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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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It's easy to view Turnbull as a step toward a socially rational Liberal party. That's a sexy position.

See that's what I want, a socially liberal government that will weigh up both social and economical standards to implement. But that won't ever happen because there are too many dinosaurs in the parties still.


...did the artist just google "My Little Pony" and draw the first one that popped up, or is there also satire in that particular choice?

though that might be a bit tooooooooooooo insular for a politcartoon reference, even though it's a politcartoon
I think Rainbow Dash might be the most recognisable with the least detail? It would be a stretch to think the rainbow imagery means the things the liberal right doesn't like about Turnbull.

The can with string for a hat has merit.

Turnbull is totally Rarity in my liberal party x mlp fanfiction series.
I personally never understood how Political Cartoonists are kept in a job.

I mean, the cartoons are never funny.

People should stop supporting things that I don't find funny.


Cartoons can be very insightful, even when not directly referencing any specific politics. Calvin and Hobbes is the archetype of intelligent and thoughtful commentary without resorting to cheap shots like most other cartoons, political or otherwise.

However, out of the political ones the last good one I saw was probably something by kudelka.




Don't know what you guys are complaining about, David Pope is one of the better ones. Better than First Dog I reckon, he uses too many words.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
right wing governments lose power? call for a dictatorship

also the saturday paper recons turnbull will make morrison treasurer so expect things to get even crueler!
We need an apolitical team of experts to deal with these pressing crises that are totally real and objectively verifiable and comparable to the onset of world war 2 and definitely aren't figments of my ideology. That they match up so well with my politics is just coincidence. Global warming, environmental degradation? Never heard of 'em, we've got real catastrophes to attend to mate.


Don't know what you guys are complaining about, David Pope is one of the better ones. Better than First Dog I reckon, he uses too many words.

First dog is just shit. The pictures arent there to tell a story, the words are. Your not a political cartoonist, your a dude who doodles a dog while going on a polemic.

Pope is amazerballer.

That cartoon is great. The siege against the welfare state, the inability for Tony to get inside. Their flocking to something that looks different, popular with the kids, and might have a chance of getting into the gates, with the exact same aim. The end of the welfare state.


Labor just officially won their 44th QLD seat, meaning they will form government without needing KAP.

And ftr I don't mind First Dog. I'm not calling him shit or anything.


Labor just officially won their 44th QLD seat, meaning they will form government without needing KAP.

And ftr I don't mind First Dog. I'm not calling him shit or anything.

I'm actually slightly glad they have a minority government in Queensland on account of the lack of upper house and the fact that Peter Wellington seems alright.
First dog is just shit. The pictures arent there to tell a story, the words are. Your not a political cartoonist, your a dude who doodles a dog while going on a polemic.

Pope is amazerballer.

That cartoon is great. The siege against the welfare state, the inability for Tony to get inside. Their flocking to something that looks different, popular with the kids, and might have a chance of getting into the gates, with the exact same aim. The end of the welfare state.

Actually now it is explained to me that is pretty good.

I guess I just need to have a paragraph or so that goes along with each cartoon to explain everything to me.
Hmmm. Those are way better numbers than I'd expect for Turnbull, he's basically not losing any conservative support at all. I guess they've decided that chipping away more slowly at things they disdain is the best they can do at the moment ? Or that the bump will let them get away with crap policy for a couple of months (ie they've given up winning the next election and just want to slash and burn/privatize while they can) ?

If Morison gets and runs Treasury like he did Immigration he's going to implode though. Treasurers can can safely be perceived as calculating/cold/tough but they've got to be seen as honest as well. A Treasurer who classifies the economy as operational matters is going to fly about as well as a lead balloon. It worked in Immigration because people wanted the boats to stop but really did not want to know about just what horrible things are done to do it, as long as he gave the impression that Order was being maintained people were more than happy to have permission to ignore stuff that would otherwise have them throwing money at Amnesty International if they were told it was happening in another country.


Hmmm. Those are way better numbers than I'd expect for Turnbull, he's basically not losing any conservative support at all. I guess they've decided that chipping away more slowly at things they disdain is the best they can do at the moment ? Or that the bump will let them get away with crap policy for a couple of months (ie they've given up winning the next election and just want to slash and burn/privatize while they can) ?

If Morison gets and runs Treasury like he did Immigration he's going to implode though. Treasurers can can safely be perceived as calculating/cold/tough but they've got to be seen as honest as well. A Treasurer who classifies the economy as operational matters is going to fly about as well as a lead balloon. It worked in Immigration because people wanted the boats to stop but really did not want to know about just what horrible things are done to do it, as long as he gave the impression that Order was being maintained people were more than happy to have permission to ignore stuff that would otherwise have them throwing money at Amnesty International if they were told it was happening in another country.

