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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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hi acl let me tell you about this wonderful thing called 'hyperlinking'. could probably six degrees of seperation my way from an acl page to hardcore pornography in about twenty seconds don't you think?

Since they are likely freaking out on their website as well, they are probably n+1 away from all of the above anyway (maybe n+1.5 if they declined to hyperlink and just used text).


And so Turnbull goes forward with wasting a shit-tonne of money beyond that lemon the JSF.

So much for cutting expenditure Treasurer.


Yeah there's blood in the water so Turnbull like Abbott before him will lean on emphasising defence.

Couldn't save Abbott. I doubt it'll save Turnbull. It's too against brand for him.


It's amazing when you think about it. Six months in with the "new" government we're back to being bereft of any ideas for economic reform, scary flag pressers and attempting to fight a losing battle on LGBTQ issues.
It's amazing when you think about it. Six months in with the "new" government we're back to being bereft of any ideas for economic reform, scary flag pressers and attempting to fight a losing battle on LGBTQ issues.

I sort of doubt this was Turnbull's plan. He under(?)estimated just how willing the Right would be to fuck the party in order to hurt him (and likely how god damn bad they'd be at , such that they embarrass the Party and themselves without it really sticking to him which just makes them try harder).


I don't know what Turnbull's plan was honestly but probably not this.

Turn the country into a talking shop for 12 months until he got the Parliament he liked?
I don't know what Turnbull's plan was honestly but probably not this.

Turn the country into a talking shop for 12 months until he got the Parliament he liked?

I think his plan was to hope the Right (and Nats) would be pleased enough with the concessions he gave them to shut up until the next election. In the mean time he starts several policy discussions to look like he's doing something without actually having to do anything. Pass Senate Voting Reform. Pass a traditional pre-election budget (middle class welfare wooo, be cagey about anything unpopular, rule out some incredibly stupid shit that would be political suicide to do, etc) and then go to the polls. At that point he either gets back in (with what he hopes) is a more tractable Senate and a clear mandate (so that the Right get told to STFU) or he loses (and he's done).

But he'd have been able to count on a relatively clean-ish period before home and the honeymoon bounce combined with not being Tony Abbott to probably win at least the House and get a Senate where he had less varied crossbenchers to deal with.


The party right is one thing, but I get a real chuckle about how after basically giving into all their demands the Nats still tried to fuck him on the Ian Macfarlane defection.

With friends like these.
The same lot that knocked off the GST rise from within the party are now going after the the negative gearing limits Turnbull/Morrison were looking to propose. Tax plan version 64712 is now to partially adopt Labor's Tobacco excise rise and just cut the guts out of everything even further to fund tiny tax cuts.

So Turnbull has scared backbenchers controlling the reform conversation solely based on keeping their jobs on one side and the right going completely mental about something only one school has a problem with on the other. One out of 750+ or so who are participating. George Christensen, who hasn't said anything stupid in a least a couple of days when he launched a website for moderate muslims, has also weighed in comparing safe-schools to child grooming.

It ain't as easy as he thought it would be!



I think his plan was to hope the Right (and Nats) would be pleased enough with the concessions he gave them to shut up until the next election. In the mean time he starts several policy discussions to look like he's doing something without actually having to do anything. Pass Senate Voting Reform. Pass a traditional pre-election budget (middle class welfare wooo, be cagey about anything unpopular, rule out some incredibly stupid shit that would be political suicide to do, etc) and then go to the polls. At that point he either gets back in (with what he hopes) is a more tractable Senate and a clear mandate (so that the Right get told to STFU) or he loses (and he's done).

But he'd have been able to count on a relatively clean-ish period before home and the honeymoon bounce combined with not being Tony Abbott to probably win at least the House and get a Senate where he had less varied crossbenchers to deal with.
If his plan was to set up a parliament that allows him to effect change, I kind of respect that.

As opposed to Johnny Howard who, outside of gun control and workchoices, basically just did anything he could to get re-elected so he could maintain power and run his little under-the-radar 'privatise everything' pet pieces. Also proven by how the coconut fucked over Costello and because of that ultimately the party in order to maintain his own personal power.


Yeah there's blood in the water so Turnbull like Abbott before him will lean on emphasising defence.

