URE JUST JEAOUSSomeone needs to do a PSA to the Pics That Make You Laugh boys that the creepy stuff they post has a better home here.
Now, the biological implications of MPREG are the sort you don't want to think about anyway, but when the father-mother is a snowman, there are almost an unending stream of questions to ask. Normally we wouldn't ever dare speak these, lest we give them power, but within this thread, we may perhaps hope to survive.
Let's do away with the basics like "how can two males have children" "how can a snowman be alive" and "how could so hilariously different species successfully interbreed given all of the above?" and move on to some things more specifically related to our current situation.
Namely, why is this operation at all life-threatening to a magically animated snowman? Even supposing that snowfolk give birth via a sexual system in SPITE of their explicitly magical reproduction cycle (Frosty and Olaf both, I assume, share this system as snow-golems ought), and therefore the child passes through some sort of canal upon birth, we know there is some complication preventing this natural processes which poses significant threat to the MAGICAL life of this snowman, but how? Consider: a C-section is required, fine, but how difficult can it be to stitch up a snowman who the movie previews demonstrate is perfectly capable of having his head severed from his entire body?
I mean, maybe inside Olaf is a delicate system of snow-organs made of thin layers of ice-crystal tissues, but then, we clearly see his nose dislodged and shoved through his brain at different points in the preview, so it simply cannot be that!
But fine, let's say that somehow a snowman's internal systems are damaged during childbirth, I mean we're already allowing EVERYTHING else. But why cannot these systems simply be repaired by adding additional snow? Oh, I know that sounds as crude as saying "Why not stuff someone full of meat and blood and see if they heal?", but then again, blood transfusions, organ donations, and grafts all work along basically those very inelegant principles, fundamentally speaking.
Is there, then, a bank of ice-organ and water donors? Or can one simply acquire more snow, water, and ice from the abundant supply in nature? Or must it be magically animated, do you think? For people like Olaf and Frosty, is a Winter Wonderland more like wandering forests coated in blood and flesh, or is raw, unmagicked snow to Snowmen what the dust of the Earth is to man, lacking the breath of life, from the lungs of God to the nostrils of man?
Is the magic that animates these snow-men akin to that breath of life? Are children all not Gods, then, because they raise up snow men? Or are they horrible scientists, creating freakish Frankenstein's monsters, not putting that missing Soul into the tabernacle of ice instead of clay that they have forged for their own amusement? Are men just snowmen to their God, of interest and amusement in the winter, but melted into the ether with the coming of the Celestial Summer?
And what does that say of this fan artist? Is this work then some divine capsule, a miniature world in which, in spite of the laws of reality and reason as we understand them, two creatures of the same sex from wildly different species have successfully procreated and, what's more, found love? Or is it a horrific mockery, made by a child only marginally aware themselves of what they have wrought? Is this a statue, a painting, a gilded likeness of a God or Man who strides the very cosmos, or is it just lumps of meat, pasted willy-nilly and arranged by happenstance and grim humor into the form of something that is real?
Don't you all see? This means something.
Now, the biological implications of MPREG are the sort you don't want to think about anyway, but when the father-mother is a snowman, there are almost an unending stream of questions to ask. Normally we wouldn't ever dare speak these, lest we give them power, but within this thread, we may perhaps hope to survive.
Let's do away with the basics like "how can two males have children" "how can a snowman be alive" and "how could so hilariously different species successfully interbreed given all of the above?" and move on to some things more specifically related to our current situation.
Namely, why is this operation at all life-threatening to a magically animated snowman? Even supposing that snowfolk give birth via a sexual system in SPITE of their explicitly magical reproduction cycle (Frosty and Olaf both, I assume, share this system as snow-golems ought), and therefore the child passes through some sort of canal upon birth, we know there is some complication preventing this natural processes which poses significant threat to the MAGICAL life of this snowman, but how? Consider: a C-section is required, fine, but how difficult can it be to stitch up a snowman who the movie previews demonstrate is perfectly capable of having his head severed from his entire body?
