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Avatar Community |OT| Live. Die. Repeat.

Jaded: Bataar Jr is my biggest inspiration
Motherfucker is simp as fuck, but at least he had good taste in ass, he never got it but good taste nonetheless. Try harder.
Icyflamez96: all of my arguments are well thought out and logical.


Though Jaded and I are interchangeable,

Toa: I hate Kaijus.
And Kuvira.
Actually I think with Toa it would be, "eyebrows are my biggest turn off."




He could actually pull off a live action tenzin look too....

But the more I see it, the more I loathe Zack Snyder's choice of aesthetic for his superhero universe. Not everyone needs to be buff as shit, and certainly not James fucking Gordon.

Tenzin is finally fed up with Korra's shit.
Too bulky to be an airbender now man, he's an earth bender. On another note I challenge somebody on here to watch Cross Ange.

He could actually pull off a live action tenzin look too....

But the more I see it, the more I loathe Zack Snyder's choice of aesthetic for his superhero universe. Not everyone needs to be buff as shit, and certainly not James fucking Gordon.
I wonder how many people he's going to choke slam in that movie.


While we're recommending stuff, Person of Interest everybody. It's in it's last season, it's directed by Nolan's brother, it has a really cool and unique premise that actually evolves and changes the genre of the show as it goes on, and it's in it's final season with 3 episodes to go.

It's smart and heartfelt and damn well written. I happily award it the Veelk Seal of Approval.


While we're recommending stuff, Person of Interest everybody. It's in it's last season, it's directed by Nolan's brother, it has a really cool and unique premise that actually evolves and changes the genre of the show as it goes on, and it's in it's final season with 3 episodes to go.

It's smart and heartfelt and damn well written. I happily award it the Veelk Seal of Approval.
That means a lot.

I have nothing of value to recommend. Just give The Divine Comedy a re-read.


Read The Lies of Locke Lamora, you bastards.

And The Dresden Files

And Name of the Wind

And...something Avatar related I guess

You know what, fuck it, fanfic rec dump


Best Azula redemption fanfic I know of.


Aang travels to an alternate universe where a lot of stuff is reversed. So the Water Empire attacked, Aang is found in a volcanic rock by siblings Azula and Zuko, while Prince Sokka journies with Gran-gran to capture the avatar. Katara is also a psycho bitch here. It's pretty great, but discontinued.


Recommended it before, super short fairy tale of how the avatar cycle began, much better than Beginnings imo.


While we're recommending stuff, Person of Interest everybody. It's in it's last season, it's directed by Nolan's brother, it has a really cool and unique premise that actually evolves and changes the genre of the show as it goes on, and it's in it's final season with 3 episodes to go.

It's smart and heartfelt and damn well written. I happily award it the Veelk Seal of Approval.

It's been on my to-watch list forever, but if it has Lord Veelk's approval, I guess I have to watch it.


Idk, but here's a decent Kuvira amv, just for you toa.


Or this one. Same song, better editing.


edit: Okay, found one.


It has good reviews, apparently a really good character arc for Kuvira, and also other characters. On the other hand tho, it has Bataar Jr.

You know what, I'll actually go ahead and check this one out. Test the waters out for you.

It's been on my to-watch list forever, but if it has Lord Veelk's approval, I guess I have to watch it.

Try to stay away from spoilers. I know I say that for most series in general, but it goes triple for this one because what happens in later seasons really changes dramatically from what happens in the first.
Veelk, why did you event click on the God of War thread? Why? We all know you hate Kratos, as soon as you seen him pop up in the trailer you could've just said "nope" and clicked X.


You ever hear how the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference? That's why.

I'm not indifferent to Kratos. I'm indifferent to Days Gone. Another Zombie apocalypse game, how original. I'm happy to x out of that. Kratos? He's not someone I want to stay quiet about. I fucking hate him. I will take every opportunity I can to detail why he sucks.

And yes, I'm very much aware that this isn't rational. Whatever.

Fuck Kratos.


i'm interested in seeing "mellow" Kratos and how long it will last.

and yea Veelk you are being irrational :p

I always feel like they take what Kratos does and place them in the most positively skewed light possible. He hasn't mellowed out. The dude is barely keeping his rage in check. When the brat missed the shot the first time, his Spartan Rage almost burst before he checked himself. That's the thing he uses to kill enemies. What was he going to do if it had burst, ripped the twerp's head off? He's not mellow, he's simmering, constantly on the thread of boiling over even though his kid means well. He's so emotionally disfunctional that he's incapable of communicating help or praise unless it is an act of killing. Also, he seems to be more angry about basic incompetence than his son shooting him in the shoulder.

All the while, he doesn't know the fuck he is talking about. God of War has always had issues with animation in regards to how natural and believable they feel, but that's usually because enemies lay in unnatural and awkward positions so Kratos can come in and QTE them. But here, it's normal gameplay. First you have these two fuckers making so much noise, following a deer trail, yet somehow the fucking thing all but bumps into them. Somehow, the deer doesn't get startled until the kid tries to attack him tho, even though he's like 20 feet away. Then Kratos yells loudly, which should frighten it off even more. After that, they had the troll attack, so the Deer should me a mile away by now, but nope, he's just around the corner. And "now it'll have it's guard up"? It fucking doesn't. It's just walking around, eating grass, not giving a fuck that a giant loud troll battle took place not 30 feet away from where it's standing. It's like this thing is blind, deaf, and stupid. You might think that's nitpicking, but if we're making comparisons to Last of Us(which we should be, because the 'inspirations' are obvious), look at how the deer heard Ellie coming from a mile away if she stepped on a twig. Here, Kratos is acting like he knows what the fuck he's doing, when in reality he's just going after the dumbest deer ever.

