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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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I took the liberty of making new gifs for you, the tumblr quality gives me a headache

Thank you Kami-sama. Precious yata.


Garo 2 - 2
I hate to say it, but this... wasn't very good. On numerous levels.

-Some really clunky dialogue, with several instances of characters explaining things to each other that they really should both already know.
-Raiko is a complete nothing of a main character, and has a lousy design. The flashback scene was very poorly done. Seimei is cool though.
-The ending action sequence was short and unimpressive
-A lot of the backgrounds seem very bland. I'm not sure if its just the art style they went with, but the first show seemed to look much nicer, IIRC.
-The way the story and scenes all meshed together was all just really clunky. And I don't know wtf that guard liking Seimei has to do with anything.

I'll keep watching with the hope it gets better, but my enthusiasm has died down considerably. I'm suddenly glad this isn't a direct sequel to the original show, so no matter what happens, I can look back on that fondly.

EDIT: Seems like several others share my opinion on this. Pretty disappointing, I *really* liked the first show.
Yu Yu Hakusho - 15

Kurama is wrecking shit with his rose whip and looking fabulous while doing so, not to mention that hair toss!
Once again I like how the fight involve creative ways instead of just head on ooga booga smash. Also there were surprisingly funny moments in this as well.
Has it been explained how Junior is able to monitor all this? Have I forgotten some spell or is there an invisible flying camera following them?



Hyouka 3

Man newspaper senpai was pretty damn weaksauce
seriously all that effort, should've at least have been smoking pot, what a loser

Oreki really is like Kyon-sherlock lol. I guess new girl is basically just hanging with Chitanda now cos they didn't really address anything about that except she said she joined and nobody challenged them.

The 'overarching mystery' is kinda weird and low key but suits the world. The 'acting' doesn't, I kinda feel. Angry senpai felt kinda fake and Chintanda's overacting is equally weird imho.

The cafe flashbacks with the paper/pop-out uncle was pretty amazing visually, especially the cut with the newspaper back to reality.

Same piano/flute piece as last week.
Fafner Exodus Episode 16

Wow this world is so sad, when will anyone ever find happiness beyond just the day to day life. Really the lesson of the anime consistently is to just enjoy the life that you live now. I cant see how people can keep on going with just hope when stuff happens like what happened with Sui Kaburagi or even Canon
I thought she would just get mind stuck in the future

Fairy Tail 255

Hm, that sudden budget that was missing for the past three episodes.

So, the anime arc decided to include some new material that was originally supposed to go into the manga, but had to be cut because of lack of time.

Solid episode, basically just expands a battle, and keeps a certain character from being one shotted .
Yu Yu Hakusho - 16

This episode felt very different compared to the majority of the episodes. It involved a lot of neat angles, camera movements, depth of field, close ups and transitions, this being my favorite:
Facial expressions had more of a "clean" look in a lot of scenes. Many panning shots where the eye(s) were in focus.
All in all it made for a very compelling and entertaining watch.


Patema Inverted

Well, I feel stupid now; I didn't even realize the real meaning of the final reveal until I read up a bit on the film after finishing it. Now it makes more sense. In my feeble defense, I was a bit tired before I starting watching. Normally I'm a little more perceptive and don't need to have those sorts of things spelled out for me, I swear.
Nice movie overall though.
Fafner: Exodus S2 03


A trip back to the island this episode, and holy shit, being Sui this episode is suffering. And his mom isn't making things better, when she might even be considered worse than Koyo's parents. Aside from the worsening affects of everyone's assimilation phenomenon, at least there might be some hope with Canon's efforts at the end of the episode, if that new Fafner ends up being as good as Sein or Nicht.
Hyouka 1-16

Whoever suggested that on the forum first you are amazing! This is soooooooooo good. I love all the characters so much (mainly Fukuba). The story is great. Wow

Also this a type of anime I'm not naturally drawn too. If it weren't so late I would keep going :(

Thank you Animegaf for this great recommendation!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Noragami Aragato 03
Also I'm really not sure just what purpose Hiyori serves in this story anymore.
I read this and I'm confused. Hiyori is pretty central to the plot and serves as the anchor for Yato to continue existing, and largely dictates how he acts and operates.
It's good to see that everything is going well in the Fafner universe for a change.

