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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Turns out he caught the same free shuttle bus many others caught from Western Sydney to the studios. A bus that is put on every week. Won't stop the frothing at the mouth the shock jocks will put on tomorrow.
Also turns out The Australian once paid him $500 for an interview.


remember, when you publicly question whether people are aboriginal or not based on scant or falsified information that's freedom of speech, but when you publicly question government policy based on your own experiences that's taking it too far

my favourite (the worst) part is that people are linking him to ISIS when he's entirely AGAINST ISIS. Wow! How fucking idiotic can you be? But he's brown and it fits the audience's pre-conceived narrative so guess what, truth is lies. Fantastic. What a world.




remember, when you publicly question whether people are aboriginal or not based on scant or falsified information that's freedom of speech, but when you publicly question government policy based on your own experiences that's taking it too far

my favourite (the worst) part is that people are linking him to ISIS when he's entirely AGAINST ISIS. Wow! How fucking idiotic can you be? But he's brown and it fits the audience's pre-conceived narrative so guess what, truth is lies. Fantastic. What a world.

Some of the politicians responses have been pretty bad, but the response from the media has been utterly pathetic.


unsatisfied with making the ABC cack itself by meekly promising an internal review, the fucking prime minister of our fucking country has called for an urgent external review vowing that heads will roll



you mealy-mouthed piece of shit trying to blow this dumb moronic non-issue into something huge. I don't have words for how fucking absurd this is

Dead Man

Well, Government going for an inquiry into the ABC...

Seriously? Fuck this shit. Fucking most pathetic government I have ever seen. Fucking hateful, stupid, ignorant, selfish, small minded, greedy, fucking cunts. Fuck.

Sorry, I mean Yes, that's a good idea.
So apparently backbenchers are being encouraged to get new photos with Tony Abbott today, before Parliament breaks up for the winter.

I'm not saying it's on but...

It's probably not on, it's too early for a half senate election so the best Abbott can hope for is a significantly reduced majority in the house and the same ferals in the senate.


unsatisfied with making the ABC cack itself by meekly promising an internal review, the fucking prime minister of our fucking country has called for an urgent external review vowing that heads will roll



you mealy-mouthed piece of shit trying to blow this dumb moronic non-issue into something huge. I don't have words for how fucking absurd this is

I can give you three words to sum it up perfectly.

Abbott arselicking Murdoch.


It's consistently amazing me that a literal shit flinger has turned out to be one of the session's most level-headed senators.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member

When all you have is a hammer, swing that bloody thing at everything you see.

It certainly made for compelling television but there were times that I felt searing anger at the monumental stupidity that was on display. It's unbelievable that people with so much power could be so short-sighted and have zero understanding as to how their actions might be perceived.

The Rudd-Gillard-Rudd government led the most progressive government since the Whitlam era and achieved some absolutely remarkable things, far more than many world leaders have been able to achieve. In policy terms it is a model which I hope the next Labor government will follow. But because of their bullshit personal drama many of their achievements are being undone by a man with no virtually no ideas of any merit, whose ambitions for Australia appear to be nothing more than destroy the Labor party and anyone who may present an idea outside of his narrow ideology (though they did a good job of that on their own).

The only consolation is that it can't happen again due to the rule changes made by Rudd and because of lessons learned from this horrible mistake.
Pretty much how I felt for most of it too (plus the usual "wow Abbott really is plain evil" sentiments whenever he showed up). The quote from Blair's campaign manager who Labor brought in for 2010 that closed the show really hammered that home. On a semi-related note, Alistair Campbell watched it and thought it was pretty extreme compared to his experiences, which is, you know.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Gerard Henderson getting slaughtered on Lateline. "This guy said people should join Islamic State-" "No he didn't" "Ok he said they should joi-" "No he didn't" "He said they shou-" "No he didn't".

Then accuses the ABC of groupthink.
Gerard Henderson getting slaughtered on Lateline. "This guy said people should join Islamic State-" "No he didn't" "Ok he said they should joi-" "No he didn't" "He said they shou-" "No he didn't".

Then accuses the ABC of groupthink.

God what a dickhead.

And then when he is contradicted he tries to go back to explaining really basic facts for some weird reason.


Some of the politicians responses have been pretty bad, but the response from the media has been utterly pathetic.

