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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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All I can say is that I can't remember any particularly striking direction or cinematography from my viewing of The Wire. This isn't really a knock on the show - it's only more recently, with shows such as True Detective, where American TV shows in general have gotten more ambitious in the visual department. My favorite TV show in general is Babylon 5, but I would not say that series particularly excels in the visual department (though it certainly gets better after the first season!). The best earlier example I can think of is Twin Peaks, because David Lynch is a crazy genius.

Anyway, I simply don't believe that animation is some second-rate medium that can't measure up to live-action. If you were to collect all of Japanese animation and all of American live-action TV, I'm sure Japanese animation would have a higher proportion of trash, but that doesn't invalidate the achievements of standout works.

Yeah, I'd agree with all of this. Babylon 5 and Twin Peaks are probably two of my favorite American shows. Babylon 5 was no looker, although the story balanced that out quite a bit. Twin Peaks was just out of this world at times.

I think the most visually striking live action show I've ever seen is Hannibal. Almost every shot just looked like a painting come to life, and the direction was just phenomenal. It's punching on a similar level of visual breathtaking quality as Flowers of Evil in my mind.

I think for me, I don't even worry about how much crap a medium has, or what the average quality is, because those seem like meaningless questions to answer. I don't spend most of my time watching crap, so the fact that crap exists doesn't really detract from my enjoyment of the standout titles. Just like how the existence of bad CBS sitcoms or procedurals doesn't detract from the quality of the best network/cable shows.
If you're comparing certain genres like scifi or fantasy, anime is definitely better than any of the existing counterparts in live action television because the live action television counterparts mostly suck ass or are heavily flawed (BSG). Westworld is good though.

It's when you start comparing more 'realistic' genres that anime doesn't keep up. For example gangster shows, espionage, societal stuff, detective shows and so on. Live action is better at things that require intimate/detailed character acting or emotions due to the use of actual people. I guess you could say something about how each medium has its strengths but that's a boring conclusion.

I agree with a lot of this. Anime is often the least interesting to me when it tries to ape Hollywood or Western TV as the end result is usually just something that doesn't hold up to even mediocre western counterparts. Something like 91 Days constantly reminded me of this when I watched it. The quality of the acting in particular just doesn't hold up.


The first season looks really good in HD. The second season was early 2000s so it's digital and SD, but at a least the BDs aren't completely awful like some of those blurry upscaled shows. The reused footage from S1 is in HD, too.
Are you sure? I read somewhere that s1 is actually upscaled. If it looks good like major film based shows released on BD, considering this show wasn't popular in Japan, then I may go for it. Read the first opening is not used either, which is awful but sadly it probably won't get another HD release.
The problem with comparing TV anime with live action TV is that the format is very different and comparisons are hard to make. For example, I would say Yamato 2199 is one of the best serialized space opera TV shows. But the competition is weird. You have stuff like BSG and DS9 where it can be argued that some seasons might be as good or better, but on a whole the multi-season format hurts the shows in terms of average quality. On the other hand you also have something like Babylon 5 which is a rare show where the multi-season format works in its favor in a way Yamato can't hope to match because there aren't 5 seasons of Yamato (yet).

It's in human nature to make comparisons, but I certainly agree that comparisons can be difficult to make, and the farther apart different media get in their style, subject matter, and intent, comparisons become even more difficult. Comparing and contrasting can be an instructive exercise, but it's not like you can sit down and make a definitive ranking of all TV shows/movies/books/whatever.

It's when you start comparing more 'realistic' genres that anime doesn't keep up. For example gangster shows, espionage, societal stuff, detective shows and so on. Live action is better at things that require intimate/detailed character acting or emotions due to the use of actual people. I guess you could say something about how each medium has its strengths but that's a boring conclusion.

I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. Obviously fantastic elements that would have be realized with visual effects in live action anyway are what people focus on in animation, but "realistic" animation can be excellent as well. Tokyo Godfathers, for example, is a mostly grounded film that could easily be done in live action, but it doesn't suffer for being animated. This very season we have a TV anime set in the real world with very mundane subject matter that uses animation to excellent effect, The Great Passage.

Apparently I should watch Babylon 5

Yea I need to finish Babylon 5 one of these days. I'm somewhere in the second season.

Babylon 5 is a really impressive piece of serialized fiction. It's rare that a multi-season TV show is so well planned and executed.


Westworld is good though.