Those kids deserve some happy moments.

If they kill off Canon, then fuck everything.
Crunchyroll is now on the Wii (yes, the Wii) because ?????

Katanagatari 07

This episode was weird and it's tripping me out because I am having trouble describing it so forgive me if I come off as a raving lunatic - really, a lot of this stuff is difficult to explain without a .gif and I'm too lazy to make those, and I had a better post written up that I accidentally wiped. Directorial wise, the episode was all over the place...although I don't really mean that in a bad way, I mean that in the way that it was interesting, kind of like Bakemonogatari although more subtle.

Style wise it is the best of the episodes so far and also the best looking (save for some...odd animation details) but there are some weird things. I could swear everyone had deeper and more defined detailing and linework, for one. That may be really obvious but I ain't so good at picking stuff like that up. Sometimes it looked jokey like Ninja Slayer, especially when they were standing on the boat rocking on the waves but their bodies didn't move at all, cardboard cutout style, and there were scenes that were just stills. Some shots had really defined foregrounds and multiple backgrounds, kind of like a stage, in fact I think that's what they were going for. Parts of it were as if it was a video game - when Nanami was walking forward slicing people up and they flashed red when hit it was side view like Streets of Rage. When Kogame and Shichika got off the boat and then began talking to the Princess' guard it was also side view and their character portraits were overlayed over that image like a visual novel. Nanami attacking the monks top down Link to the Past style even had a bunch of arcade sound effects. Honestly it's hard to explain, but this is primarily a gaming forum so you can probably understand what I mean - I think there was some kind of play allegory going on here but I have zero clue how video games fit into that. Really this is just a list of things I noticed because they all stand out as being way different from the way the other episodes have been presented. Oh yeah, can't forget the hair being cut because of course that happened. Now she won't be able to wrap her hair around Shichika no mores.

Other then that, story wise it was a pretty great episode. Satisfying conclusion to the sibling plotline.
I think at this point after reading Medaka Box, watching Monogatari and watching this it's clear Nisio has a femdom fetish. Not like there's anything wrong with that.

Also the music for this show is weird. I dunno if it fits.

I read this and I'm confused. Hiyori is pretty central to the plot and serves as the anchor for Yato to continue existing, and largely dictates how he acts and operates.

I kind of feel like she has been running the same couple of scenes over and over again. I don't dislike her character though (at least she isn't Yukine.) What I would really like is for her to be the central character in an arc, although the way this episode ended may indicate that is about to happen. I may be forgetting a few details of the last season, though.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I kind of feel like she has been running the same couple of scenes over and over again. I don't dislike her character though (at least she isn't Yukine.) What I would really like is for her to be the central character in an arc, although the way this episode ended may indicate that is about to happen. I may be forgetting a few details of the last season, though.
Why though? She's just some high school girl. Stuff like the current arc are infinitely more complex than what could really be set up around Hiyori as a character. She seems better suited for grounding the series to reality.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
MPR, you missed the fact that that entire episode was an homage to video games like Pocky and Rocky or Oboro Muramasa, among many other references and shoutouts.
Why though? She's just some high school girl. Stuff like the current arc are infinitely more complex than what could really be set up around Hiyori as a character. She seems better suited for grounding the series to reality.

Yeah, you're probably right. As a character used to ground between the two sides she's fine and I do like her interactions with Yato. I just kinda want something more but I'm not sure what.

MPR, you missed the fact that that entire episode was an homage to video games like Pocky and Rocky or Oboro Muramasa, among many other references and shoutouts.

There were a lot of them, I didn't put down all of them, although I would not have been able to pick up on stuff like Pocky and Rocky.


