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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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So much for solving the progressive echo-chamber...

For most people in politics, the morals don't matter, just what side you happen to be on. Why is it OK to call Tony Abbott or David Cameron a chimp but do the same to Kevin Rudd or Barack Obama and suddenly it's the end of the world?

Kevin Rudd, because he doesn't look like a chimp.
Obama, because of racism.

Though Rudd is called TinTin and the Milky Bar kid, which are pretty damn accurate.
Tintin gets a good run, with good reason!

Why is it OK to call Tony Abbott or David Cameron a chimp but do the same to Kevin Rudd or Barack Obama and suddenly it's the end of the world?

You should call someone who looks like a chimp a chimp. If they don't look like a chimp it would be an odd thing to say.


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Tintin gets a good run, with good reason!

You should call someone who looks like a chimp a chimp. If they don't look like a chimp it would be an odd thing to say.

unless they're black

even if they do look like a chimp.

if tony abbot was black you cant call him a chimp.

PC bullshit bah!

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
So much for solving the progressive echo-chamber...

For most people in politics, the morals don't matter, just what side you happen to be on. Why is it OK to call Tony Abbott or David Cameron a chimp but do the same to Kevin Rudd or Barack Obama and suddenly it's the end of the world?

If you're aiming to mock someone you can call people (esp. white males amirite?) pretty much whatever you want, as long as you don't descend into full blown vitriol. Krud, Rabbit, Little Johnny Howard etc are all pretty much "sticks and stone may break my bones" level stuff. The only reason Abbot gets called a chimp and Rudd doesn't is because he actually does look like a chimp (for the record, so did George W. Bush).

If you don't see how calling Barack Obama a chimp or Julia Gillard The Red Barren may have more offensive undertones than those examples then I guess you're absolutely right that the morals don't matter, only which side you're on, because those would be some massive false equivalences.



Cenny Coast reppin YEW
Are baboons apes too? To me, they always somewhat straddled the line between what I think of when I hear the terms ape and monkey. Same with gibbons.

I feel as though I need to compare all the minor parties in a big spreadsheet before I make my choice. It's a bit like buying a car, only you have to deal with twenty million family members who prioritise the stupidest gimmicky features over what really matters to you.


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Are baboons apes too? To me, they always somewhat straddled the line between what I think of when I hear the terms ape and monkey. Same with gibbons.

I feel as though I need to compare all the minor parties in a big spreadsheet before I make my choice. It's a bit like buying a car, only you have to deal with twenty million family members who prioritise the stupidest gimmicky features over what really matters to you.


Dead Man

So much for solving the progressive echo-chamber...

For most people in politics, the morals don't matter, just what side you happen to be on. Why is it OK to call Tony Abbott or David Cameron a chimp but do the same to Kevin Rudd or Barack Obama and suddenly it's the end of the world?

Did you miss the Adam Goodes thing? You can't call dark skinned people monkeys or apes. Blame the racist fuckheads for that. As for Rudd, you can call him anything you want. I like to call him a muppet.

Fuck you, Christopher Pynes.

So glad the electoral boundaries were changes and I'm not in his electorate any more. Of course, he will one day be the leader of the Liberal Party. God help us all on that day.


Did you miss the Adam Goodes thing? You can't call dark skinned people monkeys or apes. Blame the racist fuckheads for that. As for Rudd, you can call him anything you want. I like to call him a muppet.

Unfortunately I didn't miss that big beat-up. It's so odd that when you call Tony Abbott a monkey, it's just a reflection of Tony Abbott, but when you call that to Barack Obama, it's a reflection on all black people.... I refuse to accept that as anything but racism in and of itself.

Dead Man

Unfortunately I didn't miss that big beat-up. It's so odd that when you call Tony Abbott a monkey, it's just a reflection of Tony Abbott, but when you call that to Barack Obama, it's a reflection on all black people.... I refuse to accept that as anything but racism in and of itself.

Okay, you cannot be that ignorant. I can call him a monkey, you can call him a monkey, but anyone doing so should not be surprised if given the history of the use of the English fucking language people think you are a bit of a wanker for it. Are you really so bereft of other insults that you have to use primates?

Thinking about context is racist now? Get off it.
Unfortunately I didn't miss that big beat-up. It's so odd that when you call Tony Abbott a monkey, it's just a reflection of Tony Abbott, but when you call that to Barack Obama, it's a reflection on all black people.... I refuse to accept that as anything but racism in and of itself.

As Dead said, context is key.


Okay, you cannot be that ignorant. I can call him a monkey, you can call him a monkey, but anyone doing so should not be surprised if given the history of the use of the English fucking language people think you are a bit of a wanker for it. Are you really so bereft of other insults that you have to use primates?

Thinking about context is racist now? Get off it.

A lot of times context is added when it isn't actually there. That's my main complaint. For example I remember a political cartoonist drawing a "see no evil" etc. metaphor for Obama, and what happens? Cries of racist. That wasn't the point, but people choose to see racism that wasn't there.

