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Avengers: Age of Ultron | Production Thread

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Let us not forget then go in and praise TDK, MoS, and say the twist in IM3 was good.

"For once they took risks."

"A little creativity at last."


How will they balance Scarlet Witch? Isn't she a bit OP? Joss plz nerf!
I suppose they will go with not having full knowledge or control over her powers or they react as per her emotional state.

Scarlet Witch's powers have always been a little confusing to me, so they'll most likely nerf her.
How will they balance Scarlet Witch? Isn't she a bit OP? Joss plz nerf!
I suppose they will go with not having full knowledge or control over her powers or they react as per her emotional state.

I have a funny feeling that the first fight where she shows up is going to be awful for everyone. Except possibly her.

Let us not forget then go in and praise TDK, MoS, and say the twist in IM3 was good.

I actually had no problems with it. I'm going to commit social Marvel fan suicide now, but I actually liked Iron Man 3 best out of the Iron Man movies. Iron Man 1 always bugged me with how dumb Obadiah Stane was.
Well since it's true...

Twist for sake of twist which was later ret-conned
Oooh! Here's a twist!! The Joker is Jim Gordon's split personality! That's why Batman can't kill him! What a twist! Finally some creativity!

I have a funny feeling that the first fight where she shows up is going to be awful for everyone. Except possibly her.

Is it wrong I want her to be the comic relief of sorts? Her reality screw ups delay Ultron but also make it hard to fight him

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
I can't believe it's happening.
I can't believe we've had 2 Cap films, 2 Thor films, 3 Iron Man films, are getting a GOTG film, Avengers 2 and fucking Ant-Man.
Twist for sake of twist which was later ret-conned
Oooh! Here's a twist!! The Joker is Jim Gordon's split personality! That's why Batman can't kill him! What a twist! Finally some creativity!

It made a lot more sense than that. You have the Mandarin created to cover up some corrupt business practices. AIM was avoiding awkward questions about exploding people by shifting the blame onto a random terrorist organization (that they acknowledge actually exists) so that nobody will look at them too closely.


LOL, I didn't pay much attention to the offtopic back then, but I do remember that Batman vs Avengers thread referenced somewhere else. That must've been funny.

Although about the more recent trolls, I absolutely love the one guy that equaled Marvel movies to Call of Duty and DC movies to the Metal Gear Solid franchise. You can really taste the saltiness in that comment.
I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks Kojima is like the best videogame writer too.
Needs image of Feige

It made a lot more sense than that. You have the Mandarin created to cover up some corrupt business practices. AIM was avoiding awkward questions about exploding people by shifting the blame onto a random terrorist organization (that they acknowledge actually exists) so that nobody will look at them too closely.

I get it, and I won't pretend I don't love the Trevor character, but Killian was a really lame villain to fall back on. The twist was a funny, unexpected moment but it also sucked all the tension out of the rest of the film.
I have a funny feeling that the first fight where she shows up is going to be awful for everyone. Except possibly her.

I actually had no problems with it. I'm going to commit social Marvel fan suicide now, but I actually liked Iron Man 3 best out of the Iron Man movies. Iron Man 1 always bugged me with how dumb Obadiah Stane was.

Obadiah Stane was never on Stark's level. He was more cunning and could take tech from other people.

Stane isn't really as much of a tech guru as he is a financial and political person.
Obadiah Stane was never on Stark's level. He was more cunning and could take tech from other people.

Stane isn't really as much of a tech guru as he is a financial and political person.

It's not that. Stane is great for most of the movie.

Until the end.

Then he sees Pepper walking out of his office, sees the computer open to all his crazy-ass jigs, and instead of, I dunno, calling security to rightfully detain her, he decides to let her go and dress up in a giant robot suit and murder her face.

I just can't wrap my mind around why anyone would think that's a good idea. Like, what was his game plan afterwards?

"Hey Obadiah, why you murdering your secretary there with a giant robot?"
"Oh... um... I... she broke the non disclosure agreement?"
"Uh huh."

It makes no sense that a cunning businessman like Stane would fuck up so badly. Even if he succeeded killing Pepper, he just totally fucked himself over, because killing someone with a giant robot that only one person has is not the sort of thing that will go unnoticed. And at some point, he's going to have to leave the giant robot, even if it's just to go to the bathroom, and he'll get arrested the moment he does so. It's dumb.

Whereas in the comics, you have a Stane who played the long game and just let Tony destroy himself before coming in and picking up the pieces. Totally legal slightly hostile takeover, but he had the law on his side. He was a smart businessman, not an engineer, but he still got the job done. Movie Stane just totally went insane at the end.

I get it, and I won't pretend I don't love the Trevor character, but Killian was a really lame villain to fall back on. The twist was a funny, unexpected moment but it also sucked all the tension out of the rest of the film.

I'll agree I was kinda "meh" on Killian, but the guy was kinda bonkers by that point on account as evidenced by the effect Extremis has on people, so I guess it could make sense that he was just saying crazy crap. Or rather, I should hope that Extremis has a mental component because otherwise, it doesn't make sense why all these soldiers suddenly go murder crazy when they're on it.


Ultron made of vibranium?

Maybe my memory is dodgy, but didn't the Avengers cartoon (Earth's Mightiest Heroes) have a Ultron storyline where he wants a body made out of vibranium and he sends Vision to retrieve it?

