It's cool, but I think it's too slow to be able to engender such emotions
lain > haibane > texhnolyze
I umbrage with the notion the notion that a 'slow' work cannot be emotional effective, that doesn't ring true to me.I just messaged a friend of mine who's watched Texhnolyze and showed him the chart to ask about its veracity and here's his response, as translated from spanish:
I don't know who to trust!
NieA_7 had 13 episodes and it did not turn out very well.
Filth and lies. I love that show.
March comes in like a Lion 7
As awkward as this series might be, I did relate to this episode. When you're depressed, connecting with people over little things feels like a bolt of lightning.
Eureka Seven 01
Sky surfing mechs are pretty neat. Not much else to say so far, though the setting does seem pretty interesting.
Hey I said that in my initial review. It feels like it either needed a longer run time or needed to have been simplified a bit. That said, it really is a gorgeous is a film which took me by aurprise considering previous entries.Wow the cabal turned out to be full of betrayal.
Filth and lies. I love that show.
Key visual for Kabukibu - looks interesting
Kabukibu is directed by Kazuhiro Yoneda (Yona of the Dawn, Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara), who's a good director with connections to good animators, as can be seen already by Majiro handling the animation character design. Definitely something to look forward to.
Key visual for Kabukibu - looks interesting
Key visual for Kabukibu - looks interesting
Wow that was actually really good!
I haven't seen either of those but good to hear.
E7 was definitely one of the more interesting anime I had seen.
You should watch Yona of the Dawn
Jarmel didn't even like Heaven and Earth.
I was the more deceived.
P.S. Wolf Children was still better. Suck it Shinkai. Hosoda's gonna eat you alive next year.![]()
If we're talking box office profits, that'll depend on if Hosoda can push a heavy heartwarming romance angle and have it be lucky enough to catch on with general audiences. If we're talking artistic quality, well, I certainly hope so.
Shinkai, the person who made a career out of short films exploiting sappy tragic love stories while hammering the audience on the head with themes of connection and distance relationships juxtaposed against scifi/fantasy tales about the perception of time and space.
The second half of your description actually doesn't sound half bad.
Personally, like 5 cm/sec the most, rest not so much but alright. Voices from the distant star is another one I'm fond of.
Key visual for Kabukibu - looks interesting
I sure how it doesn't sullen itself by referencing bad anime like gurren lagann.THE EPISODE IS CALLED PURE BREAKER.
Ef - a tale of memories 1-12
Some stuff gets explained in ef - a tale of melodies, but not everything![]()
It's not meant to be entirely bad. It's just that he has a very consistent theme he's obsessed with which he only seemed to be able to express in the form of shorts. I think it's neat that he finally managed to sort out those feelings logically and applied it to a long form worth with a fleshed out and complete narrative.
5cm is also the work I liked best before this one. I like the ideas in Voices, but it didn't do much for me as a short.
Watched the first two parts of Kara no Kyoukai. Does this get better? I heard the 5th part is supposed to be decent. Because as of right now, this is quite awful in my opinion.
Watched the first two parts of Kara no Kyoukai. Does this get better? I heard the 5th part is supposed to be decent. Because as of right now, this is quite awful in my opinion.
Is it still worth watching? I enjoyed the first season, I just wasn't contempt with that ending.
If you love memories I think you'll like melodies, it fills out some parts. I prefer melodies over memories honestly. It is a bit darker though.Is it still worth watching? I enjoyed the first season, I just wasn't contempt with that ending.
Connecting - sort of but I think his happiness was more over his life/learnings being useful to people other than himself. He was otherwise mentally stagnating once he had become independent which was his intention/motivation to play/win Shogi.
Key visual for Kabukibu - looks interesting
The third film is OK, but the fifth film is the only particularly notable one.
2 and 4 are utter garbage.
1 is somewhat interesting, but kinda bad.
3 is decent.
5 is fucking amazing avant-garde horror action.
6 is okay for yuri fans, kinda fluffy (fuwafuwa).
7 will make you want to kill yourself.
8 is maybe kinda sorta interesting but mostly a waste of time.
Wow, thanks for that. So... I should just continue until 5 (or 6 if I'm into yuri) and drop it?
It's kind of hard for me to drop stuff after being so far in. I still regret having finished Usagi Drop.
Well, I thought so at least. I know other people don't like the complementary part as much.
If you love memories I think you'll like melodies, it fills out some parts. I prefer melodies over memories honestly. It is a bit darker though.
Easily my favorite romance anime and I don't say that lightly because I generally hate romance anime.
Surprise! I don't think Exodus is perfect either. It has some minor flaws at the end where it feels like it needed another episode or two to smooth things out on the plot side.
Here's the thing, it really depends on what you feel you are getting out of this show. I can only speak for myself, but I felt that the main relationship between the two protagonists was the most shallow, painfully awkward, and poorly written thing I had seen in forever, especially in a popular show with good production values. Just awful shit. If you feel that way, I would really just suggest watching 3 and 5 and being done with it.
If you somehow actually think that garbage relationship is romantic and "tragic" or whatever, by all means watch all of it, you might even like it. Considering you didn't like 2 though, I somehow doubt that!
5 is the most stand alone story out of the entire set, because it focuses on a very contained strange tale story, and features a protagonist who comes into contact with the leads of the franchise, but otherwise has his own complete arc within the film. It's also like 2 hours long.
The visual presentation is one area I'm hoping the new LoGH anime can improve upon. The action in the OVA series is always merely passable.