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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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It's settled then: Rudd 'debating' from prepared notes cannot be proven to have taken place and/or did take place but doesn't matter.

Did you hear about that someone else's bias? Shocking.


Only because it was Kevin Rudd. Had Tony Abbott been caught doing this then this thread would've exploded at least 30 pages. A lot of people thought Tony Abbott's fake Twitter followers was somehow a big story.

That's a bit much, the Twitter thing didn't get a run in this thread. I've seen "famous" people in Twitter go "Woah, like 10k fake accounts just followed me at once", so I knew the Twitter thing was a non issue.

It's settled then: Rudd 'debating' from prepared notes cannot be proven to have taken place and/or did take place but doesn't matter.

Rudd said that he did. Why do we need to prove it one way or another?


I think people are vastly underestimating the influence News Corp has in framing the political narrative in this country (see Insiders mostly framing discussions around NewsCorp frotnpages.)

Though it's a symptom of just how pathetic the debate was last night. It wasn't a debate, it was a performance piece where each candidate tried to out perform the expectations put upon them. People, the media, only remember the gafs or gotcha moments and Rudd/Abbott were only trying to not fuck it up.

I have no idea how you fix the situation, a media with long term thinking not obsessed with the minutia , a better commentariat, a more informed populus?

They say we get the democracy we deserve and sadly we deserve one of these two clowns.
The easiest solution would be to get rid the ridiculously rigid rules, include minor party candidates in the debates, and increase the number of debates but have them all focus on one specific policy area (economy, infrastructure, environment, health, education etc).

Of course, that won't happen as the status quo is in the best financial interest of the media so~

Only because it was Kevin Rudd. Had Tony Abbott been caught doing this then this thread would've exploded at least 30 pages. A lot of people thought Tony Abbott's fake Twitter followers was somehow a big story.
Dat persecution complex.
Only because it was Kevin Rudd. Had Tony Abbott been caught doing this then this thread would've exploded at least 30 pages. A lot of people thought Tony Abbott's fake Twitter followers was somehow a big story.

Don't forget his 100k fake Facebook likes, the cluster of bot controlled twitter accounts posting the exact same anti-ALP tweets at the same time and Young Liberal members being caught creating fake Muslim Facebook accounts to comment and condemn Rudd's plans for gay marriage.

When it comes to social network abuse, The Liberals always take the cake.


It's settled then: Rudd 'debating' from prepared notes cannot be proven to have taken place and/or did take place but doesn't matter.

Did you hear about that someone else's bias? Shocking.

I will ask a third time since you appear incapable of demonstrating how you know the paper on Abbott's lecturn is not prepared notes?


When it comes to social network abuse, The Liberals always take the cake.

The problem with Twitter followers or Facebook likes is that it's highly possible not to have come from an official source. I get fake/spam followers on Twitter all the time and I'm a nobody with fuck all followers, and like I mentioned, some people I follow get bot followed on Twitter which takes them completely by surprise. Hell, it's not that hard to imagine a die hard Anti-Liberal going "derp, lets show how clueless the libs are by making a follow bot and exposing it."
I agree with Twitter but fake Facebook likes at the quantity Tony Abbott has received them racks up a bill in the thousands. Something I don't think a unofficial script kiddy is willing to spend. So either the liberals bought those likes or Labor wants to make Tony Abbott look popular.

just sayin'


I agree with Twitter but fake Facebook likes at the quantity Tony Abbott has received them racks up a bill in the thousands. Something I don't think a unofficial script kiddy is willing to spend. So either the liberals bought those likes or Labor wants to make Tony Abbott look popular.

just sayin'

The way Triple J was reporting it this morning suggested that the Liberal Party was shutting down the accounts after they were purchased without authorization.

I don't use Facebook much. What are the costs involved in a "Like" script?

Probably depends on who you hire.
Vote Australian Sex Party so I can start buying Weetbix again.

