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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Do they need signatures to get on the ticket?

I think 2000 sigs or somesuch wouldnt be shabby. But I dont know... For each candidate! So if you want 5, you gotta get 10k!

Anything that would make it so I wouldn't have to waste time figuring out where to preference ridiculous entries like the Motoring Enthusiasts Party or the Stop the Greens Party.


All ballot papers are printed with Secular Party already marked as 1 above the line.
Secular party is pretty cool, but I object to their policy of banning religious articles of clothing from schools. What.
I support freedom of as well as from religion and separation of church and state, but I don't support suppression of freedom of religion.

The Future Party doesn't seem to have any policies I don't agree with. Their Turing thing sounds a bit crazy but that's about it.

Anything that would make it so I wouldn't have to waste time figuring out where to preference ridiculous entries like the Motoring Enthusiasts Party or the Stop the Greens Party.
The bottom half of my senate preferences was a battle of who to put lower.


Secular party is pretty cool, but I object to their policy of banning religious articles of clothing from public schools. What.

What's the source on this? I can't see anything about it in the policies section on their site and the best a quick Google turns up is their not wanting to allow Kirpans in schools. Which, yeah, it's a sword. It shouldn't be in schools.


500 registered party members IIRC. ~10% of that are actually scrutinized.

Do we have 500 like-minded GAF members to start out our own political party and put it on the senate ballot? Or at least 50?

What's the source on this? I can't see anything about it in the policies section on their site and the best a quick Google shows is their not wanting to allow Kirpans in schools. Which, yeah, it's a sword. It shouldn't be in schools.
It's on their Policies page, under Religious Attire:

The Secular Party believes that the religious indoctrination of children in schools violates the rights of the child. The requirement, whether by parents or schools, that children wear religious attire, is a form of indoctrination. The Secular Party therefore opposes this practice. It is the policy of the Secular Party that all forms of religious attire be prohibited in all schools.
I can understand their reasoning based on what's written immediately prior to that sentence, but what if a kid chooses to wear religious attire?


How are those exit polls in comparison to the expectation? I'm thinking about the same, but haven't followed it too closely.
Pre poll votes tend to be somewhat biased to the libs so exit polls tend to lean a bit to the left overall, it may be different this time though due to the sheer increase in pre polling this year.
Do we have 500 like-minded GAF members to start out our own political party and put it on the senate ballot? Or 50?

It's on their Policies page, under Religious Attire:

I can understand their reasoning based on what's written immediately prior to that sentence, but what if a kid chooses to wear religious attire?

Need 500. The AEC scrutinize 50 of those at random. So the only way you'd get by at random is if you had an insider.
It's on their Policies page, under Religious Attire:

I can understand their reasoning based on what's written immediately prior to that sentence, but what if a kid chooses to wear religious attire?

Ah, fair enough. I was looking under education and religious instruction in schools, not religious attire.

Yeah, I think that's a step too far. I understand the concern of indoctrination they express, but it's really not the government's place to tell kids not to wear religious items unless they present a safety concern.

That's pretty much the only problem I have with them, though. Everything else is good.


so I saw a party named "Rise up Australia" on my ballot. The name sounded pretty shady so I put them towards the bottom with Katter and Family First. Having looked at their policies I'm very happy I did.

Anyone else see a person/party they've never heard of before?


That's not as bad as I was expecting. Still a devastating loss. Also something is seriously wrong with our system when a 2% swing is a devestating loss.
It's devastating whenever the Liberals get in.

Also put my senate preferences as advised by the Pirate Party :D


1. Independent
2. Greens
3. Palmer United
4. ALP
5. Australian Voice
6. Katter's Australian Party
7. LNP
8. Citizens Electoral Council
9. Family Last
10. Rise Up Australia


so I saw a party named "Rise up Australia" on my ballot. The name sounded pretty shady so I put them towards the bottom with Katter and Family First. Having looked at their policies I'm very happy I did.

Rise Up are seriously a bunch of nuts.


fuck liberals. only coz abbott WILL fuck us all. i dont even need to explain myself. unfortunately with a lot of stupid aussies out there, i would not be surprised if he won... too many dumbfucks in our country unfortunately


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Voted One Nation to stop the boats and prevent Sharia Law in Australia. The country is in crisis and we need to act.


I want a tag give me a tag
1. Independent
2. Greens
3. Palmer United
4. ALP
5. Australian Voice
6. Katter's Australian Party
7. LNP
8. Citizens Electoral Council
9. Family Last
10. Rise Up Australia

Fairly similar, but my seat had sex party + animal justice party.

had them up high, also put citizens electoral council dead last.


like katter is normal mental.
Yeah, rise up and the australian christian party are bottoms for me.

