I saw earlier the first paragraph noting the role of Queensland's election today might play in rolling Abbott if it's particularly bad for the coalition, which would make watching election coverage tonight more interesting.^^ I had no Idea what to say when I saw him say that, he's clearly lost it.
Mal Brough for PM?
For a guy who was clearly elbows deep inside the Peter Slipper Affair, it's ballsey!
pewpewpew[Brough] said only that: "clearly people are talking to each other because we are all interested in doing what's best for the nation".
I saw earlier the first paragraph noting the role of Queensland's election today might play in rolling Abbott if it's particularly bad for the coalition, which would make watching election coverage tonight more interesting.
Is this a big plan by Abbott to make Brough the opponent so everyone will stick to Abbott?
Queensland (whole state) exit poll
54 ALP
46 LNP
from one trainwreck to the next. hope he wins!^^ I had no Idea what to say when I saw him say that, he's clearly lost it.
Mal Brough for PM?
For a guy who was clearly elbows deep inside the Peter Slipper Affair, it's ballsey!
Antony Green is one of my favourite people.
yeah it looks like nicholls may be fucked too. one of the rare chances to see a minister eat shit on live tvhttp://i.imgur.com/1HQDimE.jpg
I would have been happy if Campbell was taken out tonight and that's it, but it might get even better!
My Aussie cousin just told me you guys have a bit of a blue bloodbath down her way at the moment.....Good, send those tory fucks to the depths
We don't know the result yet.
We do know that at least 32 libs have lost their job. Regardless of who forms government, that's a result, and it's awesome.
7.45pm. Or to put it another way, Labor on the cusp of the barest of majorities. If they fail, very likely a hung parliament. Nearly everything would have to go right for the LNP to get them to 45.
7.43pm. In sum: Labor 40, LNP 36, cross-bench 3, in doubt 10.
It's an insane last 20 years. If it wasn't for China wanting rocks we would have basically been a big New Zealand at this point.
39 LNP
40 ALP
7 unknown
Things are going more as expected previously.
Oh man. I'm actually starting to feel sympathy for the LNP help me.
I don't understand where this LNP bloke is coming from with his claim that Labor don't have a clear plan. Newman walked into the 2012 election with exactly what Labor is currently doing, in that him and his party just claimed an opposition take (besides saying no asset leasing).
Labor at their previous term form were a party of nine. Nine people. How the fuck does anyone expect them to come out with a proper game plan with only nine people in the party and not having access to specific government stats? This same situation happened with Abbott, and he took forever getting his actual budget and game plan out. All he brought to the election was remove the carbon tax and stop the boats. How the fuck is that a clear game plan?
I don't understand where this LNP bloke is coming from with his claim that Labor don't have a clear plan.
how bout now?
"There doesn't appear to be any chance of a majority LNP government." - Antony Green.
Well goddamn.
Since Hewson's loss, there's no politician in Australia that believes a "clear plan" from opposition is a useful strategy. It's a talking point he's regurgitating because it might resonate with some people, but he doesn't believe it himself.
I just don't understand how this happened. The polls yesterday gave them a quite reasonable governing majority in their own right. Its almost like there was some kind of bizarre reversal of the Silent Conservative effect. Did the shaky polls cause people to doubt them more ? Was there a major screwup (other than Australia Day) that I missed ?