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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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I like submission 3, where they complain about the price of food increasing due to religious certification and then demand that all companies produce different SKUs of food for each certification. Then they go on to suggest that maybe the companies could just say that their food is halal instead of going through an official certification process.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I may have mentioned this before but I've seen anti-Halal types propose that the Government perform the certification as a public service (so that Muslims don't get the money) enough times for me to believe that it's an actual talking point and not parody. I find it hard to comprehend how on the one hand these people can be politically aware and active enough to make an submission to a Senate inquiry, but on the other hand have absolutely no understanding of how modern society works or is structured. Most of this is on the level of that "I don't like thing" meme.

Joe Hockey: ministers' wives 'may have double dipped PPL without telling'




His name is horned wolf? (Corneloup)...That's awesome. I want a name like that.

With the amount of effort some people have spent bitching about Halal, I'm sure we could have found a universal cure for cancer, landed on Mars and solved the Israel-Palastine conflict.


i hope none of the people bitching about terror money buy ciggies because that OBJECTIVELY goes towards companies that are actively attempting to kill people*

*admittedly over a long period of time


Sportsbet odds on a double dissolution

No $1.60
Yes $2.25

It's clear that the government wants a double dissolution and if they thought they could win they'd go for it.
The thing is you can't just call a double dissolution on a whim. They only have one trigger at the moment, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation abolition, can't see them convincing the GG that parliament desperately must be dissolved just to kill it off. Pyne keeps changing the education reforms enough so there isn't one there, so unless they manufacture a serious one soon, a DD is still very unlikely. Even then, unless they change the Senate voting laws they'll probably only get a whole new set of "ferals" holding the balance of power.

The other possibility is just an early election to build some sort of real mandate. The senate won't change until July 2017, but a big enough win the the House might persuade some of the senators to come back home.

Ipsos, a notoriously janky poll, puts it at 50-50 after the budget, Newspoll has gone firmly Labor and Galaxy and ReachTEL went nowhere. It may be all sweetness an light in the government camp, but not much has changed since the budget in the community. People who vote Liberal love it, Labor/green voters hate/distrust it and the middle still feel a little betrayed and wary. Might still change over the coming months but I doubt it. This isn't Howard/Costello/Minchin/Reith/Baird etc... this is the "B" team and they are being found out.

Anyway, if they did call and election, there is no way in a million/billion years the Coalition would improve it's position, they might scrape across the line against Labor's Melon head, but they would still be up the creek in the Senate for a good long while. Saying an early election might be on was probably a little facetious on my part, I suspect it's all smoke and mirrors to distract from the bullshit numbers and heroic assumptions underpinning their budget.


If I had 10k I'd bet right now that it won't happen, because without electoral reform you'd get double the numbers of the micro-parties in the senate. Neither libs nor labour want that and the only way it could happen is that Lib and Lab agree to do a double dissolution and pass the electoral reforms just before the election but....yeah...I'd bet a lot that it won't.


The Libs already have to negotiate with a senate now, and if they're not completely stupid they'd have to be coming to terms with the idea that they can't play strong forceful leader without a senate majority. They should also be realistic enough to know that a senate majority is a fantasy that is unlikely to happen to anyone in the foreseeable future.

So left with the reality that they're never going to have a perfect path through the senate, they have the opportunity and momentum to discredit yet another mediocre Labor leader at the polls with the downside that the senate result would be an unknown.

The Greens have the left "protest" vote sewn up. The majority of the micro parties are from the right, Ricky Muir being an unusual exception. I would say that if they went to the polls and won, a new DD senate packed with microparties is going to be at least as friendly to the Libs as the current one, if not more so. Passing legislation is going to require an attitude and negotiating skills that they haven't shown themselves of being capable of, but if there's one thing we do know is that they're unreasonably obsessed with wrecking Labor. I really think they would toy with the unknown future of senate negotiation if it meant they could do damage to Labor leadership.

I wouldn't put money on it though, because win or lose, my unjust world hypothesis doesn't bring me a lot of joy at the bookies.
If I had 10k I'd bet right now that it won't happen, because without electoral reform you'd get double the numbers of the micro-parties in the senate. Neither libs nor labour want that and the only way it could happen is that Lib and Lab agree to do a double dissolution and pass the electoral reforms just before the election but....yeah...I'd bet a lot that it won't.

Last week David Leyonhjelm was saying that he believed the ALP was backing away from Senate reforms. I suspect the ALP are trying to cut off the chance of an early election until they've raised some more cash.


Last week David Leyonhjelm was saying that he believed the ALP was backing away from Senate reforms. I suspect the ALP are trying to cut off the chance of an early election until they've raised some more cash.

Senate reforms -> instant DD are the only way that you're ever going to get Senate reforms.
They could conceivably do a deal with the Greens on Senate reform and immediately DD. They'd probably have to make some concessions that would result in an equally hostile senate but with less parties but if the point was to hammer home that Labor can't form government it could be doable.

And larger groups with more coherent interests are easier to negotiate with than 6 different individuals. Having listened to Glenn Lazarus on ABC local here I have to say I'm surprised the Palmer party held together as long as it did, there seems to be 0 issues on which they all agreed. Lazarus's politics are interesting too, he seems to be centrist by default with a fair chunk of bounce both ways.

