zero impact on emissions in this country.


turn "the greatest moral challenge of our time" into a multi billion dollar corporate welfare scheme to wedge a political opponent and then blame a minority party for the consequences brehs

The Greens are political idiots too. I agree with more of their policies than Labor, but they act like bigger idiots than the libs sometimes.

Their obstructionism killed Rudd's ETS, which means we now have no ETS until what 2020?

They blocked the fuel excise increase, why? It's a pro-environment policy.

Greens also alienate a lot of people with far too progressive social policies that as a minor party they would have no chance of ever implementing anyway so they just muddy the main message (Environment + fair social policy). They might have the best policies for poor people, but those same people don't want to hear about Palestine or legalised drugs.

The Democrats democratically self-destructed, and other minor parties are loonies.

The public is stuffed. I don't want pathetic backstab Bill as PM. Labor deserves more punishment than a single term out of office too. But obviously Abbott/Pyne etc are totally shit too.

I concur the Greens are poltically dumb at times but the mere existance of a left party that is generally ideologically consistent rather than pragmatic is useful. In that it serves to brake Labor Right's tendency to pragmatically abandon all principles to get elected in order to pragmatically do very little progressive since they jetisoned that. Whitlam reformed Labor from the right and yet these days the Greens are closer to his policies in many areas, that's a looong slide.

The Greens are also somewhat pinned, the ~10% consistent vote they get would have voted Labor in the past and will do so again if they abandon their Progressive positions (they likely already do to some extent given the way the green vote tends to reduce at polls without greatly changing 2PP, possibly in part to not understanding IPV properly).

Firstly I concede that the petrol tax is likely sheer political gamesmanship. But there's a valid argument to be made that since the results were going into roads that the net effect is more carbon. It would have been relatively easy to wedge them on this by putting some part of it into public transport to prove that it was purely politics.

I don't think its fair to blame Rudd's ETS failure entirely on them, it was negotiated to be passed in tandem with the Coalition and the Green's weren't really at the table. Given that circumstance it makes little sense for the Greens to pass a Coalition/Labor negotiated policy after the Coalition pulled out.


The greens might be ideologically consistent, but they're not politically consistent. Blocking Rudd's ETS and blocking the fuel excise were playing politics. Fair enough if you agree with their policies, but they're just as bad as the rest of the parties in terms of playing the game.


The fuel excise would hit poor people the hardest, hence the greens were against it. The action greens want on climate change is to make huge corporations pay more than zero, which is what a lot of them are getting away with.

The ETS thing is addressed above.
Actually that's what I meant by generally ideologically consistent: that their politics are generally (not always) in agreement with their ideology.

The petrol tax thing was a break. I'm still not sure on the Rudd ETS sometimes a bad solution to a problem stops a good one so I'm not convinced that not passing it was inconsistent.


Blocking Rudd's ETS [...] playing politics.

Care to justify that in light of what has already been said? Rudd and the Libs were playing politics, the Greens were just blocking the resulting bad policy.

Fuel excise I agree with you on. It's a price signal that will reduce fuel use. I don't really take "but the money was destined for x" arguments seriously, it seems easy enough to divert money around.


Care to justify that in light of what has already been said? Rudd and the Libs were playing politics, the Greens were just blocking the resulting bad policy.

Fuel excise I agree with you on. It's a price signal that will reduce fuel use. I don't really take "but the money was destined for x" arguments seriously, it seems easy enough to divert money around.

They said words to the effect that they were blocking environment policy on the basis that it didn't go far enough, no? Sounds like playing politics to me.
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