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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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I feel like a lot of the left (I know people hate that term, usually cause people say it with vitriol, but I'm not meaning it like that) who have this weird crush on Turnbull are going to be pretty surprised if he becomes PM. He's basically Mitt Romney without the Mormonism.


Man, if bill shorten goes as well and albanese replaces him the election is a done deal, and Australia will not be beholden to the USA anymore!

Man, I'd give my neogaf account away for that.

Edit - Lol prosecute uni students you heard it on sky news by frydenberg. That's going to be quoted a lot on twitter hopefully!

For getting hecs and getting an education.


Andrew Nikolic is saying that it is BAD to dump leaders because we have to stick with the person that that was brought to an election.

But it's fine to break election promises because BUDGET EMERGENCY.


I feel like a lot of the left (I know people hate that term, usually cause people say it with vitriol, but I'm not meaning it like that) who have this weird crush on Turnbull are going to be pretty surprised if he becomes PM. He's basically Mitt Romney without the Mormonism.

I get the feeling people are expecting sweeping reform. Except there is that little caveat, of us still having Morrison, Pyne, Hunt, Brandis et al. Basically, still a turd, just with a new coat of paint.


Sounds like a mental-midget to me. Of course he's firmly pro-Abbott.

Edit: Wait adult nappies? Hahahahahahahahhahahha, this guy might make a good treasurer.
He is. Yeah, I just noticed the adult nappies in Japan thing as well. What the fuck is this twerp on about?!?

Edit: Abetz sounds like a goddamn weirdo as well.


Adult nappies are important when you are so full of shit.

Also, big surprise that Abetz is flogging Labor for their past problems and the saintly Libs who are doing God's work by protecting borders and eliminating the carbon tax.
He is. Yeah, I just noticed the adult nappies in Japan thing as well. What the fuck is this twerp on about?!?

Edit: Abetz sounds like a goddamn weirdo as well.

I suspect he was trying to compare the tanking of the Japanese birth rate and their near zero net migration rate with the real though not even remotely comparable issue the entire western world has with an aging population.

Or his nappy is full of it.


If the Coalition actually disbanded, the best the Nationals could hope for is to be a right wing version of the Greens, i.e. snag a senate seat or two, but effectively just a preference feeding party to the Liberals.

I don't really agree. Rural views are different enough for the Nats to be more popular in those areas and hold on to seats in the house of reps. There are plenty of examples of the Libs putting up candidates against the Nats and losing.

I feel like a lot of the left (I know people hate that term, usually cause people say it with vitriol, but I'm not meaning it like that) who have this weird crush on Turnbull are going to be pretty surprised if he becomes PM. He's basically Mitt Romney without the Mormonism.

Agreed. In case you weren't following the thread at the time, there's a good article that describes his thoughts here: http://www.themonthly.com.au/issue/2012/april/1337744204/robert-manne/one-morning-malcolm

Sadly I doubt aping Fraser on asylum seekers will win him any friends, which sucks.


Just so everyone's clear cabinet ministers are forced to support Abbott due to cabinet solidarity.

Really? I thought Libs didn't have the same solidarity rules as Labor? Lib cabinet ministers cross the floor still right?

Edit: Interesting. JBish said: “Due to cabinet solidarity and my position as deputy there should be support for the current leadership in this spill motion"
Bishop it's due to cabinet solidarity is a biggie. It undermines what people in the cabinet have said, with 'Abbott is supported unanimously by the front bench' being a major talking point.
After looking at the array of MP's saying they support the PM and would vote down the spill motion - i don't think it is going to happen.

It's upsetting because it was all very exciting to possibly see the back of Tony which was being instigated by my local MP but it looks like too many senior liberals are rallying around defeating the spill motion outright.

However liberals will lose the election if they don't go through with it now. It doesn't matter whether the spill is successful or not now - if it is defeated and Abbott stays PM then every time he makes someone unhappy the media will mention potential leadership challenge all the way to the next election which will drive people insane (Plus you know... it's Tony - nothing policy wise is changing). If Abbott goes then at least whoever gets it has a decent chance to make a good positive impact as PM before the election.


