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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Anyone else concerned by the irony of one of the Reclaim Australia protest speakers involved today.


Danny Nalliah from the Rise Up Australia Party addressed the rally in Melbourne and said he was "not against Muslim people, but ... opposed to the teachings of Islam".

"We love the Germans, we oppose the Nazi philosophy. We oppose communist philosophy but we love the Russians and Chinese," he said.

"Likewise, we oppose Islam but we love the Muslim people."

Danny Nalliah's achievements
1. Born in Sri Lanka (Tamil parents) - not an achievement but a salient point.
2. In the wake of the Black Saturday bushfires, in which 173 died, Nalliah claimed he had received "prophetic dreams" on 21 October 2008 that these bushfires were a "consequence" of Victoria's decriminalisation of abortion in 2008
3. Nalliah planned to use the Holsworthy Barracks terror plot as an argument to explain that Christianity should be protected "as the core value of the nation" in his speech titled Is the West being de-Christianised?
4. After the catastrophic 2010–2011 Queensland floods, Nalliah declared on his website "...at once I was reminded of Kevin Rudd speaking against Israel in Israel on 14th December 2010. It is very interesting that Kevin Rudd is from QLD. Is God trying to get our attention? Yes, I believe so."
5. In a 2011 interview with Perth's "Out in Perth", Nalliah stated that homosexuals can be turned back to heterosexual relationships through education and through Christ.

So how does exactly, an immigrant to this country come to the conclusion it is right to discriminate against people who are predominantly migrants or children of recent arrivals?

I mean, its already hilariously ironic enough seeing descendants of the British Empire expansion crying out to "stop the boats" but when someone of the same ethnic group of some very recent and very legitimate refugee seeking people is founding a group called 'Rise Up Australia" and demanding we 'Reclaim Australia' then I don't know what to say.

The guy is a hateful cunt.



So how does exactly, an immigrant to this country come to the conclusion it is right to discriminate against people who are predominantly migrants or children of recent arrivals?

I mean, its already hilariously ironic enough seeing descendants of the British Empire expansion crying out to "stop the boats" but when someone of the same ethnic group of some very recent and very legitimate refugee seeking people is founding a group called 'Rise Up Australia" and demanding we 'Reclaim Australia' then I don't know what to say.

The guy is a hateful cunt.
lets just say he ain't alone when it comes to australias fascist, white supremacist movement



jesus lost a defamation case for your sins


Hi guys and gals.

Long time lurker. 6 months past 30 And I'm sick of "whinging" about the horrid state of Australian politics. So as a Hypothetical - what would it take for you to vote for a new party?


As long as I agree with a good portion of their policies and they aren't horrible people I usually give people a shot somewhere above Labor on the Upper House ballot.
What kind of shitty answer is this
Why don't you actually answer the question instead

But since you posed a question, I'll be polite and try to answer yours

(1) Those six individuals who comprise the graduating record are kind of pale so hahah andrew bolt is a champ hahah

(2) UNSW had to edit the comments because people probably said racially insensitive things hahaha that's so funny

Seriously man?

Anyway, I didn't clarify because it's obvious that the funny part is that everyone in that photo looks about as white as possible.

And I would say it's much more likely that the comments were people going "lol why is everyone in that photo white". Not sure why I have to clarify this dude.

Edit: on another note, why does it matter that the anti-Islam guy is Tamil?
Hi guys and gals.

Long time lurker. 6 months past 30 And I'm sick of "whinging" about the horrid state of Australian politics. So as a Hypothetical - what would it take for you to vote for a new party?

A greater alignment with my values and ideals than offered by the party I currently vote for and/or a significant chance of actualizing one of those ideals in the near term (politically speaking).
Seriously man?

Anyway, I didn't clarify because it's obvious that the funny part is that everyone in that photo looks about as white as possible.

And I would say it's much more likely that the comments were people going "lol why is everyone in that photo white". Not sure why I have to clarify this dude.

Edit: on another note, why does it matter that the anti-Islam guy is Tamil?

Oh hey, we found Andrew Bolt's GAF account


Also if you start thinking about exactly why a lot of people of indigenous ancestry look very white you start coming across some REALLY ODD POWER DYNAMICS i mean who'd have thought about that


Edit: on another note, why does it matter that the anti-Islam guy is Tamil?

It matters in the sense that I would expect him to be more empathetic to the problems of refugees. Tamils are a group who have been heavily persecuted in their own country, victims of war crimes, and comprise a large portion of the "boat people" the right wing part of the government try to stop.

It's just shocking to see someone from a persecuted minority background be a persecuting person themselves towards immigrants from similar situations in other countries.


Also, I can guarantee that if a Muslim preacher said the kind of stuff Danny Naaliah says and then request a visa to enter Australia he would be blocked from entering the country on the grounds of hate speech.


He said people who died in the Black Saturday bush fires deserved to die because of abortions.


It's annoying that we've gotten to this point where the mental gymnastics of

<racist opinion> -> Racists are bad -> I am not bad -> That opinion is not racist

has become so widespread.
I thought they got rid of it a few years ago but it seems not.

Same, amazed that it is still on the books.

There is a reason for the gif.


Briggs should have his arse kicked by all. The whole message has been just how safe everyone's data will be, no one will dare misuse it. Now a particularly arrogant and useless minister is joking about using it as a repercussion towards a journo who doesn't subscribe to his nonsense. The Labor party will be too cowardly to say anything, apart from maybe Albo, but I'd like to see someone like Ludlum, Xenophon or Leyonhjelm go full force on him.

