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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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So, I'm guessing I'm probably the only candidate in this election who actually has a NeoGAF account, right? ;) I'm running for the senate in QLD with the Pirate Party. Happy to answer any questions anyone may have. Otherwise, I'll probably just leave the thread alone and let you get on with your political snarking, you're going to get advertised to far too much in this election already.

What are your expectations/hopes going in?

edit: So uh this guy is running in my seat


Funded by John Singleton. Also Lawrie McKinna (former coach of Central Coast Mariners now GM and Mayor of Gosford) is running in the neighbouring seat.



I can't believe this buffoon will be our PM in a few weeks time, what a sad state of affairs Australian politics is at the moment. Is there a GAF support group ready for post election Abbott? Also bye bye ubiquitous fibre NBN, and hello again copper lucky dip :(
Don't give up yet people!

I read the cliff notes just before from this site linked above and I still agree with what I said before and my view is much closer to Labor's than the Greens even though I voted for the Greens the last 2 times I went out and voted.
I don't think there should be a benefit for queue jumping when other refugees in other centers in the world wait to get processed. I do disagree with Labor that we should take a certain percentage of genuine refugees in to Australia but we should also try to make PNG a viable option for people to want to stay there.

We should be definitely working more with the region, and that includes sharing the load if it's not viable for us to in take that many. It makes things difficult when none of our neighbours are signatories though.


I seriously cannot stand Abbott. It always seems like he is pulling BS out of his ass everytime he does an interview.

Labour is no better but I will support them so we can get the "Proper" NBN. Living in a new area which can only get shitty ADSL1 at super slow speeds. I refuse to continue like this.....


I feel so disgusted that we just have no real alternatives, the top spots in Labor and the Coalition are occupied by absolutel buffoons. Politics in this country sucks.

I am leaning towards Labor only because I want the real NBN, not that copper FTTN bullshit Abbott's trying to peddle to us. Can I still vote Greens or any of the other parties and still get the proper NBN?


Can I still vote Greens or any of the other parties and still get the proper NBN?

We have preferential voting, so yes. Ultimate you have to decide which one you prefer out of Labor and the Coalition, but you can put them last and second last if you like. The party you vote 1 for gets a bit of money for your vote, as long as they receive a certain percentage of the total vote. Also, say if you vote 1 Greens, 2 Labor, you're sending the message that you want politics to move to the left. The majors want their primary vote numbers to be as high as possible, so if enough people put Greens at number 1, it makes it worth Labors while to chase your vote left, rather than right. Wishful thinking maybe, but we all have to do our bit.

Preferential voting explained (stolen from SA election thread):



I feel so disgusted that we just have no real alternatives, the top spots in Labor and the Coalition are occupied by absolutel buffoons. Politics in this country sucks.

I am leaning towards Labor only because I want the real NBN, not that copper FTTN bullshit Abbott's trying to peddle to us. Can I still vote Greens or any of the other parties and still get the proper NBN?

Preferential voting. If you vote Greens they'll get more funding next time around even if in reality they just get whittled down to a Labor vote. (From memory, and assuming they put Labor ahead of Liberals on their auto-preferences if you vote above the line)

I'd check where The Greens are preferencing before you vote for them in your seat, in some cases, The Greens actually preference the Coalition out of spite.

You could just vote below the line right?


I'd check where The Greens are preferencing before you vote for them in your seat, in some cases, The Greens actually preference the Coalition out of spite.

Do you mean in the senate, or on the how to vote cards for the house of reps?

Definitely take the time to vote below the line on the senate. I'll spam that a bunch of times once senate.io is updated next week.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I think the Coalition are more likely to win but there are a few caveats to polls:
- The closer the numbers are, the less indicative national and state level polling become compared to numbers in individual seats, which are more difficult to obtain and accurately report.
- Telephone polling in general skews slightly to the conservative side.

I'm of the opinion that whoever wins will be unlikely to get much more than 80 seats.


I think the abs shat out a statistic that less than 10% of voters actually vote beyond 1. On mobile can't look myself.

Doesn't sound right. Federal elections aren't optional preferential. A HoR vote with only 1 would be an invalid vote and I'm sure there are more than 10% valid votes. I know NSW state elections are optional preferential and I get that it's somewhat uncommon to go past 1 in that case.


I always vote below the line.

If I really despise the two major parties, they will be down near the bottom with the least preferred getting the bottom.

However, don't think that voting for minor parties doesn't help. Each '1' a party gets gives them a bit of funding - I think it's like $2 a vote. It isn't wasting your vote, it is improving the funding for the parties you most agree with and is particularly helpful if lots of people do it, even if eventually they end up preferencing Lib/Lab/Nat down the line.

eg let's say I would rather see a Labor Candidate than a National Candidate win, but I don't like either party. Instead, let's say the Sex Party is the best party that matches my view. I would vote something like this:

1. Australian Sex Party
2. Greens
3. Independent
4. Labor
5. Nationals
6. Liberals
7. Christian Democrats

Eventually my vote would filter down to I assume Labor, but they wouldn't get any extra funding. That money would go to the ASP.

