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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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The best part is when Abbott called him a convicted criminal...

He was acquitted....which means he could probably sue for defamation right there. :p

no, he's technically accurate, he confessed to threatening government ministers i believe. he was acquitted on the terrorism charges

Dead Man

Being a dual citizen of Australia and the US, I follow the social and political changes of both countries, Australia moreso of course, since I live here.

Australia is a far better country than the US, but I get more depressed thinking about the future here than in the US. The US has been shit for a long time, and I can see some things getting better there. I see fuck all changing for the better in Australia. It depresses me thinking about how different this country was 20 years ago. We have made fuck all progress against bigotry, sexism, racism etc, while chasing the US on the worst parts of their social policy.


Apologies for the rant, just needed to vent.




Apparently he wants the claim that they select a balanced audience audited too. I expect it will discover that the Liberals in the audience generally just keep their mouths shut.


i mean, imagine if these guys were brought back and acquitted, they might end up in the audience of a Q&A show and ask an inconvenient question that we're forced to drown out with alarmist rhetoric

this is the worst case scenario
That Western Governments contribute to Muslim Radicalization, I imagine. A view so radical its been held by such known subversives as various Western Security Heads and the Australian Federal Police Commissioner.
For someone who was the star of the Young Libs, has an ultra-safe dear Alex Hawke doesn't seem to taken particularly seriously by his party. His role seems to have been reduced to the Canary. Be the first to throw out an objectional view, probably held firmly behind closed doors among the power-brokers, to see if it sticks. If it does, all well and good, if it doesn't they can just blame on Alex getting ahead of himself, the Libs are a broad church etc...


For someone who was the star of the Young Libs, has an ultra-safe dear Alex Hawke doesn't seem to taken particularly seriously by his party. His role seems to have been reduced to the Canary. Be the first to throw out an objectional view, probably held firmly behind closed doors among the power-brokers, to see if it sticks. If it does, all well and good, if it doesn't they can just blame on Alex getting ahead of himself, the Libs are a broad church etc...

That's how seniority works I guess.


Albo looked legitimately distraught at the implosion of his party towards the end of it when he was on the verge of tears.

Predictably everybody else came off looking awful. Gillard seems mostly unapologetic and Rudd still won't/can't have his "I did it for me" moment.

It's interesting that they made the point it was a government with a hugely dis-unified face that got serious and significant legislation passed at a rapid rate, while our government at the moment is almost the opposite situation; a unified external image (mostly) that's struggling to pass so much of what it wants to do.


If the Killing Season taught us anything surely it is that Albo should have been elected as Labor leader.
I didn't watch it, but I suppose I should. He genuinely came off as okay then? Was it just when compared to everyone else, or does he actually look like he'd be a solid leader regardless?

I maintain that it was a fucking joke that Shorten got voted in on less numbers because MPs got more votes than party members. Or whatever. But I doubt the dipshits (like Geelong's own Marles) who voted for him even give a shit.

We'd have a different country if he was the opposition leader, I think :(


Did they not bother to realise he hates ISIS or do they just not care?

You need to look past the superficial details like that and focus on how all scary looking brown people want to kill us in the name of Daesh.

I didn't watch it, but I suppose I should. He genuinely came off as okay then? Was it just when compared to everyone else, or does he actually look like he'd be a solid leader regardless?

I maintain that it was a fucking joke that Shorten got voted in on less numbers because MPs got more votes than party members. Or whatever. But I doubt the dipshits (like Geelong's own Marles) who voted for him even give a shit.

We'd have a different country if he was the opposition leader, I think :(

He never flipped sides and looked like he gave a shit when Labor was imploding, while Bill Shorten looked like he was emotionlessly switching allegiances based on whichever way the wind blew.


I thought The Killing Season was great. Maybe you have to have a memory as bad as mine to enjoy a documentary on such recent history, and a part of me tells me I should feel guilty for taking such pleasure in the destruction of ideals that I believe in. But really. I was on the edge of my seat. In the same way that I love a live election night no matter who wins.

Really wish there was more Windsor and Oakeshott though. I guess they're not really part of the narrative of the show, but I thought Oakeshott's valedictory speech was one of the best summations of that period of government that I'd heard.


I definitely need to watch it, then. I thought it might be painfully awkward to watch, but if Albo comes off it okay then I reckon I could handle it.


It certainly made for compelling television but there were times that I felt searing anger at the monumental stupidity that was on display. It's unbelievable that people with so much power could be so short-sighted and have zero understanding as to how their actions might be perceived.

The Rudd-Gillard-Rudd government led the most progressive government since the Whitlam era and achieved some absolutely remarkable things, far more than many world leaders have been able to achieve. In policy terms it is a model which I hope the next Labor government will follow. But because of their bullshit personal drama many of their achievements are being undone by a man with no virtually no ideas of any merit, whose ambitions for Australia appear to be nothing more than destroy the Labor party and anyone who may present an idea outside of his narrow ideology (though they did a good job of that on their own).

The only consolation is that it can't happen again due to the rule changes made by Rudd and because of lessons learned from this horrible mistake.


The only consolation is that it can't happen again due to the rule changes made by Rudd and because of lessons learned from this horrible mistake.
Almost a shame. There's a part of me that thinks a spill by Albo could be done if it was still allowed.