Couldn't save Abbott. I doubt it'll save Turnbull. It's too against brand for him.
I honestly didn't think Labor would have a shot at Government until at least the election AFTER 2016. But it's all just come crashing down now.



The same lot that knocked off the GST rise from within the party are now going after the the negative gearing limits Turnbull/Morrison were looking to propose. Tax plan version 64712 is now to partially adopt Labor's Tobacco excise rise and just cut the guts out of everything even further to fund tiny tax cuts.
This is great news they won't be able to go to the next election with an NG compromise to hold onto some votes. Wouldn't be surprised if negative gearing is one of the major issues coming up, old people with a billion investment properties are dying out.
This is great news they won't be able to go to the next election with an NG compromise to hold onto some votes. Wouldn't be surprised if negative gearing is one of the major issues coming up, old people with a billion investment properties are dying out.

That just means middle aged people are inheriting them. One might even end up being their first home.


I honestly didn't think Labor would have a shot at Government until at least the election AFTER 2016. But it's all just come crashing down now.


It's remarkable to think isn't it. Labor never wanted Turnbull in because his popularity would doom ALP to another term on the opposition benches. Turns out Turnbull can't even manage his own party's predilection for fear mongering hate policy so no amount of techno-wank dreams of "exciting times" can overcome the internal resistance.

Amazing to think ALP is in this position, unlike most oppositions, by introducing policy. Even including carbon tax/CPRS again. Could you imagine the LNP going to the election in 2010 with Workchoices?
Mal Brough not re-contesting the next election, dirty grubby little man. Love to see him go to prison. This Friday's taking out trash story, becoming a regular occurrence under Turnbull.

http://www.corybernardi.com.au/ It's surprising! C'mon Cory make sure you register the .com.au/.net/org names as well.


Amazing to think ALP is in this position, unlike most oppositions, by introducing policy. Even including carbon tax/CPRS again. Could you imagine the LNP going to the election in 2010 with Workchoices?
It IS amazing. They introduce a policy that people have an opinion about (rather than just opposing whatever the government's doing) and surprise! They have support, and it makes the government shake in their ivory boots.

Wouldn't have been at all possible if the state gov's were all still Liberal though. Things like Safe Schools wouldn't have made it through, only for some nufties to try and shoot it down and demonise only themselves in the process.

On that note, Daniel Andrews is doing a bang-up job of making the federal government look like the tools they are.
It IS amazing. They introduce a policy that people have an opinion about (rather than just opposing whatever the government's doing) and surprise! They have support, and it makes the government shake in their ivory boots.

Wouldn't have been at all possible if the state gov's were all still Liberal though. Things like Safe Schools wouldn't have made it through, only for some nufties to try and shoot it down and demonise only themselves in the process.

On that note, Daniel Andrews is doing a bang-up job of making the federal government look like the tools they are.

Ah yes, the election where one of the government proposals was secret warrants for secret home searches. How could they have lost ?


Thought it might be.

What a gutless "leader". He can't even demonstrate decency and call out bigotry when it's flashing in big bright neon queensland lights.

Tommy DJ

Like I said to those guys in the "Abbot got shanked" threads, Turnbull is basically Mitt Romney in that his political career is basically to do whatever is politically beneficial to himself. If you were expecting something significantly different from Abbott, you need to remember that his previous portfolio consisted of actively fucking Austraia in the ass with regards to the NBN even though everything about him would suggest that he didn't believe in a single thing he was actually doing.


Jesus, he's really gone full Abbott. I don't know which switch flipped in his head, but it's a pretty significant one.

He's arguably worse than Abbott in this regard, he's spineless. I say this as someone who really liked Turnbull up until he sold his soul.


He's arguably worse than Abbott in this regard, he's spineless. I say this as someone who really liked Turnbull up until he sold his soul.

Abbott mostly gives the appearance he has moral principles. They are mostly wrong, but he has them.

Turnbull has none, and will sell out his alleged principles for anything.


Abbott mostly gives the appearance he has moral principles. They are mostly wrong, but he has them.

Turnbull has none, and will sell out his alleged principles for anything.

Yeah what really irks me is his posturing beforehand attacking and destabilising Abbot about the same-sex marriage plebiscite.