Having hired her years ago as a consultant before she formed The Australian Sex party I found Fiona Patten to be nothing but professional, knowledgeable, on-time and very well prepared. All the boxes ticked and I recommended her consultancy services to a number of other clients of mine over the years.

I thought I'd pop into their website and have a look, found this...


Nope, you're not Batman but you're in the running ;)
Never heard of Batman as an Aussie location before but so worth the childish shits'n'giggles.

Clark Kent maybe?


We have preferential voting, so yes. Ultimate you have to decide which one you prefer out of Labor and the Coalition, but you can put them last and second last if you like. The party you vote 1 for gets a bit of money for your vote, as long as they receive a certain percentage of the total vote. Also, say if you vote 1 Greens, 2 Labor, you're sending the message that you want politics to move to the left. The majors want their primary vote numbers to be as high as possible, so if enough people put Greens at number 1, it makes it worth Labors while to chase your vote left, rather than right. Wishful thinking maybe, but we all have to do our bit.

Thanks for the insightful post, I really appreciate the effort... That makes things pretty crystal clear!

Dead Man

There are these people who go to events like this and record them and talk to other people at the events and publish a report of what took place and I used their published information... You know what, never mind.

The Age: a News Limited publication.

LOL, or Fairfax media for that matter.

I will ask a third time since you appear incapable of demonstrating how you know the paper on Abbott's lecturn is not prepared notes?

Apparently his word is his bond, and we should know that.


Well, I assume you can hire PR companies, but how much does it cost them? Why would it cost a script kiddie thousands of dollars to make some fake likes?

You know how IT companies charge through the nose for relatively basic services? Yeah....

Presumably, the overhead for the company doing such a thing would be electricity costs for servers and bandwidth costs. The man-hours involved would likely be 15 minutes of copy/pasting URLs into an already existing script.


You know how IT companies charge through the nose for relatively basic services? Yeah....

Presumably, the overhead for the company doing such a thing would be electricity costs for servers and bandwidth costs. The man-hours involved would likely be 15 minutes of copy/pasting URLs into an already existing script.

I know, but I'm wondering why CrazedProfessional believes that a script kiddie would "rack up a bill in the thousands" to do it. I assume it would be fairly simple and cheap given you have the time and knowhow, but I don't know much about Facebook, which is why I was asking. Was he just drawing a long bow to assume that a PR company was hired to do it at their typical rates?
I know, but I'm wondering why CrazedProfessional believes that a script kiddie would "rack up a bill in the thousands" to do it. I assume it would be fairly simple and cheap given you have the time and knowhow, but I don't know much about Facebook, which is why I was asking. Was he just drawing a long bow to assume that a PR company was hired to do it at their typical rates?

There are a ton of websites you can buy likes, followers etc. Costs are generally quite low e.g. 1000 likes for $5-10. Often they are found very quickly on Twitter and automatically removed. Facebook seem to care less or have less effective systems for such abuse.

You can buy YT subscribers or Pinterest and just about any other social media too. They are junk for a silly number. I have clients ask about such services pretty often, I always tell them it's a waste of time.

Liberals and Labor are 98% the same. They are both 100% arseholes. Vote for minor parties.

I just want to vote for some common sense, apparently that is too much to ask these days :) Any party that reduces small business tax, PAYG tax etc has my vote. Australia sucks at fostering small-medium business and our taxes are a joke.


I want a tag give me a tag
Only because it was Kevin Rudd. Had Tony Abbott been caught doing this then this thread would've exploded at least 30 pages. A lot of people thought Tony Abbott's fake Twitter followers was somehow a big story.

Not 30 pages, but yes I do agree with you.

Dead Man

I just want to vote for some common sense, apparently that is too much to ask these days :) Any party that reduces small business tax, PAYG tax etc has my vote. Australia sucks at fostering small-medium business and our taxes are a joke.

Australian taxes are not at high levels, they are unnecessarily complicated. Too much middle class welfare has made things even more busted.