I mean, maybe inside Olaf is a delicate system of snow-organs made of thin layers of ice-crystal tissues, but then, we clearly see his nose dislodged and shoved through his brain at different points in the preview, so it simply cannot be that!
But fine, let's say that somehow a snowman's internal systems are damaged during childbirth, I mean we're already allowing EVERYTHING else. But why cannot these systems simply be repaired by adding additional snow? Oh, I know that sounds as crude as saying "Why not stuff someone full of meat and blood and see if they heal?", but then again, blood transfusions, organ donations, and grafts all work along basically those very inelegant principles, fundamentally speaking.
Is there, then, a bank of ice-organ and water donors? Or can one simply acquire more snow, water, and ice from the abundant supply in nature? Or must it be magically animated, do you think? For people like Olaf and Frosty, is a Winter Wonderland more like wandering forests coated in blood and flesh, or is raw, unmagicked snow to Snowmen what the dust of the Earth is to man, lacking the breath of life, from the lungs of God to the nostrils of man?
Is the magic that animates these snow-men akin to that breath of life? Are children all not Gods, then, because they raise up snow men? Or are they horrible scientists, creating freakish Frankenstein's monsters, not putting that missing Soul into the tabernacle of ice instead of clay that they have forged for their own amusement? Are men just snowmen to their God, of interest and amusement in the winter, but melted into the ether with the coming of the Celestial Summer?
And what does that say of this fan artist? Is this work then some divine capsule, a miniature world in which, in spite of the laws of reality and reason as we understand them, two creatures of the same sex from wildly different species have successfully procreated and, what's more, found love? Or is it a horrific mockery, made by a child only marginally aware themselves of what they have wrought? Is this a statue, a painting, a gilded likeness of a God or Man who strides the very cosmos, or is it just lumps of meat, pasted willy-nilly and arranged by happenstance and grim humor into the form of something that is real?
Don't you all see? This means something.
I also wonder how the Toy Story toys gained life since mundane plastic and wooden materials appear to be totally inanimate in their world.
I thought about that recently when I saw a part in the recent Halloween special and one of the toys started hyperventilating. If the toys need to breathe then they must have lungs and other internal organs.
Well, imagine if the toys are inhabitated by the spirits of regular warmblooded vertebraes and have a residual self image from that time. So they breathe, not out necessity, but out of habit.I thought about that recently when I saw a part in the recent Halloween special and one of the toys started hyperventilating. If the toys need to breathe then they must have lungs and other internal organs.
I totally unironically love robot unicorns.Is the lack of new Mega Man games getting you down?
Don't worry, bronies have got your back.
Is the lack of new Mega Man games getting you down?
Don't worry, bronies have got your back.
Streets of Rage 2
Why would that be bannable? It's not like it's a soiled diaper.I kind of feel like I'm straddling the line with this one. It was marked as SFW on the site where I found it, bit I still feel like it could be a little too much. If this would be going too far, can someone please PM me before the mods drop the banhammer.
Why would that be bannable?
I long for the simpler days, where we got our jollies from trains disapproving of teenage romance.
Me too:
You have AMELIA POND and choose to draw ROSE TYLER as the Phoenix? I hate you.
Don't ask dangerous questions.I mean, do you ever wonder if out there, on the other side of the looking glass, there's a community of these fan artists who make this stuff just to see us overreact to it?
Request for Waffle-With-Big-Arms with my OC Shirley and Maggie on their wedding day. I think I might have messed up on Shirley, making it look as if she is taller than Maggie, as she is kneeling down for the kiss.
Maggie (c) Disney
Shirley Stoneheart (c) me
Don't ask dangerous questions.
Still alive in VGCW.
Oh, dude, you didn't know?
I am LITERALLY cry laughing
While masturbating right guys!..Right?
While masturbating right guys!..Right?