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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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When they're a (ex) Parliament member who's meant to represent us I sure want to know - esp. if someone might be getting blackmailed to pass things. Secker is on the FIRB so it would be possible to pass investments that are not in the public's interest.

Who someone fucks in or out of wedlock has no bearing on their ability to ability to do their job. There's no "public right to know" here, this is just voyeurism.


Which bit? There is definitely a real release of 10GB worth of real customer data. It wouldn't be surprising at all if some high profile people were on it.

Oh okay.

I thought since no one linked any media sources that it might be false.

By I guess not so fuck.
There's no media sources because this happened around 3 weeks ago and was mainly a US thing, this is just further fallout but yeah its a real thing.


The hack happened weeks ago, but the actual release was overnight. They demanded the owners take the sites down and close business or they would release the data. Of course the site didn't get closed down, so the data has now been released.


I'm conflicted on the AM thing, I don't like the widespread release of people's data. Nor am I particularly fond of cheaters being publicly exposed. That their SOs will find out or that they're forced to come clean is a good result though.


Saw that.

Weird positioning during the interview, he appears stand offish. His words seem a bit forced, as if he's reciting sound bytes. I know that it's basically par for the course but I think Shorten needs to loosen up a bit. Also a bit of charisma wouldn't go astray.....the way he delivers his dialogue isn't particularly emotive for someone who's upset at the status quo and wants to change things. He's fine when he's just speaking naturally but in these situations he doesn't seem to work very well. Similar to Ed Miliband from the UK.

Subject matter was reasonably fine, I even agreed with him about supplementary questions and a more impartial speaker.


Who someone fucks in or out of wedlock has no bearing on their ability to ability to do their job. There's no "public right to know" here, this is just voyeurism.

It has no bearing on their ability to do the job sure, but sometimes it is actually incredibly relevant say when an outspoken Christian lobbyist or Governor in the US gets caught in a compromising homosexual act at an airport bathroom. The act itself is not a problem per se; instead it is the glaring hypocrisy that needs to be exposed.
- Apparently Ashley Madison never verifies emails so a great many of those email addresses could have been signed up by anyone?

- The Guardian was okay a long time ago, in the last 5 years it has become awful. Every single article is forced through the lens of race or gender. It's so crude and dogmatic. I guess partisan political echo chamber worldview reinforcement is more of a draw than considered pieces of writing?

- "Only expose social conservatives!" is kinda dumb. To be honest, we elect politicians on more than purely mechanistic reasons, particularly when it comes to leaders of parties.. I guess whether or not this is wise is a different issue but that's certainly the way it is. I think it's only reasonable to accept that if you become a public citizen, this is part of the job.

Mr. Tone

- The Guardian was okay a long time ago, in the last 5 years it has become awful. Every single article is forced through the lens of race or gender. It's so crude and dogmatic. I guess partisan political echo chamber worldview reinforcement is more of a draw than considered pieces of writing?
I think The Guardian has a long way to go before it catches up to the Murdoch press in terms of partisan worldview. What would you recommend as an alternative?


I think The Guardian has a long way to go before it catches up to the Murdoch press in terms of partisan worldview. What would you recommend as an alternative?

Reading everything. I get everything from a variety of sources. From Murdoch to Crickey. You're never going to have an unbiased source....just accept it and don't stick to one person's world narrative and you'll be set.

Mr. Tone

Reading everything. I get everything from a variety of sources. From Murdoch to Crickey. You're never going to have an unbiased source....just accept it and don't stick to one person's world narrative and you'll be set.

That tends to be my approach as well. My point was more that it's a little disingenuous to single out the Guardian for bias, given the rest of the media landscape.


- Apparently Ashley Madison never verifies emails so a great many of those email addresses could have been signed up by anyone?

Initially they didn't, but later on they did - there's a website someone cooked up (https://ashleymadisonleakeddata.com/) that does all that - if it's in the DB but not validated it'll tell you.