We're 4 episodes in now. Let's revisit this in 4 years and see if we still feel the same way. That's part of what I mean about live action TV. We actually have hopes and expectations that shows that run many seasons with an ongoing storyline could be good and definitive. Could. With anime, anything that runs without a fixed length is automatically written off as long running shounen jank. Lol.
In 1984 Orwell managed to do thought crime without having a giant techno gun that makes you explode because that would be dumb.

Its still dumb in Psycho Pass.
Babylon 5 is a really impressive piece of serialized fiction. It's rare that a multi-season TV show is so well planned and executed.

What's equally impressive to me is how the show manages to deal with various cast members leaving without it feeling like those were actually unexpected directions for the show to take.


I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. Obviously fantastic elements that would have be realized with visual effects in live action anyway are what people focus on in animation, but "realistic" animation can be excellent as well. Tokyo Godfathers, for example, is a mostly grounded film that could easily be done in live action, but it doesn't suffer for being animated. This very season we have a TV anime set in the real world with very mundane subject matter that uses animation to excellent effect, The Great Passage.

I'm not saying character acting in anime is inherently bad but high level live action acting is just better due to the use of people. An actor can get really subtle details in the facial motions or body language that you can't generally get unless you go for some super realistic type of art. That's part of the reason why horror anime is almost always bad or noticeably inferior to their Western counterparts.

We're 4 episodes in now. Let's revisit this in 4 years and see if we still feel the same way. That's part of what I mean about live action TV. We actually have hopes and expectations that shows that run many seasons with an ongoing storyline could be good and definitive. Could. With anime, anything that runs without a fixed length is automatically written off as long running shounen jank. Lol.

Gotta shill after Lord Hopkins graced us this week.


Fairy Tale ep.57
Damn, this Nirvana magic is some serious shit. I still can't believe that asshole is back and they have to deal with him again though..


Are you sure? I read somewhere that s1 is actually upscaled. If it looks good like major film based shows released on BD, considering this show wasn't popular in Japan, then I may go for it. Read the first opening is not used either, which is awful but sadly it probably won't get another HD release.

I'm not 100% sure as I'm not finding comparsion screenshots, but the difference in quality between the 1st and 2nd season is really evident in the blu-ray. And yes, the OP is gutted, but I always skip over them after watching it once anyway.
It's got its own issues, but if you want to see Psycho-Pass's "maintaining happiness as dystopia" handled properly (particularly needling Japanese norms of "politeness"), watch Harmony.

Actually did when it got its limited theater release. Wife and I wrote one of the very few positive reviews for the movie.
www.Working 4

Yes show, you're now more self aware of your ships and are even jabbing jokes at them early on. But it doesn't excuse the GOD DAMN AWFUL GAG of the rich girl bullying the guy the whole time. I had reached the point I wanted him to return to his kid self and get her to back the fuck off by now. But knowing Working they're going to drag the fucking corpse of this gag throughout the whole fucking show for many seasons. Same with the ships not getting together until the end even though they're pushing them much earlier and faster.

God damnit but I still love the show.

We're 4 episodes in now. Let's revisit this in 4 years and see if we still feel the same way. That's part of what I mean about live action TV. We actually have hopes and expectations that shows that run many seasons with an ongoing storyline could be good and definitive. Could. With anime, anything that runs without a fixed length is automatically written off as long running shounen jank. Lol.

I just binged the 4 episodes and it's already gone to the places I would hope it would go to. The business jargon, do sexbots dream of electric sheep, and the whole premise is knocking it out of the water.

I can really see this as some weird fucked up ultimate fantasy Disney. I just wish they'd stop Sean Bean'ing my favorite character
I'm not saying character acting in anime is inherently bad but high level live action acting is just better due to the use of people. An actor can get really subtle details in the facial motions or body language that you can't generally get unless you go for some super realistic type of art.

An actor can, but it won't necessarily be visible unless you have a meticulous, detail-oriented director like Kieslowski, who can zero in on actors and pull really complex performances out of them.

(Also, if we're not comparing Japanese animation to Western live-action but Japanese animation to Japanese live-action, well... the live-action scene there isn't in a good shape.)

That's part of the reason why horror anime is almost always bad or noticeably inferior to their Western counterparts.

Nah, there the issue is that horror anime rarely seeks to capitalize on the atmospheric possibilities of the medium, and even more rarely does so successfully. The quality of character animation per se isn't the biggest problem there.


Eupho S2 04

Asuka is the villain of this show, right?

