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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Our determination to not be mildly inconvienced is far greater than our compassion and sympathy for our fellow man
You sound like one of those rootless cosmopolitan latte drinking human rights types, so clearly you can be ignored as a malcontent determined to bring down our glorious government. I bet you even eat Gelato.


The "saving lives" excuse is amazing really. The people they're trying to convince don't believe it, and they sure don't believe it. Do their base believe it?
They don't have to believe it after deep introspection or anything it just needs to serve as a good enough excuse to give the matter no further thought (and you probably don't want too).


They don't have to believe it after deep introspection or anything it just needs to serve as a good enough excuse to give the matter no further thought (and you probably don't want too).
Yeah that's what I figured. I wonder how many of them bitch on Facebook about the Labor nanny state


To be fair, it's gelato made from the tears of caged asylum seekers.

Maybe there will be a campaign by the prison um detention centre um processing centres to be re-branded (re-Brandised with a smilie face) by the likes of Serco as being either caged asylum seekers, free to roam or free range.
The "saving lives" excuse is amazing really. The people they're trying to convince don't believe it, and they sure don't believe it. Do their base believe it?

Knowing some of their base, they really do. Amazing piece of wedge politics. Convincing racists, people scared of browns and even those who feel uncomfortable that by voting for the coalition they are saving lives has made the conservative base feel all warm and fuzzy about themselves and it has been a political masterstroke, they have left the Labor party no where to go. All they have to do is ask anyone from the Labor party,"Do you want people to die at sea?", shuts them up real quick.

Boats has been the Coalitions only successful piece of politics. The budget is a disaster, along with their various Environment, Federation, Education, Health, Defence, Foreign Affairs, Manufacturing, Infrastructure policies. It's also the reason they vehemently defend their boats policy, when it's all you have, you defend it to the hilt.

* I'm not defending their Boat policy in any way, I think it's disgusting, but it is their only thing they have managed not to bungle completely in the eyes of the majority of the electorate,


* I'm not defending their Boat policy in any way, I think it's disgusting, but it is their only thing they have managed not to bungle completely in the eyes of the majority of the electorate,

I don't understand this at all though. So they're not dying at sea, fine, but instead you're just putting them into a living hell in an off-shore detention center in technically another country that we somehow have oversight over and also can we have more powers please?

What person of reasonable mind thinks either situation is good?


Knowing some of their base, they really do. Amazing piece of wedge politics. Convincing racists, people scared of browns and even those who feel uncomfortable that by voting for the coalition they are saving lives has made the conservative base feel all warm and fuzzy about themselves and it has been a political masterstroke, they have left the Labor party no where to go. All they have to do is ask anyone from the Labor party,"Do you want people to die at sea?", shuts them up real quick.

The fear about people dying at sea in boats attempting to reach this continent is hilariously ironic (putting aside tragedy for the moment) when every January 26 the country has a day off to celebrate exactly that.

Its racism masquerading as humanitarianism, plain and simple. Just as Christian missionaries believed they were saving souls by converting Africa, South American, Native American, Indigenous Australian peoples after they shot them.

So when was the last time any of you lot succumbed to the cries of the human rights lawyers?

I'm still busy being lectured to by the UN.

Without being facetious, most right wing libertarian types I've come across have overwhelmingly been from queensland.

I think it's something in the water there. Or perhaps something missing from it. Like fluoride.

I escaped Brisbane and fled to Melbourne just so my Greens vote would count for something.

People are fucking ridiculous up there. Every time I go back for a family thing, my ears hurt from loud shouting and my patience wears thin from stupid people combined with unbearable humidity.
So... Uh... Do they actually have proof that lives at sea are actually being saved more than before, or is it entirely a "take our word for it" thing? Because with all the secrecy surrounding the whole operation and considering most of the refugees are just dumped into lifeboats and shoved off to Indonesea, I'm actually inclined to call bullshit on the 'saving lives' bit.

Hell, as long as the whole thing is entirely non-transparent, well, I have literally no reason to believe anything the government says on the matter.


i'm sorry offering any kind of transparency into this process would undermine people's confidence in the process working so just take our word for it
It can't be about helping people in any meaningful sense (because that's what the proper claims processing system was for).

A people die at sea , B people exist as non-entities in countries that either don't recognize (formally or in practice) asylum seekers, C people are kept in inhumane conditions, D people are appropriately treated for their claims, E people suffer or die because they are unable to flee or are returned to their place of persecution/danger, F people die in some form of non-sea transit, G people end up being human trafficked/sold into slavery. You can tinker with how many people are in each category but you can't do much about the total number without enormous international effort.
It's Quantum:

Its only after you collapse the probability wave and determine if a thing is Good or Bad that you can determine who's fault it is:

Bad Things are Labors fault regardless of how short a time they've been in Government or how long they've been out.
Good Things are Liberal initiatives regardless of how short a time they've been in Government or how long they've been out.


