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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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I don't know if I should continue watching DB Super. Stopped at the point where the Ressurection F stuff was done and really had no desire to continue. Does it get better after that?

Yes. That's when Super gets a bit fun.

The current arc is also almost done, so now is a good time to catch up.

Just T

Izetta: 4

Man if Izetta's Grandma could see her now. Interesting way her magic works and understand she the last witch and all but she really revealing it all to them quickly.
Mobile Police Patlabor Reboot
It was fun. Full series when? Or maybe I should get around to watching more than just the OVAs.


Almost caught up with my anime simulcast backlog.

Magical Girl Rising 4-6

Saw that coming. Except for the end of episode 6.

Kiss Him, Not Me 4-5

Good lord, these guys are jerks. Good one of them sees the light.


Occultic;Nine ep.5
Well now, the
manga artist or that freaky little boy
hiding in the woods? I'm struggling to find the connection here, but something is uo with those two and it's pretty ominous.

Just T

Izetta: 5

Why in the world would they even be discussing important matters like that in the open? That's some awful plot convenience.


The oboe fingerings are correct, even for the relevant pitches (she's trilling G to A then going down the scale; the piece seems to be in G major). I think she's playing a thumbplate oboe rather than the conservatoire models that are more popular in the US but I'm not completely confident on conservatoire fingerings so may be wrong.

However, it's worth noting in the interests of slightly over-anal musicianship that the flute trill shortly before that doesn't look right to me. The trill is from a C to a D in the middle octave with piccolo doubling an octave higher. The flautist on the right hand side of the shot is moving three fingers on their right hand to do so and possibly their index finger as well although it's out of shot. Technically that would be correct to move from a C to a D (C is index finger left hand + little finger right hand, D is almost the complete inverse, every other finger down and those ones off). However, it's not the correct fingering for a C-D trill; there's a trill key next to the right hand index finger which is used instead, particularly at that speed as the C-D movement is quite clumsy.
I'm not very advanced with regards to playing woodwinds (I primarily studied and performed brass and percussion), and i'm pretty sure I wrote that part at like 4AM, so I appreciate all the insight and help I can get with regards to woodwinds! Thanks for these tips! Someone on my blog mentioned to me that one of the girls in one of the cuts I went over was actually playing an E-flat clarinet, so when I went back and saw it, I knew right away once I was looking for it! So I had the fingerings correct if the girl was playing a B-flat clarinet, but not an E-flat one!

And for flute trills, don't they have alternate fingerings when it comes to ease of execution for trills, and sometimes make use of the harmonic series to "cheat" those? I don't know if it'd work in this case (because i'm not a flute player), but i'm debating calling up my friend and asking her about it, haha.
*clap* Excellent.

Your Euphonium breakdowns continue to be steller, Thoraxes.

I just read your impressions of Euphonium, Thoraxes; excellent work! Euphonium really has a lot of detail in it, much of which flies right by me. It's great that you're able to catch on to those, and it's always fun to read.

Thanks :D


Rose of Versailles 13

Andres grandma continues to be the best character. Oscar takes a vacation to their province and she's about to find out that life ain't easy being a cow.

Two key figures are also present in this episode: Robespierre and Polignac. Both remind me that the revolution is not far away, as Robespierre leads the revolutionaries. Frenchman with a sharp tongue studying law, killer combo. Polignac seems to be a major influence on Antoinette. Probably sold her soul (or daughter) to the devil so she could sing like an angel.

Jarjayes' farmers are also well versed in statistics, as the nobles take up 4% of the total population. Interestingly enough they didn't talk about the monks that took their crops as taxes, while Robespierre did. The church should play a role as well in this story, but maybe its role is not explicit here.

The rest of the episode is simply about the choices the majority of people have to make. Luckily Oscar is there to help Gilbert and his family. All that effort to see a doctor and the doctor doesn't do anything on screen. "I don't know, let's see if he makes it tomorrow."
The doctor should buy Oscar a cow.