Hibike! Euphonium S2 04

Asuka is the biggest bitch I have seen in a TV show this year. She was fucking manipulating the situation for max band benefit instead of just fucking solving it. Holy shit I love to fucking hate her. Holy shit this drama was over a stupid fucking misunderstanding. Nozomi literally did nothing wrong and was actually doing Mizore a favor and Mizore was being a huge fucking drama queen over actually nothing. If there's anyone to feel bad for in this arc it is Nozomi because everyone treated her like shit over fucking nothing. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL DRAMA IS THE PETTIEST SHIT

Oh and Ribbons aka Yuko is still my favorite.

lol, all this just confirms Asuka still best girl. Made me love her even more.


As for horror, Higurashi has you covered. I also recommend reading Tomie at some point.

While I like Higu, you can't be mentioning horror without recommending Paranoia Agent. It's some seriously good horror show if you can get your hands on it. Just pretend the somewhat-sequel series Umineko: when they cry doesn't actually exist, because the anime adaptation's just ass and ended halfway through the plot because the show bombed hard.

For other decent stuff, I'd recommend:
  • Humanity has Declined - A cutesy, snarky and absurd comedy in a world long after some apocalypse
  • Baccano! - Lots of characters, parallel plotlines and action in the early half of the 1900s
  • Eureka Seven - The coming of age of a young boy. Also contains 2D mechas and good character development, but isn't set in space

For intentionally cheesy/weird stuff, you could watch:
  • Another - Starts like a Lynch-esque horror mystery, but then goes full-on ham like a Final Destination wannabe because... reasons
  • School Days - An adaptation of a visual novel series where the MC takes the full-on macho route of choosing all the girls at once unlike most other romance game leads, which leads to... pretty interesting results (he's also one of the most hated male protagonists I know of, so it was almost like people's wish was granted by a monkey paw or something)
  • Samurai Flamenco - Starring a sentai hero wannabe (read: literally a guy that dresses up as a hero and tries to help those in need). Is actually good if you like how it plays with and pokes fun at classic sentai tropes
  • Ninja Slayer - It looks like a newgrounds Flash movie to me, but some people around here appear to like it, so...
Woohh wait wait wait

Psycho pass was great show! You people can not like, but say it's a bad show? Come on.

Also the best of anime >the best of white man show easily.


Fairy Tale ep.58
Lucy and her Spirits are awesome and fun to watch as always, but man, I had doucy bad guys. I really want to drawn this other celestrial wizard myself. This arc is much longer than I thought it would be, but it's pretty good. However, these asspull badguys are starting to piss me off., just beat the crap outta them already with the badass theme music in the background and the power of friendship on full display dammit!

PK Gaming

So we're all under agreement that Asuka is a sociopath right

Not even in a "oh she's terrible" kind of way, but more in a "this person generally cannot empathize with other human beings" way.

It's kind of neat.


Woohh wait wait wait

Psycho pass was great show! You people can not like, but say it's a bad show? Come on.

Also the best of anime >the best of white man show easily.

I liked Psycho-Pass S1 as well, but I guess AnimeGAF didn't or something. The second season certainly didn't help things, and the movie wasn't much of an improvement either, sadly.

I'm a sucker for anime and haven't watched a live-action series regularily in years, but even then I wouldn't go out and say anime beats live-action, only that I enjoy it a lot more.

So we're all under agreement that Asuka is a sociopath right

Not even in a "oh she's terrible" kind of way, but more in a "this person generally cannot empathize with other human beings" way.

It's kind of neat.

I told you guys that she was just wearing a paper-thin mask and actually never knew how to empathize with others at all.

...Man, feeling pretty identified with such as crappy person sure is harsh, even though I think (and hope) I've grown out of that kind of attitude by now. All this talk about her makes me really want to watch her reaction in the latest episode ASAP.
Asuka isn't a sociopath. She's just a really driven person who is really focused on their craft rather than on personal relationships.

It's not a lack of empathy. She would just rather focus on improving herself and the band than on making friends with people.


Subete no aware
The problem with comparing TV anime with live action TV is that the format is very different and comparisons are hard to make. For example, I would say Yamato 2199 is one of the best serialized space opera TV shows. But the competition is weird. You have stuff like BSG and DS9 where it can be argued that some seasons might be as good or better, but on a whole the multi-season format hurts the shows in terms of average quality. On the other hand you also have something like Babylon 5 which is a rare show where the multi-season format works in its favor in a way Yamato can't hope to match because there aren't 5 seasons of Yamato (yet).

The obvious difference is that white people TV is a writer's medium while anime is a director's medium, mostly because anime is 99% marketing for LN and manga.

