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Australian Flood Crisis - cities under water, sharks in the streets

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Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Just saw footage on tv. The 7 news helicopter spotted a car in the flood waters while shooting footage. It was full of people. They went and picked up and SES rescue worker but by the time they got back the car had disappeared :(


The thought of all this water rushing down the valley from Toowoomba is just horrifying. Then there's this fairly ominous statement:

Much of the deluge that fell in the Toowoomba region and is now ripping a path of devastation in the Lockyer Valley will move into the catchment of the Wivenhoe Dam system that feeds Brisbane.

Ms Bligh warned large releases of water would be required from Wivenhoe Dam as a result of higher-than-expected inflows, with water then set to flow through the Brisbane River.

The Premier said authorities must continue to ensure the dam functioned properly.

“Releases from Wivenhoe are not optional, there is no discretion here,” she said.

Ms Bligh said flood modelling and dam operations were continually being reviewed.


Good luck Brisvegas. My heart goes out to everyone who has already suffered upstream, the lives destroyed and animals lost. And most of all the farmers, some of whom will not recover from this financially or psychologically. :'-(


Anyone else find this bullshit?
"This is a natural disaster across Queensland," said Gillard in announcing a A$1 million ($1 million) government contribution to a flood aid appeal which now totals A$6 million."
Fuck off Gillard.

the Federal govt are in this for billions of dollars.

just for a start business can get $25K and every individual can get 1k for immediate needs. they will also be rebuilding the roads, rail, airports, ports etc centrelink can also provide individual assistance.

there will be further fed govt assistance past this as well


So it looks like I'll be stranded at work with the incoming flood waters, and nobody here seems to care. They're all sort of joking about it, how we can sleep here tonight.

Not happy.
I work at QUT in the city. I'm up pretty high, but there's a good view of the river. It's getting pretty close to the bank at Southbank.

Some streets in West End are flooding already, and Coronation Drive is closed.

Nothing compared to that wall of water Toowoomba stuff though. That just looked insane. Guess that water will be reaching us soon enough :(


lexi said:
So it looks like I'll be stranded at work with the incoming flood waters, and nobody here seems to care. They're all sort of joking about it, how we can sleep here tonight.

Not happy.
Look at it this way, there are lots of people in QLD who would love it if their worst problem to be stuck in an office right now. Crack a smile. It's not so bad. :)


Router said:
Just saw footage on tv. The 7 news helicopter spotted a car in the flood waters while shooting footage. It was full of people. They went and picked up and SES rescue worker but by the time they got back the car had disappeared :(
That is petrifying. Hope they didn't go under :(

Holy. Shit.

Watched the first 10 seconds thinking that is a horrid stream. Skipped to half way through and you wouldn't even know it was a street with the carpark going under.

Is it still expected to rise?


Anyone else find this bullshit?
"This is a natural disaster across Queensland," said Gillard in announcing a A$1 million ($1 million) government contribution to a flood aid appeal which now totals A$6 million."
Fuck off Gillard.
We spent 45 million on a cartoon kangaroo and getting kathy freeman out of retirement
Such stupid priorities


Poimandres said:
I work at QUT in the city. I'm up pretty high, but there's a good view of the river. It's getting pretty close to the bank at Southbank.

Some streets in West End are flooding already, and Coronation Drive is closed.

Nothing compared to that wall of water Toowoomba stuff though. That just looked insane. Guess that water will be reaching us soon enough :(

So do I, small world :lol

I am looking at leaving for home shortly, I am in a low lying area near East Brisbane which is prone to flooding.
They've evacuated the Telstra building and it looks like the Ipswich Motorway is going to be closed over the next hour or so. Businesses in the low lying areas toward Gardens Point are making moves to evacuate as well.

My fiance has just told me that if they evacuate her work, she expects me to come home with her. :lol
x3n05 said:
So do I, small world :lol

I am looking at leaving for home shortly, I am in a low lying area near East Brisbane which is prone to flooding.

True that!

Which faculty? No need to answer if privacy is a concern of yours.

Everyone is wigging out here. No more work today.


God some of the updates from Queensland Police are really upsetting.

All in the last 45 minutes...

All residents in low lying areas of Strathpine and Caboolture should evacuate immediately. Cars should be moved from low lying areas. The flood levels are expected to be greater than the 1974 floods. Do not stay in your homes please leave immediately. #qldfloods #thebigwet

An Emergency Alert has been issued for flash flooding in Laidley. Laidley is likely to experience rapidly rising water levels and property inundation, posing an immediate danger to residents.

All members of the community who live or are currently near the Brisbane River at West End are advised to move to higher ground.

