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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Watching ABC News 24, Indonesia is not concerned the about marriage equality debate in Australia. Who would have thought?

Also it is important to use the language of marriage equality or a similar term rather than gay marriage as the latter is erasing (=inaccurate). Same-sex marriage doesn't cover forced annulment or non-allowance of marriage with a trans person (based on the birth certificate combination), or intersex person either. Could we please take care on this?


The ABC article on the comments also points out that the visible response from the Chinese media and public on LGBT issues has generally been pretty positive recently

I mean obviously in other parts of the country there's still a lot of disapproval considering how many heterosexual marriages LGBT people end up in but it's not as bad as the government is making out


So contrary to the buffoons abetz and Joyce we don't need to fear the asian century as we always expected.

One less excuse for the bigots to seek recourse to.




To save you all the time here's a summary of the article

- Coal power is cheap
- Poor people need cheap power
- Fuck the pope
- Signed a Catholic priest/IPA member


coal's only cheap if you can scale it efficiently and you already have the necessary infrastructure in place... so yeah, in some circumstances, i guess?


Yeah coal would be terrific if it wasn't awful for the environment and there wasn't a finite amount of it. Both problems which will disproportionately affect the poor.

If only there was a type of energy we could be moving towards that had neither of those problems....
Which is even more funny if Turnbull turns up next week like he said he will.

He's pulled out in the last hour or so.

Let's face Mal.com was loving every minute of this, he was never going to pull out straight away, he was letting the PM and the PM's office stew. QandA love him, he gets to strut his stuff and the news was all about him for most of the week. Will he or won't he, his ego would have been going through the roof.


He's pulled out in the last hour or so.

Let's face Mal.com was loving every minute of this, he was never going to pull out straight away, he was letting the PM and the PM's office stew. QandA love him, he gets to strut his stuff and the news was all about him for most of the week. Will he or won't he, his ego would have been going through the roof.

Yeah that's very true, MT loves MT.

In other news, Burger Urge (burger joint in Brisbane) tried to market a burger on Instagram:



I hope they don't change it so we can laugh at the inevitable change of heart from the captain once election time comes around, they will want that extra exposure.
how is white supremacy a thing in 2015

that 'battle' was lost a long, long time ago

i guess it makes sense though that it's only fringe lunatics left now

I really don't like that it plays into the age old "foreigners are coming to take our jobs"
that mentality just leads to so much hate

in fairness like.. that is an actual thing that does depress wages, especially in certain sectors. i mean, that's the point of it in the first place..


It's okay, I'm sure that change from within is coming any day now.
The most eyeroll comment ever.

Since 1997 he's had next to no affiliation with the party. Yet headlines leads with former Labor MP.

Every party has people who have been members/still are to a political party and are complete drop kicks.


So if wind is such a mature industry in this country why did investment fall 88% after the Coalition was elected and put the future of the CEFC in doubt?

JC Sera


The Abbott government plans to give itself the option of calling a double-dissolution election based on trade union corruption when Parliament resumes in mid-August.

Banking on its Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption inflicting reputational damage on Labor leader Bill Shorten, the government will use the resumption of Parliament to put two bills back before the Senate that seek to curb union excess.
between this an the anti-sustainable power coalition is really getting their hate on
like is there anything they actually built in their reign, instead of tear down?


So Greg Hunt posts on twitter than even though the LNP party policy is the abolishment of the CEFC, the fund should still focus on solar and new technologies....he says this only hours after Abbott put a block on subsidising small solar installations.


A royal commission about political donation nondisclosure would be pretty nifty, I wonder when it will happen...
labor tried to reign in donations when they first git in but it was stymied by the coalition and crossbench in the senate. if they're smart they'd push for it even harder a second time


So Greg Hunt posts on twitter than even though the LNP party policy is the abolishment of the CEFC, the fund should still focus on solar and new technologies....he says this only hours after Abbott put a block on subsidising small solar installations.
As I said their reasoning is bullshit. The year they were elected and put the CEFC's future in doubt investment in wind dropped 88%. The industry clearly isn't ready to stand on it's own.


As one of the comments said, Peta must be on leave at the moment.

Haha. Ive nothing good nor bad to say about her, but if part of her influence is to control what Abbott says to media then I hope she has a nice relaxing holiday whilst Tony's unedited thoughts continue to get a run in the press.
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