Gold Member
Imagine calling Musk a sad little shit when you make a living doing this 

said* little shitImagine calling Musk a sad little shit when you make a living doing this![]()
Actually, you could. As long as you do it in such a way that makes him engage with you properly. The level of publicity you would generate would be colossal. If I were Obsidian I would have invited him to the studio to play the game. 'Don't judge the product before you've played it yourself, Elon!' would have been the messaging I would have used. You don't antagonise people who are anti your product, you win them over.
How did that work out for Redfall again?
Not really, Grummz and other people like him will call anything woke that has a female or person of color as a protagonist in a videogame. They’ll screech to the high heavens about it, but if a woke game is successful they’ll immediately ignore itSo weird seeing people mad at Elon/Grummz etc
Theyre just using their platform to inform other gamers whats inside the game these days simple as that.Theyre just literally typing few word and press submit on social media,nothing more than that
Theyre not the ones injecting woke propaganda,makes u wonder why are u mad at the messenger not the ones creating the message eh eh eh![]()
You know people were actually going to let stuff slide if it was just a thing on the character creator with no other gameplay effects.
Looking at the other thread, seemingly even a majority of GAF was shrugging their shoulders and not really too arsed either way over the he/him thing. It was a friction point for some, but not the end of the world. Even the most ardent anti-woke activists were struggling to raise a full fledged hate boner over it - just a bit of a semi that faded quickly even when Satan himself was brought into the conversation.The best thing to do was to shut the fuck up and let your product do the talking.
Let’s double down on what 75% of the country voted against. It sounds like a smart person. Just make games and be quiet.
It wasn’t long ago when stuff like a genocidal one man army elf killer was the coolest shit I saw and he was in fact gay. Like this cool floating dude with two skin colors fucked gods and got fucked by other gods and even got pregnant was one of the most interesting characters around. I fucken loved it. That was Elder Scrolls. Pelinal Whitestrake and Vivec. In fact that game is littered with so much diversity yet nobody complained. I loved that climate we had in the past.
I want to go back when we could actually appreciate stuff without politics getting in the way.
The quality needs to be there first and foremost.Rowling didn't stop me from playing Hogwarts's and all this nonsense won't stop me playing Avowed, Woke mind virus/Anti Woke mind virus bullshit I could not give a single fuck about.
Dodgy math aside, let’s keep politics out of this shit.
I find it extremely weird that you truly don’t know that this - as described - would be labeled aa extremely woke and DEI by the likes of Grummz and you’d be called names for liking that.
Attention all Black GAFers, like 99% of western studios the people at our game company are 90% White and 90% guys.
We need a couple token minorities or women we can push to the front of the line in company photos to make it look like were super diverse, when almost everyone from rows 2 to 10 are White guys.
Make note, even though this message is open to all Black people, were only going to hire maybe two of you. The rest will still be Whiteys.
Looking at the other thread, seemingly even a majority of GAF was shrugging their shoulders and not really too arsed either way over the he/him thing. It was a friction point for some, but not the end of the world. Even the most ardent anti-woke activists were struggling to raise a full fledged hate boner over it - just a bit of a semi that faded quickly even when Satan himself was brought into the conversation.
But Hansen's comments (and as much as I might agree with Musk being something of an insipid, sad little shit for reasons beyond his leanings) has thrown fuel of a fire that in isolation never even got beyond (or showed signs of) just a half-hearted smoulder, yet in doing so has conjured a whole bunker's worth of ammunition for the youtube shit-stirrers and social media grifters to enable endless "content" that will have real-world repercussions land at Obsidian's door, however unhinged or misrepresenting it might be. A self-inflicted PR nightmare that's going to directly affect the performance of the game and impact the future of not only himself and his career but also the wider studio. That's what he's brought to this situation with his unfiltered shit-posting.
I get that airing views on social media, in a echo chamber of your own making and curation, often empowers people to say things publicly that they'd probably be best keeping to themselves... but ffs... this has gone so far beyond just that now. I wanted to upset this influential billionaire and an open-ended just wait until you see the default are two massive early xmas presents for culture war vets, especially that last one that they'll be able to read all kinds of wackjob shit into. What a fucking bell-end move that was... It's obvious with his tone and bravado that he expected only pats on the back and cheerleading from his followers on the platform, but somehow didn't imagine the possibility of pushback there and the obvious, inevitable re-posting elsewhere causing such a stink.