Woohh wait wait wait

Psycho pass was great show! You people can not like, but say it's a bad show? Come on.

Also the best of anime >the best of white man show easily.
On the whole, that can't be true simply because there's so much more white people TV than anime. But I guess the real answer is that anime does specific things well, because an American could never in a thousand years come up with something like Gintama because combining heroic bloodshed with slapstick comedy with manzai comedy is something that is not really part of the culture.

PK Gaming

Asuka isn't a sociopath. She's just a really driven person who is really focused on their craft rather than on personal relationships.

I think that applies to someone more like Reina. With Asuka there's this constant sense that there's something off with her. Even when she's engaging in her upbeat, bubbly person it feels very hollow, like an obvious mask. Plus the way they drew her when she gets frustrated. That's not how a driven person expresses frustration, haha.

Maybe sociopath is too harsh, but she's definitely abnormal.
Asuka isn't a sociopath. She's just a really driven person who is really focused on their craft rather than on personal relationships.

It's not a lack of empathy. She would just rather focus on improving herself and the band than on making friends with people.

She misleads in order to perpetrate the suffering of one of her bandmates because she has some (probably incorrect) notion that it will help her high school band. Either she lacks empathy or she is just a terrible person. Probably both. She's not indifferent, she purposely manipulates relationships in a cruel way.
I liked Psycho-Pass S1 as well, but I guess AnimeGAF didn't or something. The second season certainly didn't help things, and the movie wasn't much of an improvement either, sadly.

I'm a sucker for anime and haven't watched a live-action series regularily in years, but even then I wouldn't go out and say anime beats live-action, only that I enjoy it a lot more.
Animegaf has some weird tastes man.

As for live-action deciding what beats what is really a matter of opinion no?

No live-action has given me more feelings then Hyouka.

No marvel super heroes show has brought me to tears because of how good it was like My Hero Academia. I mean All Might>Any western superhero.

Also except for pacific rim, which was only ok, I'm still waiting for a good live action mecha show.

So yea for me, I really believe anime>live action.

That's not to say I dont enjoy my americains movies.
Jurassic Park is still one of the best movie ever made.

Also like firehawk said anime can just do more absurd things better.


I'm not 100% sure as I'm not finding comparsion screenshots, but the difference in quality between the 1st and 2nd season is really evident in the blu-ray. And yes, the OP is gutted, but I always skip over them after watching it once anyway.
Well. Season 1 was great. If the OP is something I like or I feel is better to watch with I never skip so that's too bad. Thank you for the input
It's not weird. I would venture to suppose, based on your statements, that you have not been exposed to the best of live-action cinema and television and so really shouldn't be making incredibly broad generalizations such as "anime > live action".
That comment was about Psycho pass.

Live-action/anime debate is more personal and wide in term of catalog. I wouldn't go judging peoples taste on that.

What would you count has the best of live-action anyway? Anime just has something live-action don't and that's the deciding factor me.

IF we just take Evangelion, what live-action could actually rival with it? I'm talking about the mix of everything. visuals+story


I think that applies to someone more like Reina. With Asuka there's this constant sense that there's something off with her. Even when she's engaging in her upbeat, bubbly person it feels very hollow, like an obvious mask. Plus the way they drew her when she gets frustrated. That's not how a driven person expresses frustration, haha.

Maybe sociopath is too harsh, but she's definitely abnormal.

Woah, this is just surreal...

Personally, trying to adjust to social life when I'm dense as hell has been a real struggle, but after years of trying I feel like I've constructed a way more easygoing and friendly persona that's who I am most of the time. Still, when I get angry or frustrated, I do revert to a way of acting that shows I actually suck at reading others, and ultimately lack empathy, plain and simple. It's pretty scary because I always fell that, deep down, I don't give a damn about others even if I try my best not to do so, and I really don't like hurting others at the same time, making my brutal honesty particularily painful for all parties involved.

Knowing a character that reflects that aspect of my personality so well actually exists is really scary to me, because it acts like a grim reminder of that part of me that'd be better left dead and buried.

...And hey, now you know I'm a bit of a reluctant sociopath!
That comment was about Psycho pass.

Live-action/anime debate is more personal and wide in term of catalog. I wouldn't go judging peoples taste on that.

What would you count has the best of live-action anyway? Anime just has something live-action don't and that's the deciding factor me.

That's an incredibly broad question, but I would point to the films of superb directors such as Hitchcock, Kurosawa, Tarkovsky, and Kieslowski.