This is an excellent point. Being a liar or maliciously cruel plays well in immigration plays well in the current political culture. But you act like a dickhead in Treasury you will wank away the Australian economy.

In terms of the Turnbull numbers I'm actually not surprised at all by them. Turnbull has always been a popular figure since his exist. But that does not mean those numbers will be the same in a month. We'll have to see how he governs.

BTW it is not given that Abbott will be gone on Tuesday. He holds all the cards when it comes to how the ballot will be held since the Liberal Party has no written rules (which is ridiculous) given the cowardice nature of his frontbench a show of hands may force them to support him. My suspicion is that the vote to determine if there will be a ballot will be a show of hands and if there is a ballot it will be secret.


I don't know who'd be worse as Treasurer, snake oil salesman Turnbull or "I don't know what a progressive tax rate is" Hockey.

Even if Turnbull does literally nothing differently he will inspire at least a small amount of business and consumer confidence.
PM moved the meeting to 9am Monday.

Turnbull was talking about the importance of people in the party talking with each other regarding the vote, a thing Abbott turned to give them less of.
He moved it. Told the press. Then told the party. He's toast.

It's amazing, just saw Turnbull live...ish on ABC24 say Abbott is the PM and is perfectly entitled to make a "captain's call/pick" about when the meeting is held. If that wasn't a thinly veiled message to the backbench that Abbott is a madman who hasn't learned a thing, I'm not here!
Bishop right now standing with and talking with Turnbull at the fundraiser. Asked by media if she was consulted about the time change, she just said she was aware it's changed.

He moved it. Told the press. Then told the party. He's toast.
I hadn't realised this element at the time. That's big. [EDIT: He said when announcing this that he talked with colleagues first]

It's amazing, just saw Turnbull live...ish on ABC24 say Abbott is the PM and is perfectly entitled to make a "captain's call/pick" about when the meeting is held. If that wasn't a thinly veiled message to the backbench that Abbott is a madman who hasn't learned a thing, I'm not here!

EDIT: Oh wow. Bishop was asked if she'll rule out going for the top job. She said she talks with her party members before she talks to the media. Turnbull has a wussy knife up his sleeve, Bishop has a rocket launcher.

Sinodinos announced he's supporting the spill motion and criticising the decision to move the vote forward. Let's see if this opens the floodgates.

Dead Man

Abbott's fucked, isn't he? Not sure how I feel about that. I know it's a common problem, but I want him to hang around so the libs fail spectacularly at the next election. All their senior figures are toxic and hateful to me, but some of them are much more presentable to the electorate.


Abbott's fucked, isn't he? Not sure how I feel about that. I know it's a common problem, but I want him to hang around so the libs fail spectacularly at the next election. All their senior figures are toxic and hateful to me, but some of them are much more presentable to the electorate.

I'd be sad. But then I enjoy watching him continue to flail about, and that plus added instability would amuse me greatly.

Of course I'm still sad we never got a Costello/Abbott just for the Abbott and Costello cartoons we missed out on.

At this point I'd be more amused by Bishop (lady macbeth) over Turnbull (monopoly hat) in terms of others.


Abbott's fucked, isn't he? Not sure how I feel about that. I know it's a common problem, but I want him to hang around so the libs fail spectacularly at the next election. All their senior figures are toxic and hateful to me, but some of them are much more presentable to the electorate.

I'm really conflicted. Part of me really wants to see him turfed out so we can drop all pretence about how the 'adults are in charge' and all the other bullshit that the libs keep bringing up about how people wanted 'stability'. Like that would be really good in itself.

But yeah Abbott staying on means they are unelectable. I don't get how the rest of Australia is only now just seeing this.


Abbott's fucked, isn't he? Not sure how I feel about that. I know it's a common problem, but I want him to hang around so the libs fail spectacularly at the next election. All their senior figures are toxic and hateful to me, but some of them are much more presentable to the electorate.

Is there policy direction going to radically change post leadership change? If not. Then. Yeah...


Is there policy direction going to radically change post leadership change? If not. Then. Yeah...

Of course not. Thats not really how parties work. And the IPA faction would be pretty against any change in policy.