Especially Xenophon now that his party are going to target Briggs' and Pyne's seats at the next federal election. A move that may finally rid us all Chris Pyne by possibly delivering Labor those seats.



Without being facetious, most right wing libertarian types I've come across have overwhelmingly been from queensland.

I think it's something in the water there. Or perhaps something missing from it. Like fluoride.



I always forget about the halal/oil hypocrisy. Although is it still hypocrisy if the thing you hate isn't doing the thing you hate it for and the thing you like is?
I was amused by the defender suggesting that anonymity is coming to an end for illegal activity. It appears to utterly escape these people that anonymity is not something that can be preserved depending on the legality of an activity. If the capacity to remove it exists then you don't actually have anonymity even if you're actions are legal (pretty much an exact parallel of the Chilling Effect argument for Free Speech).

ETA - I should probably clarify that I am not as absolute as this post applies. I acknowledge there is a valid discussion to be had if Free Speech / Anonymity has sufficient value vs harm. I just find the notion that you can have Free Good Speech or Anonymity for Legal Activities the worst kind of weaseling. A significant value of either is lost if restricted in anyway (you can try and minimize the harm with clear principles and to some extent you'll succeed, but anyone who's got reason to be careful will forever after distrust such, because once you've demonstrated the capability to so so, there's no reason to think the range of restriction won't be extended ) .


How can you tell if someone's actually a racist pandering as an animal rights activist?

They talk about halal slaughter (which allows the stunning of animals prior to slaughter) and never ever mention kosher slaughter (which doesn't allow stunning of animals prior to slaughter).


How can you tell if someone's actually a racist pandering as an animal rights activist?

They talk about halal slaughter (which allows the stunning of animals prior to slaughter) and never ever mention kosher slaughter (which doesn't allow stunning of animals prior to slaughter).

I point this out to people all the time when they bring up Halal being inhumane. They're usually dumbfounded.


The names of the companies channelling money to Singapore were redacted by the Australian Tax Office in a document released under Freedom of Information and Senate committee chairman Sam Dastyari wrote to Mr Jordan on Tuesday requesting he reveal the names to the inquiry.

But Mr Jordan claimed "public interest immunity" in refusing his request, saying identifying companies could undermine confidence in the tax system.

"The Treasurer has been consulted about making these PII [public interest immunity] claims, and has endorsed them being made by me as an independent statutory office holder. The grounds of the PII claim are as follows," he wrote in the letter, tabled at the committee's first public hearing on Wednesday.

"Disclosure of the information to the Committee by the Commissioner of Taxation will harm the public interest by undermining public confidence in taxation laws and taxation administration.

"Disclosure of the information will have a substantial adverse effect on the proper and efficient operations of the ATO, contrary to the public interest.

"That harm outweighs any public interest in discussing the information in public hearings of the Committee. The taxpayer confidentiality provisions in the taxation laws were enacted by Parliament to protect inherently sensitive information relating to taxpayers' personal, private and financial affairs which is produced to the ATO for the sole purpose of administering the taxation laws."




All transparency reports now to be redacted indefinitely due to potential to undermine confidence in our glorious government
So allowing companies to dodge taxes doesn't undermine confidence in the system but allowing people to find out that its happening does. That's an interesting way of looking at is.
I think the basic idea is that if taxpayers (ie. companies) cannot be confident that their financial details will be kept secret, they might resort to hiding money in more outrageous and outright illegal ways. This appears to imply that the government has no coercive power to force compliance from the big players.

Oh, if only we lived in a world where publicly listed companies were obligated to publish ongoing reports on the state of their finances. They'd be required to only do this once a year in my hypothetical scenario, an annual report, if you will. I suppose really big companies might want to do so quarterly. It seems like the kind of thing that can only engender goodwill and confidence from investors. But alas, we do not live in that world and companies are able to ride roughshod over our sovereign government.
Multinationals in Australia don't tend to have much worth seizing. You can't meaningful seize intellectual property and that and offices is all most of them have here. Maybe short term stock and some weird stuff from research partnerships that would only be of value to a very small number of people.


Tony Abbott has said that only the Coalition could stem the flow of asylum seeker boats because other governments would “succumb to the cries of the human rights lawyers”.

The prime minister admitted that vessels continue to depart for Australia, saying that the government has “largely stopped the boats”, a step back from previous comments indicating they have been stopped altogether.

“I’m also confident that only this government can keep them stopped because any other government, I suspect, would quickly succumb to the cries of the human rights lawyers and others and what that would mean, very quickly, is that the people smugglers would be back in business,” Abbott told reporters in Gympie in Queensland.

“I’m determined to make sure that that doesn’t happen. Full stop.

“My absolutely clear message to the people smugglers is we are more than a match for you. Our determination to save lives at sea is greater than your determination to profit from putting people’s lives at risk.”

Abbott dodged the question of whether the government would consider a royal commission to look at allegations of sexual assault and abuse in offshore detention centres, saying that stopping the boats was the “best thing” the government could do.

Earlier this year, the immigration minister, Peter Dutton, announced that 15 boats carrying 429 people had been intercepted since the government enacted its Operation Sovereign Borders policy, the cornerstone of which is turning back boats carrying asylum seekers.


Incredible really.
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