Yeah, that's Kagome from Inuyasha as a piano.
I wonder what his mother made him do after school
Watch Inuyasha?
Seems like a fitting punishment.
I remember seeing this a while back:
http://www.pompeiana.org/resources/ancient/graffiti from pompeii.htm
Some graffiti discovered while excavating Pompeii
Kirby and co. out side Kasumi's house.
from left to right DR. Shion from Xenosaga, the spider bad guy (as a good guy in this pic) Arbiter from Halo, Tina from Dead or Alive, master chief from Halo, Devdan from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant D, Tawnuff from Kirby T.V. show, Alex Jones talk show host, Yuna from Final Fantasy X and X-2, Axl from Mega Man X7 Mega Man X8, Mega Man X, command missions, Helena from Dead or Alive, and last Kirby.
Kirby and co. head out to meet with Kasumi a so called ex-SV, not trusting her word from the past dealings with the SVs kirby and co. pack heat befor hand ready for anything they head out once more for answers.
Here's a tip: try adding "crossover" to your deviantART searches.
Tons of Korra art incoming.
Actually good?
Well drawn, at least
Thus begins the downward spiral
Oh dear lord.
Well, at least it's a nice pun.
WhiteXRose96 said:I've been drinking grape soda while watching (grape soda makes me act a little crazy and get me weird ideas)
and then it hit me.
I haven't drawn Sonic in a while so why shouldn't I draw him again..?
Most of these are titled "[character name] vore"
Are these the same Naruto/Ducktales things that I posted earlier?
I also found another pic of the same concept:
And a nice Kingdom Hearts one:
Siren Duck Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, and Sasuke wake up and begin to sing the entire day.
How did this become a thing?!
Who likes Persona?
What have you done? What have you done...I do now!
This thread, I don't even understand. Where's the reason behind this???