Now he is in a position of power and he advocates a plebiscite as well. As much of douche Abbot was for stalling on same sex marriage, at least his behaviour was governed by personal and moral principle, however warped and outdated.

I mean really, what is the point of becoming prime minister if you are literally going to go against your previously espoused viewpoints? He really did a Faustian deal to become a prime minister and now he is seeing the consequences of such a deal.


He's arguably worse than Abbott in this regard, he's spineless. I say this as someone who really liked Turnbull up until he sold his soul.
The second he was dumped for Abbott he was never going to be that leader again. There are always too many people standing right behind him with a knife keeping him on message. They were banking on his reputation distracting from that but they've gone and cocked it up.

Now abbott wants safe schools axed.

I think we have an insurrection on our hands again.

They're all "singing from the same hymn sheet," so to speak. Everyone one of them is calling it social engineering, even the ACL fool on Q&A last night, if that's not the sign of an organised campaign to strengthen the voice of the far right inside the government and to destabilise Turnbull then nothing is!


I like that because of the name it mostly sounds like lnp bleeting "we don't want our schools to be safe! prejuudiiiiicceeeeee foreeeverrrrrrr!"
In better news, I saw this from two weeks ago. An anti-queer group "Stop Safe Schools Coalition" planned to prevent teens from attending a Victorian queer formal by buying as many tickets as they could and then not using them: thousands of dollars worth. However, they didn't realise they were donating so more teens who couldn't afford a ticket could attend. The formal organisers planned on 500 attendees but now they have funding for double that and are moving to a bigger venue. Non-refundable.



They're all "singing from the same hymn sheet," so to speak. Everyone one of them is calling it social engineering, even the ACL fool on Q&A last night, if that's not the sign of an organised campaign to strengthen the voice of the far right inside the government and to destabilise Turnbull then nothing is!
Which ACL fool? There was the one on the panel and about 10 in the audience :/


I feel so sorry for LGBTQ Australians at the moment.

Silver lining, this nonsense might resurrect an issue Turnbull wants gone and lose him the election.

I understand why you mean, but there is no silver lining to a marginalised group/s being treated like political footballs.

We basically need more people like Shorten making statements calling it for exactly what it is: rampant homophobia and bigotry on the part of the right wing and silent condoning of it from enablers like Turnbull.
Which ACL fool? There was the one on the panel and about 10 in the audience :/


I like how the guy wasn't just advocating to block marriage to all but he was taking a regressive stance in that he wants to remove the reproductive rights gay men and women already have and even wants to remove assisted reproduction from heterosexual couples. Lyle was pretty disciplined last night, sticking to the science is not in obfuscation technique employed by climate change deniers, but a couple of times the veil slipped and he showed much of a hate filled little man he is.

The Labor party are probably more to blame for the rise of the ACL to de facto moral arbiter in Parliamentary circles and the Labor needs to cut ties to this hate filled organisation immediately.

Essential 50/50

Oh my. Suggests the Newspoll wasn't rogue.



I like how the guy wasn't just advocating to block marriage to all but he was taking a regressive stance in that he wants to remove the reproductive rights gay men and women already have and even wants to remove assisted reproduction from heterosexual couples. Lyle was pretty disciplined last night, sticking to the science is not in obfuscation technique employed by climate change deniers, but a couple of times the veil slipped and he showed much of a hate filled little man he is.
Yeah, the times he referred to every child a gay couple has as "stolen" was the clincher in that scenario. Right while he was sitting next to Kerryn Phelps.


And I mean, the sheer hatred espoused by the right wing and christian fundamentalists really, fundamentally goes against what their sanitised view of the religion is about.

After all, wasn't Jesus supposedly about looking after the poor, downtrodden; the outcasts of society? Prostitutes, lepers, criminals. Nowadays, the "good men" (see link) of society are casting out and marginalising LGBT+ people and actively campaigning against programs designed to help build their resilience.

It's obvious that to these bigots it is not enough for them to be committing suicide in horrific numbers. I'd argue the christian fundamentalists would almost be happy to embrace facism as a recourse with the language they are using of late.

We need moderate christians to stand up and isolate these terrorists.
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