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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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We need moderate christians to stand up and isolate these terrorists.
I did love it when someone put it to them that if instead of people who are marginalised because of their gender identity, they were marginalised because they were Christian and what would happen about education then.

Never mind that there's still a school chaplaincy program that does basically that exact thing, yet they're so dead fucking against educating people about sections of society THAT ACTUALLY EXIST.

PS. That "good men" piece was brilliant. Probably go over the top of most hard-right nutjobs, though (and those who are only in it to serve their own hides. Hi Malcolm!) :/


I did love it when someone put it to them that if instead of people who are marginalised because of their gender identity, they were marginalised because they were Christian and what would happen about education then.

Never mind that there's still a school chaplaincy program that does basically that exact thing, yet they're so dead fucking against educating people about sections of society THAT ACTUALLY EXIST.

PS. That "good men" piece was brilliant. Probably go over the top of most hard-right nutjobs, though (and those who are only in it to serve their own hides. Hi Malcolm!) :/

Indeed. If you want to read a further set of his essays on the matter, it is included in a compilation book "Why I am Not a Christian" (Bertrand Russell). Very much a comprehensive account of why he believed some of what he thought was important in morality and society.

As for chaplains in schools, that is the epitome of social engineering. Instead of providing qualified counsellors or access to psychologists and youth workers, they pump funding into proselytising fundie organisations and then campaign against funding for programs that fill the gaps school chaplains campaign against (gender equality) and indeed work against (gay conversion camps).

The right wing needs to be coined the wrong wing.


Weird, that's what Crikey and The Guardian are saying, but the report itself isn't showing that, it's even being inconsistent with what the 2PP they're displaying at the moment.

The report says 50/50. Maybe they haven't updated the poll on the right of page.

Edit: Actually what I think they have done is they've accidentally updated the 2013 election poll.


I understand why you mean, but there is no silver lining to a marginalised group/s being treated like political footballs.

We basically need more people like Shorten making statements calling it for exactly what it is: rampant homophobia and bigotry on the part of the right wing and silent condoning of it from enablers like Turnbull.

Yeah it's a shitty sentiment because they're basically punching down further than anyone has in quite a long time going after LGBTQ teens.

Not looking forward to the shit the plebiscite will dredge up, really hoping Labor wins the election now.
All that for 2 years? Desparate for a pension much! Is he going immediately or assuming there is no DD is he going in 4 years?

Bullock will be no loss, neither will Gary Gray. McTiernan was good fun but Melissa Parke is a massive loss. She should have been on the front bench years ago, far too good for the current ALP.



How will Labor be able to survive losing such momunmental figure?

This is a very sad day.

I saw this coming a mile away. Dude has zero friends of any significance in WA since the left took control of the state party. Literally the best thing about a DD is that this guy would disappear forever.

surprised he didn't end up pulling a colston. either way good riddance


Good. Put someone else on top of the Senate ticket for WA.

That was going to happen anyway regardless if he retired or not.

I just hope he is replaced with Paddy Crumlin because that would be the greatest thing to ever happen.

I just hope he has political ambitions.

Edit: Or just bring back Louise Pratt. That would be nice.
Yeah, I'm definitely going to say "fuck that guy, and I'm glad he's going".

Bullock's bowing out, the government's poll results are going south, the Libs are panicking, Tones' clique is doing exactly the opposite of what he promised and causing huge tears in the Libs' unity, Labor actually has good policies to take to the next election... I must be dreaming, someone pinch me.


Yeah, I'm definitely going to say "fuck that guy, and I'm glad he's going".
You might be the only one thinking that... the guy has a groundswell of support!
Apparently some additions have been made to the senate voting reforms today where if you vote below the line you'll only have to vote 1-6 or 1-12, I've heard conflicting numbers. This is a massive improvement and might even result in senators in the same party running against each other. Getting the number 1 ticket will still be vital but maybe slightly less so and good candidates should be able to push up the ticket with a good campaign.

Some sort of Robson rotation would be nice as well but the variations might prove prohibitive. There are something like 400+ different ballot papers in the ACT's 7 electorate seats.


According to the ABC , Louise Pratt is intending to run too.

Hopefully Dodson and Pratt get 1/2 on the ticket after the bumhead bullock has finally fucked off.

Normally I'd argue that Pratt should have gone back in, but Dodson is a great man and people with his experience and understanding are needed in canberra.


Apparently some additions have been made to the senate voting reforms today where if you vote below the line you'll only have to vote 1-6 or 1-12, I've heard conflicting numbers. This is a massive improvement and might even result in senators in the same party running against each other. Getting the number 1 ticket will still be vital but maybe slightly less so and good candidates should be able to push up the ticket with a good campaign.

Some sort of Robson rotation would be nice as well but the variations might prove prohibitive. There are something like 400+ different ballot papers in the ACT's 7 electorate seats.

its 1-12 minimum but votes that correctly number at least 1-6 will and fuck up elsewhere will be counted as formal
its 1-12 minimum but votes that correctly number at least 1-6 will and fuck up elsewhere will be counted as formal

So it's 1-6+ above or ,1-12+ below ? Any changes for DDs ? Theoretically the number should be doubled.

This actually seems surprisingly fair and effective without having to number a bajillion boxes
its 1-6+ above or 1-12+ below, yes. dunno about a DD but i dont think that would change the BLT vote requirements

That will favour the majors in btl voting in DDs significantly. ATL it doesn't make much difference since 6 ATL corresponds to well over 12 people if you include at least 1 major.

