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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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That he doesn't just tell them to STFU after his speech about homophobia in schools the other day speaks volumes to me about how vulnerable he is within his party.

Its not just his party. He has to keep the Nats on side too or they risk losing government (they Libs don't have a a majority in their own right) and if he loses government he's not keeping leadership.

His position is awful and Abbott & Co know it and are working it (admittedly incompetently).


Daniel Andrews deserves some credit for standing up for Safe Schools.


I would quote from the post but my phone won't let me. But you should definitely read it.

Here it is:

The Liberals now plan to “investigate” (meaning: ultimately shut down) the Safe Schools Coalition, a program that looks after teenagers who are getting bullied at school.
Take a guess.
Because this particular program is designed to help a particular group of teenagers: those who are attracted to the same-sex.
After all, they’re far more likely to get bullied at school – and this program is designed to make them feel safe.
Now some Liberals have discovered it, and want to see the end of it.
Here’s what I think.
Schools have to be a safe place for every kid – no exceptions.
Teachers have to be given the tools to deal with every situation – no excuses.
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with this effective little program, which achieves the above two aims and nothing more.
But let’s be honest here: I don’t think these extreme Liberals are actually offended by the structure of the program, or the teachers who lead it.
I just think they’re offended by the kids who need it.
They don’t like the fact that some young people might be different.
And I’m sick of it.
I’m sick of Liberal politicians telling our kids that there’s something wrong with them – when there isn’t.
I’m sick of Liberal politicians trying to push us all back, whenever we all take a few steps forward.
Cory Bernadi says teenagers are too young to know about love and care and acceptance.
Well, I can assure you, Senator: they know a whole lot more about it than you.




How come Australia will happily put a sick 1 year old baby on a plane, but not a 70 year old bishop who covered for pedophiles?
WTF. Never thought of it like that.

Edit: Not sure what this is during, possibly just an interview outside parliament?

That's Bernardi interjecting there.
WTF. Never thought of it like that.

Edit: Not sure what this is during, possibly just an interview outside parliament?

That's Bernardi interjecting there.
Yes. Corgi Saint Bernardi interrupted Bill Shorten while walking past Shorten's press conference outside of Parliament House. Shorten couldn't have hoped for anything better.
Why they haven't muzzled that mutt is a mystery to me.

I don't think they can.

As your previous post said, most of Turnbull's supporters come from marginal seats or were ignored under Abbott while the likes of Bernardi, Abetz and Christensen either have the number 1 senate place locked up long term or come from seats out in whoop whoop with huge margins. This has enabled these nutters to say whatever the hell they want knowing Turnbull is hanging on by the skin of his teeth.



Both of Australia’s major political parties have explicitly rejected a Senate motion calling on the Government to support public use of strong encryption technologies, in a move that comes in the wake of the US Government’s demand that Apple provide it with a backdoor for open access to its iPhone handset.

Yesterday in the Senate, Greens Senator and Communications Spokesperson Scott Ludlam (pictured) moved a motion dealing with encryption technology.

The motion called upon the Senate to note that strong digital encryption protects the personal and financial information of millions of people; that encryption is an important tool to prevent identity theft and other crime; that encryption ensures that public interest whistleblowers, journalists and other civil society actors can conduct their activities more securely; and that the Government, through services such as Medicare and Centrelink, and digital platforms such as myGov, depends on encryption to keep client information safe.

The motion also called upon the Senate to note that any decrease in public trust in digital systems and services will present an obstacle to the Government’s agile innovation agenda”.

Secondly, it called upon the Federal Government to “support the continued development and use of strong encryption technologies; resist any push from other governments to weaken encryption on personal devices; and work with law enforcement to develop alternative avenues to obtain information through warrants and targeted surveillance that does not put every Australian at greater risk of identity theft.”

The motion was defeated, with only the Greens and independent Senators Lambie, Leyonhjelm, Wang, Lazarus, Muir and Xenophon voting for it. Both Labor and the Coalition voted against the motion.

Not shoked at all. Though given politicians use of encrypted messaging like telegram its pretty galling.


You twit you interrupted his fucking presser to call him a fraud

man doesn't it feel bad to be called names, cory? weird. it's like bullying sucks or something.
Which seat is she gunning for?


Currently a Liberal seat but it has been dramatically reshaped so that it's now nominally 5% to Labor. Taken in a lot of Albo's seat.