Andrew O'Keefe got stuck into Jeff Kennett this morning on Sunrise over the ABC being called bias and a "lefty lynchmob".....so that was nice. Kochy probably would have just rolled over.



fuck everything
just set this country on fire and kick everyone out

So now the only reason we won't be hearing about the abuse of the refugees detained is because human rights monitoring and media reporting of them is banned completely.

Doubly fucked if someone from media or a charity has a dual citizenship in which case I bet they get barred from reentry to australia and declared a terrorist.


Funding offshore detention is no longer illegal after the last minute migration bill was pushed through the senate this very evening. In the process, the Coalition and Labor combined to vote down mandatory reporting of abuse, access for the Human Rights Commission and the media and a three month time limit for detention. Voting against the main bill: Greens, Jacqui Lambie, David Leyonhjelm, Ricky Muir, Dio Wang, Glenn Lazarus.
That's fucking atrocious. Both major parties should be fucking ashamed for themselves. Hell, I'm ashamed four our country.

Does anyone have footage of the ABC president basically doing this to Abbott?

Apparently it was pretty awesome.

JC Sera

Guantanamo bay is probably more appealing than Australian Detention at this point
At least there is some chance your country will get you out of Guantanamo bay.
At least in Guantanamo bay they will get you a doctor if you are injured.
At least in Guantanamo bay they will put you on suicide watch.
At least in Guantanamo bay they give a shit whether you die or not.


Holy shit, Gerard Henderson is a fucking ignorant twat. Getting shut down but still inferring that joining ISIS was recommended by the guy on Q&A when it's clear that didn't happen.

And this:
EMMA ALBERICI: I want to move it to something else now. Yesterday, four News Corp tabloids had this story on their front pages, complete with Photoshopped images of ABC flags being waved by what are made to look like Islamic State fighters. How does that further debate about views that should or should not be aired?

GERARD HENDERSON: Well, I don't know, it's tabloid media.


GERARD HENDERSON: I wouldn't do it myself, but I thought it was quite - it was fun.



NSW Premier Mike Baird announced travel concessions for asylum seekers. Just amazing that something like that could happen now, from the Liberal party no less. Seems like they're really trying to distance themselves from the federal rubbish.


And then he tweets this:

"There's little point having a strong economy unless we use it to help the vulnerable. Asylum seekers are amongst the most vulnerable in NSW."

Parrallel universe?


Andrew O'Keefe got stuck into Jeff Kennett this morning on Sunrise over the ABC being called bias and a "lefty lynchmob".....so that was nice. Kochy probably would have just rolled over.

O'Keefe is a surprisingly good interviewer. I hope he replaces Koch permanently, he might actually make people uncomfortable.


Oh good. NewsCorp and Abbott's idiotic characterisations of terrorism are starting to cause actual terrorism.
The threatening calls were probably from Abbott himself.

Edit: O'Keefe just pounded on Kennett. I thought he was always fairly lightweight, but he did quite well in that spot.



Jeff Kennett reminds me of some of my relatives when I point out things they don't have an answer to "don't know what you've been watching" "oh give me a break", "grow up" "please", not actual answers or rebuttals, just vague platitudes peppered with an ad-hominem. Them basically shutting down the conversation because they're not actually equipped to respond.

I also wish everybody would stop pretending this incident had anything to do with security and didn't have everything to do with politics. The only security that's even remotely in the mix here are the threats the ABC is getting and, as I've already said, is squarely on the shoulders of Abbott and the right wing press frothing low information people up into a lather.


The Lateline interview at least had Jonathan Holmes' eyeballs spinning near constantly like "this fucking guy". I mean, as they're right to, I can't say I was any different.

And how does Village Roadshow even have that kind of money, I haven't seen anything with their name on it for years.
Is that a village private network?

I think you're being facetious but just in case you're not Village Roadshow is theoretically our local distributor of movies/DVDs etc. In practice they've basically been little more than a front for the MPAAs to attempt to make our copyright laws worse than the US (since we lack a Fair Use provision and they want all the negative US attachments) since Digital Distribution started killing their market share.


I think you're being facetious but just in case you're not Village Roadshow is theoretically our local distributor of movies/DVDs etc. In practice they've basically been little more than a front for the MPAAs to attempt to make our copyright laws worse than the US (since we lack a Fair Use provision and they want all the negative US attachments) since Digital Distribution started killing their market share.

I think the joke was Village Private Network.
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