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Australia Charts: Sony's Athens 2004 takes the top spot


Rob Fahey 12:34 26/08/2004

Olympic fever drives game sales in Australia

The latest game sales charts from GfK Australia show Sony Computer Entertainment's Olympics tie-in title, Athens 2004, moving up to the top of the chart as the Games get into full swing in the Greek capital.

id Software's Doom 3 is at number two in the chart, followed by EA's The Sims Deluxe at three and another Sony title, SingStar, at number four. No fewer than three Sims titles make it into the top ten this week; The Sims Unleashed is at number five, while The Sims Superstar is at seven.

There were no new entries in the top ten this week, as titles from earlier in the summer continued to sell strongly. Outside the top five, there was another strong week of sales for Activision's movie tie-in duo of Spider-Man 2 (with the PS2 version at number six) and Shrek 2 (PS2 version at number nine).

Atari's Driv3r also continues to hold firm inside the top ten; the PS2 version of the game was at number eight this week, and hasn't been out of the ranking since it was launched at the end of June.
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