You said you didn't want to downplay this, but to me downplaying this is exactly what you're doing. AFAIK I haven't been mentioned by Bolt, although even if I was how does that affect anything?
See now what is happening when the shoe is on the other foot? Accusations of reaching. Wondering why gender is being brought into the equation.
If the line is whether or not something is explicitly gendered, then here's another Hansard extract, from Julia Gillard:
Speaking of insensitive..."
Why would you say that about a female MP?
Even so, the comparative reaction is still way off-balance. You know why I had to link to Hansard? Because this is not being reported anywhere. Absolutely anywhere.
I should've made the more apt comparisons I wanted to make, like to Tony Abbott winking or that damn menu thing that a family printed out or the meow to Penny Wong. Journalists went nuts over those.
You said you didn't want to downplay this, but to me downplaying this is exactly what you're doing.
AFAIK I haven't been mentioned by Bolt
See now what is happening when the shoe is on the other foot? Accusations of reaching. Wondering why gender is being brought into the equation.
Even so, the comparative reaction is still way off-balance. You know why I had to link to Hansard? Because this is not being reported anywhere. Absolutely anywhere.
I should've made the more apt comparisons I wanted to make, like to Tony Abbott winking or that damn menu thing that a family printed out or the meow to Penny Wong. Journalists went nuts over those.
Queensland Police Commissioner Ian Stewart is looking at ways to better protect domestic violence victims after three horrific deaths and one attempted murder in just four days, allegedly at the hands of former partners and a parent.
Two women were killed on the Gold Coast this week, a six-year-old girl was allegedly murdered by her father in Brisbane's north and a woman was lucky to survive a machete attack in Wacol.
One of the Gold Coast victims, Tara Brown, 24, was killed less than a week after she sought help from police, only to be turned away.
The young mother was allegedly run off the road by her ex-partner and repeatedly bashed with a metal plate while trapped in her upturned car on Tuesday.
Her ex-partner and alleged former bikie Lionel Patea, 24, was charged with attempted murder, but that is expected to soon be upgraded to murder.
When was that taken? Recently?Yeah, it's pretty bad. This screenshot of the Brisbane times front page did the rounds a fair bit:
Male violence is pretty bad.
Maybe if he would just shut his fat trap for a moment, he'd have time to deal with things like this.Take it up with the Minister for Women though I dare say he has a bit on his plate at the moment.
A daily reminder this was set up at the start of the year
200 million cut to domestic abuse by this government, IIRC
while they awarded Rosie Batty australian of the year
never fucking forget
When was that taken? Recently?
how did abbott get elected again
like for a moment, did the country what a stupid backwards sexist racist fuckwit he was?
how did abbott get elected again
like for a moment, did the country what a stupid backwards sexist racist fuckwit he was?
I hate this country so much, but the main reason I hate it is because I know it can do so so so so so much more better
how did abbott get elected again
like for a moment, did the country what a stupid backwards sexist racist fuckwit he was?
I hate this country so much, but the main reason I hate it is because I know it can do so so so so so much more better
As much as I hate him, Abbott was a great opposition leader (helped along hugely by a lazy and pathetic media). It's just that he's utterly failed to transfer that to being a Prime Minister, and even the almost explicit backing by our major media organisations are now failing to cover up his gaping shortcomings.
I think Bill Shorten said it best when he referred to him as the 'Opposition Leader-in-exile'.
Everybody knew they'd be pricks.
Nobody thought they'd be this incompetent.
Howard's Government were a bunch of pricks, but I guess they had Keating's booming economy to ride on so never had to make hard decisions.
Given what I know now and given everything that's happened, I'd still have voted the same way I did back in 2013.
*Braces himself*
wellGiven what I know now and given everything that's happened, I'd still have voted the same way I did back in 2013.
*Braces himself*
at this point I'd rather turnball takeover > shorten
so I can't 100% blame you for that sentiment
Given what I know now and given everything that's happened, I'd still have voted the same way I did back in 2013.
*Braces himself*
Greens need to get their act together. One more year of Abbott and they could see some people defecting to them.
They had a booming economy before the mining boom.I wouldn't exactly call a mining boom Keating doing but he was definitely a pretty awesome treasurer.
I'd almost agree with thatwell
at this point I'd rather turnball takeover > shorten
so I can't 100% blame you for that sentiment
Shorten is a visionless, poor performing career politician with nothing to offer Australia. He's a pathetic debater, poor public speaker, shows no spine, has no principles (stabbed both Labor PMs) and is a massive drag on Labor.why?
