Who is going to make that happen? Me? You?
God damn America what is wrong with your cops?...
cynically it might take a white woman dying before something actually happens
I would be surprised if his partner didn't have to go see a doctor for having a gun fired in such close proximity in a small space. His ears must have been ringing, not to mention the possible trauma of seeing someone being killed this close.So the cop in the passenger seat shot in front of the cop in the driver's seat? The hell?
Man it SURE IS FUNNY how despite all these new body cam laws we have, they never seem to be on when there is dubious shit about a case.
Just gets weirder and weirder
So an officer shot an unarmed woman in pyjamas while she was talking to his Partner through the car window. Am I reading this right? How the fuck does that happen, this reads almost like a hit.
Naw, they get shot a lot, as well. But a lot of people don't care. And if you do care, their cop families will lose their shit and assume you hate cops.So basically you only survive American police if you're white and American?
Black people and any non US native is fucked?
I call bullshit on the cameras not being turned on.....
That's mighty fucking convenient.
Minnesota newspaper The Star Tribune reports Ms Damond was dressed in her pyjamas when she went to the drivers side door of the police vehicle that responded to the emergency call.
She was talking to the driver when the officer in the passenger seat pulled out his gun and shot across his fellow officer.
In Germany, we also don't consider being a police officer to be anything but a job. There's nothing heroic about it, they're not considered to be any more brave than anyone else and they're just doing what they're paid to do. There's no discounts for police or anything that would make them feel like they're special somehow.The population of the US is 4 times bigger than Germany. In 2015 a 100 times as many people where killed by cops in the US.
There is a systemic problem with the tranning and lack of accountability for police in America.
Do they just accept anyone to be a cop in the US?
Officer feared for his life, obviously. Do they ever have to say anything else? Seems like "Hey, you killed someone. Please tick the correct box:Woman calls police for help. Police arrive. Woman, in pyjamas, talks to policemen in their car. Policeman in the passenger seat pulls out gun and shoots woman - in her pyjamas -dead.
What on earth could have happened? It makes absolutely no sense.
Still, I doubt that will fly when you have to explain how you fear for your life because a women in pajamas was speaking to your partner. The police in the US sure like to cover their own fuckups, but there should be a limit to that even for them.Officer feared for his life, obviously. Do they ever have to say anything else? Seems like "Hey, you killed someone. Please tick the correct box:
Feared for my life.
I might have fucked up.
Ah, he chose that he feared for his life. Let him go home now, he's suffered enough.
Obviously, but we've all seen stories like this countless times.Still, I doubt that will fly when you have to explain how you fear for your life because a women in pajamas was speaking to your partner. The police in the US sure like to cover their own fuckups, but there should be a limit to that even for them.
Well, he murdered the defenseless woman. Him getting away with it would be impossible... right?
Unless she was wearing a suit of armour for pajamas I'm mighty curious how they spin the fear angle with this one.Officer feared for his life, obviously. Do they ever have to say anything else? Seems like "Hey, you killed someone. Please tick the correct box:
Feared for my life.
I might have fucked up.
Ah, he chose that he feared for his life. Let him go home now, he's suffered enough.
This is unfathomable to me. I used to wanna live in the US when I was younger, now I never want to set a foot in there.
Well, at this point, they're probably trying to dig up anything that can be used to destroy her character. If she's ever smoked weed in her life or if she's ever been caught shoplifting, that shit will be dug up. Then they'll say that they couldn't see her hands clearly so when she reached for something, the cop feared for his life and had to shoot in order to ensure his partner's safety. It was a selfless act to make sure his partner gets out alive. Usually it would be unsafe to just shoot in a situation like that, but the life of his partner was in danger so he took that risk. #heroUnless she was wearing a suit of armour for pajamas I'm mighty curious how they spin the fear angle with this one.
I agree though - from outside US seeing this news items it always seem to be followed by some claim of the officer feeling endangered even though it's often incomprehensible how they could have legitimately (i.e. if they were well trained and properly evaluating the situation).
This is unfathomable to me. I used to wanna live in the US when I was younger, now I never want to set a foot in there.
People will do anything they feel they can get away with it. From eating grapes in the grocery store, to running red lights to police killing peopleThat can't be real. It doesn't make any sense. There is no logical explanation why that would happen unless the cop truly wanted to murder someone or they're not right in the head at all.
I've about had it with all of this news of violence committed by the police, and all of them basically getting away with murder because they hide behind the badge. If you're a cop, you're trash. It's now that simple. I don't trust any goddamn lunatic with a gun. Fuck the pigs. Fuck them all to hell.
Some say dumb kids in HS are those who to apply to become a cop.
Having body cameras turned off should be a fire-able offense.
how long does police training in the academy take in the US?