Anyway Oscar realizes the gravity of the current situation and in the process almost killed her horse, jeez. Next episode looks promising according to the preview.
Vivid Stike 06

God damn this show is getting fucking brutal. This is what happens when magical girls fist fight instead of doing nuclear strikes magical attack at each other. People get fucked up for life. Apparently this tournament doesn't have the system that simulates injuries during the fights so people don't get fucking crippled.


Fantastic day, can't wait to review The Red Turtle and Belladonna of Sadness, the two standouts of the animation day. The Red Turtle was all that I had hoped for and more. Meeting Jexhius was the highlight of my day however, hopefully our paths cross again.


Gosick ep.4
Victorica continues to remind me of Oreki with her very detailed deductions of mysteries with little to no info.. The Springtime Reaper MC just can't keep her attention and control her boredom. This new mystery with the new blond chick shoukd be entertaining; I mean, that motorcycle head pop thing was pretty gruesome.


Fantastic day, can't wait to review The Red Turtle and Belladonna of Sadness, the two standouts of the animation day. The Red Turtle was all that I had hoped for and more. Meeting Jexhius was the highlight of my day however, hopefully our paths cross again.

Well everyone, there is your answer; looks like it went off without a hitch and at least one happy party. (Don't read the last page javac, lol)


Went to a local one-day con which only had one DVD/Blu-Ray/Manga vendor. (Which didn't even stock that much new stuff) The rest of the booths were just imported anime figures and general merchandise. It was then, that without any form of context with romanized series names and the like, I am lost. All the series and figures just seem to blur together.

It feels like I'm (to pardon my use of internet slang) too much of a normie for weeb town, yet too much of a weeb for normie town. It's an odd feeling. Anyone else know what I'm feeling?

I did get some alright merch and had fun, and I guess you can't know of every series that gets shown so off by heart that you can recognize character designs. But I dunno. Did get a copy of Siren on PS2, which is nice.


I have two episodes left in Steins;Gate. I just saw that there's some bonus 25th episode OVA thing, as well as a sequel movie. Without being too spoilery, how essential are these?

I'd recommend the 25th, gives a conclusion of sorts for characters.

The movie further extends the OVA, it's alright, you can watch it if you like the show in general.


Fantastic day, can't wait to review The Red Turtle and Belladonna of Sadness, the two standouts of the animation day. The Red Turtle was all that I had hoped for and more. Meeting Jexhius was the highlight of my day however, hopefully our paths cross again.

Nice, I still have to watch Red Turtle.

Where are the lewd pictures tho.


Fantastic day, can't wait to review The Red Turtle and Belladonna of Sadness, the two standouts of the animation day. The Red Turtle was all that I had hoped for and more. Meeting Jexhius was the highlight of my day however, hopefully our paths cross again.

He told me Red Turtle was shiiiiiit though.


Nadia 1

Apologies to whomever had asked and waited. Figured I'd just watch the first ep to check things out since it's on next year's watchlist. Feels suitably adventurous for an opening and looking forward to suffering through the dreaded island arc. Some of the sentai subs do break the 4:3 framing as was feared by the poster that requested that info but not a big dealbreaker for me.


Gosick ep.5
I really liked the conclusion of that mystery and how it all played out. The closing scene was also very cute between the Reaper and Victorica with actual relationship developement. I don't imagine they are really going to completely ship these two because ut's anime and all that, but I'll take these cute moments and interactions as they come sobce they are really well dove znd don't feel forced or petty.


He told me Red Turtle was shiiiiiit though.

Red Turtle was amazing but Belladonna had me shook and I can't stop thinking about it. Listening to the soundtrack right now actually. The Red Turtle was legit tho, not what I expected when going in which Jex also agreed upon, not a bad thing at all tho, in the end I loved it to bits ad I'm so glad that I got to see it on the big screen.