The reason why I called out that Tony Abbott comparison was because I was reminded of all that. Of the impossibly high standards set only for them not to be followed when it came to the other side.

Of course I know about the racial connotations, I just tune them out because I don't believe in different standards for different races (or genders or any other trait)


I try not to compare anyone to monkeys

Probably for the best if you dont know the difference between apes and monkeys :p

As far as I recall the extant ape species are humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos. Of those, humans and chimps are the most likely to be arseholes. Bonobos are pansexual hippies, orangutans are pacifists.

I'm not going anywhere with this comparison though.
HEMP Party Australia
the help end marijuana prohibition party

they get bonus points for their name.

Katters Australian Party
People say he's crazy, I had a quick overview, nothing seems too outlandish with what theyre putting forward (reduce ownership of supermarkets bycoles and woolies, give us backguns! lol.
this page is hilariously blank: http://www.ausparty.org.au/issues/government-services.html

also seems ok, some one find me the crazy please.

Thanks for the rad overview holy :p Yeah, Katter's party actually has a lot of good things to say on many issues, even if I don't always agree with them.

According to the below the line site, "Robbo Da Yobbo" is running as a part of the HEMP party in QLD. Can we photograph the ballot papers? I need to see this with my own eyes.

Fuck you, Christopher Pynes.

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, him and friggen albrechtsen make my skin crawl when ever they appear on the show. Rhys on the other hand was fantastic, and Adam Bandt had a lot of good stuff to say too. All in all I think it was pretty good, though weird to see Tony Jones push that weird point about the Rudd GST thing rather than the main point of the question which was negative politics. Would have been nice to hear more about that instead...
Hey, good luck.
Thanks very much. =)

Have you guys figured out your preferences yet? Do you have any particular economic stance?
We're in the process of figuring out our preferences. What's more, we're doing it transparently. You can take a look at the process we're following here. We'll fully publish our list of preferences well in advance of the election date.

To answer your other question on our economic stance, it might be easiest if I simply link you to our policy platform.

What are your expectations/hopes going in?
Well, it's our first election as a registered party. While it'd be amazing if we did actually get a senate seat, in all likelihood the best we can hope for is that we're able to raise our profile and name recognition for the next election. Really, the biggest challenge any minor party faces is just getting your name and policies out there. Without public funding (which you only get if you had a minimum percentage of votes in the previous election), you're entirely reliant on donations to help with advertising and promotional expenses.

Do you have a peg leg and what is your parrots name?

I'll be extremely disappointed if you tell me you're not that kind of pirate.
Sorry, but we're not that kind of pirates. ;) Not that it means we won't play up the nautical stuff on Talk Like a Pirate Day, for the free publicity. ^^; Just a pity the election wasn't set for a few weeks later, so we'd have that day during the election campaign...

I'm also reading the policies of every party.

edit: I'm going to update this with pros and cons for every party.
Any chance you'll add us Pirates to your list? Actual representation on NeoGAF has to count for a Pro, right? ;)


To answer your other question on our economic stance, it might be easiest if I simply link you to our policy platform.
A range of ad-hoc middle-class welfare measures operate with little economic merit and poor coordination (as an example, the Howard-era Family Tax Benefit part B provides incentive to parents to stay off work, while the Gillard-era Paid Parental Leave scheme offers a counterincentive to stay in the workforce).

Paid Parental Leave is there for the development and wellbeing of children more than it is "middle class welfare" which is a stupid term when low income earners can equally acess it.


Unfortunately I didn't miss that big beat-up. It's so odd that when you call Tony Abbott a monkey, it's just a reflection of Tony Abbott, but when you call that to Barack Obama, it's a reflection on all black people.... I refuse to accept that as anything but racism in and of itself.

There's not a history of people believing/'proving' that white people are sub-human/dumb/beasts.
Paid Parental Leave is there for the development and wellbeing of children more than it is "middle class welfare" which is a stupid term when low income earners can equally acess it.
Would paid parental leave have been intended in that manner? Sure. Does that mean it's actually worked in that way in how it's being implemented currently? Not necessarily.

If you'd like to click through to the full Welfare policy, you'll see that what we're proposing is a restructuring of the system of transfer payments, which includes restructured childbirth and parenting supplements.

you're not in Vic so i missed you! but I will do a full report on your policies tonight.

Actually, we are in Victoria. ABC Radio in Melbourne just did this interview with Joe Miles, our lead candidate down there.


Bulbagarden I just had a quick read through of the PP copyright text, really interesting stuff. I think it's spot on for 98% of the time and has a lot of policies I support.

The 15 years copyright term has me running for the hills screaming in terror though, I have work I made over 15 years ago that I'd still like to own please :)


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Would paid parental leave have been intended in that manner? Sure. Does that mean it's actually worked in that way in how it's being implemented currently? Not necessarily.

