Alcibiades said:
too many to name, but hitman vs. hogan fake match that seemed real then they end up raising their hands joined to signal the hitman-NWO alliance and effectively end the "wolfpack needs a hitman dreams, back in one of the Monday Night Raws was classic...
Heh, I loved and hated that match at the same time. They'd been all sorts of hints with Hitman turning on Hogan and finally getting it on at Starrcade. I marked out like crazy when I realized they were finally gonna come to blows, marked out even more when I saw Bret and Hogan talking shit right before the match started, and marked out further when I saw Hogan actually using counters and mat holds. Hogan owned Hitman too, due to Bret's injury, and it got to the point where Hitman had to be taken out of the ring while Sting offered to take his place. I thought it was brilliant.
Barely five minutes later Bret hobbles back out, climbs into the ring, and smashes Sting's face in with a bat..."injury" all healed up. :lol God did I ever hate that. I mean sure, Bret vs Sting is a nice matchup, but Bret vs Hogan was probably the number one dream matchup of the mid 90's. And to tease that only to throw such a cruel twist in was so disappointing. The one positive is that it showed me that Hogan could do legit mat wrestling, even if it only was for a few minutes.
Neo_ZX said:
Speaking of Scott Hall, when Nitro was going off the air and the nWo had taken over the announcer's booth, Scott says to the Giant "Hey are you really Andre's son?"
:lol :lol :lol
Guzim said:
Another awesome moment:
Royal Rumble 1997. Austin is by himself in the ring, and Bret Hart's music hits. Austin's reaction > all
Heh, that's one match I'll have to try and find...I've only ever seen the last few moments of it.
I've got way too many moments to list, so I'm gonna break this into segments over the next few nights. First the early 90's to Wrestlemania 13.
HBK putting Jannety through the Barbershop window.
Taker receiving about twenty chair shots to the head from Jake the Snake, and still coming at him.
Bret jamming his foot into Lawler's mouth. :lol
Vader's WWF debut, where he destroyed Gorilla Monsoon.
Nash shoving Bret from the ring apron through the table at Survivor Series '95 (this was back when they didn't have hardcore antics and table collapses every five minutes).
Buildup to Bret vs HBK at Mania, not to mention the match itself.
Bret's WWF return speech.
Austin trying to break Pillman's leg with a steel chair.
Austin/Pillman gun raid.
The best stretch of Raw shows in history...
- Bret's only cage match loss, defeated by Sid who kept the title after Taker slammed the door in Bret's face. Bret is then interviewed by Vinnie Mac after commercials while still in the ring, where Bret pushes Vince to the mat, and raises some hell.
"This is bullshit! You screw me, everybody screws me, and nobody even cares. Nobody in the building cares, nobody in the dressing room cares, all this Goddamn injustice going on, I've had it up to here! You turn a blind eye to it, the refs turn a blind eye to it, I've got that Gorilla Monsoon, he turns a blind eye to it! Everybody in this Goddamn arena knows that I'm the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be! And if you don't like that, tough shit!"
My God did I ever mark out. :lol Then Austin shows up on the Titantron...
"That's why I hate you Bret, cause you're a loser! It could've been you and me for the WWF title at Wrestlemania, but you threw it all away, cause you're a loser!"
"You know why they call you Stone Cold?!? Cause your stones are so cold, you're always sneaking up on people, you don't have the guts to not face people from behind, *Austin heads to ring* come on!"
Then Sid comes back out to the ring...
"You know that belt belongs to my Sycho Sid."
"You don't own shit Hitman!"
Those two exchange a couple shoves...then Taker comes out ringside, Bret flies into him, Austin runs down the ramp and beats on Bret, Taker gets back into the ring to fight Sid, Bret and Austin brawl on the outside, then Shawn "I've lost my smile" Michaels comes out during this carnage just to observe it all up close, and the show ends.
God almighty it ruled.
This of course lead into Mania the following Sunday, in what's probably the best match I've ever seen, and the only match anyone remembers from that show (two Mania's in a row that Bret had to carry two pathetic cards). The "I Quit" match itself was brutal for a WWF match at the time, particularly with a guy like Bret who'd always been a mat hound as a singles guy (hell they went into the crowd for like five minutes). And the buzz was absolutely electric...from the moment the Austin 3:16 glass broke on the entrance way, you already knew the stage was set for a double turn, though I think the crowd was about 50/50 cheers and boos for both guys at the time. And the way they had Austin in the sharpshooter but not submitting, blood gushing all over his face like a fucking broken watermain, it was probably the coolest wrestling moment I'd seen up till that point. Double turns are said to be really hard to pull off, but Bret and Austin made it look easy.
Tomorrow I'll add more about the best stretch of Raw shows ever (and it really was), and probably the rest of '97.