Let's be fair here Labor's leadership merry go round and constant destabilization from certain people within completely cannibalized them.
the only time shorten has ever shown anything close to character and a spine is that pub video, which felt like an engineered stunt in hopes of viral spread, almost as to copy the success of gillard's sexism speechwhy?
I mean the last time Turnbull tried to break ranks we ended up with AbbottTurnbull, as nice as he is, would ultimately be constrained by the hardline right-wing of the Coalition in so many ways. That, and he crippled the NBN, though I imagine it's partly due to him being forced to toe the line.
Turnbull is responsible for gutting the NBN, which would have been the greatest government infrastructure program ever in Australia, with hugely positive effects for the country for decades to come.
All so he could allow Foxtel to have a few more years without real competition. And it's not like he doesn't understand what FTTP would have done for Australia, as I suspect is the case with most of the Liberal Party dinosaurs; he has his own money invested in FTTP in France.
The man is a fucking traitor.
We had an economic boom, followed by a mining boom, combined with selling (in today's dollars) $200m+ in government assets, and yet now the country and government are in massive debt. Labor spent just the last few bucks in the bank to avoid a recession during the GFC (and Rudd tried to save a little cash with the mining and carbon taxes, but we all know how that went).But, yeah, the whole neoliberal "debt is bad mkay" dogma is infuriating. Howard and Costello, in hindsight, were probably the most fiscally irresponsible PM and treasurer duo in Australian history.
turnbull is great if you're a young white male investment banker looking to grind the poors into the dust
A traditional owner of Cape York, Gerhardt Pearson, has also criticised Mr Dutton's comment.
"We are constantly burdened with the view espoused by the likes of Dutton; it's one of soft bigotry and low expectations, and it continues to dominate policy responses," he said in a statement.
"Dutton's joke using this tired old stereotype reminds me of how white superintendents ran our lives dressed in their safari jackets and white helmets, pipe in their mouths, hands in their pockets and how they would look down at my hard-working grandfather, mother or brother, as if they were his slaves."
Aboriginal Labor senator Nova Peris interpreted the comment as a sign "Tony Abbott and the Liberals don't take north Australia very seriously".
The Prime Minister has recently visited Cape York as part of his week in remote Indigenous communities.
Senator Peris said the references to "Cape York time" and "water lapping at your door" were disrespectful and made "a mockery of their [the Government's] commitment to north Australia".
Wtf is wrong with Mackay
I know two people who came from there that said its an absolute shit hole
and then theres the whole fucking rapist police
also sorry about my turnbull comments I forgot about the whole NBN thing, ugh
Well I guess there'll always be people against equality, science, freedoms and good management.Given what I know now and given everything that's happened, I'd still have voted the same way I did back in 2013.
*Braces himself*
I have quite a few family members in Mackay, nice enough people, vote almost straight Labor, and agree with many of their policies in governance (which is quite surprising considering they work in a very highly specialised, very high paying mining field), they just have real problems with foreigners.
Their views (at least on immigrants, they're considered practically socialists by their friends) are symptomatic of many who live in the city. George Christensen, while slightly more extreme, really isn't that far off your average voter in his electorate.
I think that there was a map showing the viewpoints of voters in their electorates on a whole range of issues. North Queensland is far and away the most xenophobic area in Australia.
Well I guess there'll always be people against equality, science, freedoms and good management.
How many fish and chip shops per capita are there in Mackay? How many are run by redheads?
Good questions, no idea what they have to do with what I've said.
Exactly. Turnbull can't risk taking any substantive action on anything remotely moderate or progressive without a right-wing revolt.I mean the last time Turnbull tried to break ranks we ended up with Abbott
We had an economic boom, followed by a mining boom, combined with selling (in today's dollars) $200m+ in government assets, and yet now the country and government are in massive debt. Labor spent just the last few bucks in the bank to avoid a recession during the GFC (and Rudd tried to save a little cash with the mining and carbon taxes, but we all know how that went).
Howard and Costello were like irresponsible lottery winners who got drunk and kept spending even while the winnings were drying up.
Yeah you're right. I've been reading some detention centre stuff and probably over reacted.To be fair, the last labor government had descended into farce after multiple rudd challenges. An Abbott government is a high price to pay, but if it produces a more settled, responsible labor government that can win in 2016 and keep the neocons out for a decade or more, it might be a necessary evil.
Australia needs to see how bad an ideological, anti science demagogue can be in order to make a sensible choice next time.
Don't get me wrong: if you voted for Abbott you're a fucking moron, but it might not be all bad if people pay attention.
Well I guess there'll always be people against equality, science, freedoms and good management.
Someone has to be against all that stuff. If not me, then who? :S