Bad Things are Labors fault regardless of how short a time they've been in Government or how long they've been out.
I noticed that too. Labor gets into government? Two months later everything is already their fault. Liberals get into government? Everything is Labor's fault for the next 3-6 years.


I noticed that too. Labor gets into government? Two months later everything is already their fault. Liberals get into government? Everything is Labor's fault for the next 3-6 years.
Politically, all the Liberals stand for is 'not-Labor'.

The last time a major Liberal campaign was actually about a policy was Howard's Tampa/'we will decide' election - aka their last major stake policy pitch was racism. That was 15 years ago.

The next two elections were 'Labor wrecks interest rates' (both Latham and Rudd faced ads with 'L plates' in them - basically the argument was 'you suck because you are not in government right now), and both Abbot's election were 'stop something Labor is doing'.

For all their faults, Labor actually go in with ideas at points.
I noticed that too. Labor gets into government? Two months later everything is already their fault. Liberals get into government? Everything is Labor's fault for the next 3-6 years.

Don't worry, this is the same the (Anglo) world over. For example, Republican's spend massive amounts of money on wacky missile programs, tax cuts, and so on? Not an issue. Moderate charismatic Democrat gets in office? Time for the (likely Republican) bond holders to let that new President know it's time to worry about the debt. Oh, and all the good economy was because of tax cuts passed a decade earlier.

Eight years later, deficit is almost level, actually have surpluses, 20+ million jobs created, unemployment is at the lowest level in 40 years, conservatives get in again - massive tax cuts, unpaid for wars, increases in the defense budget, unpaid for health care programs for old people, economy blows up. Again, deficits don't matter. Also, the end of the economic boom is the previous (Democratic) President's fault.

Tan fellow with weird name gets into office? The debt is a massive problem and the world will end if we don't immediately cut spending by a massive amount and don't raise taxes at all, because that's evil. And he's also responsible for the financial crisis and that it wasn't fixed in six months. Oh, and the fact we now have a growing economy and lowering unemployment? That's because of the GOP Congress.


Don't worry, this is the same the (Anglo) world over. For example, Republican's spend massive amounts of money on wacky missile programs, tax cuts, and so on? Not an issue. Moderate charismatic Democrat gets in office? Time for the (likely Republican) bond holders to let that new President know it's time to worry about the debt. Oh, and all the good economy was because of tax cuts passed a decade earlier.

Eight years later, deficit is almost level, actually have surpluses, 20+ million jobs created, unemployment is at the lowest level in 40 years, conservatives get in again - massive tax cuts, unpaid for wars, increases in the defense budget, unpaid for health care programs for old people, economy blows up. Again, deficits don't matter. Also, the end of the economic boom is the previous (Democratic) President's fault.

Tan fellow with weird name gets into office? The debt is a massive problem and the world will end if we don't immediately cut spending by a massive amount and don't raise taxes at all, because that's evil. And he's also responsible for the financial crisis and that it wasn't fixed in six months. Oh, and the fact we now have a growing economy and lowering unemployment? That's because of the GOP Congress.

America is recovering, you guys should be happy. Things are actually looking up for you guys for the first time in about a decade. Things in Australia are about to get worse (economically speaking).
Yeah, I'm really over this stupid blaming. I don't think it's convincing many people at this point. And martyring car crash victims to the god of LNP snobbery is just kind of gross. I mean seriously? Blaming labor for things actually even slightly related to policy is one thing, but unless there have been incredible changes to road/traffic laws in the two months labor has been in power it makes literally no sense. They're just ravenously attacking anything for no reason.

In other news though, quality journalism!


Apparently we're going to start sending back Iranian refugees to Iran. Because they are obviously safe.

In twenty years time this boat policy is going to look embarrassing as white Australia, stolen generations.

Technically it's already as bad, but it's not seen as such by enough people to stop it happening.

Human rights mean nothing to the political class.



Parents who do not vaccinate their children will lose welfare payments of up to $2100 per child under a federal government policy set to be announced before the May budget.

Under changes that could save more than $50 million a year, Social Services Minister Scott Morrison is preparing to scrap a "conscientious objection" provision which allows anti-vaccination parents to still claim welfare benefits including childcare assistance and Family Tax Benefit A.

Fairfax Media understands the Family Tax Benefit A is worth up to $2100 per child.

Parents of about 39,000 children have signed "conscientious objection" forms that certify they have a "personal, philosophical, religious or medical" objection to immunisation. This form, which requires a consultation with a doctor or immunisation nurse, is necessary for the parents to receive Family Tax Benfit A. But access is means tested so not every one of those parents would be receiving the payment.