I missed that Cornbread is watching Cross Game. One of my favorite shows.

Didn't you start watching this yesterday? Sasuga, Cornbread.

The beginning of the week, yeah. I can't stop since it is so good. I mean, the baseball part of it is a throwback to my youth, the characters are all really likable, the drama doesn't feel forced and the tone is completely different depending on the episode, but follow the same reoccurring themes.

Cross Game ep.31-33
This new look alike character is an odd twist that is making life difficult for everyone. It's amazing how well Kou holds up through everything and keeps moving forward. It's about time he starts being honest with his feelings about the sister though, they both know it's there but are afraid to tell each other and/or admit it because or Wakabe..


Young Black Jack Episode 3


That was so much better paced than the last 2 episodes.
Very much enjoyed this.

Great characterization and amazing showcase of Hazama's dilemma.
Heavy Object - 3
"A weapon to surpass metal gear"
and the end where they got played would go like "Qwenthur, they played us like a DAMN FIDDLE!".
Yeah that's all I got.
Young Black Jack 03

Probably the best episode yet, and hey, they actually showed some of the nitty gritty surgery this time! For a few seconds before skipping the rest. Cooooool. It's a miracle I haven't dropped this yet because that irks me so much.

The patient looked a lot like Cobra, so this counts as watching that. Getting a VOTOMS feel from these next episode previews... maybe it's the Vietnam.


Kagewani 3
While it's the weakest of the first three eps, it's still pretty good. The protag got a little more screentime this week which meant less monster hijinx but it's beginning to tie together so that's cool.

Young Black Jack 3
Unsure if the best part of this ep was the moral trap Hazama fell into or him eating his curry. Surgery was a little more realized this ep and just a little disgusting and it was nice to see it end on a postcard of sorts.


Hyouka 3

Man newspaper senpai was pretty damn weaksauce
seriously all that effort, should've at least have been smoking pot, what a loser

Oreki really is like Kyon-sherlock lol. I guess new girl is basically just hanging with Chitanda now cos they didn't really address anything about that except she said she joined and nobody challenged them.

The 'overarching mystery' is kinda weird and low key but suits the world. The 'acting' doesn't, I kinda feel. Angry senpai felt kinda fake and Chintanda's overacting is equally weird imho.

The cafe flashbacks with the paper/pop-out uncle was pretty amazing visually, especially the cut with the newspaper back to reality.

Same piano/flute piece as last week.

I just finished watching EP3 as well. I can sort of relate with Oreki's smart but lazy personality, so it makes sense to me that he's found some sort of inspiration for actually trying harder in Chitanda, even if it mostly happens to be because she keeps pestering him about things that catch her attention and the fact that not humoring her would actually be more of a nuisance for Oreki than simply catering to her whims. Still, the way she often pushes Oreki around with little regard to what he wants might end up hurting both of them pretty badly sometime soon.

I'm liking the mysteries so far, and how they're written well enough that they're perfectly solvable from the get-go, even if doing so might require you to make some assumptions that might not be true.

Regarding the guy who was smoking in class, I think that Japan's overly strict stance on drugs rules him smoking pot completely out of the question, and him smoking cigarettes inside the clubroom is enough of a "bad thing" given Japanese culture, even though it wouldn't be that much of an awful thing in my culture either.
KAGEWANI Episode 1

Weirdly scary. The limited and blurry visuals leave you to mostly focus on the sound and voice acting, which do manage to sell the horror factor reasonably well.

Episode 2



I just finished watching EP3 as well. I can sort of relate with Oreki's smart but lazy personality, so it makes sense to me that he's found some sort of inspiration for actually trying harder in Chitanda, even if it mostly happens to be because she keeps pestering him about things that catch her attention and the fact that not humoring her would actually be more of a nuisance for Oreki than simply catering to her whims. Still, the way she often pushes Oreki around with little regard to what he wants might end up hurting both of them pretty badly sometime soon.

I'm liking the mysteries so far, and how they're written well enough that they're perfectly solvable from the get-go, even if doing so might require you to make some assumptions that might not be true.