I had to choose between the australian christian party and one nation for last. It wasn't an easy decision to make.

I did find myself putting the Bullet train for Australia party third after the two major parties. I have no idea who they are and what they stand for, assuming they are not named ironically. But it seemed like a swell idea compared to the other terrible options.
Voted One Nation to stop the boats and prevent Sharia Law in Australia. The country is in crisis and we need to act.

Some friendly advice: If you're going to troll (even in jest) you at least have to be believable. A post like this one needs to be riddled with terrible spelling and inappropriate use of CAPS LOCK.


The one unfortunate takeaway from all this for me will probably be just how close we got to a near (93%) ubiquitous Fibre based network. It was one of Labor's great policies and I would go as far as to call it visionary. For a brief moment, all these (mostly Telstra caused) issues we have with broadband up until this date were about to be abolished. Telstra was going to lose control of it's network monopoly, the dodgy copper replaced with a much better medium and no more would one have to play the Broadband Lottery when moving house, goodbye to the digital devide. If the probable happens, this IMO will be one sad day for Australia that will be reflected upon for possibly the majority of our lives. The potential use cases for such a network will be great and the technology to access them available at most Australian's fingertips. A similar debate was had around 100 years ago when we were looking at replacing the iron phone lines with copper, eventually sanity prevailed and we did just that. Shame on you Mr Abbott, shame on you Mr Turnbull (and finally, probably at around 8PM tonight) Shame on you Australia.
I did find myself putting the Bullet train for Australia party third after the two major parties. I have no idea who they are and what they stand for, assuming they are not named ironically. But it seemed like a swell idea compared to the other terrible options.

They stand for a bullet train. That's literally it.

Here at the Bullet Train party we are proudly focused on one (very big) single issue.

We don’t stray into discussions about other policy areas. It’s just not our bag.

We are often asked where we stand on other issues – from abortion to cracked footpaths, and everything in between.

So we thought it best to cover it all off now and save everyone the time & energy.

Drumroll please ………

The Bullet Train for Australia Party has no official position on any other policy areas apart from High-Speed-Rail (HSR), Bullet Trains, Very Fast Trains, Fast-rail and related topics.

This applies to all BTFA functionaries, dignitaries, candidates, volunteers and any other kind soul that may be involved with our party.

We don’t wish to constrain the views of anyone, but when speaking on behalf of the party, everyone is focused on 1 (one) goal – getting a Bullet Train.

When our candidates are elected to the parliament of the nation they will only promote high speed rail and pursue getting a Bullet Train as quickly as possible. Our elected MPs will abstain on voting from anything that is not related to high-speed-rail and getting a Bullet Train.

Matters of conscience will be considered on a case by case basis.

We hope this is clear to all and sundry.


The Bullet Train Team

Waste of everyone's time.

Dead Man

The one unfortunate takeaway from all this for me will probably be just how close we got to a near (93%) ubiquitous Fibre based network. It was one of Labor's great policies and I would go as far as to call it visionary. For a brief moment, all these (mostly Telstra caused) issues we have with broadband up until this date were about to be abolished. Telstra was going to lose control of it's network monopoly, the dodgy copper replaced with a much better medium and no more would one have to play the Broadband Lottery when moving house, goodbye to the digital devide. If the probable happens, this IMO will be one sad day for Australia that will be reflected upon for possibly the majority of our lives. The potential use cases for such a network will be great and the technology to access them available at most Australian's fingertips. A similar debate was had around 100 years ago when we were looking at replacing the iron phone lines with copper, eventually sanity prevailed and we did just that. Shame on you Mr Abbott, shame on you Mr Turnbull (and finally, probably at around 8PM tonight) Shame on you Australia.
Hopefully the people saying it will be hard to stop will be correct, but yeah, if they do fuck it it will be utterly tragic.


Voted Labor last week, at least for the next 3-6 years I can say I did my best to swing the vote away from Abbott.
I was speaking to my mum earlier today and mentioned about how I voted in all the boxes below the line... she replied by saying that she just put a "1" in the Liberals box. I think this is what a member of the Westboro Church might feel like if they found out one of their offspring was gay.


Haha, my parents aren't australian citizens so they just kind of look on in bemusement

I was trying to explain preferential voting to Mum and I think her brain fried. To be fair, though it's kind of hard to get across in words, especially when my brother was trying to explain it too and we were sort of talking at cross purposes

Dead Man

I was speaking to my mum earlier today and mentioned about how I voted in all the boxes below the line... she replied by saying that she just put a "1" in the Liberals box. I think this is what a member of the Westboro Church might feel like if they found out one of their offspring was gay.

Condolences. I hear they have very good conversion programmes these days.
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