Strache is looking old af these days, Kern looks much younger than him somehow.
He was the young guy next to the old guys when he started out and now he looks like this with makeup done
Fresh and energetic
That would be a funny spin considering they're only 2 years apart
The word "unverbraucht" comes to mind, have you seen those FPÖ events Strache has to lead?
Being the kingpin drains you, I'm sure.
it really does, strache has been failing their way up the polls for 12 years now. Always the loud guy that has to cry wolf over and over.
there's just something really nice about it.
Did my part.
Same here.. I hope. Wahlkarten are confusing. I really prefer just voting at home.
Gotta love todays Krone front page
I did it at the Wahllokal, should be alright.Had to use one last year. Was afraid that I did something wrong. Voting at the Wahllokal is the way to go for me.
Also read of someone who studies abroad and they received their Wahlkarte too late to be able to vote. What a great system we have.
"LoOk FrIeNdS, I aM dOiNg A hUmAn SmILe"What is going on with Kurz's mouth?
Dont know anything about Austrian politics but Kurz reminds me of an American Psycho actor
But he looks nothing like Bale, I think he means Paul AllenMaybe a bit.. He looks more like he'd be his little brother.
He is much more dangerous than he seems at first glance, though, so that's an attribute they share.
But he looks nothing like Bale, I think he means Paul Allen
I just read(not sure how I missed that) that with so many people voting via mail (like 16 percent I think), we won't even know anything conclusive until possibly THURSDAY?
I had hoped we could so it quickly, like ripping off a band-aid..
Most mail ballots will be counted on Monday, only the ones that end up at a different electoral district will be counted on Thursday. From what I heard, this will be 100k maximum, so it won't have much of an effect on the results anymore. Could still be relevant with respect to the three small parties if they are very close to the 4% threshold though.
That last outlier poll having the FPO leading (6 days ago) isnt making me feel good about the possible results... while there was no poll herding in the French election there may well have been some here.
I always pick female names for that randomly.Alright. Voted. Should have actually looked up the names in my regional list, I don't know who any of these are.
Is it me or where the considerably more parties than usually?
Nobody vote for the homeless in politics?
Well, the plan for my Austrian colleagues (I'm German myself, so I can only watch in horror) seems to be to get "blauer als das Wahlergebnis" before it's done. I hope I won't have to call an ambulance on them.Now, we wait. So i can cry myself to sleep again. /jk...... kinda.
I created really think of anything not in the OP, unless it's very basic. Go ahead and ask questions, I'll do my best to answer them.Austria-GAF. I am not educated about your elections. Can someone sum the situation up for me ?
Trying to out-FPÖ the FPÖ.I know I should have checked out Wahlkabine BEFORE voting, but the only surprise in my result was that the current ÖVP was the ONLY party I had negative points with. What the hell happened to that party?
Austria-GAF. I am not educated about your elections. Can someone sum the situation up for me ?
The older one loves Strache and hopes for an FPÖ win, while being a Bulgarian immigrant(married and moved here it seems), is fairly dark skinned, and speaks terrible German.
My uncle (who's fairly rich, married to an indian woman and has 3 very dark-skinned children) tried to convince the entire family to vote for the FPÖ because (quote) he's sick and tired of paying for other people.
I created really think of anything not in the OP, unless it's very basic. Go ahead and ask questions, I'll do my best to answer them.
In short (notice the subtle joke): it's a shit show.
The social democrats fucked up half of their campaign and now we are looking at a coalition between the "conservatives" (which is a code-word for right-wing assholes) and the "right wing assholes" (which is code for right wing assholes).
only a miracle can save us now.
I'm also looking forward to the inevitable fallout from the rest of europe and the world...
To me this makes no sense. Are these 'assholes' politicians really racist, or are they just populists who create a sense of fear to prey on the people's feelings ? I seriously hope they are the latter.Zeit im Bild said:Immer wieder hört man, Flüchtlinge seien kriminell. Das stimmt nicht, sagt Karl-Heinz Grundböck, der Sprecher des Innenministeriums: "Was wir sehen, ist dass ein bestimmtes Feld steigt: Das ist nicht die Kriminalität von Flüchtlingen, sondern die Kriminalität gegen Flüchtlinge."
Okay okay, I got the gist of it. But how can Austria have the choice between asholes and assholes when we got this kind of commentary from a direct official source regarding immigrants in the country ?
Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.To me this makes no sense. Are these 'assholes' politicians really racist, or are they just populists who create a sense of fear to prey on the people's feelings ? I seriously hope they are the latter.
[...]goddamn he's talking about refugees and immigrants isn't he
To me this makes no sense. Are these 'assholes' politicians really racist, or are they just populists who create a sense of fear to prey on the people's feelings ? I seriously hope they are the latter.
nope. apparently he was talking about "parasites" in general, including students who's tuition HE has to pay.
Yes, this. I feel like one of these phenomena is feeding off the other one. And I don't like that : simplistic arguments dumb down the general discourse. Over the course of several years, you have a real possibility of putting in question things that greatly contributed and go on contributing to our society like free speech and differences in opinion.these are "post-faktische" times, reality doesn't really matter, perceived reality does.
This is disgusting. Whoever did that has no right to figure on any party's list or be at all part of the system.Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.
Probably more the latter, especially at the top of the party.
But the FPÖ has had slogans like "Heimatliebe statt Marokkanerdiebe" (Love for your home instead of maroccan thieves) and "Daham statt Islam" (home, not Islam).
One of their lower ranking guys was found to have the license plate "88 HH". Stuff like that.
Disclaimer: the license plate was not ordered or anything, but it's suspicious as hell.
Oh, it's absolutely both.What rubs me the wrong way is that (all) these parties had the choice between several alternative propagandas, with at least one of them which could have depicted the migrants favourably. These alterantive propagandas could have had done the job. But instead, in lieu of reassuring the voters about what could be their neighbours, they feed a paranoia which has no real foundaments but very real implications.
That's deeply disturbing to me. It either sheds a curious light on the Austrian voters, or the people in power, or both.
Anyway, right-wing speeches, policies and representatives belong to the past. We should not give up to this non sense once again.
Would this ad have worked if the incarnation of old government didn't have a "Refugees Welcome" slogan on that shirt?
Oh sure, as far as I recall the party apologized. Don't remember if heads rolled.This is disgusting. Whoever did that has no right to figure on any party's list or be at all part of the system.
Good going austrians
Fucking disgusting
Have fun with a liar and a fascist as your leaders