Regarding the guy who was smoking in class, I think that Japan's overly strict stance on drugs rules him smoking pot completely out of the question, and him smoking cigarettes inside the clubroom is enough of a "bad thing" given Japanese culture, even though it wouldn't be that much of an awful thing in my culture either.

I mean, I know that lol, I teach in Japan. I've caught some of the neighbouring high school kids smoking out behind my junior high and I know they're gonna be in major shit if I bothered with that kind of shit. It's just, you know, the disconnect between what (acc. to viewer) is a big deal and what (acc. to writer) is a big deal.

If I'm interpreting Oreki right I'm pretty sure he has a crush on Chitanda (everybody point and laugh at the first-time watchers) which is the main reason why he's doing this. I don't really like that thing I've seen in Japanese writing/anime though where people are like "I'm this kind of person, so why would I do *this thing*, that's contrary to my established *this kind of person-ness*", but hey, it's not that irritable here.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Hackadoll 03
Eva parodies are pretty boring but this actually went to some places that I liked. I'm pretty confident that this will wind up being one of the more enjoyable shows of the season for me. The style of humor and heavy amount of small visual flourishes click well. This is kind of what I'm looking for out of comedy anime right now.


I mean, I know that lol, I teach in Japan. I've caught some of the neighbouring high school kids smoking out behind my junior high and I know they're gonna be in major shit if I bothered with that kind of shit. It's just, you know, the disconnect between what (acc. to viewer) is a big deal and what (acc. to writer) is a big deal.

If I'm interpreting Oreki right I'm pretty sure he has a crush on Chitanda (everybody point and laugh at the first-time watchers) which is the main reason why he's doing this. I don't really like that thing I've seen in Japanese writing/anime though where people are like "I'm this kind of person, so why would I do *this thing*, that's contrary to my established *this kind of person-ness*", but hey, it's not that irritable here.

You're not completely wrong, but i'd say that in the early episodes he doesn't "like" her in that way.

It seems to me that he fixated in creating and following through with the curiosity and intrigue of other people.

We only see Chitanda with the eye shine in all episodes except or the first one, where Ibara also has it.

There are also scenes were we see it as more causing stress to him rather than pleasure. Kind of like some strange OCD where once he notices the curiosity in people's eyes, he literally can't not go through with solving the mysteries.

There are definitely times in the first couple of episodes where it does seem as though he has taken interest in her (specifically relating to the later imagery of episode 1 and the cafe scenes) so it's probably a mix of both.


I mean, I know that lol, I teach in Japan. I've caught some of the neighbouring high school kids smoking out behind my junior high and I know they're gonna be in major shit if I bothered with that kind of shit. It's just, you know, the disconnect between what (acc. to viewer) is a big deal and what (acc. to writer) is a big deal.

If I'm interpreting Oreki right I'm pretty sure he has a crush on Chitanda (everybody point and laugh at the first-time watchers) which is the main reason why he's doing this. I don't really like that thing I've seen in Japanese writing/anime though where people are like "I'm this kind of person, so why would I do *this thing*, that's contrary to my established *this kind of person-ness*", but hey, it's not that irritable here.

Still, what the upperclassman did to attempt to hide the smell makes little to no sense. Since my mom used to smoke often back when I was younger, I know how easily the smell of cigarette smoke tends to stick to clothes and other fabric, to the point that the guy using air freshener and opening the windows felt like it was pretty unlikely to remove the smell completely, even less so if he happened to be smoking in there regularily. I was also wondering if it isn't against school regulations to put random stuff like the IR alarm he had in the school hallways.

I also agree with your thought about Oreki, mostly since the first episode had two scenes where her interactions with him were portrayed in somewhat romantic (but maybe more like ideallistic?) imagine spots. The best part of all that is that I can relate perfectly to his characterization, since I'm awfully lazy and whimsical when it comes to doing things for myself, but pretty diligent when other people are involved.
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