Almost a shame. There's a part of me that thinks a spill by Albo could be done if it was still allowed.

It is easier to knock off an opposition leader than a PM under the rules, though it is still difficult (60%). Though I strongly doubt it would happen, even if they only needed 50% it wouldn't happen, though that might change after Bill goes before the Royal Commission and I have no idea how that will go. But if that goes well then Shorten will contest the next election.

It also needs to be pointed out that Albo is not the shinning example of integrity that some people paint him to be. He is without question better than Shorten but he has played his share of factional games and made some pretty fucked up deals to further the NSW Left (though they need all the help they can get).

Tanya Plibersek is a far better option, I have no doubt she would have won the ballet against Shorten had she fought it. Shorten wouldn't be where he is without her without her.


Clearly our AFP is headed by IS because they handled all details about terrorists. Its the only logical solution.

Our newspapers are best used for wiping the ass.


It is easier to knock off an opposition leader than a PM under the rules, though it is still difficult (60%). Though I strongly doubt it would happen, even if they only needed 50% it wouldn't happen, though that might change after Bill goes before the Royal Commission and I have no idea how that will go. But if that goes well then Shorten will contest the next election.

It also needs to be pointed out that Albo is not the shinning example of integrity that some people paint him to be. He is without question better than Shorten but he has played his share of factional games and made some pretty fucked up deals to further the NSW Left (though they need all the help they can get).

Tanya Plibersek is a far better option, I have no doubt she would have won the ballet against Shorten had she fought it. Shorten wouldn't be where he is without her without her.
You'd know a lot better than I who would make a solid Labor leader. It honestly astounds me that there are so many options for the Labor leadership (Plibersek, Albo, Burke) but they're lumped with fucking Shorten... I just don't fucking know. They've made their own bed for sure, but it's the public that has to pay for it by not providing a viable alternative to the current government.


You'd know a lot better than I who would make a solid Labor leader. It honestly astounds me that there are so many options for the Labor leadership (Plibersek, Albo, Burke) but they're lumped with fucking Shorten... I just don't fucking know. They've made their own bed for sure, but it's the public that has to pay for it by not providing a viable alternative to the current government.

I assume the various Right sub-factions came together to decide who their candidate would be and Shorten had the highest numbers, probably due to his affiliation with the AWU which is the most powerful union in caucus.

I would also assume that Labor thought they'd have no chance in hell of winning an election any time soon and obviously the chances of that are now far beyond negligible.

I do think that either Tony Burke or Chris Bowen would have made better candidates for the Labor Right.

In terms of the leadership contest between Albo and Shorten Albo faced the critical issue as to who his deputy would be? If you assume that it has be be someone from the Right and a woman then the list of quantifiable candidates is pretty thin. This is definitely a culture issue that the Right needs to fucking sort out! But I can assure you that there were MP's and party members who voted for Shorten solely because of the appeal of Plibersek.


Oh my fucking god. The states levying their own income tax being touted today. I honestly think it would be the best reform over the last twenty years. Maybe my submission to the Lib policy committee wasn't wasted after all.


Oh my fucking god. The states levying their own income tax being touted today. I honestly think it would be the best reform over the last twenty years. Maybe my submission to the Lib policy committee wasn't wasted after all.

lol. I wouldn't get too excited if I were you.

It won't happen
and thank god for that


lol. I wouldn't get too excited if I were you.

It won't happen
and thank god for that

Probably not, but I can dream.

Also what is it about a nexus of responsibility and expenditure that you don't like? Be detailed, I want to know your specific problems are with states raising their own income tax.
Called out by the Productivity commissioner twice in one day!

Governments Treating Consumers Like Idiots on Big Projects

Gotta get those fancy photos of cutting the red tape on tollways with the comically large scissors.

/Free Trade Agreements Preferential and Dangerous Says Productivity Commission

Totally not rushed through. Wasn't there some suggestion that Andrew Robb had ballsed up the TPP a few days ago when he suggested that the signing was one good week of work away? Some Republicans in America got wind of it and want to change their conditional support as they thought, were told, it was only in the preliminary stages.



Destroying or damaging Commonwealth property
(1) Any person who intentionally destroys or damages any property, whether real or personal, belonging to the Commonwealth or to any public authority under the Commonwealth, shall be guilty of an offence.

Penalty: Imprisonment for 10 years.

(2) For the purposes of an offence against subsection (1), absolute liability applies to the physical element of circumstance of the offence, that the property is property belonging to the Commonwealth or to any public authority under the Commonwealth.

Note: For absolute liability , see section 6.2 of the Criminal Code .

tag a po box? that's a citizenship paddlin'



Probably not, but I can dream.

Also what is it about a nexus of responsibility and expenditure that you don't like? Be detailed, I want to know your specific problems are with states raising their own income tax.

Question: does this assume that federal income tax would be lowered as well?

Because if it doesn't then it's probably fine if you cut regressive taxes like stamp duty and if it isn't flat.

The Australian seemed to indicate this would be a redistribution from feds to state which I'm thoroughly against, largely because poorer states are worse off.

But I stand by the fact that it won't happen.

On an unrelated note could ISIS get any worse?


Wait, so the moment someone gets convicted of tagging a PO box, they automatically lose their citizenship unless the minister exempts them?

Lol. High Court is going to have a fucking field day with this.
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