A new series of Underbelly!
Even funnier, the current member for Barton, Nick Varvaris, is really only known for two things: falling asleep in Parliament in 2014 and accidentally voting with the Labor Party and having his parents write letters to the AEC to leave him alone and not redistribute his seat! No loss.
Self quote, I know!
But everyone's favourite dozy pollie is now not even going to recontest the seat against Linda Burney. Maybe he forgot to do the paperwork or maybe his parents wouldn't let him stay up late enough.
The issue I had with Credlin, it was nothing to do with a possible affair that rumor has been going around since way before Abbott's prime-ministership, it was that as an unelected official she usurped elected ones and acted as one. We the voters do have the chance to pass judgement on elected officials every three years or so and dump them if we see fit, we never had the choice with Credlin. If you want to be in the Government, run.