Only because it was Kevin Rudd. Had Tony Abbott been caught doing this then this thread would've exploded at least 30 pages. A lot of people thought Tony Abbott's fake Twitter followers was somehow a big story.

You don't think a Prime Ministerial candidate having fake social media followers is important?


I just want to vote for some common sense, apparently that is too much to ask these days :) Any party that reduces small business tax, PAYG tax etc has my vote. Australia sucks at fostering small-medium business and our taxes are a joke.

I'd the NBN (as in FTTP) goes a long way to fostering small-medium businesses, putting them on a level playing field regardless of location. But you'll never convince the Coalition of that (or they already know and are just refusing to support it out of spite)


You don't think a Prime Ministerial candidate having fake social media followers is important?

No I don't. In a campaign where a lot of people are saying "why don't the leaders discuss what matters", how much does social media matter to most Australians out there?

I do believe the Liberals when they say it wasn't their fault. Why? Because a few days ago I saw this.


I want a tag give me a tag
Can some one just tell me who not to vote for and who to vote for below the line tyia.

i.e. which are the stupid parties ? (like katter)

Dead Man

No I don't. In a campaign where a lot of people are saying "why don't the leaders discuss what matters", how much does social media matter to most Australians out there?

I do believe the Liberals when they say it wasn't their fault. Why? Because a few days ago I saw this.

So it is either betting fraud or unethical politics. Either of which is newsworthy to me.

Juicy Bob

Oh. Looks like I'm not going to be allowed to vote after all! I did think it would be a bit strange for them to let an Australian citizen living permanantly overseas keep voting in every Federal election...

Dead Man

Oh. Looks like I'm not going to be allowed to vote after all! I did think it would be a bit strange for them to let an Australian citizen living permanantly overseas keep voting in every Federal election...

LOL, yeah with no head of state to vote for it is not surprising they stopped you eventually, you might have voted recklessly or something!!
Australian taxes are not at high levels, they are unnecessarily complicated. Too much middle class welfare has made things even more busted.

I suppose I was confused with the cost of doing business and living in Australia which is on on par with the Japanese. To that relation I say it's high.


I want a tag give me a tag
since I didn't geta valid response in 30 minutes i've come up for a system.

If I go to a political parties site on my mobile and there is no mobile version, they got at the bottom of my voting list.


I want a tag give me a tag
I'm also reading the policies of every party.

edit: I'm going to update this with pros and cons for every party.

Animal Justice Party
Pro: arent telling us to be vegans.
Con: too much link clicking, i just want a nice one page overview plz. it's not the worst but it's annoying, didnt' read much more than their dingo policy and their farming policy.

Here's my favourite part so far from the Australian Christian Party

Regarding refugee intake in general, we believe Australia should re-balance the refugee intake to reduce the number of Muslim refugees and take more persecuted Christians form various African countries.
Not getting my vote

Australian democrats:
7 clicks in and i havent found a policy yet, just more links to more sub headings. Not getting my vote (when I eventually get to one its a fucking giant pdf doc. fuck that)

Australian Independants
Really easy to get to the policies. good policy page, bold header, text, bold header text.
Snappy overview has sold me, many policies i agree with, few i disagreed with of the ones i skimmed. will vote for!

Australian Labour Party
cbs reading

Australian Sex Party
best overview page to date, simple effective. but perhaps too simple. they don't really seem to discuss or care for any big picture items (the environment etc)
will vote for, but not top priority. hope they do well though, good policies present.

Citizens Electoral Council
I think I just got teleported to 2003, this website. damn.
needs some animated GIFs

holy shit these guys are insane LOL. PUT AT BOTTOM OF LIST DO NOT VOTE FOR.
but view their website, it's amazing: http://www.cecaust.com.au/
they have a section on violent videogames under art and culture!

Country Alliance

i'm greeted with a white family fishing, what's not to like?

their 2nd policy: Boat Ramps: We want to double their number.


nothing here that really matters to me, but nothing that offends me either, clearly got their targets and trying to help out their people.

