Cross Game ep.30
Why did they put this episode in here and make me feel sad again? Not nice...
Has science gone too far?
I say there's still room for advancement on the triple-tail front.
Facial expressions had more of a "clean" look in a lot of scenes. Many panning shots where the eye(s) were in focus.
All in all it made for a very compelling and entertaining watch.
Miss Monochrome Season 3 Episode 3
Can I have a Mister Monochrome please, he is too perfect. If only he had even gotten a singing number and dance as well.
I read this and I'm confused. Hiyori is pretty central to the plot and serves as the anchor for Yato to continue existing, and largely dictates how he acts and operates.Noragami Aragato 03
Also I'm really not sure just what purpose Hiyori serves in this story anymore.
I read this and I'm confused. Hiyori is pretty central to the plot and serves as the anchor for Yato to continue existing, and largely dictates how he acts and operates.
Why though? She's just some high school girl. Stuff like the current arc are infinitely more complex than what could really be set up around Hiyori as a character. She seems better suited for grounding the series to reality.I kind of feel like she has been running the same couple of scenes over and over again. I don't dislike her character though (at least she isn't Yukine.) What I would really like is for her to be the central character in an arc, although the way this episode ended may indicate that is about to happen. I may be forgetting a few details of the last season, though.
Why though? She's just some high school girl. Stuff like the current arc are infinitely more complex than what could really be set up around Hiyori as a character. She seems better suited for grounding the series to reality.
MPR, you missed the fact that that entire episode was an homage to video games like Pocky and Rocky or Oboro Muramasa, among many other references and shoutouts.
I missed that Cornbread is watching Cross Game. One of my favorite shows.
Didn't you start watching this yesterday? Sasuga, Cornbread.
Yami Shibai 01
man fuck this Asian ghosts scare the hell out of me, I blame that one Korean comic with the sound effect, you know the one
Yami Shibai 01
man fuck this Asian ghosts scare the hell out of me, I blame that one Korean comic with the sound effect, you know the one
Is this a horror? Is there a good horror I need to know about?Welcome to the party.
Is this a horror? Is there a good horror I need to know about?
gap moe
While it's the weakest of the first three eps, it's still pretty good. The protag got a little more screentime this week which meant less monster hijinx but it's beginning to tie together so that's cool.
Unsure if the best part of this ep was the moral trap Hazama fell into or him eating his curry. Surgery was a little more realized this ep and just a little disgusting and it was nice to see it end on a postcard of sorts.
Front twin tails, how can such a thing be
Front twin tails, how can such a thing be
Some things were just not meant to be.
Hyouka 3
Man newspaper senpai was pretty damn weaksauceseriously all that effort, should've at least have been smoking pot, what a loser
Oreki really is like Kyon-sherlock lol. I guess new girl is basically just hanging with Chitanda now cos they didn't really address anything about that except she said she joined and nobody challenged them.
The 'overarching mystery' is kinda weird and low key but suits the world. The 'acting' doesn't, I kinda feel. Angry senpai felt kinda fake and Chintanda's overacting is equally weird imho.
The cafe flashbacks with the paper/pop-out uncle was pretty amazing visually, especially the cut with the newspaper back to reality.
Same piano/flute piece as last week.
I just finished watching EP3 as well. I can sort of relate with Oreki's smart but lazy personality, so it makes sense to me that he's found some sort of inspiration for actually trying harder in Chitanda, even if it mostly happens to be because she keeps pestering him about things that catch her attention and the fact that not humoring her would actually be more of a nuisance for Oreki than simply catering to her whims. Still, the way she often pushes Oreki around with little regard to what he wants might end up hurting both of them pretty badly sometime soon.
I'm liking the mysteries so far, and how they're written well enough that they're perfectly solvable from the get-go, even if doing so might require you to make some assumptions that might not be true.
Regarding the guy who was smoking in class, I think that Japan's overly strict stance on drugs rules him smoking pot completely out of the question, and him smoking cigarettes inside the clubroom is enough of a "bad thing" given Japanese culture, even though it wouldn't be that much of an awful thing in my culture either.
Eva parodies are pretty boring but this actually went to some places that I liked. I'm pretty confident that this will wind up being one of the more enjoyable shows of the season for me. The style of humor and heavy amount of small visual flourishes click well. This is kind of what I'm looking for out of comedy anime right now.
I mean, I know that lol, I teach in Japan. I've caught some of the neighbouring high school kids smoking out behind my junior high and I know they're gonna be in major shit if I bothered with that kind of shit. It's just, you know, the disconnect between what (acc. to viewer) is a big deal and what (acc. to writer) is a big deal.
If I'm interpreting Oreki right I'm pretty sure he has a crush on Chitanda (everybody point and laugh at the first-time watchers) which is the main reason why he's doing this. I don't really like that thing I've seen in Japanese writing/anime though where people are like "I'm this kind of person, so why would I do *this thing*, that's contrary to my established *this kind of person-ness*", but hey, it's not that irritable here.
I mean, I know that lol, I teach in Japan. I've caught some of the neighbouring high school kids smoking out behind my junior high and I know they're gonna be in major shit if I bothered with that kind of shit. It's just, you know, the disconnect between what (acc. to viewer) is a big deal and what (acc. to writer) is a big deal.
If I'm interpreting Oreki right I'm pretty sure he has a crush on Chitanda (everybody point and laugh at the first-time watchers) which is the main reason why he's doing this. I don't really like that thing I've seen in Japanese writing/anime though where people are like "I'm this kind of person, so why would I do *this thing*, that's contrary to my established *this kind of person-ness*", but hey, it's not that irritable here.