PK Gaming

Woah, this is just surreal...

Personally, trying to adjust to social life when I'm dense as hell has been a real struggle, but after years of trying I feel like I've constructed a way more easygoing and friendly persona that's who I am most of the time. Still, when I get angry or frustrated, I do revert to a way of acting that shows I actually suck at reading others, and ultimately lack empathy, plain and simple. It's pretty scary because I always fell that, deep down, I don't give a damn about others even if I try my best not to do so, and I really don't like hurting others at the same time, making my brutal honesty particularily painful for all parties involved.

Knowing a character that reflects that aspect of my personality so well actually exists is really scary to me, because it acts like a grim reminder of that part of me that'd be better left dead and buried.

...And hey, now you know I'm a bit of a reluctant sociopath!

The fact that you've given it thought / you're self aware about it puts you ahead of most people. I don't think you need to go as far as burying that side of you, though. Just accepting it and trying your best not to hurt others is good enough.

Anyway, I think you'll like (and possibly even relate more to) Asuka in S2 of Eupho. She's so much better now.


The obvious difference is that white people TV is a writer's medium while anime is a director's medium, mostly because anime is 99% marketing for LN and manga.

I don't think this is true at all. If anything, anime is a producer's medium. For the majority of shows, the people with the most say aren't even the creatives lol.
That's an incredibly broad question, but I would point to the films of superb directors such as Hitchcock, Kurosawa, Tarkovsky, and Kieslowski.

I looked at those titles and Hitchcock is on netflix, I'll try to give it a watch.

Also looking at reviews they seem quite mixed/bad. Are you sure about what you named?
I tend to stay away from live-action TV. It's really just not for me.

I don't watch your Walking Deads, your Game of Thrones, your Luke Cages, and your Jessica Jones!

Superhero movies I usually check out. They're basically live-action anime, that's what they're about!

I didn't mean to fill this post with rhyme, but let's be honest, this discussion is anything but sublime.
Both mediums are so different from one another that picking one and not the other is doing yourself a disservice if you enjoy consuming visual media. A good very recent example of a show that attempted to blur that line a bit in terms of storytelling and direction between both mediums was 91 Days, but even that still very much had that "anime" feel to it.

There are great live action shows that aired in the past, but in recent years there has certainly been a crazy boom in terms of work, thought and production along with the budget for these, giving us things such as the first season of True Detective, or even the two seasons of Mr. Robot, that had some of the craziest cinematography put into it that I've ever seen, it's like watching art. Then Game of Thrones too, specially those Miguel Sapochnik outputs that gave us some of the greatest 1 shot action scenes on screen - stuff that puts many live action movies to shame.

Oh and yeah, Marvel is doing some cool stuff with their shows with Netflix. Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage have been great. I cannot WAIT for The Punisher.
I looked at those titles and Hitchcock is on netflix, I'll try to give it a watch.

Also looking at reviews they seem quite mixed/bad. Are you sure about what you named?

Those are the names of directors who put out a large number of films, not the names of films. You are probably looking at the mediocre quasi-biographical film entitled Hitchcock, not one of the films of Alfred Hitchcock himself.

If you're really interested in getting into the fascinating work of these directors, I would recommend Rear Window by Hitchcock, Rashomon by Kurosawa, Solaris by Tarkovsky, and The Decalogue by Kieslowski.
Those are the names of directors who put out a large number of films, not the names of films. You are probably looking at the mediocre quasi-biographical film entitled Hitchcock, not one of the films of Alfred Hitchcock himself.

If you're really interested in getting into the fascinating work of these directors, I would recommend Rear Window by Hitchcock, Rashomon by Kurosawa, Solaris by Tarkovsky, and The Decalogue by Kieslowski.

Alright, I wasn't sure what I was looking at. But if you say these are some of the best live-action and they are to available somewhere to stream, I'm ready to give at least one of them a try.

Oups sorry about the double post.

Edit: Looking at what is available on netflix Rear Window it's gonna be. It look like something I could actually watch my father too. It's been a while since we did.
i fell off live action tv hard after LOST

marathoning an entire show thats dumped out all in one day in one hour episodes is like the opposite of what I want to do. Last white people tv show I actually watched was Twin Peaks and at least half of that show was bad.

am i biased? probably. never felt like i was missing much anyway. always been more into film, TV is boring to look at. I'd rather watch one film then two episodes of some marvel bullshit tv

I blame game of thrones and walking dead for ruining everything and making shows about giant cliffhanger spoilers and meaningless deaths for people on the internet
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