All we have to do is find someone who power doesn't corrupt and then
Shitty joke, but this guy has a point. It's legit fucking difficult to actual be a good politician. To even be in a position of power in the first place, you have to understand power and understand how to use it, almost definitely stepping on a bunch of toes to get there.
You have to have a good broad understanding of political philosophy and political history, but also have an excellent feel for the mood in the here and now.
You have to be an active fund raiser for your party and yourself, but have the integrity not to let these funds affect your political judgement, which in short amounts to asking people to give you money for nothing.
You have to be able to position yourself such that the work of thousands of people in the public service appears to have be directed by you, but still command their respect such that they continue to do that work.
You have to make bad people feel good about themselves.
You have to placate dozens of competing interests, none of whom you can satisfy completely. Some of those interests control the majority of the press. Some of those interests fund your party campaigns. Some of those interests fund your enemies but have the ear of the people. Some of those interests genuinely need your help but helping them too much damages your ability to help them at all.
You have to think on your feet and deal with conflict loving press and social media every day about every issue. You have to be able to speak convincingly about world issues, economics, and morality.
You are oncall 24/7 for every major world event, every significant death, any event that captures the imagination of the people. Whatever it is, you must be across it and you must make a statement within hours, likely having to answer questions from the press about a subject which 24 hours ago you had no knowledge of.
And you have to do all this amid people bitching and moaning every six months about how much you get paid.
Smart doesn't really cover it.