So the game looks pretty as expected and the orchestral theme was absolutely on point. God of War never skimps on it's production values. But where people see a mellowed out Kratos, I see a rageholic shit that is barely constraining himself from taking his axe to his kids head while they hunt the world's stupidest prey.
It seems like to me that they heard complaints about Kratos being a rage monster and are addressing it by making it into a narrative element that will probably involve him struggling with his anger, maybe having it backfire on him, and eventually develop into a better person. Has me interested at least.


It seems like to me that they heard complaints about Kratos being a rage monster and is addressing it by making it into a narrative element that will probably involve him struggling with his anger, maybe having it backfire on him, and eventually develop into a better person. Has me interested at least.

I recently just read the First Law by Joe Abercrombie.

There it features Logen Ninefingers, a barbarian hero that is kind, considerate, and intelligent though uneducated. What was interesting about reading about him is that he seems to want to walk away from a life of violence, but everything kept pulling him back in and back in. He kept remarking on how he used to be an awful person that changed, but it's never really made abundantly clear until the last book how deep that went. I mean, stuff that Kratos himself would cringe at. And eventually you realize that on some level, he does love the violence, because he had many chances to get out, or try to.

That, I felt, was a much better portrayal of a bloodstained warrior trying to deal with revenge and violence. Putting aside that it's a different character, the novel made sure to go out of it's way to explore what Logan is besides a warrior and killer. It explored his humor, what he enjoys in life, romance, attempting other paths...

In comparison to what is presented in the demo, because it's difficult to see what Kratos is trying to be other than a killer now. A father I guess, but he only seems to do that by killing as well. His first and foremost mission that we see is "Go kill this thing" and can't seem to communicate on any level with his son beyond that. If they want to impress me with Kratos or atleast convince me that he's legitimately trying to make a change, they need to have him do something that is other than killing or breaking. Maybe he had a garden growing by the side of his house that he tends to before leaving. Something as simple as that, maybe. As it is, he's laughable to me because it's kind a funny to see him barely restraining himself from unleashing Spartan Rage on his own kid and saying he's 'mellowed out' or changed.

Edit: Or shit, how about some kind of vocalization?

"I've fought in three campaigns. In seven pitched battles. In countless raids and skirmishes and desperate defences, and bloody actions of any kind. I've fought in the driving snow, the blasting wind, the middle of the night. I've been fighting all my life, one enemy or another, one friend or another. I've known little else. I've seen men killed for a word, for a look, for nothing at all. A woman tried to stab me once for killing her husband, and I threw her down a well. And that's far from the worst of it. Life used to be cheap as dirt to me. Cheaper. I've fought ten single combats and I won them all, but I fought on the wrong side and for all the wrong reasons. I've been ruthless, brutal, and a coward. I've stabbed men in the back, burned them, drowned them, crushed them with rocks, killed them asleep, unarmed, or running away. I've run away myself more than once. I've pissed myself with fear. I've begged for my life. I've been wounded, often, and badly, and screamed and cried like a baby whose mother took her tits away. I've no doubt the world would be a better place if I'd been killed years ago, but I haven't been, and I don't know why. There are few men with more blood on their hands than me. None, that I know of. The Bloody-Nine they call me, my enemies, and there's a lot of 'em. Always more enemies, and fewer friends. Blood gets you nothing but more blood. It follows me now, always, like my shadow, and like my shadow I can never be free of it. I should never be free of it. I've earned it. I've deserved it. I've sought it out. Such is my punishment."
Logen Ninefingers, The Blade Itself

Having a character actually voice their regret is one step of convincing the audience that they actually regret something.

Yeah that's nice and all but how about that



I think it looks good.


I was so surprised to see that Insomniac was doing it.

Yup. It's pretty much all I needed to actually buy a PS4. A cheap one, but a PS4 nonetheless.

Yeah I know there's Uncharted, GOW, Last of Us and all, but I'll shell out the cash for Spidey. Best superhero in the world.
While we're recommending stuff, Person of Interest everybody. It's in it's last season, it's directed by Nolan's brother, it has a really cool and unique premise that actually evolves and changes the genre of the show as it goes on, and it's in it's final season with 3 episodes to go.

It's smart and heartfelt and damn well written. I happily award it the Veelk Seal of Approval.

I second the Person of Interest recommendation. I have to give the show credit for the variety of stories it manages to get out of its premise. The side characters are wonderful, and there are some great character arcs to be found. Also, Caviezal and Emerson kick it out of the park. Not to mention how relevant it is in this day and age.

Also, it has quite possibly the best cast of the villains ever seen on a TV show. The show uses its Rogues Gallery in the same way a comic book would, you occasionally see the villains teaming up with the heroes, sometimes with other villains, and sometimes they go up against other major villains.
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