Michael Dudok de Wit was actually supposed to make an appearance but had to cancel, so they instead showed his short Father and Daughter which was equally beautiful, I can see why Takahata was captivated by his work.
Nadia 1

Apologies to whomever had asked and waited. Figured I'd just watch the first ep to check things out since it's on next year's watchlist. Feels suitably adventurous for an opening and looking forward to suffering through the dreaded island arc. Some of the sentai subs do break the 4:3 framing as was feared by the poster that requested that info but not a big dealbreaker for me.
For all that is holy skip the island and Africa arcs they're so fucking bad


Gunsmith Cats-fin
Why can't I get more anime like this? So this is a three part OVA series back from the mid 90's that covers two girls, Rally and May, as they uncover a conspiracy in Chicago. Each OVA has its own type of climax and all three episodes tie into one larger story. This is firearm and mechanical animation porn to the max. Holy shit, I don't think I've ever seen an anime where the animators just went full-ham on Freedom like this. So many different types of guns and so much animation in their usage.

My exact words.
It's somewhat fitting as the main characters are supposed to be gun fanatics but goddamn. It's not just the animation though but how aware Rally is in the show about certain aspects of guns, like whether a gun is loaded, that you can tell the staff really put their time into research. Again it's not only the guns though but almost all the mechanical animation is just taken to absurd levels, the likes of which I have rarely seen.
That car chase at the end of the 2nd episode blew my fucking mind. There's so much background animation going on in conjunction with top-tier vehicle animation. Nobody would even try to do that car chase in 2D nowadays and would just say fuck it and put in CGI models. It's something I would expect out of a Hollywood movie and it was all done in 2D. My hat is off to all the animators on that as I imagine that was beyond grueling.
That's just on the animation side as the music is also pretty nice and evocative of 80's stuff. Then there's the opening theme which was obviously a heavy inspiration for Cowboy Bebop's opening with both the abstract shapes and jazz music. In the Making-Of Documentary they mentioned how the staff tried to use as many real-life sounds for things like the Shelby GT and you can tell when watching. There's an authenticity to the sound direction from the roar of the GT to the cocking of the shotgun.
As for the characters, they're all really fun and Rally is great. The show uses a lot of awesome reaction faces which makes the characters expressive in their looks and responses. This was a phenomenal watch and I'm ashamed I didn't watch it sooner. This must be the Holy Grail for firearms anime. The Chicago setting is appreciated as well.


I'll give Riding Bean a watch. I wasn't interested when I glanced at it during the Kickstarter campaign but I'm willing to give it a go now.

While we were in Japan last month, Natsumi and I met with Mr. Kubota, the recording engineer, to work out all the details.

During that meeting, we decided to have Mr. Sonoda do the commentary twice. The original idea was that, worst case, the first take would be a chance to practice, and if need be we could edit together segments from both takes.

But then we came up with a much better idea... in the break between sessions, instead of having them hang around the studio, we would send them out to a nearby izakaya and get them "pleasantly lubricated". Joining them to ensure that their ethanol consumption was properly calibrated was Satō Hiroshi of Gainax (who also helped set everything up -- thanks!)

3 beers and 2 shochu's later, Drunk Anime History was made...
Looking forward to the commentary track myself.





Man these two must've inspired the Gon/Killua friendship. Amazing

It's a shame that Goku went from turning Super Saiyan at Krillin's death to not giving a fuck about him anymore as he became kicked to the curb to become Gohan's older friend lol


Flip Flappers - 語気現用

The things got me good at first, but the whole loop part of the episode felt weird, since I expected the creepy doll to be much more important than what it ended up being. Seeing it close its eyes as the pure illusion crumbled around it was a pretty nice touch, but it still felt kind of pointless due to how irrelevant it was in the grand scheme of things.

The first 'gokigenyou' really creeped me out, but the looping theme made me actually end up laughing at it after a while... the way the girls warped around when they caught Papika and Cocona at midnight was pretty good, though. I only wish they wouldn't have gone with hand tentacles to slow Yayaka and Cocona down, since they were more fetish fuel than actually creepy stuff (getting gobbled up by a sea of faceless girls would've been better, IMO).

