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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Tony has a style for crisis management you can begin to see after a while.

First, outright rejection/outrage and obstinance. Heydon's an impeccable individual and this is just the Unions and Bill Shorten making stuff up, he will not stand down. Bronwyn Bishop is a wonderful parliamentarian and this is just village gossip. The ABC has gone too far, heads will roll.

Then, weeks of silence.

Then the tone moderates. The Royal Commission will continue regardless of Heydon's decision. Bronwyn Bishop is on probation. Q&A can have frontbenchers on if they move to news.

Then capitulation. Bishop resigns. Frydenburg goes on Q&A. Heydon who knows. I'm guessing Canning has complicated things.
It's obvious, but once you really notice the above, you can pick the patterns anywhere. While I was getting my breakfast I saw some speech ol' Tone was giving and via the teletext on their TV I noticed a few things about his view on the union investigation thing:
* Three c-words. Might've been Corruption, Collusion and... something else.
* Two d-words. I can't remember what those were either.

But he just can't back away from these slogans, and it frustrates the living hell out of me. If he said the same thing and delivered it the way a normal person speaks, that'd be tolerable. But he just pines for rhetoric. But I guess by this definition, he achieves it:

language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.


It's obvious, but once you really notice the above, you can pick the patterns anywhere.

Not directly related, but it reminds me of this article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/opi...abinet-decisions/story-e6frg6zo-1227491962210

Especially this bit:

On Tuesday last week, Abbott emerged from hours of partyroom debate to hold a 10pm press conference and outline two options: a free vote in the next parliament or a “people’s vote” after the election. He said the “disposition” was a popular vote and added: “We have not finalised a position.” (The transcript for this press conference is not on the Prime Minister’s website.) On Wednesday last week Abbott’s language changed. The popular vote became a “strong disposition” of the partyroom. On Thursday it was a “decision” by the partyroom. By Monday it was a “very strong decision”.
Random visa checks in Melbourne CBD. Go Border Force go!


What the fuck? What in the actual fuck? They can't be serious.

Brownshirts? We really are only one step away from Abbott starting to attend pressers in a military uniform, a funny hat and a chestful of fake medals. Generalissimo Abbott.


I just wish I could remember the exact phrasing. It bypassed humour and went straight to frustrating.

Edit: Here.
* Rorts, rackets and rip-offs (twice he said that within a matter of seconds)
* Corruption and criminality

From two weeks ago:
TONY ABBOTT: This Royal commission is necessary because of the rorts, rackets and rip-offs which have been exposed inside the union movement.


This has to be some sort of sick joke. They're actually going to go out and just target foreign people despite the fact that the most likely candidates for visa overstays are British backpackers and the like (given the sheer volume of them).

By foreign I mean not Anglo-white, obviously...because I'm sure they'll check up on Aboriginal people.


This has to be some sort of sick joke. They're actually going to go out and just target foreign people despite the fact that the most likely candidates for visa overstays are British backpackers and the like (given the sheer volume of them).

They've backpedaled now and said they're not stopping random people, despite having said exactly that earlier.


UofA Socialist Alternative tried to have a barbecue today. Pretty pathetic turnout, having a bunch of people stop everyone that walked by and asking them if they wanted halal meat was probably most of the problem. Lots of other clubs just serve halal food without talking about it and people actually turn up.

Felt a small amount of pity this time
Not with strong opposition like this leading the public outrage against it:


Can't expect much from "Don't rock the boat" Shorten.

There is a presser coming up where I expect them to backpedal at the speed of light where I imagine they will say Borderforce are only there as backup and Vic police will be the face of the operation. "Don't look at the Armed men in the background, where are your papers sir?"

Edit: Double Cancelled. lol

A big impromptu protest has sprung up outside of Flinders st Station.
Its still pretty impressive that someone can release a media report about checking papers in conjunction with using the words "social cohesion" and not think this may be a bad idea. That's the kind of terrible planning that takes real talent.


Looking forward to seeing how the Tele reports this in the morning.

Also I imagine the guy who decided to promote the operation has turned his phone off and gone for a walk.
Looking forward to seeing how the Tele reports this in the morning.

Also I imagine the guy who decided to promote the operation has turned his phone off and gone for a walk.

I imagine you can get a good idea by looking at the The Australian's comments sections. Where apparently respect for civil liberties is progressive naivety that endangers the community and it is an entirely reasonable expectation for people to always be carrying government identification.


I imagine you can get a good idea by looking at the The Australian's comments sections. Where apparently respect for civil liberties is progressive naivety that endangers the community and it is an entirely reasonable expectation for people to always be carrying government identification.

People who believe in rule of law are indeed naive.

Unlike people who think this operation was anything other than militaristic masturbation. Announcing the details of who, what and where you're targeting in a national press release before the operation commences is how you get results.


Thought so. He's already sabotaged mental health programs in his previous job, so why not go after suspected immigrants with a bit of healthy racial profiling.


Thought so. He's already sabotaged mental health programs in his previous job, so why not go after suspected immigrants with a bit of healthy racial profiling.

Best succinct description I've heard is that Dutton is a man who looks like he locks his keys in his car once a week.

Edit; and the fun just never stops;

I think it was Qanda a few weeks ago but someone was talking about quotas and the Coalition Frontbench, probably that angry man from Spike, Brenden something. He was saying that any woman who made the government front bench would never be sure if it was talent or just the quota that was responsible for her promotion. Someone else piped up saying having seen the Coalition front bench it was clear some of the men there weren't there on talent. I almost fell off my chair laughing at that point thinking of Dutton.

I understand Queensland needs some level of representation on the front bench but surely there is someone else somewhere with even a modicum of ability that could outrank him.

Hon Karen Andrews - ?
Hon Mal Brough - Liar
Scott Buchholz - ?
George Christensen - Nutter
Hon Steve Ciobo - Likely
Hon Peter Dutton - Potato
Hon Warren Entsch - Not onboard the Abbott Train
Hon Teresa Gambaro - Not onboard the Abbott Train
Luke Howarth - ?
Ewen Jones - ?
Dr Andrew Laming - A doctor, probably too smart
Michelle Landry - ?
Hon Ian Macfarlane - All aboard the Abbott train
Ken O'Dowd - ?
Keith Pitt - ?
Jane Prentice - ?
Hon Stuart Robert - ?
Wyatt Roy - Not onboard the Abbott Train and in with Brough
Hon Bruce Scott - Maybe seen as impartial?
Hon Warren Truss - Who? Never heard of him. Did he escape from the local old folks home?
Bert van Manen - ?
Ross Vasta - ?
Pleased to see Victoria is leaving the Fed Govt to stand alone on this one.

Did Victoria's government become awesome out of nowhere recently? From being out of state the first I heard of them lately was the premier weighing in on the gayby thing and now not backing this nonsense.
Bet the Libs are regretting running a militaristic law and order candidate in Canning now.

Unlikely. Canning should be a fairly safe Liberal seat (and thus significantly different in general demographic to central Melbourne). Canning is only competitive because the Coalition poll numbers are abysmal but its demographic makeup is likely pretty pro military and law and order campaigning.
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