Fudge sake I curbed my rear left wheel fairly badly yesterday. Wondering if I should just wait a bit or get it repaired straight away. Almost have a kind of OCD about it because the car is brand new, and it's irritating me to no end lol. If it wasn't so noticeable or it was one of the company cars I wouldn't even care.
Any of you tried the wheel repair kits they sell on Amazon? They seem to have pretty good reviews, one in particular is 4.5 stars after quite a few reviews. Or I just get a garage to touch it up. Or alternatively I just suck it up and leave it as one of many more to come lol.
Any of you tried the wheel repair kits they sell on Amazon? They seem to have pretty good reviews, one in particular is 4.5 stars after quite a few reviews. Or I just get a garage to touch it up. Or alternatively I just suck it up and leave it as one of many more to come lol.