Was gone too long so I gave up on trying to respond to everything, post again or PM me if anyone asked me anything or posted about the guide.
I'll spam this again since it saves me some typing:
My spoiler free guide. I think you missed something after the cutscene, you are trapped in that area until you get a certain item. Look in rooms you couldn't explore during
that event. After you get the item, head to
BTW, I was a bit surprised your username doesn't do anything in the passcode tool in this game.
You don't have to do it in one sitting, but make sure you don't leave the game paused/at the home screen, you need to save and quit as the game timer will keep going up otherwise. Rest mode is probably safe but I wouldn't risk it. Saving & quit is actually a huge timesaver in this game so it'd be a longer run if you had to do it all in one sitting!
It's not THAT hard, but much like Metroid normal enemies pose a fair threat until you get some health ups. Then the game is mostly pretty easy until the very end IO, sort of a parabola of difficulty as you start with nothing and no skill, start to figure things out, then the game starts to get serious at the end. Also if you're playing on hard mode you might want to...not do that, since it gets way worse later on. Depends on the sort of challenge you're looking for.
Congrats! Mind if I link that in my guide? I've been a bit lazy about updating that and platinuming this game so I don't burn out/get other things done, but if there's anything to improve let me know
Oh no
I saw him post on twitter about that but I thought max was getting better. Must be awful.
See my above guide if you like, start from whichever boss you beat last. There's a few pretty common sticking points and I hopefully cover them all.
Normal. Hard does much more to exacerbate the few flaws in the game (some of the bosses) than to add anything interesting (because exploration is the interesting part and almost totally unrelated to the difficulty)