Last post on the AM thing from me here btw, unless someone resigns tomorrow in Aus politics over it. People are still waiting to get the info into a SQL database before they do more deep analysis of it - pollies might have used personal email accounts. This week is going to be hell esp. in places like Saudi Arabia.

And I just shuffle between news.com.au and theguardian - put them together and you get a balanced view imo. Never really looked at cricky.

Oh, and Secker's email is validated. Tony abbot's was obviously not validated (and wasn't even correct anyways).


- Apparently Ashley Madison never verifies emails so a great many of those email addresses could have been signed up by anyone?

- The Guardian was okay a long time ago, in the last 5 years it has become awful. Every single article is forced through the lens of race or gender. It's so crude and dogmatic. I guess partisan political echo chamber worldview reinforcement is more of a draw than considered pieces of writing?

- "Only expose social conservatives!" is kinda dumb. To be honest, we elect politicians on more than purely mechanistic reasons, particularly when it comes to leaders of parties.. I guess whether or not this is wise is a different issue but that's certainly the way it is. I think it's only reasonable to accept that if you become a public citizen, this is part of the job.

It's generally a good idea to stay away from OP-EDs by journalists - it's not like they have the qualifications to talk about anything other than journalism with any authority.

Dead Man

- The Guardian was okay a long time ago, in the last 5 years it has become awful. Every single article is forced through the lens of race or gender. It's so crude and dogmatic. I guess partisan political echo chamber worldview reinforcement is more of a draw than considered pieces of writing?

Are you talking about their news articles, or opinion articles?


I tried to watch the clip of Waleed Aly and Steve Price re: environmental sabotage that's doing the rounds. Got as far as Steve Price's opening sentence where he bitches about their disclaimer that his wife is Greg Hunt's chief-of-staff before tuning out.

I tried to watch the clip of Waleed Aly and Steve Price re: environmental sabotage that's doing the rounds. Got as far as Steve Price's opening sentence where he bitches about their disclaimer that his wife is Greg Hunt's chief-of-staff before tuning out.


I don't think anyone has ever accused Steve Price of being a Journalist! :p

Dead Man

I tried to watch the clip of Waleed Aly and Steve Price re: environmental sabotage that's doing the rounds. Got as far as Steve Price's opening sentence where he bitches about their disclaimer that his wife is Greg Hunt's chief-of-staff before tuning out.


LOL, that actually happened? What an utter clown.


Second consecutive day of "cabinet is fine" leaks.

Fuck it. Abbott should just start giving different cabinet members different cabinet memos Tyrion Lannister style at this point to find out whose coming for him.


Aaaaand the can goes down the road yet again. Turns out rolling out a national network of any kind is difficult, how about that.


So, I've just read this about the impending housing bubble getting ready to burst (and fairly spectacularly, I might add). Is the wisest move in this climate to rent until housing prices plummet? Or will it be in the realm of years before we start to see this happen?

Second consecutive day of "cabinet is fine" leaks.

Fuck it. Abbott should just start giving different cabinet members different cabinet memos Tyrion Lannister style at this point to find out whose coming for him.
Hah, that would imply some modicum of initiative or smarts.


Gamergate meet-up gets sexy. Two weeks ago we reported that the Melbourne chapter of Gamergate, the group that began in August last year in response to women raising concerns about sexism in video game culture, would be having a meet-up at the end of this month, promising the attendance of a Victorian politician. The group says its main focus is to call out ethical standards in video game journalism, but its members have also been accused of harassing high-profile women such as Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn. Now the group has revealed which politicians they are courting and who is due to attend their meet-up in a Melbourne pub next weekend. The Reddit post about the event reads:

"#GGinMelb is excited to announce that the Federal Director of the Australian Sex Party, Douglas Leitch will be attending the #GGinMelb between 1pm and 2pm to meet with #Gamergate membership and have a chat about ethics, and the issues facing gamers in Australia.

