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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Its probably worth noting that currently these are unsubstantiated allegations. Its pretty pathetic that there's no proper inspection/investigation regime in place though since these are the kinds of things that need to be resolved quickly.

Its not like there isn't form for this though. Some of the ex military/current detention centre bouncers have been out in numbers at reclaim australia rallies. Nevermind the fact that companies like serco who run these kinds of facilities have form also.

I concede that in itself doesn't constitute proof obviously, but its at the point where you actually expect it to happen.



JC Sera

I feel like with the who ice dilemma everyone in power is ignoring reformed ice addicts (& Addiction Experts), who go overseas to get actual care, and say we need such facilities here.
Frontline drug workers saying
It's not uncommon at all, it's really unfortunate. Just last week I was in Albury. I was talking to people that work on the frontline of drug and alcohol, mental health workers, same thing - lack of residential rehab beds, in particular detox beds.

Nah lets just fucking dob the druggies in, will 100% stop the problem, the war on drugs has been always successful in every country it has been instigated in

//end angry rant

I know in reality this a bleeding heart ideal, and spending 1mil on a hotline is highly cheap (especially if it works in any minimal way) in comparison to millions to billions spent on drug rehab centres but,

jesus fuck try to help *people* with no prefix such as "rich" being a prerequisite
what is so hard about that concept for this government

edit: You know what, I take back what I said about Lambies solution b4
if you can get more $$$ rehab centres but have the ability to incarcerate drug addict family members, I'm much much much happier with that than the current governments attitude


Yeah, I was chatting to my girlfriend about this, the only solution is to not try and destroy the suppliers (who will ALWAYS pop up. ALWAYS.) but eliminate demand, and that can only be done with fully funded, government supported treatment regimes. Why can't they fucking see that?
I know in reality this a bleeding heart ideal, and spending 1mil on a hotline is highly cheap

I'm not sure it is. This already exists, it's the whole point of Crimestoppers. Not a knock on you, just classic government pretending to do something instead of funding actual solutions.


Yeah, I was chatting to my girlfriend about this, the only solution is to not try and destroy the suppliers (who will ALWAYS pop up. ALWAYS.) but eliminate demand, and that can only be done with fully funded, government supported treatment regimes. Why can't they fucking see that?

We're tough on crime.

Look how well we're leading.

Government right now is desperately trying to look functional, let alone competent.

Also polling is sliding from bad to fucking nightmarish for the Coalition. Latest Fairfax Ipsos poll predicts they could lose as many as 44 seats were an election held today.
Yeah, I was chatting to my girlfriend about this, the only solution is to not try and destroy the suppliers (who will ALWAYS pop up. ALWAYS.) but eliminate demand, and that can only be done with fully funded, government supported treatment regimes. Why can't they fucking see that?

Conservative governments are all about looking tough on crime. Longer sentences, mandatory sentences, taking judicial judgement away and putting it in the hands of the politicians. Look at any other internet forum or even the Daily Terror, people always complaining about how the judiciary are "out of touch" with community expectations.

Works out well, look at the USA. Completely ridiculous sentencing, 3rd strike laws, a whole minority locked away for life inside the prison industry often for very minor crimes. Actually kind of reminds me how we lock up the Aboriginal people at grossly out of proportion levels.
The funny thing is that one of the reasons we have a judiciary is because short run community expectations are frequently moronic (the number of major crimes in which people freak out about strangers that are generally committed by strangers does not overlap anywhere near as much as it should, people are terrible about measuring extremes (small chances, high dangers, etc) and are disturbingly driven by emotion. If anything when you step back the judiciary tends to be overly favorable to the prosecution , as do the police because they generally see themselves as working for the public against criminals. In fairness the community does tend to recognise this in the long run which is why we try to have an independent judiciary and multiple appeals channels.


A hotline to sob in drug dealers is the most useless shit ever.

At most you'll catch mid level lackeys, and either way as long as there's demand for the drug there'll be someone willing to step up. They're applying their dumb arse supply side ideology to everything!

Surely money would be better spent in rehab centres for poor people, or looking at underlying issues behind drug abuse like youth unemployment and mental health problems in regional areas.


Tony trying to talk jobs and national security, keeps getting questions on Dyson and marriage equality.

No ability to change the conversation.

Meanwhile a group of MPs from all parties and persuasions stand together in Parliament proposing something the majority of the public wants, but is a dead bill.

The optics from this ain't gonna be good.
Trying to work out who's in the picture.

Back Row (L-.R): No idea, Entsh (LNP), Griggs (CLP)
Next row down (L-R): Gambaro(LNP), Wilke (IND), Bandt(GRN), Ferguson(ALP)
Next row down(L-R): Roy (LNP), McGowan(IND), Graham Something(ALP), Swannie(ALP)
Last dude: Can't remember his name but he's Victorian I think(ALP)
Newspoll for Canning by-election.

Lib 51 v ALP 49 10.8% swing to Labor for 2013. Tones and probably Colin Barnett will be getting nervous.

Looks like the Libs are pre selecting an army officer, not real subtle.


Newspoll for Canning by-election.

Lib 51 v ALP 49 10.8% swing to Labor for 2013. Tones and probably Colin Barnett will be getting nervous.

Looks like the Libs are pre selecting an army officer, not real subtle.

Holy hell; Canning has been a safe Liberal seat since the end of last century.