It's still an okay show, even though it feels like the race for collecting the dragonballs before Yayaka's team is going to become a major plot line from now on. I wish they could've just gone on Space Dandy-style adventures to crazy fantasy worlds without the whole thing about collecting McGuffins or having a rival team of doom and evil.

Edit: Oh, and くすくす @Corn.
Good review. About as worthwhile as the episode deserves.

Idk this week it was pretty zZZZzzZzZZz... I haven't been too upset with its performance up until today, but something about this episode just had me so bored I began watching TF2 footage on a different tab, and ended up ordering the fucker. So I guess something good came out of me watching this episode
shame it cost $72 CAD.
I was planning on getting BF1 but all the mass praise for Titanfall 2's single player campaign has gotten me curious.

Mecha sure has had it good for video games this year. Cold Steel 2, Titanfall 2, uh...Overwatch's D.Va?

Well, quality > quantity.


Gunsmith Cats-fin

Why can't I get more anime like this? So this is a three part OVA series back from the mid 90's that covers two girls, Rally and May, as they uncover a conspiracy in Chicago. Each OVA has its own type of climax and all three episodes tie into one larger story. This is firearm and mechanical animation porn to the max. Holy shit, I don't think I've ever seen an anime where the animators just went full-ham on Freedom like this. So many different types of guns and so much animation in their usage.

It's somewhat fitting as the main characters are supposed to be gun fanatics but goddamn. It's not just the animation though but how aware Rally is in the show about certain aspects of guns, like whether a gun is loaded, that you can tell the staff really put their time into research. Again it's not only the guns though but almost all the mechanical animation is just taken to absurd levels, the likes of which I have rarely seen.

That car chase at the end of the 2nd episode blew my fucking mind. There's so much background animation going on in conjunction with top-tier vehicle animation. Nobody would even try to do that car chase in 2D nowadays and would just say fuck it and put in CGI models. It's something I would expect out of a Hollywood movie and it was all done in 2D. My hat is off to all the animators on that as I imagine that was beyond grueling.

That's just on the animation side as the music is also pretty nice and evocative of 80's stuff. Then there's the opening theme which was obviously a heavy inspiration for Cowboy Bebop's opening with both the abstract shapes and jazz music. In the Making-Of Documentary they mentioned how the staff tried to use as many real-life sounds for things like the Shelby GT and you can tell when watching. There's an authenticity to the sound direction from the roar of the GT to the cocking of the shotgun.

As for the characters, they're all really fun and Rally is great. The show uses a lot of awesome reaction faces which makes the characters expressive in their looks and responses. This was a phenomenal watch and I'm ashamed I didn't watch it sooner. This must be the Holy Grail for firearms anime. The Chicago setting is appreciated as well.

One of my favorite OVAs from the 90s and one of the first purchases on VHS. Joins Tenchi and Macross Plus as the top 3 OVAs from that decade for me.

GSC could have turned out really differently, considering how much sex stuff was in the original manga.
I was planning on getting BF1 but all the mass praise for Titanfall 2's single player campaign has gotten me curious.

Mecha sure has had it good for video games this year. Cold Steel 2, Titanfall 2, uh...Overwatch's D.Va?

Well, quality > quantity.

I bought BF1 at launch. It's a fun and absolutely amazing game, but I'll echo what I posted on the TF2 thread: matches take a tiny bit too long (shit is hitting the fan at school now, I want quick action), and this is something that only gets worse if you play with randos that don't know what they are doing. No one spots enemies, captures points or plays their roles accordingly. It's very frustrating without a solid group. The progression system is fucked up past level 4 on all classes too. Still Operations is the real deal, when you have a good match going. Just make sure you have the time to play through the entire map.

Also, TF2 has fucking mechs. BF1 doesn't.

Word of mouth on TF2 had me curious. Apparently population keeps growing even with IW out now. I think this is a game with legs, and it'll be just like Rainbow Six with time.
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