Democratic Labour Party
no real policy overview page is a bit annoying. they have a list of things they wish me to read... but i cant be bothered.
randomly selected a page: " we support the rights and duty of parents to discipline their children."

beat the fuckers! now there's a policy.

drug law reform party
one policy, one agenda, all good, no issues but not one i worry about.

family first party
think climate change is fake.lol no vote.

HEMP Party Australia
the help end marijuana prohibition party

they get bonus points for their name.

Katters Australian Party
People say he's crazy, I had a quick overview, nothing seems too outlandish with what theyre putting forward (reduce ownership of supermarkets bycoles and woolies, give us backguns! lol.
this page is hilariously blank: http://www.ausparty.org.au/issues/government-services.html

also seems ok, some one find me the crazy please.

CBS reading. lizard man.

One Nation Party


...on average 100 people a day arrive

…they arrive in Indonesia with a passport to enter the country

…80% plus destroy passports and identification papers before entering Australia

...the boat people as reported, pay up to $20,000 to people smugglers for passage to Australia

…2013-14 Illegal boat people will cost Australian taxpayers $2.8 Billion if lucky. To date estimated cost $12 Billion plus

…supply of cigarettes to illegal boat people $1.5Million a year <--- LOL

…supply of telephone and charges $5Million to the taxpayer

Not one reference. WHERE ARE YOUR REFERENCES? fucking hell. reference wikipedia at least!

They also amusingly have "more coming soon.." listed on their policies page. bit late?

Palmer United
Nothing suss here! (and im being serious, these policies all sound fine. but he's listed like 5 sentences lol.)
no mention of dinosaur theme parks is a bit disheartening.

like katter, please find me the crazy? otherwise he seems fine.

Rise Up Party - keep australia australia

lots of non white people in their banners! they must be good people!

anti gay marriage.. there has to be something else here though. im so confused by this party. so many non white people.. yet it's all WHITE POWER!

Secular Party

Ithink these are good people? I can't work it out though.

something just SEEMS SINISTER.

Stable Population Party

seem a bit anti boats.. but they're also anti bogans having 10+ kids.

so they're just... anti large population!

seem like an alright mob.


cbs reading

The Nationals



julian assange! lololol


the holder of the trombone
Regarding refugee intake in general, we believe Australia should re-balance the refugee intake to reduce the number of Muslim refugees and take more persecuted Christians form various African countries.

"You believe in the religion we oppose, so please kindly fuck off and continue to be persecuted in your country."



I want a tag give me a tag
"You believe in the religion we oppose, so please kindly fuck off and continue to be persecuted in your country."


You could also phrase it as

"We'd rather take in refugees whom follow the same belief pattern and hold the same ideals as us compared to those who believe and think differently"
You could also phrase it as

"We'd rather take in refugees whom follow the same belief pattern and hold the same ideals as us compared to those who believe and think differently"

That's efficiency! Saves the cost and time of indoctrination if everyone is already the same.


Why would anyone vote for Abbott. He looks like a chimp and you can't trust a chimp.

So much for solving the progressive echo-chamber...

For most people in politics, the morals don't matter, just what side you happen to be on. Why is it OK to call Tony Abbott or David Cameron a chimp but do the same to Kevin Rudd or Barack Obama and suddenly it's the end of the world?


I want a tag give me a tag
So much for solving the progressive echo-chamber...

For most people in politics, the morals don't matter, just what side you happen to be on. Why is it OK to call Tony Abbott or David Cameron a chimp but do the same to Kevin Rudd or Barack Obama and suddenly it's the end of the world?

kevin rudd looks like a troll doll


So much for solving the progressive echo-chamber...

For most people in politics, the morals don't matter, just what side you happen to be on. Why is it OK to call Tony Abbott or David Cameron a chimp but do the same to Kevin Rudd or Barack Obama and suddenly it's the end of the world?
Uhm, there's a pretty good reason why no decent person would compare Barack Obama to a monkey&#8230;
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