Edit: In 1925 the labor member for Barton was defeated and then murdered by the Nationalist candidate! Learn something new every day.



Currently a Liberal seat but it has been dramatically reshaped so that it's now nominally 5% to Labor. Taken in a lot of Albo's seat.

Edit: In 1925 the labor member for Barton was defeated and then murdered by the Nationalist candidate! Learn something new every day.

Holy shit. Someone should make a movie about Thomas Ley.

I don't know if there's video of this segment but god damn.

I love that all the example "shitty jobs" they chose generally require some form of certification, lots of experience, or both. There was a time when I would have killed for a bar job, and was so happy just to manage somehow to get a job at KFC. The only example of a "shitty job" that's actually out there that I can think of that people don't want to do are strip joint and pamphlet delivery jobs. Those are the only places consistently hiring that don't require experience. I'm so sick of seeing this dumb dole bludger shit, why not write an article about how full time jobs are disappearing and there aren't enough to go round?

/end rant
I love that all the example "shitty jobs" they chose generally require some form of certification, lots of experience, or both. There was a time when I would have killed for a bar job, and was so happy just to manage somehow to get a job at KFC. The only example of a "shitty job" that's actually out there that I can think of that people don't want to do are strip joint and pamphlet delivery jobs. Those are the only places consistently hiring that don't require experience. I'm so sick of seeing this dumb dole bludger shit, why not write an article about how full time jobs are disappearing and there aren't enough to go round?

/end rant
But that won't make their readership feel better about themselves...


I love that all the example "shitty jobs" they chose generally require some form of certification, lots of experience, or both.

I love that they assume they weren't looking at a bunch of bartenders or restaurant staff whose shifts weren't starting later in the afternoon/at night.

You know, the times when bars and restaurants actually get busy.


i had a shitty pamphlet job for like three years. when they say shitty, they mean it. i got like 40 a week for about 3 or 4 hour's of work I think all up. Which is okay, since I was in high school and any money was money, I guess.


I had a newspaper round in high school and it paid for my footy card addiction. Fucking pointless in the end.

The transition period out of education in a more academic rather than practical field (e.g. astronomy rather than engineering) into employment takes a large toll if you are forced into low skilled fields in the interim (retail).

Of course Ive been lucky to be in a productive area for the best part of 8 years though now that is getting shut down too, progressively. Shaneus might know what I mean so if that's the case and you remember, please keep quiet about the specifics. :)

Studying for a new profession started this week. Not really a comforting thing to think about at 35 but at least it will be meaningful.
You know the government is fumbling about when even the press has noticed that Mal has broken his promise to elevate the political discussion and reverted back to his predecessor's tactics.

Also, Bernardi got called a "homophobic dinosaur" in the senate, and when he tried to complain, the Chairperson basically told him "that's fairly polite compared to stuff I've heard in this chamber, suck it up you big baby".



Senator Bullock told News Corp it was a terrible program.

"This program is so narrowly focused on homosexual issues that it doesn't provide the sort of balance one would hope," he said.

What exactly is the balance one would hope for? Is the balance "Actually go ahead and bully the poofters they're all shit anyway"? Cos that's what the opposite of the program would appear to be


I love that all the example "shitty jobs" they chose generally require some form of certification, lots of experience, or both. There was a time when I would have killed for a bar job, and was so happy just to manage somehow to get a job at KFC. The only example of a "shitty job" that's actually out there that I can think of that people don't want to do are strip joint and pamphlet delivery jobs. Those are the only places consistently hiring that don't require experience. I'm so sick of seeing this dumb dole bludger shit, why not write an article about how full time jobs are disappearing and there aren't enough to go round?

/end rant

I don't know what you're talking about. I mean it's not like every entry level job these days is looking for someone under 30 with 20 years of experience, two PhDs and a Nobel Laureate. Just 99% of them.



hi acl let me tell you about this wonderful thing called 'hyperlinking'. could probably six degrees of seperation my way from an acl page to hardcore pornography in about twenty seconds don't you think?


hi acl let me tell you about this wonderful thing called 'hyperlinking'. could probably six degrees of seperation my way from an acl page to hardcore pornography in about twenty seconds don't you think?

You can easily link via a single step the ACL to the pedophile priests running amok in the country. No need to even go to six degrees of separation.
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