I think it's almost certain that Ultron is made of the stuff. Although Stark mentions in the first Cap flick that Cap's shield is the only vibranium they have.

Doesn't Wakanda have a Vibranium mine?
It's not that. Stane is great for most of the movie.

Until the end.

Then he sees Pepper walking out of his office, sees the computer open to all his crazy-ass jigs, and instead of, I dunno, calling security to rightfully detain her, he decides to let her go and dress up in a giant robot suit and murder her face.

I just can't wrap my mind around why anyone would think that's a good idea. Like, what was his game plan afterwards?

"Hey Obadiah, why you murdering your secretary there with a giant robot?"
"Oh... um... I... she broke the non disclosure agreement?"
"Uh huh."

It makes no sense that a cunning businessman like Stane would fuck up so badly. Even if he succeeded killing Pepper, he just totally fucked himself over, because killing someone with a giant robot that only one person has is not the sort of thing that will go unnoticed. And at some point, he's going to have to leave the giant robot, even if it's just to go to the bathroom, and he'll get arrested the moment he does so. It's dumb.

Whereas in the comics, you have a Stane who played the long game and just let Tony destroy himself before coming in and picking up the pieces. Totally legal slightly hostile takeover, but he had the law on his side. He was a smart businessman, not an engineer, but he still got the job done. Movie Stane just totally went insane at the end.

Nah has to do with Stane. He is obsessed with power and thought he had obtained the best power ever. So just went yeah unstoppable. Suck on it.
Nah has to do with Stane. He is obsessed with power and thought he had obtained the best power ever. So just went yeah unstoppable. Suck on it.

It still breaks character from the rest of the movie. He was planning everything else so carefully and then suddenly Pepper had to die by being squished.

I'm referring to the movie version who has been fucking guff.

So I'm not holding my breathe.

We haven't really seen much of "real Hawkeye". In Thor he was there for two seconds and did nothing, so we can ignore that. In Avengers, he was mind controlled for half the movie and suffering from super mind controlled PTSD for the second half.

I imagine that he'll be quite a bit different in Avengers 2.
Some people kind of hated the fuck out of Whedon and claimed it was going to be a souped up TV movie, given that he's mostly a TV guy and never really directed a big film by himself.

I gotta say, at some points (most of them early on the film) Avengers showed some dodgy camera work and there were a couple of regretable lines, but the pros outweighted the cons on a cosmic scale.

I can agree with some of the camera work. The slo mo walk with Cap, Hawkguy and Widow on the Hellicarrier is terrible. As is the shot of Cap running out of the downed jet. Ugh.
My one concern about this film is the size of the cast. Whedon couldn't juggle a six-member team (seven if you count Fury) without giving one of them short shrift; even assuming that Strucker only appears in the opening and Vision near the final act, I wonder if Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch might make for one character too many.
We haven't really seen much of "real Hawkeye". In Thor he was there for two seconds and did nothing, so we can ignore that. In Avengers, he was mind controlled for half the movie and suffering from super mind controlled PTSD for the second half.

I imagine that he'll be quite a bit different in Avengers 2.

Yeah we know that Whedon wants to flesh him out more and hopefully he gets a lot of good character moments. That was the only real disappointment I had with Avengers, but was understandable considering Hawkeye's arc in the movie. It helps that despite his situation in the movie, the stuff he did was still undeniably badass.
Yeah we know that Whedon wants to flesh him out more and hopefully he gets a lot of good character moments. That was the only real disappointment I had with Avengers, but was understandable considering Hawkeye's arc in the movie. It helps that despite his situation in the movie, the stuff he did was still undeniably badass.

We desperately need a Widow Vs. Hawkeye spy movie.
Would give both character's time to shine


It still breaks character from the rest of the movie. He was planning everything else so carefully and then suddenly Pepper had to die by being squished.

We haven't really seen much of "real Hawkeye". In Thor he was there for two seconds and did nothing, so we can ignore that. In Avengers, he was mind controlled for half the movie and suffering from super mind controlled PTSD for the second half.

I imagine that he'll be quite a bit different in Avengers 2.

He did a no-look headshot which was nice. But other than that... yeah, Hawkeye got stiffed.
Before Agents of Shield existed this is what I hoped would happen. A proper Shield movie staring Hawkeye, Widow, Fury and Coulson. So basically Secret Avengers.


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
Aaron Johnson looks unrecognizable with that hair. Scarlet! Witch's non-costume is starting to grow on me, and I'm surprised they didn't update Hawkguy's costume like they do with every other character each film. Even Black Widow at least gets a different haircut every time.
Surprised Hawkeye still has the same costume. No one's thinking about the merchandising!

Funny enough, it's basically what he wears in the Avengers Assembled cartoon for the most part. And since Hawkguy is my jam, I doubt they'd really let him get away with the 't-shirt & jeans' look he's been sporting in the comics; even his actual black & purple outfit would still be bitched about because it's so "boring" despite being completely functional.

But yeah, the close-ups and the video looks great so far. Just need more Hawkeye and I will see this movie multiple times if he drinks coffee out of a coffee pot.


So hapyp Quicksilver has the white hair ahhhh

Surprised Hawkeye still has the same costume. No one's thinking about the merchandising!

It's so boring. I wish they would have changed it. I thought in the photo's posted a couple pages ago it looked like the colours matched his comic costume more but these images make it seem like that isn't so.

If they're not going to do the mask at least give him some colour to stand out.
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