I honestly feel like crying. I love this great city so much.




viciouskillersquirrel said:
They've evacuated the Telstra building and it looks like the Ipswich Motorway is going to be closed over the next hour or so. Businesses in the low lying areas toward Gardens Point are making moves to evacuate as well.

My fiance has just told me that if they evacuate her work, she expects me to come home with her. :lol
Yeah I'm outta here.

Take care.

View from my office:



Poimandres said:
True that!

Which faculty? No need to answer if privacy is a concern of yours.

Everyone is wigging out here. No more work today.

I don't work in a faculty, I work in ITS as a network engineer.

We are about to go home as well, got to move the cars up the road out of the flooding zone and have other stuff under the house we need to move upstairs.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
To the people criticizing the ammount of money the government has made available so far you need to understand what this money is being used for and that it's not the end of the cash. The government will be in for billions before this is all cleaned up.

viciouskillersquirrel said:
So my fiance just called. She wants to go home. I'll talk to you guys later.

Good luck man. Stay dry and safe.


Good luck viciouskillersquirrel, Bernbaum and the rest of Bris-evacu-GAF.

Twitter is saying that QR is currently allowing free train travel. (It's also saying that they may be shutting down the network soon).
x3n05 said:
I don't work in a faculty, I work in ITS as a network engineer.

We are about to go home as well, got to move the cars up the road out of the flooding zone and have other stuff under the house we need to move upstairs.

So your the one to blame for these antiquated systems we have to use?!


Ridiculous times. I'm pretty worried about all this stuff going on.


So like I said, I was planning to take vacations in Australia (and New Zealand) this summer. I guess I can push that to the following summer instead? I'm guessing the impact would still be quite prominent in some regions.

It's fine to me if I have to delay them really, I'll go elsewhere for this year that's all.

Hope everyone's alright though!


Thoughts and wishes going to all affected, including the AusGAFfers in the region. The company I work for has a site at Helidon which appears to have been hit pretty heavily, too... but I'm in Melbourne so we're all safe here. No doubt there'll be fundraising galore over the coming days/weeks/months of which I'll be contributing as it's all I can do from down here :(

Ether_Snake said:
So like I said, I was planning to take vacations in Australia (and New Zealand) this summer. I guess I can push that to the following summer instead? I'm guessing the impact would still be quite prominent in some regions.

It's fine to me if I have to delay them really, I'll go elsewhere for this year that's all.

Hope everyone's alright though!
Depends on where. Victoria is largely unaffected by this storm weather, though that's not to say there won't be another bushfire period.


Poimandres said:
So your the one to blame for these antiquated systems we have to use?!


Ridiculous times. I'm pretty worried about all this stuff going on.

:lol It's all good I am used to it, thought it's actually a really good enterprise level network.

There are crisis talks going on at the moment regarding moving gear out of the GP data centre. Good luck moving the super computers...


Ether_Snake said:
So like I said, I was planning to take vacations in Australia (and New Zealand) this summer. I guess I can push that to the following summer instead? I'm guessing the impact would still be quite prominent in some regions.

It's fine to me if I have to delay them really, I'll go elsewhere for this year that's all.

Hope everyone's alright though!

New Zealand is A-OK!


Saw two towtrucks in the middle of the city on my to the train station to get home. One had a Toyota Hilux with the front punched in, the other towie was empty and going the other way. Pretty much all of Brisbane is going home.

Train to take me home is running ten minutes late, and there's word they'll shut down the train lines in the next few hours.

Lots of people on their phones, despite warnings to keep the lines clear.

EDIT: Train just pulled into central station and the platforms are packed with people.


Far out, this is scary stuff. I'm glad I'm home safe and that my friends and family are accounted for. Stay safe, fellow Brisweigans.


- 8 deaths, 4 of them children
- 72 unaccounted for
- "Any resource Queensland needs will be made available" - referring to Australian Defense force providing aid
- NSW experiencing floods
- Long term funding for rebuilding of Queensland
- Support offers coming from around the world. New Zealand offer accepted, others are being reviewed.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Bernbaum said:
Saw two towtrucks in the middle of the city on my to the train station to get home. One had a Toyota Hilux with the front punched in, the other towie was empty and going the other way. Pretty much all of Brisbane is going home.

Train to take me home is running ten minutes late, and there's word they'll shut down the train lines in the next few hours.

Lots of people on their phones, despite warnings to keep the lines clear.

EDIT: Train just pulled into central station and the platforms are packed with people.

Tow truck drivers will be lovin this, they set up around creeks people think they can cross and just wait for idiots. They do it up here all the time.
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