Watching some late night QandA. Who is this Katy Faust.

She talked to a woman on a plane and now she's against gay marriage too; don't you see?

Yeah she and O'Neill came off like huge pieces of shit. I can't remember the last Q&A where I thought "oh thank god one of the politicians is speaking again".


She talked to a woman on a plane and now she's against gay marriage too; don't you see?

Yeah she and O'Neill came off like huge pieces of shit. I can't remember the last Q&A where I thought "oh thank god one of the politicians is speaking again".

Yeah, their arguments seemed... illogical to put it kindly.


Latika Bourke would be there too, yes?

On a lighter note, I'd probably also include Mark Humphries:

Yeah, their arguments seemed... illogical to put it kindly.
They were two horrible guests, to be honest... and if anything both put their cause back several decades (where it should be). But I thought both Richard Di Natale and Sam Dastyari (who, to be honest, I'd never really heard of until last night) made up for their sheer idiocy and ignorance. O'Dwyer didn't do herself any favours either, attempting to (and failing miserably) bring down the Greens, with Di Natale shutting her down brilliantly.

It was both a frustrating and satisfying Q&A. Shame only 2/5 of it counted towards the latter.

Edit: Holy shit:
Faust had her only ally in Brendan O'Neill, a British writer whose ability to get on your nerves is so pronounced that mosquitoes must find him annoying. Ricky Gervais would play this bloke in a movie.
From here.


I lol'd:

Six police cars, six fire trucks and a hazmat unit have been called to the office of Liberal MP Craig Laundy after he received an envelope full of glitter from same-sex marriage campaigners.

The emergency response was triggered after staff at the Member for Reid's Sydney office mistook the package for a suspicious substance.

Activist organisation GetUp! has been sending the envelopes to government MPs who blocked a free vote on same-sex marriage in what it is calling a "glitter protest".

In an angry post on his Facebook page, Mr Laundy posted pictures of fire trucks and police cars parked outside his office.

The modern incarnation of glitter has been around for decades and, among other things, has featured in fancy dress, school projects, parades and make-up in the nineties. Glitter is also the name of a 2001 film starring Mariah Carey.

Glitter has been used as a tool in a non-violent act of protest known as 'glitter-bombing'.

It is unclear whether or not this is the first time glitter has triggered an emergency response.

Mr Laundy said the envelope "was unopened but it clearly had a powder-like substance inside. The police dealt with the matter accordingly."


The GetUp letter (it was sent to about 100 senators and MPs):



Hahahahaha that's my MP.

It's a safe Labor seat that went Coalition by three points last election, so combine general swing with this incident and that might have been a mistake on his part.



Environment groups will be forbidden from challenging large developments in court as the Abbott government scales up its attack on activists that take on large projects that threaten the environment.

Attorney-General George Brandis will move to repeal a section of Australia's environment laws that allows conservationists to challenge environment approvals for mining projects and other large developments.

Certainly not surprised given recent whining.
Hopefully Labor doesn't actually let this one through, especially if they're actually serious about the 50% renewables goal. Considering mining is declining in general, Labor has little reason to prop up a dying industry. The mine in question probably won't even be financially viable to go ahead, anyway, and there's still that other court case, which won't be resolved until next year.

Also, I am amused by Brandis' use of the phrase 'vigilante litigation', because despite him being, you know, one of the highest law officers in the land, that's not what 'vigilante' means, and he should know it.


Labor's going to try and bypass Abbott using the Senate and recommend to the Governor General to boot Heydon himself.

Looks like we're guaranteed another interesting week.
Labor's going to try and bypass Abbott using the Senate and recommend to the Governor General to boot Heydon himself.

Looks like we're guaranteed another interesting week.

That's interesting. Only need Labor, the Greens and I think 3-4 of the crossbench to make 39. Not sure who the 4 would be, you can probably rule out Day and Leyonhjelm. Palmer would probably like to screw over Abbot so add Wang, I suspect the brick would be on board for 2 and Muir is a union man at heart so 3 for 38

Actually 38 enough as the speaker is LIB?

The other 3 Xenophon, Madigan and Lambie could go either way so it could be how they are feeling on the day.


That's interesting. Only need Labor, the Greens and I think 3-4 of the crossbench to make 39. Not sure who the 4 would be, you can probably rule out Day and Leyonhjelm. Palmer would probably like to screw over Abbot so add Wang, I suspect the brick would be on board for 2 and Muir is a union man at heart so 3 for 38

Actually 38 enough as the speaker is LIB?

The other 3 Xenophon, Madigan and Lambie could go either way so it could be how they are feeling on the day.

I'd be very curious as to whether the Labor whip in the Senate has already figured this out or not. If they know they have the numbers it could be quite the ambush for the Libs tomorrow.

Edit; Lambie has already called for his sacking.


Senator Lambie has been critical of Justice Heydon’s suppression of a secret report from the commission.

“Specifically, I refer to his secret corruption report that he’s shared with the Prime Minister, his staff, Senator Abetz, his staff, all the Premiers of Australia’s states and their staff — but has refused to share with the crossbench senators,” she said.


I'd be very curious as to whether the Labor whip in the Senate has already figured this out or not. If they know they have the numbers it could be quite the ambush for the Libs tomorrow.

Good luck to them. Let's hope this witch hunt ends soon.
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