I suppose they might be thinking 1-12 is really for DDs and arguably overkill for halfs but that's kinda questionable since given the ballot length lately theres a decent chance none of your preferences make it unless you put ALP / LNP somewhere.


I read that as well... fucking heartbreaking stuff, honestly can't believe there are a) the sort of people who commit that sort of abuse, and b) the sort of people in authoritative positions judging AGAINST the adults (and children) they're meant to be helping protect.

Shameful, shameful shit.

And Pratt isn't running anymore, is she? I thought she said she'd be happy with the diversity Dodson would bring to parliament and wouldn't want to compete against him for a seat.


I can't decide if that article makes me want to do family law more or makes me want to do family law less.

i don't think i'd be strong enough for it


A dignified and heart-breaking response by Clare Linane (whose husband, brother and cousin are sexual abuse survivors of the Catholic Church) to Miranda Devine's hideous Daily Telegraph article on George Pell and the Royal Commission:


Miranda Devine is absolute pond scum. Her bile infused retch that passes as publishable these days did not deserve such a dignified and coherent response. I hope she reads it and understands what a piece of shit she has been to the victims.

Be interesting to see how the leak of the previous Defence White Paper turns out. This is a highly classified document leaked with the intent to damage Malcolm from someone inside Abbott's RWNJ group. I assume Abbott is too smart to do it himself, but someone will go down if they find out who leaked it.

Be interesting to see how the leak of the previous Defence White Paper turns out. This is a highly classified document leaked with the intent to damage Malcolm from someone inside Abbott's RWNJ group. I assume Abbott is too smart to do it himself, but someone will go down if they find out who leaked it.

At least we'll soon know if the person who leaked it understands metadata collection ;). My money is on no.


That kind of leak transcends politics. Whomever leaked it is in deep shit. With regional instability an apparent concern it would be seen as treason in eras gone by and it's only because Chinese hackers already probably have the info that it isn't the end of someone's career.
Coalition Ditches Building Watchdog Trigger for Double-Dissolution Election

Looks like any threat of a DD is off, probably trying to come up with an actual budget plan in time for May, they have nothing so far but it's an exciting time to be an Australian! Can't imagine they would fight a DD on the Clean Energy Finance Corp dissolution as it's successful and makes money at a better rate that most investments or the Registered Organisations bill about transparency in Unions, that one is not as fractious or interesting as the Union Bully Boys one.

For all the noise and bluster about the CFMEU this is pretty bizzare.


I guess if capital detaches from conservatism we're in for a pretty thorough watering down of progressive politics. Or has that already happened? I guess that's what Baird is?
I guess if capital detaches from conservatism we're in for a pretty thorough watering down of progressive politics. Or has that already happened? I guess that's what Baird is?

Depends what you mean by progressive politics, as far as sexual identity / race / religion goes capital is indifferent or positive (immigration generally drives wages down or at least stops them rising and even if it doesn't it expands the skill pool). Progressive economics / public services / Unions / regulation* /public ownership on the other hand ... But you've seen that be watered down for years.

When it comes to other stuff (like privacy or surveillance or warfare) its a great big mixed bad depending on the capital in question .

* With some exceptions if the resulting barrier to entry is better than the cost.


What is going on with this weird trend of bigots somehow thinking they can disregard meanings of words people are calling them and throw them back without it making sense?

It's a victory in a way. Recognition and co-opting the language of oppression carries the implicit recognition of which way the social wind is blowing
What is going on with this weird trend of bigots somehow thinking they can disregard meanings of words people are calling them and throw them back without it making sense?

When Gay Marriage inevitably passes I hope I one day meet Lyle in the street just so I can ask if he's gay or not? You can't tell now, I'd say. Hopefully he'd go bright red and freak out.

It's a victory in a way. Recognition and co-opting the language of oppression carries the implicit recognition of which way the social wind is blowing

I dunno. I think some people genuinely feel persecuted for being assholes. A friend (or ex-friend now) of mine has shown herself to be really conservative recently and I tried to have a frank discussion with her about it. Basically told her "look, I'm LGBT and the stuff you're posting is pretty upsetting. I don't think I can be friends with you if you think I'm disgusting". In response she started vague-booking shit like "You cut me and pretended you were bleeding", "The truth is there are people who don't care about how you feel and care about being right instead. While we shouldn't be victims we shouldn't be around those who are toxic in the way they treat us", and "I'm tired of people judging me for being a christian". No fucking clue. Being called out for bullying people isn't the same as bullying people.


I dunno. I think some people genuinely feel persecuted for being assholes. A friend (or ex-friend now) of mine has shown herself to be really conservative recently and I tried to have a frank discussion with her about it. Basically told her "look, I'm LGBT and the stuff you're posting is pretty upsetting. I don't think I can be friends with you if you think I'm disgusting". In response she started vague-booking shit like "You cut me and pretended you were bleeding", "The truth is there are people who don't care about how you feel and care about being right instead. While we shouldn't be victims we shouldn't be around those who are toxic in the way they treat us", and "I'm tired of people judging me for being a christian". No fucking clue. Being called out for bullying people isn't the same as bullying people.

Ahh yes, the poor bullied christian line.

Maybe remind your friend/ex friend that jesus was meant to be about looking after the outcasts in society and that she isn't being very christian by being a bigot (although the two do go hand in hand these days).
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