Well. I can't say I'm upset about that. Rather unfortunate that such a stick is needed.

Of course that would only effect the poor. Would be interesting to see the income breakdown of that group of parents.


Plenty of well off people in fremantle will be gutted over this. Bunch of child killers.

And it won't affect poor people who care about their children because vaccination is covered by medicare.

People who don't care about children dying from whooping cough are the ones who will pay the financial cost as well they should.


Pretty sure the more affluent the area is the lower the vaccination rate so I can't see it making much of a difference, unfortunately.

Better to just take away their kids.


I didn't dispute that.

Rich people will absorb the costs. Poorer people who need the welfare can't afford not to vaccinate. But it won't cost them anything to get their kids vaccinated.

Nothing I said contradicts your comments.


I didn't dispute that.

Rich people will absorb the costs. Poorer people who need the welfare can't afford not to vaccinate. But it won't cost them anything to get their kids vaccinated.

Nothing I said contradicts your comments.
I'm not disagreeing with you dude.


Pretty sure the more affluent the area is the lower the vaccination rate so I can't see it making much of a difference, unfortunately.

Better to just take away their kids.

Fuuuuuuck that not after the Stolen Generation.

Heck, most child sex rings start with having kids taken away and funnelled around - see the UK.
I'm hoping this is well thought out enough that the medical exemption still applies since a small number of people do genuinely have valid reasons (weak immune systems, allergies, etc)


The medical exemption still applies. The reason we need high immunisation rates is because of medical exemption people who are at high risk, as well as newborns.

This policy is the first Liberal policy since 1996 with unequivocal agreement from me (gun control) so good on Abbott for doing this now when it is needed.

Maybe they could tax rich anti vax numpties higher by way of medicare surcharge increases. Double or triple the cost since they are happy to remain vectors for dangerous infections.


Maybe they could tax rich anti vax numpties higher by way of medicare surcharge increases. Double or triple the cost since they are happy to remain vectors for dangerous infections.
I think people would let the Liberals get away with that. People don't seem to care about the increased levy on rich people with no private coverage.


Also other strategies like gp co payments and no bulk billing for unvaccinated families. If they won't accept the cheapest and most effective medical prevention strategies offered for free, charge them for everything.


Also other strategies like gp co payments and no bulk billing for unvaccinated families. If they won't accept the cheapest and most effective medical prevention strategies offered for free, charge them for everything.

Then you set a precedent for excluding people from bulk billing and that would make the libs cry tears of joy.


So Brandis has appointed Justice Michelle Gordon to the High Court. I assume shes strongly conservative?

These things aren't done lightly. She's Hayne's wife. You couldn't really label Hayne anything other than a moderate. I wouldn't be so presumptive as to label the judge appointing process highly political. They definitely do happen (Murphy J and Heydon J) but there's usually a clear choice that both sides of politics agrees upon.


These things aren't done lightly. She's Hayne's wife. You couldn't really label Hayne anything other than a moderate. I wouldn't be so presumptive as to label the judge appointing process highly political. They definitely do happen (Murphy J and Heydon J) but there's usually a clear choice that both sides of politics agrees upon.

You probably know better than me but I always got the sense that Hayne was a moderate originalist, meaning he was still solidly on the right. And while I don't disagree that the process is nowhere near as politicised as it is in America, I can't imagine the libs ever appointing, say, Kirby. I haven't been paying enough attention recently, but I guess there's probably a bipartisan policy of trying to not appoint anyone that's going to disrupt asylum seeker policy.


You probably know better than me but I always got the sense that Hayne was a moderate originalist, meaning he was still solidly on the right. And while I don't disagree that the process is nowhere near as politicised as it is in America, I can't imagine the libs ever appointing, say, Kirby. I haven't been paying enough attention recently, but I guess there's probably a bipartisan policy of trying to not appoint anyone that's going to disrupt asylum seeker policy.

Kirby was the president of the NSW Court of Appeal, and while it may have seemed "political", because it was literally Keating's last act as PM before entering into caretaker mode. He was a pretty obvious candidate that didn't raise too much of a murmur from anyone when he was appointed. On the contrary it would've been quite incredulous to criticise appointing the president of the NSW CoA.


The last one is my personal favourite.

Woolworths are going to cop a lot of shit for this for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that it is very likely illegal.

What the fuck is going on at woolworth's marketing department

Kirby was the president of the NSW Court of Appeal, and while it may have seemed "political", because it was literally Keating's last act as PM before entering into caretaker mode. He was a pretty obvious candidate that didn't raise too much of a murmur from anyone when he was appointed. On the contrary it would've been quite incredulous to criticise appointing the president of the NSW CoA.

Yeah but he's gay. iirc wasn't he accused of paedophilia by some troglodyte on the backbench?
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