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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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The plan was a bust, there was still a 30 minute line. I feel like things would be quicker in a safe seat. Stupid marginal Hasluck.

Hasluck? You must be near me, I'm in seat of Pearce (live in Perth Hills). That's one of the most marginal seats, hope you thought about who you voted for!


From my twitters:
The plan was a bust, there was still a 30 minute line. I feel like things would be quicker in a safe seat. Stupid marginal Hasluck.

Haha, apparently my local school had massive queues at 8-9 because people wanted to get in early. I showed up at 3 and it was totally empty.
Sky news bringing the funny from Rudd headquarters.

Rudd showing no Labor branding and they are basically predicting that the party is going to burn that shit down by the end of the night.

Could be some fun.
Sky news bringing the funny from Rudd headquarters.

Rudd showing no Labor branding and they are basically predicting that the party is going to burn that shit down by the end of the night.

Could be some fun.

What is wrong with my state ? We may actually get a PUP in as a Senator at this rate. Maybe even one in the house of Reps.
Good riddance Rudd, I never liked the man and could not understand the adoration he gets.

Not an Abbott supporter but must say, as someone who doesn't live in Australia at present, the idea of Abbott in power gives me a great feeling of schadenfreude.
Good riddance Rudd, I never liked the man and could not understand the adoration he gets.

Not an Abbott supporter but must say, as someone who doesn't live in Australia at present, the idea of Abbott in power gives me a great feeling of schadenfreude.

It is a victory for morons everywhere.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I woke up thinking voting day was tomorrow, so good thing my mum was wondering who I'd voted for, haha. I live in a small coastal town, so I was in and out in a few minutes.
Good riddance Rudd, I never liked the man and could not understand the adoration he gets.

Not an Abbott supporter but must say, as someone who doesn't live in Australia at present, the idea of Abbott in power gives me a great feeling of schadenfreude.

He unseated Howard (literally). Who'd been in for so long that it didn't look like he was ever going to lose. That'll earn you a lot of adoration from the Labor faithful. Admittedly he did it by basically *being* Howard and Howard doing WorkChoices (which was stupid). Not fond of either major party myself, but I consider Labor / Rudd the lesser of two bad choices.


The Labor stuff around the voting booths had the slogan "A New Way", which is a pretty stupid slogan and to most people is the opposite of what they'd vote for.

Also I went in at 10 and didn't have to wait at all, though I didn't go to the Kelvin Grove State College, and instead went to the St Ambrose Church and School just up the road, which had no line.

Also I dismiss this school immedietly because their main sign uses Comic Sans.


Those poor kids.


Neo Member
Good riddance Rudd, I never liked the man and could not understand the adoration he gets.

Not an Abbott supporter but must say, as someone who doesn't live in Australia at present, the idea of Abbott in power gives me a great feeling of schadenfreude.

Rudd really is a terribly unlikable person. So contrived.
Hope Albanese gets the labour leadership.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
People were saying there were sausage sizzles at their voting places. I got diddly squat at mine. Screw the elections I'm hungry!

Card Boy

Just imagine the even bigger landslide victory for the Coalition if Turnbull was leader, Labor would be committing seppuku out of shame.
Yeah so that means AusGaf will vote for him at least.

Turnbull is socially left for the LNP. He's certainly not economically left. All in all , he's still to the right of Labor. I don't even vote for Labor. Also he's selling a horrific internet policy as another -1 (do it worse now for slightly cheaper, in order to do it properly soon for a far greater total cost) .


If only Abbott had won a few more votes last time, we would now be getting rid of him, and it would have crushed the idiot labor powerbrokers who ditched Rudd when he hadn't served their purpose.

Heck, we could have already had a bunch of Lib fuck-ups (like cutting too many jobs and giving blowjobs to big mining) and be about to get over them. All the pure bullshit 'we run the economy better' would be on them when unemployment rises.

Oh well, they won't be in for too long, not enough talent to sustain them. Maybe two terms though, Labor will be in the wilderness for a while.
Actually... A bullet train is a damn good idea especially for Australia. I can't see how were going to fit more roads in the CBD, and as petrol gets more expensive it disadvantages people living outside the metro more and more.

The bullet train is what we need - with that and the NBN we can all rest easy knowing we'll make it over the next decade or two (or three) comfortably.


Now the party...

Sure, a bullet train is a good idea. The point is that they're a party who literally cares only about that and have no position and would not vote on anything not relating to the bullet train.

Like all single issue gimmick parties, they'd be a waste of a seat.
Sure, a bullet train is a good idea. The point is that they're a party who literally cares only about that and have no position and would not vote on anything not relating to the bullet train.

Like all single issue gimmick parties, they'd be a waste of a seat.

True, how will we know if gay people will be allowed on the bullet train? No vote!


Condolences. I hear they have very good conversion programmes these days.
My only consolation is that my electorate (Corio) has pretty much been Labor territory for the last 50 billion years:

(H. Opperman is Hubert Opperman, an Olympic (gold?) medallist)

I'm still considering if I want to have the conversation about my political views with my parents. I wouldn't be bothered a bit about telling them I was gay if I was. But the only time even 1 of my parents has voted to the left of the Coalition , was when my mother was employed by someone else and WorkChoices was a thing, they also have the traditional irrational hatred for the Greens based on some kind of weird Green Gestapo they believe will arrest you, if you cut down a tree on your property, without permission .
Yeah, ergo on my above point, my old man worked for Ford for... 35+ years? So staunchly Labor and I think he's voted for them majority of the time (I believe there's one or two times he hasn't, but he defaults toward them). But my mum had a much better upbringing (Dad migrated with his family here when he was 4) and her dad owned a ballroom here in Geelong. So I suspect she more votes for them by default as well, just as Geelong probably always will be a Labor town.
Anyway, I don't think there's really much to discuss to be honest. No good can come from it, and you're not going to convince anyone otherwise, never mind someone who's been voting longer than you've been alive. I'll just take the defeat and move on.

"For voting below the line in the Senate, voters may use a consecutive series in various styles – such as: numerals (1 2 3), words (one two three), roman numerals (I II III IV), or ordinal numerals (1st 2nd 3rd). In certain cases, a mixture of numbering sequences can be used, provided that the voter's intention is clear."


Awesome. Something to try next time :p
I just hope Gillard and Swan are on it. I'm holding out for some drunken meltdowns.

Bob Hawke and Richo stating Labor deserved to lose. Says it all really.
Good riddance Rudd, I never liked the man and could not understand the adoration he gets.

I think people saw Rudd as the guy who saved them from Workchoices.
I never had a prob with the Howard Government, until Workchoices.
Im confident Abbott wont make the same mistake Howard did.


If only Abbott had won a few more votes last time, we would now be getting rid of him, and it would have crushed the idiot labor powerbrokers who ditched Rudd when he hadn't served their purpose.

Heck, we could have already had a bunch of Lib fuck-ups (like cutting too many jobs and giving blowjobs to big mining) and be about to get over them. All the pure bullshit 'we run the economy better' would be on them when unemployment rises.

Oh well, they won't be in for too long, not enough talent to sustain them. Maybe two terms though, Labor will be in the wilderness for a while.

Last election was important for getting the NBN off the ground though. And also that carbon tax thing.


Labor really need to get rid of the standard that the right faction gets leadership in the house (and if they are from the left a la Gillard they're held by the balls). The right has fucked the party, both federally and on a state level.


I wish people would stop fellating turnbull.

He is awful.

He is 'popular' just like Rudd was, out of power, in power they drop like tanks. IN WATER. MILITARY TANKS.
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