You're completely off base and don't seem to understand the concepts of universal principals or natural law.
Understanding the concepts is one thing, thinking it's anything but a load of shite is another.
You'd think that everyone who claims that morality is objective and universal would share the same moral code, especially those who don't attribute the rightousness of their own moral code to the "will of god".
Because anything else would just reduce the whole concept to a dude standing on a soapbox claming that his own personal preference is the only correct moral code, right?
But what does it mean with your own universal morality? Who is right:
"We think that killing another human is wrong, so the death penalty should be abolished".
"We think that killing another human is wrong, so if you commit murder you have lost the right to your own life, and we will execute you (even if you later prove to be mentally handicapped)"
"Heroin kills people and killing people is wrong. So we will execute those who deal heroine".
So who will get the medal here when "the universe" hands out our just rewards for moral righteousness?