"Fiona Pattern [sic], the current sitting member in the upper chamber of the Victorian State Senate, was unable to attend due to being out of the city that day for another event."​

Leitch ran for the Sex Party in the seat of Gippsland in 2013, getting 2% of the vote, and was made federal director this year. This is the invite, if any Crikey readers feel like they don't know enough about ethics in video game journalism:


Of course, being Gamergate, that's not just any woman to illustrate their invite. The character is Vivian James -- a creation of anti-feminist gamers on 4chan, and her green-and-purple outfit is a reference to an explicit meme about rape (link NSFW -- or life really). We called both Fiona Patten and Douglas Leitch this morning to ask their position on the group, but didn't hear back by deadline.

i am shocked, SHOCKED a party that gave its preferences to one nation is snugglin up to the goobergators


Beggars can't be choosers I suppose (and god knows Gamergate is desperate for any exposure these days) but a failed Sex Party candidate would leave me feeling a little short changed if I was promised a "Victorian politician".


Aaaaand the can goes down the road yet again. Turns out rolling out a national network of any kind is difficult, how about that.

Having only gotten my install letter from NBNCo a week ago I can't say I'm happy to see things like that. Its taken forever to even get to this stage.
I swear all the novelty 'left' parties were deregistered recently. No wonder.

Really, a good many parties, including the Greens, have a major branding/image problem. While the Greens vote is improving rapidly, one of their biggest problems is still their 'brand', which is highly toxic to anyone right of the 'center'.


Second consecutive day of "cabinet is fine" leaks.

Fuck it. Abbott should just start giving different cabinet members different cabinet memos Tyrion Lannister style at this point to find out whose coming for him.

They know who it is, it's more than one person. They can't do anything about it though. Any attempt to move would probably backfire.


They know who it is, it's more than one person. They can't do anything about it though. Any attempt to move would probably backfire.

Yeah you're probably right. Just gotta wait until the whole thing falls apart or things somehow settle down. Abbott has pushed about as hard as he can in the party room without sacking anyone.
So, research shows that young australians are increasingly jobless, unmarried and living with their parents. And that's on top of The Institute of Health and Welfare saying that the dream of home ownership is pretty much dead for most Australians without a home.

Let's not beat around the bush, here, this doesn't look like a problem that can be fixed in a hurry, and the government doesn't have an ideas how to. The ideal of a universal basic income is becoming increasingly appealing by the day.


Looks like The Sex Party have pull...

Actually no. I refuse to to say it.


In early August Fiona Patten MLC was invited to attend a local meeting of gamers. When a scheduling conflict arose Douglas Leitch, Federal Director of the Australian Sex Party, agreed to attend in her stead.

When alerted to the nature of the meeting through a reddit post Mr Leitch withdrew his acceptance of the invitation.

The Australian Sex Party opposes harassment and bullying in any form.


So, research shows that young australians are increasingly jobless, unmarried and living with their parents. And that's on top of The Institute of Health and Welfare saying that the dream of home ownership is pretty much dead for most Australians without a home.

Let's not beat around the bush, here, this doesn't look like a problem that can be fixed in a hurry, and the government doesn't have an ideas how to. The ideal of a universal basic income is becoming increasingly appealing by the day.

Unfortunately no one really has any good solutions to the issue...everything makes this issue worse. The worst part is that you're basically powerless to do anything about it without leaving your city or country, which is basically what I'm going to have to do. You have to go to where the jobs are and increasingly that place is "not Australia".



Will probably get taken down, but it's from here at the moment: http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/city/cabinets/cabinet-functioning-exceptionally-well/1087220908

Unfortunately no one really has any good solutions to the issue...everything makes this issue worse. The worst part is that you're basically powerless to do anything about it without leaving your city or country, which is basically what I'm going to have to do. You have to go to where the jobs are and increasingly that place is "not Australia".

Regarding the real estate specifically, we subsidise real estate investment so heavily that the fix for that is obvious.
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