I'm not entirely convinced it will be successful either, when it comes to that, yeah

fun theatre though, and god knows they deserve it


I'm not convinced this spill is going to actually pass on Tuesday.

Abbott's still fucked though. Nothing can save him, and if it doesn't pass then there'll be another spill motion later on.

Also, if there is a spill the Nationals will not follow through with their threat to dissolve the coalition because, well, they'd be a nothing party like the Greens if they actually did that, and also Labor would suddenly be in majority, lol.


In other news, Gina sold off her entire stake in Fairfax. Easier to buy off politicians directly than to try to convince the people I guess.


In other news, Gina sold off her entire stake in Fairfax. Easier to buy off politicians directly than to try to convince the people I guess.

That and she wasn't having much influence at Fairfax on account of the board cock-clocking her every move.


Yeah, it based on personal popularity right now, both would get a bump but with the same policies both would bottom out pretty soon.
i still remember that australian story with paul howes acting smug as hell right after gillard knifed rudd talking about the high polls. god save the alp if he ever becomes leader

I don't think that is necessarily a given, but it is very possible.

If your assumption is correct then no they won't.
i really cant see the turnbull™ bump lasting long if what he said to his colleagues about no shift on carbon pricing is true.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
It's easy to view Turnbull as a step toward a socially rational Liberal party. That's a sexy position.


i still remember that australian story with paul howes acting smug as hell right after gillard knifed rudd talking about the high polls. god save the alp if he ever becomes leader

i really cant see the turnbull™ bump lasting long if what he said to his colleagues about no shift on carbon pricing is true.

1. After that stunt he pulled trying to get Abbott into some fucked up Accord and pretending he was Bill Kelty that won't happen. The man is a pariah.

2. He definitely won't bring back carbon pricing, that much is certain, but it would be suicidal of them to try and bring university fee deregulation and a co-payment to an election.

You like some good music Hidys

I wonder if Tony Abbott will find himself living in a shotgun shack.


Albo said:
So steeped in conservative values and fear of what is new is John Winston Howard that, if he were born before the Wright brothers, he would have organised a campaign against air travel of any description on the grounds that it was new and potentially dangerous. He is an antique, a remnant of the past that should be put on display, but not in government and certainly not in a leadership position, for anachronisms belong in museums and historical texts, not in parliament.


That shit that makes your soul burn slow.

I wish Albo was in charge.
Without the coalition the Nats are more like Anti-Greens, in minor party terms , their total support is actually lower but much more concentrated so they'd have a stronger showing in the house but weaker in the Senate probably. It'd probably benefit the liberals really as well, the Libs aren't in as much danger from the right (ONP,KAP (socially)) so it would give them more room to maneuver though I doubt they'd use it.


I feel like a lot of the left (I know people hate that term, usually cause people say it with vitriol, but I'm not meaning it like that) who have this weird crush on Turnbull are going to be pretty surprised if he becomes PM. He's basically Mitt Romney without the Mormonism.

Heh. I got cooled of that notion of Turnbull under Abbott. And the whole talk of him promising to put no price on carbon just to get become leader again reinforces that. He'll sell out anything he believes in just to get in the lodge. Hell I imagine he's also been swearing against any republic talk too.


Heh. I got cooled of that motion of Turnbull under Abbott. And the whole talk of him promising to put no price on carbon just to get become leader again reinforces that. He'll sell out anything he believes in just to get in the lodge. Hell I imagine he's also swearing against any republic talk too.

You are right about all of this not to mention business as usual on asylum seekers.

But there will be a conscience vote on equal marriage.
Yeah, can't expect much change in policy, the party has a majority who elected Abbott as leader and ran his election strategy, so its not like they are troubled by reactionary positions.

ETA - Conscience votes on marriage equality are a waste of time. Labors need for its Catholic voting block means that the numbers are impossible even when the ALP has a majority, let alone other times.


So in this Game of Tones, who is the pariah sent to the Wall, the one who can save Austeros from the Others? The one who got [GOT spoiler]
. The one no-one wanted to lead? Who is the Jon Snow of Australian politics?


i don't think the spill motion is going to pass but the damage has been done. They will limp a long for a while and then closer to the election it will all happen again.

Pretty much exactly how it played out with Gillard and Rudd
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