Well just see stuff pushed till after the election.
The mood in the air is telling me that the spill motion will fail but will probably succeed 3 months or so later when the ALP 2PP starts hitting 60-63

Yeah pretty much, PMO is phoning around bullying people into not supporting the spill in in terms of Cabinet and I suppose persevered in the media/populace solidarity from the backbench. Abbott is gone probably not now but in the near future and seems intent in destroying the Coalition as well.

The funny thing is the crossbench in the senate know his time is limited and they are going to do nothing to help him out. If he thought negotiating their "reforms" through the senate was hard before, wait till the crossbenchers start smelling blood!
In saying that, He probably hindered his chances by changing the date. There's is still a chance the spill will pass because of it. He's basically bullied his whole party into going in on Monday.


The mood in the air is telling me that the spill motion will fail but will probably succeed 3 months or so later when the ALP 2PP starts hitting 60-63

I'm thinking this is right. On the one hand I really want to see Abbott go now.

But on the other watching him squirm for a few months and then watching him be destroyed might be more satisfying.

It also appears that Monday was the day the a condolence motion was supposed to pass for the Sydney Siege victims according to Grundle. Abbott is truly amazing with these captain's calls.


I'm thinking this is right. On the one hand I really want to see Abbott go now.

But on the other watching him squirm for a few months and then watching him be destroyed might be more satisfying.
He's harming the libs by staying.

Especially NSW where the 'Abbott stink' will/may affect the election.

Which is another hmm situation. While I would really rather no Westconnex, if there was ever a party that doesn't deserve to be out for only one term, it is NSW Labor.


Abbott's fucked, isn't he? Not sure how I feel about that. I know it's a common problem, but I want him to hang around so the libs fail spectacularly at the next election. All their senior figures are toxic and hateful to me, but some of them are much more presentable to the electorate.

Im pretty sure every one of the Libs carried on like a spoilt child when in opposition. They all threw tantrums about the hung election.

I don't get why anyone sees any functional difference between Abbott and Bishop, for example. They, Pyne, Morrison, Bernadi etc are all in the same boat.


He's harming the libs by staying.

Especially NSW where the 'Abbott stink' will/may affect the election.

Which is another hmm situation. While I would really rather no Westconnex, if there was ever a party that doesn't deserve to be out for only one term, it is NSW Labor.

Another reason I'd like Abbott to stay just a little while longer.

Dead Man

I'd be sad. But then I enjoy watching him continue to flail about, and that plus added instability would amuse me greatly.

Of course I'm still sad we never got a Costello/Abbott just for the Abbott and Costello cartoons we missed out on.

At this point I'd be more amused by Bishop (lady macbeth) over Turnbull (monopoly hat) in terms of others.
Bishop actually worries me. Turnbull will just be Abbott lite, he is so focussed on being inoffensive to any possible LNP voter he is nothing at all, except a probable mouthpiece for the IPA. Which is a bit scary too, but not like Bishop is. She seems to have convictions. Those people worry me.
I'm really conflicted. Part of me really wants to see him turfed out so we can drop all pretence about how the 'adults are in charge' and all the other bullshit that the libs keep bringing up about how people wanted 'stability'. Like that would be really good in itself.

But yeah Abbott staying on means they are unelectable. I don't get how the rest of Australia is only now just seeing this.
Not everyone can be as clever as us, Lexi ;)
Is there policy direction going to radically change post leadership change? If not. Then. Yeah...
Yeah, but a less obnoxious salesman might make the difference to people who are easly swayed by their wedge issue rhetoric.
The mood in the air is telling me that the spill motion will fail but will probably succeed 3 months or so later when the ALP 2PP starts hitting 60-63
I think this probably right, but a weekend is a long time in politics sometimes.
Im pretty sure every one of the Libs carried on like a spoilt child when in opposition. They all threw tantrums about the hung election.

I don't get why anyone sees any functional difference between Abbott and Bishop, for example. They, Pyne, Morrison, Bernadi etc are all in the same boat.

They are all the same to me, but apparently the electorate thinks otherwise. I worry they will get a pass on the same shit just because they don't have the Abbott stench on them.
He's harming the libs by staying.

Especially NSW where the 'Abbott stink' will/may affect the election.

Which is another hmm situation. While I would really rather no Westconnex, if there was ever a party that doesn't deserve to be out for only one term, it is NSW Labor.

Saw the first election ads this morning from the Nurses and Midwives union saying that Baird was going to sell off the hospitals and liver transplants will cost 1.5mil or so. They are one of the most militant unions, but it's clear what platform Labor will run on. No asset sales and Abbott is an idiot. Worked quite well in QLD.

Baird does seem to be pretty decent but rumors abound they are worried that the election will be a lot closer than it looks at the moment.
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