A DD is still bloody stupid idea for all involved though at this time. The worst result for the ALP on 2PP is 50/50. And there's no pending DD trigger that it'd be wise to go to the polls on.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Did they shop a picture of Rudd onto the book? If so, why? Why not go all the way and have a string of desiccated Keating heads in place of that necklace?
So does anyone have the official designation of the universe I've wandered into ? I'm pretty sure I'm lost because "Powerful Labor Left Faction" and "Bill Shorten has taken the Labor Party too far to the left" are not statements I remember there being evidence of. Where I come from Bill Shorten is mainly notable for having as few policy positions on anything as possible and the ALP Left generally capitulate to the ALP Right.

Edit - Wait a second. I think this is the universe that Andrew Bolt writes about in his columns.


So does anyone have the official designation of the universe I've wandered into ? I'm pretty sure I'm lost because "Powerful Labor Left Faction" and "Bill Shorten has taken the Labor Party too far to the left" are not statements I remember there being evidence of. Where I come from Bill Shorten is mainly notable for having as few policy positions on anything as possible and the ALP Left generally capitulate to the ALP Right.

Edit - Wait a second. I think this is the universe that Andrew Bolt writes about in his columns.

It's the Universe which was created in Six Days starting on August 24 2001.
I can't say I approve of his invocation of mob justice. Career Executions by the Court of Public Opinion trouble me on many levels (due process, inability to account for evolution of opinions, encouraging corporate control of non-work behavior (which is already way to accepted) etc).

But the response is everything wrong with that + morally repugnant extras. Damn it people, you're supposed to be civilized beings act like it!

ETA - I was going to say assuming he actually is being setup but upon rereading I think my comments apply either way. His personal moral failings are pretty much irrelevant to the response.


Wut? Someone give me the "I'm on a mobile and can't see anything" version so I can disagree and pass everyone off with my dissenting opinion
Wut? Someone give me the "I'm on a mobile and can't see anything" version so I can disagree and pass everyone off with my dissenting opinion

Gollan is a vice-principle at a school. He's a homosexual. He has operated one of those name and shame/dox racist behaviour / "social justice" blogs. His identity was discovered and he was subject to a great deal of harassment (including accusations of being a paedophile, having his accounts hackerd and apparently sent some pretty disturbing images) which he claims to have reported to the police and received no follow up activity.

He's now being charged with grooming children and possession of child pornography. He's denying it and saying it was part of the harassment campaign against him.

ETA - I probably beat you to the pissing everyone off thing today. I shall wear the badge with pride.


"My point is this: countries that are parties to the convention on refugees have a responsibility to ensure they believe in what they sign," Mr Nasir said.

People are calling Indonesia hypocrites over this because they haven't signed the convention. I'd rather Australia was as honest as they are about it. If a country doesn't want to uphold the agreement (unless its own citizens are in trouble) then it's signature is worthless.



Gollan is a vice-principle at a school. He's a homosexual. He has operated one of those name and shame/dox racist behaviour / "social justice" blogs. His identity was discovered and he was subject to a great deal of harassment (including accusations of being a paedophile, having his accounts hackerd and apparently sent some pretty disturbing images) which he claims to have reported to the police and received no follow up activity.

He's now being charged with grooming children and possession of child pornography. He's denying it and saying it was part of the harassment campaign against him.

ETA - I probably beat you to the pissing everyone off thing today. I shall wear the badge with pride.

So his account got hacked and he got sent illegal material, he reported it to the police and now he's being charged for being sent those images.

Lol gg police.


He's now being charged with grooming children and possession of child pornography.

You didn't include in your examples of harassment that time when someone made a fake Facebook account with his name, friended a bunch of kids at his school, and harassed them. This was high profile and was reported in the media as such. He's being charged with the thing that his harassers have tried and failed at in the past. Now they seem to have succeeded.
I don't think you can be a hypocrite about telling someone they should honor responsibilities they voluntarily agreed too. Even if you didn't enter into that agreement yourself that doesn't make you a hypocrite for pointing out someone else is failing to uphold it. About 90% of social criticism would be impossible by that standard.

You didn't include in your examples of harassment that time when someone made a fake Facebook account with his name, friended a bunch of kids at his school, and harassed them. This was high profile and was reported in the media as such. He's being charged with the thing that his harassers have tried and failed at in the past. Now they seem to have succeeded.

I was summarizing so I left a whole bunch of stuff out (the wordpress is huge) but yeah, you're right, probably should have included that.


So his account got hacked and he got sent illegal material, he reported it to the police and now he's being charged for being sent those images.

Lol gg police.

it's worse than that

It appears that after attending police stations for so long and supplying officers with links to my Dropbox where I saved the majority of my evidence, it is now apparent that Dropbox cannot be accessed from police precincts and officers are not allowed to look at sensitive material at their homes. Therefore, I can assume that over the past 4 years, no officers have even taken the time to look at the evidence I’ve given to them.


Australia should resettle some of them. Not all but at least a few...

We resettled thousands during WW2 Vietnam, Korea, Serbia.
So his account got hacked and he got sent illegal material, he reported it to the police and now he's being charged for being sent those images.

Lol gg police.

I suspect that one of the things we agree on is that strict liability statutes are generally moronic and open paths to many injustices.
I can't believe that the police don't have separate (ie without access to LEO / Secure channel) computers that can be used for investigations of things like this (and anything else that might potentially provide an attacker with access), it seems like it should be SOP. Such a computer would be <$500 and the major expenses would be setting it up to get fully wiped on every restart (to reduce compromise) and replacing it if some particularly clever bit of BIOS level / hard drive controller malware established a permanent foothold but that shouldn't even be a blip compared to operating a secure distributed network of confidential material.
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