As someone who doesn't engage in any form of true social media (just game forums and a touch of reddit), and could not give less of a flying fuck about any side in this futile culture war farce - seeing so much hate and nonsense pollute the discourse around something that means so much to me and has been a part of my life for decades - games and the making of them - it's just beyond tiresome and soul-destroying at this point; only pushing people to the extremes, rarely ever meeting on common ground to engage in worthwhile discourse for the good of the medium. It's poisoned a whole generation of gamers and only contributed to what was a growing abundance of inoffensive, bland, generic mediocrity.
I have hit a nerve since you people care enough and are easily triggered. I don't cater to glass hearts. I only post what I see in front of me.
I've seen few previews.The previews are unanimous that it is - in fact - not shit.
Superficially, yes. Dig deeper and you’ll find that they have applied stuff completely differently.
To put it simply, they were different and awesome. The current ones are they are different therefore they are awesome.
Like their identity is all it is about them. Take it away and you’ll have nothing. In comparison to Pelinal and Vivec, take their genders away and you still have great characters.
That’s what’s missing. Everything is so superficial. It’s all about the labels. They’ll all the fucking same.
I've seen few previews.
It looks like a second coming of Outer Worlds: the gaming press gassing up Obsidian because it's somewhat of a critical darling, despise the fact that almost everything in the game looks alarmingly mediocre.
Clearly he's a racist p3do kiddy fiddler, and I do have an issue supporting work by this kind of people. Hard pass. As much as I like Josh SawyerBlacks have priority for him? What a racist prick.
I remembered in the Outer World there's a long side quest is help that lesbian to express her love to othe girl, that's the day make me realized it's not the same team that I loved with Fallout New Vegas and I don't care what they are making right now, it's gonna be shitObsidian is lucky to have 2 projects ongoing, but if they remain on the same trajectory they're gonna be closed after Outer Worlds 2. The studio lost its biggest asset which were the writers. It was always that one thing that saved them and made people play their games despite having to deal with tons of bugs.
Dragons and magic don't have politics and ideology behind them. It's a silly comparison.So a fantasy game can have magic and dragons and elfs but if it has different pronouns people freak out?
What a world we live in.
I had very good NeoGAF gifs but I’ve lost them all with the closure of some hosting. Sad.More like,
It seems like the most popular game right now is probably the least woke and that would be STALKER 2.
Such injustice he is relegated to the DLC portion of the game. It would be far more interesting if he was in the main game to side vs Caesar and Mr. House.I want this Obsidian back
Yet people are going crazy over it. I kind of don't get it.Shame its a buggy pos. We really can't have perfect triple A non-remake-no-drama games these days huh?
So a fantasy game can have magic and dragons and elfs but if it has different pronouns people freak out?
What a world we live in.
If he say that musk is a sicko because he hate pronouns in a fantasy game, he is automatically saying that all the people who hate pronouns in a fantasy game are sickos, it's not hard to read between the lines, he call out musk but he is really calling out everyone who hate this retarded shit.From the thread title alone, I knew this was going to be some stupid shit posted by a site or someone that is essentially a quote being twisted from its original context, but I was curious about how much it was twisted.
"Avowed Art Director Calls Gamers 'Sickos' Following Pronoun Criticism"
No, Matt Hansen, the Art Director of Avowed did not call all gamers sickos. That is not what happened in that picture at all. The reality is likely closer to what @Ailike pointed out.
Not even saying that Matt Hansen is completely blameless here; I think his biggest mistake was even engaging with this at all. But with even a little bit of scrutiny put towards the post from "tech4gamers", this is incredibly low-tier clickbait shit that isn't worth tripping over.
Also, both Grummz and Elon Musk are insufferable cunts.
What a waste of fucking time.
Bamboozled sound like a more apt name for him.Then
Lets do that 2gether in deadpool styleI'm not even mad but honestly this stuff is extremely tiring. Now when the game fails they'll blame intolerant white bigots when really everyone is turned off by this crap. Videogame industry is going to see a big shakeup moving forward and I can't wait to see it.
Im almost sure the pronouns will be accompanied by bad preechy storytelling, cringe dialog, bad character design, ugly masculinized probably lesbian females characters, girl bosses, stupid beta males... I could go on and on ... pronouns are just the first red flag for the whole woke shittard package now days.So a fantasy game can have magic and dragons and elfs but if it has different pronouns people freak out?
What a world we live in.
Blacks have priority for him? What a racist prick.
It's always these loonies living in California who are the worst trash.