Can we not at least avoid being stupid in our one eyed election coverage?

Quoting from non-Murdoch owned The Age, which also ran the same story:

The rules, released by the National Press Club last Friday stated: ''The Leaders may have a pen and paper on the lecturn [sic] and no other documentation or props.''

When Mr Rudd shook hands with with Mr Abbott at the start of the debate, there was nothing in his hands, but on his lectern there was a clear plastic folder containing papers.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/federal-po...ders-debate-20130812-2rqsi.html#ixzz2bif8Mp8M

''I've been copping a lot of flak on Twitter and elsewhere for not jumping in and ripping those notes off Kevin Rudd,'' Mr Speers [moderator] said.

''Has he broken the rules? Well technically, yes, I think he probably has.''

So not actually knowing anything about the story is no limitation on attacking murdoch for it. Who was one eyed and stupid again?
I always vote below on the Senate ticket. Yes. I am one of those people.

So am I, but sadly in the ACT and there are usually only 6-10 candidates for the senate. I want the person having to count my ballot to think, "Oh god, another person who has numbered all the way up to 50+. Why do I do this job?"

Dead Man

Quoting from non-Murdoch owned The Age, which also ran the same story:

So not actually knowing anything about the story is no limitation on attacking murdoch for it. Who was one eyed and stupid again?

Mate, either both cheated or neither did. I don't care which story they run, but both did the same things.

There was another News Ltd story that inferred the pic of Tony was from his debate with Gillard, I didn't look too much into it though.

SO the papers in front of Abbot don't exist in the pic with Rudd?

Dead Man

You were allowed to take paper and pens, but not "documentation". Maybe Abbott papers weren't pre prepared.

Maybe. Can't say I believe he would be capable of noting his own talking points during the debate. Could be wrong.

Is the debate recorded anywhere?
Mate, either both cheated or neither did. I don't care which story they run, but both did the same things.

SO the papers in front of Abbot don't exist in the pic with Rudd?

Let me break it down for you.

Rules: Leaders may use pen and blank paper to make notes. Leaders may not bring prepared notes.

Pictured: Abbott using notes made with pen and paper on lectern.

Not pictured: Rudd bringing plastic folder full of notes, putting them on lectern, reading from them extensively.

Also not pictured: Labor supporter reading headline in Murdoch paper, not reading story, not understanding story, not checking if other sources have story, making "It's just Murdoch bias picture!", remaining satisfyingly convinced that Rudd is exonerated, Murdoch is biased, and they aren't.

Dead Man

Let me break it down for you.

Rules: Leaders may use pen and blank paper to make notes. Leaders may not bring prepared notes.

Pictured: Abbott using notes made with pen and paper on lectern.

Not pictured: Rudd bringing plastic folder full of notes, putting them on lectern, reading from them extensively.

Also not pictured: Labor supporter reading headline in Murdoch paper, not reading story, not understanding story, not checking if other sources have story, making "It's just Murdoch bias picture!", remaining satisfyingly convinced that Rudd is exonerated, Murdoch is biased, and they aren't.
Again, got the footage? I will be quite happy to be wrong, but I'll b e buggered if I take your word or NewsLtds.
Notegate is the dumbest shit ever.

Though it's a symptom of just how pathetic the debate was last night. It wasn't a debate, it was a performance piece where each candidate tried to out perform the expectations put upon them. People, the media, only remember the gafs or gotcha moments and Rudd/Abbott were only trying to not fuck it up.

I have no idea how you fix the situation, a media with long term thinking not obsessed with the minutia , a better commentariat, a more informed populus?

They say we get the democracy we deserve and sadly we deserve one of these two clowns.


So, I'm guessing I'm probably the only candidate in this election who actually has a NeoGAF account, right? ;) I'm running for the senate in QLD with the Pirate Party. Happy to answer any questions anyone may have. Otherwise, I'll probably just leave the thread alone and let you get on with your political snarking, you're going to get advertised to far too much in this election already.

Do you have a peg leg and what is your parrots name?

I'll be extremely disappointed if you tell me you're not that kind of pirate.
You said pictured.


There are these people who go to events like this and record them and talk to other people at the events and publish a report of what took place and I used their published information... You know what, never mind.

Again, got the footage? I will be quite happy to be wrong, but I'll b e buggered if I take your word or NewsLtds.

The Age: a News Limited publication.


Notegate is the dumbest shit ever.

Only because it was Kevin Rudd. Had Tony Abbott been caught doing this then this thread would've exploded at least 30 pages. A lot of people thought Tony Abbott's fake Twitter followers was somehow a big story.
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