If you'd like to click through to the full Welfare policy, you'll see that what we're proposing is a restructuring of the system of transfer payments, which includes restructured childbirth and parenting supplements.

Actually, we are in Victoria. ABC Radio in Melbourne just did this interview with Joe Miles, our lead candidate down there.

not in the senate though? I just went the senate list as that's all that was being given to me on that below the line site!
Bulbagarden I just had a quick read through of the PP copyright text, really interesting stuff. I think it's spot on for 98% of the time and has a lot of policies I support.

The 15 years copyright term has me running for the hills screaming in terror though, I have work I made over 15 years ago that I'd still like to own please :)
Glad to hear you liked it for the most part. =) With regards to the 15 years length, that was derived from academic research published in Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues. The journal is published open access if you'd like to read the articles, in particular the one by Pollock in Vol 6, No 1. I'll note also that our policy there would not impact on moral rights entitling creators to be identified with their work, so it's not like you wouldn't still "own" it as such.

not in the senate though? I just went the senate list as that's all that was being given to me on that below the line site!
All of our candidates are standing for the senate only, so I can only assume that there's an error on the site. Where are you finding that on the Below the Line site exactly? I just had a quick look at the site, and it was saying ballot editors weren't available yet.


Would paid parental leave have been intended in that manner? Sure. Does that mean it's actually worked in that way in how it's being implemented currently? Not necessarily.

There's no real evidence that it's not working as intended and the notion that it'll reduce the longterm workforce participation of women goes against the conclusion reached by the Productivity Comission.

If you'd like to click through to the full Welfare policy, you'll see that what we're proposing is a restructuring of the system of transfer payments, which includes restructured childbirth and parenting supplements.
I did indeed read that and I'm very supportive of the overall goal of the what's outlined. I'm just a tad bit disheartened by the conclusion reached on that one example.

Oh, and just an fyi but Pensioners would actually be at least $10 a week worse off when including the (minimum) Pension Supplement and the Clean Energy Supplement so you might want to update your figures (unless there's something I'm missing in my haphazard maths!)


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Glad to hear you liked it for the most part. =) With regards to the 15 years length, that was derived from academic research published in Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues. The journal is published open access if you'd like to read the articles, in particular the one by Pollock in Vol 6, No 1. I'll note also that our policy there would not impact on moral rights entitling creators to be identified with their work, so it's not like you wouldn't still "own" it as such.

All of our candidates are standing for the senate only, so I can only assume that there's an error on the site. Where are you finding that on the Below the Line site exactly? I just had a quick look at the site, and it was saying ballot editors weren't available yet.



Of course I know about the racial connotations, I just tune them out because I don't believe in different standards for different races (or genders or any other trait)

Oh come now, it's not a question of standards, it's a question of historical recognition that people's cultures and histories are different and some things do mean or contain different connotations for various peoples.
Oh, and just an fyi but Pensioners would actually be at least $10 a week worse off when including the (minimum) Pension Supplement and the Clean Energy Supplement so you might want to update your figures (unless there's something I'm missing in my haphazard maths!)
Can I have your math there? I'll pass it on to our policy team to double-check.

Yeah, looks like their info is incomplete. There's quite a lot of parties missing from that list, not just ours. I'll send in our info to them.


Can I have your math there? I'll pass it on to our policy team to double-check.
Sure thing (going off of fortnightly payments for Singles)

Pension: $733.70
Clean Energy Supplement: $13.50
Pension Supplement: $32.80 - $61.20

Total: $780 - $808.40


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Oh come now, it's not a question of standards, it's a question of historical recognition that people's cultures and histories are different and some things do mean or contain different connotations for various peoples.

Yet KFC still cant have an add here about feeding fried chicken to the west indies without crys of racism.

stupid americans.


Yet KFC still cant have an add here about feeding fried chicken to the west indies without crys of racism.

stupid americans.
Nah, that add was racist as hell no matter how you try and spin it. There's really no excuse for a company to run an add like that in the 21st century, especially in an age where cultures are able to connect like never before.
Nah, that add was racist as hell no matter how you try and spin it. There's really no excuse for a company to run an add like that in the 21st century, especially in an age where cultures are able to connect like never before.

I don't see how. "Fried chicken" stereotypes don't exist in Australia OR the West Indies, and it was a KFC ad... it's not like they have much else to advertise.
If you can import a chicken fast food outlet into Australia, you can equally import some unpleasant connotations too.

Can, but did? I don't think so. At least, I've never seen it except in American media directed at African Americans (which the West Indians are not). Anyway, this is super offtopic. I'd rather go back to talking about the election...


I don't see how. "Fried chicken" stereotypes don't exist in Australia OR the West Indies, and it was a KFC ad... it's not like they have much else to advertise.
I agree that the stereotype doesn't really exist in this country, but I find it incredibly hard to believe that people here wouldn't be increasingly aware of it given the growing pervasiveness of US media in this country.

It still doesn't really make it any less insensitive either tbqh.
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